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The Relationship of Education Financing Management to Effectiveness and Efficiency in t... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT Introduction/Main Objectives: This study aims to analyze the relationship between education financing management and effectiveness and efficiency in the learning process. Background Problems: The issue of education financing must be an essential part of education development. Educational financing management planning in fulfilling educational facilities and infrastructure must bring about an effective and efficient nature. Novelty: This study of the literature study approach is a differentiator from the results of other people's research. Research Methods: This research was prepared using qualitative methods and a literature research approach to obtain information from various references relevant to the subject matter and the purpose of this research. Finding/Results: This study shows that financing planning is essential in realizing national education. Conclusion: One of the supporting factors is the planning of adequate facilities and infrastructure through an effective and efficient education financing plan. The process of planning and managing the financing of educational institutions is excellent and appropriate, and it will impact the provision of school facilities and infrastructure to the maximum. Finally, the process will also significantly affect the quality of education globally.
Peggy George

Event Registration (EVENT: 122206) EdWeek-Education & Next President - 0 views

    This should be a very informative debate. The video will be archived if you can't view it live. Looking forward to hearing an education focus for the Presidential election!
    Join us for "Education and the Next President," a live debate from Teachers College, Columbia University, with Linda Darling-Hammond, education adviser to Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama, and Lisa Graham Keegan, education adviser to Presidential Republican nominee John McCain. The event is being exclusively Webcast by with generous support from NASSP. A video archive of the event will be available Wed., Oct 22, at noon.

Principal's Strategy in Improving Teacher Performance| Jurnal Prajaiswara - 0 views

    ABSTRACT Introduction/Main Objectives: This study aims to determine the principal's strategy in improving teacher performance and the supporting and inhibiting factors of principals in improving teacher performance in educational institutions. Background Problems: indicators of problems in academic institutions such as the rare collection of lesson plans (RPP) in carrying out the teaching and learning process and teachers who lack discipline in punctuality in arriving and opening lessons and ending lessons. Novelty: Principal strategy concept in improving teacher performance in educational institutions. Research Methods: The type of field research means that the researchers used a qualitative method in which the data were in the form of words (not numbers) derived from data collection techniques, namely interviews, observation, and documentation. Finding/Results: The data analysis technique used is data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Conclusion: The results of the research on the principal's strategy to improve teacher performance by 1) fostering teacher performance in seminars and training, 2) supervision or supervision of performance in the form of class visits every week and once a month, 3) fostering discipline of education staff by supervising the presence of teachers directly, 4 ) provide motivation 5) award. Supporting factors for principals to improve teacher performance are 1) completeness of facilities and infrastructure and 2) teacher enthusiasm to improve teaching performance. While the inhibiting factors are: 1) the lack of discipline of the teacher, 2) the mastery of the material and references, causing the teacher to be less mature in teaching preparation.
Emily Kornblut

talkin 'bout - Education for Liberation Network - 0 views

    upcoming online discussion for educators and students about the election as a teachable moment.
Jeff Johnson

EduHound's Classroom Tools & Tips: ELECTIONS - 2 views

  • is a highly specialized educational directory with FREE categorized resources, lesson plans, clipart, and site sets for educators, teachers, students, and families.
Lucy Gray

Tues 1/20 OBAMA Inauguration School Events? Video Chat? - The Global Education Collabor... - 0 views

    Teacher in California is looking to collaborate with other schools around inaugural activities. Read this post in the Global Education Collaborative ning for more information.
Anne Bubnic

Speech Wars: Follow the Candidates' Words - 0 views

    Weclome to SpeechWars, a great way to see what the candidates are saying. Simply type in a word, click "Go", and SpeechWars shows you how often the candidates used the word in their speeches. You can also compare two words by using both text boxes.

    The United States Library of Congress has selected SpeechWars for inclusion in its official historic collections of Internet materials related to Election 2008. The United States Library of Congress preserves the Nation's cultural artifacts and provides enduring access to them. The Library's traditional functions, acquiring, cataloging, preserving and serving collection materials of historical importance to the Congress and to the American people to foster education and scholarship extend to digital materials, including Web sites. The Library will make this collection available to researchers. The Library's vision is to preserve these Web materials about Election 2008, and to permit researchers from across the world to access them.

Lucy Gray

Google For Educators - Elections Video Search - 0 views

    This is a tremendous resource!
Anne Bubnic

YouChoose 08 - 0 views

    YouTube gathers video content from the debates, the super-recent sound bites, best of the week videos, the candidates voices on particular issues--economy, healthcare, education, energy, immigration--election news from YouTube's partner sites, and videos organized by upcoming primaries. This is a wonderful resource for promoting media literacy, rhetorical analysis, as well as political awareness. It may also be a lobbying tool for expanded video access.
Peggy George

The Lesson Plans Page - Election Lesson Plans, Political Campaign Lesson Plans, Teacher... - 0 views

    Great compilation of lessons and resources for elections (all grade levels). The resources continue to grow and you can contribute your own lessons to this site.
    Entire collection of lesson plans and teacher resources for elections, government, voting, constitution, electoral college, teen voting and civic engagement, etc. from
Cheryl Davis

ReadWriteThink: Lesson Plan: Comic Makeovers: Examining Race, Class, Ethnicity, and Gen... - 0 views

    Providing educators and students access to the highest quality practices and resources in reading and language arts instruction.

Application of Pancasila as the Ethical System of the Indonesian Nation| Jurnal Prajai... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT Ethics is related to good living habits, and good living procedures, for individuals or society. In this sense, ethics is the same as morals. Ethics in a broad sense is the science that discusses the criteria of good and bad. Ethics are generally understood as philosophical thoughts about everything that is considered good or bad in human behavior. Ethics is always related to the issue of values ​​so the discussion about ethics generally talks about issues of good or bad values. Pancasila as an ethical system is very urgent to be applied in the life of a nation and state because of the problems faced by the Indonesian people, among others: 1) The many cases of corruption that hit the State of Indonesia so as to weaken the joints of life as a nation and state, 2) The occurrence of acts of terrorism in the name of religion so that it can damage the spirit of tolerance in inter-religious life, and melt the spirit of unity or threaten the disintegration of the nation, 3) Human rights violations still occur in the life of the state, 4). The gap between rich and poor groups still marks the lives of Indonesian people, 5) legal injustice that still colors the judicial process in Indonesia and 6) Many rich people are not willing to pay taxes properly. The strategy for implementing Pancasila as an ethical system in the life of the nation and state for the Indonesian people is carried out as follows: 1) Character education. 2) Reference Criteria for State Administrators, 3) Raising Awareness of Taxpayers, 4) Manifestation of the Pancasila Value in the Human Rights Law and 5) Manifestation of the Pancasila Value in the Environmental Law.

The Challenges of Driving School Principals in Implementing New Paradigm Learning| Jurn... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT Objective: Describe factors that influence the implementation of a new learning paradigm. This study used Edward's policy implementation theory. According to Edward, there are four factors of policy implementation: communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucracy structure. Methods: The study used a descriptive qualitative method. The researcher applied depth interviews to collect the primary data from Kepala Sekolah Penggerak of high school and shared the google forms with teachers and school supervisors based on self-experience as a Kepala Sekolah Penggerak consultant. The sources of secondary data are school reports and literature. Results: The implementation of the new learning paradigm faced some problems. The main obstacles are forming an operational curriculum for the education unit (OCfEU), diagnostic assessment, studying the report, and framing the Pancasila student profile.

Strengthening the Understanding of Pancasila as the State Foundation to Achieve Nationa... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT The basis of the state for a nation is very important as the goal of living as a nation and state. Indonesia has a state basis called Pancasila. In today's era, the noble values ​​of Pancasila have begun to fade and are practiced by citizens. Therefore, this paper describes the understanding of Pancasila as the purpose of life for the State. This paper is a collection of various books as a reference for citizens in fulfilling their independence. The discussion can be concluded that as the basis of the state, Pancasila acts as a source of all sources of state law and a source of value for the entire Indonesian nation. As the basis of the state, Pancasila is an important guideline in regulating the administration of the state, a source of inspiration, motivation, a source of law, and also the moral ideals of a country, and is a source for the preparation of the constitution in the Indonesian state. The ideals of the state law of the Republic of Indonesia in the four main ideas of the 1945 Constitution are essentially the same as Pancasila, namely God and Humanity, Unity State, Social Justice, and People's Sovereignty. Pancasila is the basis of the state of the Republic of Indonesia, therefore Pancasila is the source of all sources of state law of the Republic of Indonesia. The objectives of the State of Indonesia are stated in the fourth paragraph of the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of Indonesia, namely: 1) Protecting every nation and the entire homeland of Indonesia: 2) Promoting public welfare. 3) To educate the nation's life, and 4) to Participate in carrying out a world order based on eternal peace and social justice.

Strengthening the Role of Widyaiswara in Improving the Quality of Human Resources Towar... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT Widyaiswara occupied an important role in forming quality ASN including in realizing the Smart ASN 4.0 concept. Smart ASN who have the ability to master technology will push the Indonesian government system into a bureaucracy that is in line with the spirit of the industrial revolution 4.0. All types of public services can be implemented on a digital basis and integrated in such a way that public services become more optimal. Widyaiswara as one of the elements in the development of electronic-based civil servant competencies is required to have the ability to prepare needs at every stage of the training process. The training stage is the implementation of training and education and training evaluation and development. Digital competence is needed by widyaiswara to compile materials that will be used in e-learning at that stage. The role of widyaiswara must exist starting from planning, content creation and evaluation to ensure learning objectives are achieved.
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