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Raspberry Pi on Newsnight tonight | Raspberry Pi - 0 views

  • a computer so cheap my brother need not worry about breaking it. If I had something like that I would have been much freer trying out linux.
    • David Corking
      A great endorsement of the concept from a teenager.
  • computer in the hands of everyone will likely flood the market with mediocre programmers and make it more difficult for companies to discover the good ones. I have seen the destruction that weaker coders can bring to code bases, and while modern coding techniques largely mitigate the issues, I think that this move will have a positive impact on ‘better’ software houses and a detrimental impact on the rest of the industry.
  • The school buys a bunch of Raspberry Pis. Kids can bring their own SD card or buy 1 pre-configured and use the schools Raspberry Pi’s. Or pay a deposit (equaling the cost of a Raspberry Pi) and they can take it home and work on it in their own time. If they want to keep it they just let the school know and a replacement is bought with the deposit.
    • David Corking
      Great idea.

Scoop.It! | Education and Training Solutions - 1 views

    By Claude Almansi and Jan Schwartz October 3rd, 2011 " is a new application that is still in beta, although it's fairly easy to get an invite to join. Claude Almansi found the app, sent an email about it to a list serv, which prompted Jan Schwartz to join. We've only been at it for a month or so, but already both of us have found some good information that we otherwise would have missed, and we are helping to spread the good work about education technology and change. First, some information about that Claude dug up. The web service was conceived in France, launched in December 2010 and its web site is in English. It's a social site for sharing news events and articles via subscription. Even if you don't subscribe, can be used to look for information items selected by others on a given theme via its public search engine. You do need to subscribe if you want to create and curate your own topic on a given theme or subject. For example, Jan was particularly excited to find a blog written as a result of a live chat sponsored by the Chronicle of Higher Education, which talked about the topic of Cathy Davidson's recent book, Now You See It: How the Brain Science of Attention Will Transform the Way We Live, Work and Learn. There were four panelists and 1500 participants on the chat and one of them, David Palumbo-Liu, wrote a blog about his experience, which was very different than Jan's and so an interesting read for perspective. She would not have found that blog if not for Claude curates a site for Multimedia Accessibility. Currently Jan is 'scooping' under the title Technology for Teaching and Learning . You can curate as many different topics as you like."

Open Source Schools - 0 views

    A site advocating use of Open Source Solutions in UK Schools
    Open Source Schools is here to share information about open source software in schools. Our aim is to help you decide whether open source software might offer benefits for learning, teaching, engaging pupils and parents, managing information and resources, or school administration. The website provides information and articles about open source software, advice on getting started, case studies of its adoption in schools, a directory for exploring what is available, and a glossary.

Leadership Conference - Opening Opportunities, Freeing Learning | Open Source Schools - 2 views

  • state of the art in open technology for education
    This conference has been designed by school leaders and others in the Open Source Schools' community to showcase to school leadership teams the best of educational free and open source software whether used alone or blended with proprietary software.

Open-source challenge to Microsoft Exchange gains steam - 1 views

  • An open-source, cloud-based e-mail alternative to Microsoft Exchange called Open-Xchange has signed up two new service providers and predicts it will have 40 million users by the end of 2011.
  • Open-Xchange has tripled its user base from 8 million to 24 million paid seats since 2008
  • Open-Xchange has 7 million users in North America today, but says most of its 2011 growth will occur on this continent, in part due to new agreements with service providers Lunarpages of California and Cirrus Tech in Toronto.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Open-Xchange's strategy is to make e-mail cheaper for both partners and customers. Open-Xchange mailbox prices vary by service provider, but will typically cost $5 per user per month, about the same as Microsoft's own Exchange Online.
  • Gartner profiled Open-Xchange last August in a MarketScope report on e-mail systems, giving it a rating of "caution," one of its lowest ratings, behind "promising," "positive" and "strong positive."
  • Open-Xchange has tripled its user base from 8 million to 24 million paid seats since 2008
  • An open-source, cloud-based e-mail alternative to Microsoft Exchange called Open-Xchange has signed up two new service providers and predicts it will have 40 million users by the end of 2011.
  • An open-source, cloud-based e-mail alternative to Microsoft Exchange called Open-Xchange has signed up two new service providers and predicts it will have 40 million users by the end of 2011.
  • An open-source, cloud-based e-mail alternative to Microsoft Exchange called Open-Xchange has signed up two new service providers and predicts it will have 40 million users by the end of 2011.
  • An open-source, cloud-based e-mail alternative to Microsoft Exchange called Open-Xchange has signed up two new service providers and predicts it will have 40 million users by the end of 2011.

Open Source Procurement: Indemnity - Simon Says... - 1 views

  • Legacy procurement rules that insist on indemnity from open source subscription suppliers are an unnecessary barrier to open source adoption.
  • countries claiming they have a policy permitting or even favouring open source software. yet when you actually look at what they are doing, you find that there's still a huge amount of proprietary software being procured
  • typically discriminate against new approaches, which are the "friendly fire" casualties of unintended and unforeseen consequences
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Legacy procurement rules stifle innovation.
  • The reason you need contractual indemnity when you procure proprietary software is you have no other way to attempt to protect yourself against careless or malicious infringement of the rights you or others can reasonably expect to be protected.
  • A company selling a subscription around an open source project isn't actually selling the software.
  • The software is entering their customers' enterprises under the terms of an open source license, direct from the many community participants.
  • as long as there’s a sufficiently diverse community, this is likely to be sufficient risk mitigation.

Mahara - open source e-portfolio system - 1 views

    Mahara is an open source e-portfolio system with a flexible display framework. Mahara, meaning 'think' or 'thought' in Te Reo Māori, is user centred environment with a permissions framework that enables different views of an e-portfolio to be easily managed. Mahara also features a weblog, resume builder and social networking system, connecting users and creating online learner communities.
1More The Story Behind a DNS Legend - 0 views

    Chances are that if you're a network operator you know the IP address It's an easy to type and easy to remember address, which since 1998 has been a "beefy" DNS service responding to the public Internet. Since you need DNS before you can use anything other than IP addresses on the Internet, it can come in handy for testing or initial configuration. Before Google started doing public DNS service on, and because is typically pretty fast, many people have used it as their standard DNS server. Since the most basic test of Internet connectivity you can do is to ping an IP address (with DNS disabled), a "ping -n" can tell you if your networking problem is at a higher level or a lower level right away. Is this just an accident, or was this a deliberate choice? Was it intentionally set up as a public DNS service, or an accident. I've wondered this for years. But just recently I was investigating a networking oddness reported by Kyle who uses this, and I decided to try to dig deep and find out the story behind whatI imagine is one of the most famous IP addresses on the public Internet.

30 Similarities Between Microsoft Office Word and Writer - 3 views

    We recently posted a article entitled, Switching from Microsoft Office to We hope by now you have downloaded this great free office suite and that the migration went smoothly. The following article will further help you migrate, but this time concentrating only on the similarities between Microsoft Word and Writer. These similarities are divided into basics, mid-level and advanced tasks.

In Our Sites 2 with subtitles | Universal Subtitles - 1 views

    " * Video Info * Original * English * French * Italian " You can add your subtitles in other languages and get transcripts of all subtitles.

Top 15 Open Source CMS Systems | Web Hosting Fan 2010-03-31 - 3 views

    "You have all heard about the more popular open source content management systems such as Joomla and Drupal. However, there are many more open source content management systems out there that are more than capable of accommodating the needs of your website. In fact, some of the less popular CMSs actually provide features that cannot be found in the standard CMS. Not all CMS live up to their developer's hype though, so we've compiled a comprehensive list of the top 20 open source content management systems."

Ancora in margine ad una discussione su pubblicazioni open access vs. pubblic... - 0 views

    "Kaj Sand-Jensen, un professore danese di ecologia, ha scritto un articolo intitolato "How to write consistently boring scientific literature" dove enuncia un decalogo di regole per scrivere articoli scientifici veramente noiosi. In maniera ironica e divertente mostra come una scrittura spersonalizzata possa servire alla fin fine a mascherare un contenuto modesto. Nella conclusione, osserva che ci sono movimenti di scienziati e anche editori che tendono a recuperare il valore di una scrittura più personale e viva. Sostiene inoltre che, sebbene l'articolo scientifico così come lo conosciamo rimarrà il veicolo principale della comunicazione scientifica, è auspicabile che gli scienziati si impegnino maggiormente in una comunicazione più ampia e speculativa, che possa eventualmente anche contemplare humour e poesia. Una comunicazione in grado di far circolare maggiormente le idee fra campi diversi e di attrarre più facilmente i giovani allo studio delle scienze. È un paradosso, ma è vero che la letteratura scientifica predominante, bulimica, ridondante, assolutamente grigia, selezionata con un processo di peer review sempre più affrettato e sommario, costituisce non l'unica ma una notevole causa di scarsa innovazione dando la preferenza ai maggiori e più consolidati filoni di ricerca. Lascio qui sotto l'opportunità di leggere il paper di Kaj Sand-Jensen, ne vale la pena. View this document on Scribd - [1] More about Fisica e filosofia "Ricordo delle discussioni con Bohr che si prolungarono per molte ore fino a notte piena e che ci condussero quasi ad uno stato di disperazione; e quando al termine della discussione me ne andavo solo a fare una passeggiata nel parco vicino continuavo sempre a ripropormi il problema: è possibile che la natura sia così assurda come ci appariva negli esperimenti atomici?" Werner Heisenberg in Fisica e Filosofia, Il Saggiatore, 1961, p. 55) * Share this: * Stampa * Email * Facebook *

OCR Terminal: Online OCR - Convert PDF to Word, JPEG to Word - 2 views

    "OCR Terminal is an online OCR service that can do PDF OCR, JPEG OCR and other image formats Convert PDF to Word online, JPEG to Word online or any image format to searchable text Convert PDF to Word in 4 easy steps The desktop client allows multiple file uploads and simplifies workflow [Find out more about OCR Terminal] "

WebCite 4 "Deletion of Free Ning Networks?" Ning Creators 2010-09-18 - Alex - 1 views

    A wonders about free networks being stull online. Exchange with Thunder X. Eric Suesz:\n"Hi, Alex. All free Ning Networks are now locked and can't be accessed. At some point, the space the data takes up on our servers will be overwritten. There's no plan to send you an email when that happens."
    A very odd affirmation by Ning's Eric Suesz

Restriction of Intellectual Property from Ning - Creators - Amilla 2010-09'14 - 0 views

    " * Posted by amilla on September 14, 2010 at 2:26pm in Improvements to Ning Creators * View Discussions About the exclusion of the music player in the package "ning plus" I would like to inform the management of Ning that I demand from Ning administration to send me an e-mail with all the tracks that are blocked in order to protect the copyrighted material that now is blocked by the company Ning which has no right to withhold them. For these reasons I ask from Ning to send me the music files that was loaded up until the day that Ning music player was free for uploading for all networks. There is need for appropriate administration of music files with responsibility for all of the musicians members of my network. So I demand from Ning to send me all that music files. I am giving to Ning a period of two months to send me all the songs as attachments in the e-mail Otherwise I have to inform the official intellectual property protecting organization of Greece for unauthorized restriction of intellectual property from the Ning. The same reasoning applies if the music files are deleted from Ning. Thank you and wait for response from Ning. Best regards The administration of"

E07 Podcast: Tomorrow's Students: Are We Ready for the New 21st-Century Learners? | EDU... - 1 views

    "Created by Gerry Bayne (EDUCAUSE) on October 29, 2007 In this 40 minute podcast, we feature a speech from the EDUCAUSE 2007 Annual Conference entitled "Tomorrow's Students: Are We Ready for the New 21st-Century Learners?". The presentation is by Julie Evans, Chief Executive Office for Project Tomorrow - NetDay. Video and slides for this speech are also available here. Abstract: The national Speak Up initiative annually collects and reports on the authentic, unfiltered viewpoints of K-12 students, teachers, parents, and school leaders about education technology and 21st-century learning environments. Learn about the expectations of today's K-12 students (the higher ed students of tomorrow) for technology use and their new aspirations for learning as uncovered in the most recent survey data. "

Copiar la red para que funcione en tu ordenador personal - RedEs - Catalin Trandafir 2... - 0 views

    " * Publicado por Catalin Trandafir el agosto 21, 2010 a las 11:48am en Creador de la Red Primero hay que descargar y instalar este programa : HTTrack Website Copier , Entras en la pagina de tu red como creador y la dejas abierta . Luego hay que ejecutar el programa HTTrack Website Copier y ponerlo que copie tu red ( hay que ponerle la dirección de tu red ). Cuando todo esta copiado , buscas en tu ordenador la carpeta donde se ha copiado todo ( esta te la muestra el programa en el principio ) y le das doble click al fichero ejecutable con nombre de tu pagina . de este modo la pagina se ejecuta en tu ordenador para que veas todo lo que contiene , casi igual que en NING , solo hay algunos enlanches que te manda a la misma pagina original , pero en la mayoría de las paginas funciona bien desde tu ordenador. Espero que lo entendéis , si no os doy mas explicaciones."

News & Views About Change - Ning Creators - "Your Last 3 Options" John McDonald VP, Adv... - 0 views

    "Your Last 3 Options If you chose a new Ning plan: We're thrilled you'll be sticking around! As you may have noticed, we're rapidly releasing new features, so stay tuned to Creators for what's coming next. If you aren't able to continue, we've put together this page to explain your three options. John McDonald VP, Advocacy"

Homepage: Submit your entry for the eLearning Awards 2010 competition today! (submissio... - 0 views

    "The winners for each category, selected by an international jury of experts, will win thousands of Euros in cash prizes and ICT equipment. Also, following a successful launch in 2009, the 2010 edition will again be open to international competitors, from countries outside of Europe (see full list of eligible countries in the rules below). Another recent feature: the top 50 entries submitted will be included in the Learning Exchange Resource library (, to give increased visibility to teachers' innovative practices and encourage others to follow their lead. To be eligible for the eLearning Awards, entries must be submitted by schools or teacher training institutions in EU member states, EEA countries, EU applicant countries as well as Switzerland, Israel and Georgia. For the category International cooperation entries are accepted worldwide. A gallery on the eLearning Awards website will showcase all contributions, which will be judged by a panel of experts. Entries can be made from now until 28 September 2010 via the website: Prize Ceremony The prize-giving ceremony, which will be followed by a gala dinner, will take place in Copenhagen early November 2010, during the annual EMINENT conference. The EMINENT conference is a unique chance to meet and discuss with European ministries of education, global companies and key stakeholders in education. Prize-winners will be given a trip to Copenhagen to attend the award ceremony. Full list of categories Rules"
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