Restriction of Intellectual Property from Ning - Creators - Amilla 2010-09'14 - 0 views
Claude Almansi on 14 Sep 10" * Posted by amilla on September 14, 2010 at 2:26pm in Improvements to Ning Creators * View Discussions About the exclusion of the music player in the package "ning plus" I would like to inform the management of Ning that I demand from Ning administration to send me an e-mail with all the tracks that are blocked in order to protect the copyrighted material that now is blocked by the company Ning which has no right to withhold them. For these reasons I ask from Ning to send me the music files that was loaded up until the day that Ning music player was free for uploading for all networks. There is need for appropriate administration of music files with responsibility for all of the musicians members of my network. So I demand from Ning to send me all that music files. I am giving to Ning a period of two months to send me all the songs as attachments in the e-mail Otherwise I have to inform the official intellectual property protecting organization of Greece for unauthorized restriction of intellectual property from the Ning. The same reasoning applies if the music files are deleted from Ning. Thank you and wait for response from Ning. Best regards The administration of"