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dr tech

How the far right is weaponising AI-generated content in Europe | Artificial intelligen... - 0 views

    ""AI lowers the barriers to entry for creating content. You don't need coding skills or anything like that to generate these images. It is also symptomatic of far-right views going mainstream or being normalised," he said, adding that the far right appeared to have fewer moral concerns about AI imagery. Allchorn said more established political parties appeared warier of using AI in official campaigns: "Mainstream actors still have ethical concerns about the effectiveness, authenticity and reliability of these models that far-right or extremist actors are not beholden to.""
dr tech

Meta is 'reckless' in 'need-to-know situations', Canada warns Australia as it braces fo... - 0 views

    "The breakdown in negotiations resulted in Meta blocking all news sources on Facebook in Canada "recklessly and dangerously" as all 10 provinces and three territories in the country burned, Canada's heritage minister, Pascale St-Onge, told Guardian Australia. "Facebook is leaving disinformation and misinformation to spread on their platform, while choosing to block access to reliable, high-quality, independent journalism," St-Onge said. "Facebook is just leaving more room for misinformation during need-to-know situations like wildfires, emergencies, local elections and other critical times for people to make decisions on matters that affect them.""
dr tech

Admiral to price car insurance based on Facebook posts | Technology | The Guardian - 0 views

    "Admiral Insurance will analyse the Facebook accounts of first-time car owners to look for personality traits that are linked to safe driving. For example, individuals who are identified as conscientious and well-organised will score well. Facebook forces Admiral to pull plan to price car insurance based on posts Read more The insurer will examine posts and likes by the Facebook user, although not photos, looking for habits that research shows are linked to these traits. These include writing in short concrete sentences, using lists, and arranging to meet friends at a set time and place, rather than just "tonight"."
dr tech

Microsoft apologises after Bing translates 'Daesh' into 'Saudi Arabia' | Technology | T... - 0 views

    "Najjar told the Huffington Post that the error was most likely due to Bing's use of crowdsourced translations. The service can promote alternative translations to the top spot if they receive suggestions from about 1,000 people, which means that without manual correction it is possible to manipulate the system and substitute the correct translation for an alternative."
dr tech

Can Google really tell us how busy a place is? | Technology | The Guardian - 0 views

    "ne of the creepiest - and most useful - Google inventions has been its ability to predict traffic jams by using anonymised ping-backs from mobile phones to tell how fast everyone is moving."
dr tech

Lip-Reading AI Smashes Humans At Interpreting Silent Sentences | Digital Trends - 0 views

    "The performance of LipNet compares incredibly favorably to human lipreading experts on GRID corpus, the largest publicly-available sentence-level lipreading dataset. In fact, where human experts got just 52 percent, LipNet scored 93 percent. Its sentence-based approach to lip-reading also smashed the best previous attempt by a machine, which managed 79.6 percent accuracy on the same dataset."
dr tech

Top 10 AI failures of 2016 - TechRepublic - 0 views

    "But with all of the successes of AI, it's also important to pay attention to when, and how, it can go wrong, in order to prevent future errors. A recent paper by Roman Yampolskiy, director of the Cybersecurity Lab at the University of Louisville, outlines a history of AI failures which are "directly related to the mistakes produced by the intelligence such systems are designed to exhibit." According to Yampolskiy, these types of failures can be attributed to mistakes during the learning phase or mistakes in the performance phase of the AI system."
dr tech

Germany investigating unprecedented spread of fake news online | World news | The Guardian - 0 views

    "German government officials have said they are investigating an unprecedented proliferation of fake news items amid reports of Russian efforts to influence the country's election later this year."
dr tech

World's largest hedge fund to replace managers with artificial intelligence | Technolog... - 0 views

    "Automated decision-making is appealing to businesses as it can save time and eliminate human emotional volatility. "People have a bad day and it then colors their perception of the world and they make different decisions. In a hedge fund that's a big deal," he added."
dr tech

Discrimination by algorithm: scientists devise test to detect AI bias | Technology | Th... - 0 views

    "Concerns have been growing about AI's so-called "white guy problem" and now scientists have devised a way to test whether an algorithm is introducing gender or racial biases into decision-making."
dr tech

AI system as good as experts at recognising skin cancers, say researchers | Technology ... - 0 views

    "Computers can classify skin cancers as successfully as human experts, according to the latest research attempting to apply artificial intelligence to health."
dr tech

Tesla autopilot warns of accident about to happen to the cars in front / Boing Boing - 0 views

    "The Tesla Autopilot system registered that the SUV in front of the lead car was braking hard and the system recognized this as a major danger."
dr tech

DDoSers sell attacks for $5 on Fivver / Boing Boing - 0 views

    "Now, researchers from Incapsula have delved into the world of cut-rate DDoS providers, who market their services for $5 a pop on the website Fiverr. The DDoSers figleaf their offerings by calling them "stress testers" that website owners can use to determine whether their sites are configured to handle lots of traffic, but as the Incapsula team found, most will cheerfully attack sites other than your own (though one vendor said he wouldn't attack "government state websites, hospitals"). "
dr tech

Lexus software update fail shows crashing future for cars | Technology | The Guardian - 0 views

    "Toyota's Lexus rolled out an update for some of its cars, including RX350, which broke the vehicles' navigation and entertainment systems leaving them stuck in a boot loop. Lexus confirmed that the software updates are routinely pushed out via satellite to cars and that a faulty application may be to blame."
dr tech

How the internet was invented | Technology | The Guardian - 0 views

    "In response, the architects of the internet developed a kind of digital Esperanto: a common language that enabled data to travel across any network. In 1974, two Arpa researchers named Robert Kahn and Vint Cerf published an early blueprint. Drawing on conversations happening throughout the international networking community, they sketched a design for "a simple but very flexible protocol": a universal set of rules for how computers should communicate."
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