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dr tech

The economics of artificial intelligence | McKinsey & Company - 0 views

    " The machine's doing the prediction, making the distinct role of judgment in decision making clearer. So as the value of human prediction falls, the value of human judgment goes up because AI doesn't do judgment-it can only make predictions and then hand them off to a human to use his or her judgment to determine what to do with those predictions."
dr tech

Ethics committee raises alarm over 'predictive policing' tool | UK news | The Guardian - 0 views

    "Amid mounting financial pressure, at least a dozen police forces are using or considering predictive analytics, despite warnings from campaigners that use of algorithms and "predictive policing" models risks locking discrimination into the criminal justice system."
dr tech

Here's How Scientists Are Using Machine Learning to Predict the Unpredictable - 0 views

    "More than just a poetic metaphor, the butterfly effect says that there are some things that even the most advanced science can never predict. Well, that list of things just got a lot shorter. Scientists from the University of Maryland have used machine learning to predict chaos."
dr tech

Google DeepMind and Isomorphic Labs introduce AlphaFold 3 AI model - 0 views

    "In a paper published in Nature, we introduce AlphaFold 3, a revolutionary model that can predict the structure and interactions of all life's molecules with unprecedented accuracy. For the interactions of proteins with other molecule types we see at least a 50% improvement compared with existing prediction methods, and for some important categories of interaction we have doubled prediction accuracy."
dr tech

IBM just posted 5 predictions about what life will be like in 2022 - ScienceAlert - 0 views

    "IBM predicts that in five years, "What we say and write will be used as indicators of our mental health and physical wellbeing.""
dr tech

Predicting crime, LAPD-style | Cities | - 0 views

    "The algorithm at play is performing what's commonly referred to as predictive policing. Using years - and sometimes decades - worth of crime reports, the algorithm analyses the data to identify areas with high probabilities for certain types of crime, placing little red boxes on maps of the city that are streamed into patrol cars."
dr tech

Police built an AI to predict violent crime. It was seriously flawed | WIRED UK - 1 views

    "A flagship artificial intelligence system designed to predict gun and knife violence before it happens had serious flaws that made it unusable, police have admitted. The error led to large drops in accuracy and the system was ultimately rejected by all of the experts reviewing it for ethical problems."
dr tech

Artificial intelligence creates sound effects for silent videos that fool humans / Boin... - 0 views

    "This algorithm uses a recurrent neural network to predict sound features from videos and then produces a waveform from these features with an example-based synthesis procedure. We show that the sounds predicted by our model are realistic enough to fool participants in a "real or fake" psychophysical experiment, and that they convey significant information about material properties and physical interactions."
dr tech

If You Upload Your Mind to a Computer-Are You Still You? | Singularity HUB - 0 views

    "One of the most mind-bending far future predictions you'll hear from some futurists is this: Eventually, the technology will exist to copy your brain (every bit of data that makes you, you) onto a computer. Technical details and exact predictions aside (the concept is still firmly science fiction) mind uploading makes for a fascinating and disturbing thought experiment. If you had the power to upload yourself, would you?"
dr tech

What If an Algorithm Could Predict Your Unborn Child's Intelligence? - 0 views

    "More controversially, however, Genomic Prediction is also offering IVF patients the option of screening embryos for projected cognitive ability."
dr tech

Climate change models have been accurate since the 1970s - 0 views

    "Half a century ago, before the first Apple computer was even sold, climate scientists started making computer-generated forecasts of how Earth would warm as carbon emissions saturated the atmosphere (the atmosphere is now brimming with carbon). It turns out these decades-old climate models - which used math equations to predict how much greenhouse gases would heat the planet - were pretty darn accurate. Climate scientists gauged how well early models predicted Earth's relentless warming trend and published their research Wednesday in the journal Geophysical Research Letters."
dr tech

Mathematicians Boycott Police Work - 0 views

    "That can include statistical or machine learning algorithms that rely on police records detailing the time, location, and nature of past crimes in a bid to predict if, when, where, and who may commit future infractions. In theory, this should help authorities use resources more wisely and spend more time policing certain neighborhoods that they think will yield higher crime rates."
dr tech

Columbia researchers find white men are the worst at reducing AI bias | VentureBeat - 0 views

    "Researchers at Columbia University sought to shed light on the problem by tasking 400 AI engineers with creating algorithms that made over 8.2 million predictions about 20,000 people. In a study accepted by the NeurIPS 2020 machine learning conference, the researchers conclude that biased predictions are mostly caused by imbalanced data but that the demographics of engineers also play a role."
dr tech

This AI algorithm could save lives in quake zones | Digital Trends - 0 views

    "It forecast 14 earthquakes within a 200-mile area of the estimated epicenter and also made a very accurate forecast regarding their intensity, a report on the university's website said. It failed to warn of just one earthquake and gave eight false predictions. The research team trained the AI to detect statistical bumps in real-time seismic data that the research team had paired with previous earthquakes, the report explained. Once trained, the AI monitored for signs of approaching earthquakes. "Predicting earthquakes is the holy grail," said Sergey Fomel, a professor at UT's Bureau of Economic Geology and a member of the research team, adding: "What we achieved tells us that what we thought was an impossible problem is solvable in principle.""
dr tech

AI Can Now Predict Your Chances of Surviving Cancer - 1 views

    "AI Can Now Predict Your Chances of Surviving Cancer Oct 20, 2023 at 1:00 PM EDT "
dr tech

Why big data has made your privacy a thing of the past | Technology | The Observer - 0 views

    "The reason is that routine big-data analytical techniques can now effectively manufacture personal data that is not protected by any of the measures we've used up to now. A well-known illustration of this is the way Target, an American retail chain, creatively collated scattered pieces of data about individuals' changes in shopping habits to predict the delivery date of pregnant shoppers - so that they could then be targeted with relevant advertisements."
dr tech

Predictive Algorithms and Big Data are Credible Threats to Democracy - 0 views

    "On the contrary, building large centralized databases and predictive algorithms that make decisions on behalf of humans, and which completely ignore privacy concerns, now seem to be the most efficient way of governing. Algorithms now handle college admissions processes, applicants' selection processes for jobs, where to go to college, what to study in that college, which city is best for you to start your career and raise a family, what part of that city you should live in, and even who you should marry."
dr tech

Machine-learning photo-editor predicts what should be under your brush / Boing Boing - 0 views

    "In Neural Photo Editing With Introspective Adversarial Networks, a group of University of Edinburgh engineers and a private research colleague describe a method for using "introspective adversarial networks" to edit images in realtime, which they demonstrate in an open project called "Neural Photo Editor" that "enhances" photos by predicting what should be under your brush."
dr tech

Apply Magic Sauce - Prediction API - Demo - 0 views

    "This tool predicts your psycho-demographic profile from digital footprints of your behaviour. It reveals how you might be perceived by others online and provides detailed insights on your personality, intelligence, life satisfaction and more." YIKES
dr tech

Researchers criticize AI software that predicts emotions - CNA - 0 views

    "The report cited a recent academic analysis of studies on how people interpret moods from facial expressions. That paper found that the previous scholarship showed such perceptions are unreliable for multiple reasons."
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