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dr tech

Can facial analysis technology create a child-safe internet? | Identity cards | The Gua... - 0 views

    "Take Yoti, for instance: the company provides a range of age verification services, partnering with CitizenCard to offer a digital version of its ID, and working with self-service supermarkets to experiment with automatic age recognition of individuals. John Abbott, Yoti's chief business officer, says the system is already as good as a person at telling someone's age from a video of them, and has been tested against a wide range of demographics - including age, race and gender - to ensure that it's not wildly miscategorising any particular group. The company's most recent report claims that a "Challenge 21" policy (blocking under-18s by asking for strong proof of age from people who look under 21) would catch 98% of 17-year-olds, and 99.15% of 16 year olds, for instance."
dr tech

Adult online age used by third of eight- to 17-year-old social media users | Social med... - 0 views

    "A third of social media users aged between eight and 17 have the online age of an adult because they sign up with a false date of birth, according to new research. The fake age issue means that young users in the UK are at greater risk of being exposed to harmful or adult content, as platforms presume they are older than they in fact are."
dr tech

Tech firms must 'tame' algorithms under Ofcom child safety rules | Social media | The G... - 0 views

    "The children's safety codes, introduced as part of the Online Safety Act, let Ofcom set new, tight rules for internet companies and how they can interact with children. It calls on services to make their platforms child-safe by default or implement robust age checks to identify children and give them safer versions of the experience. For those sites with age checks, Ofcom will require algorithmic curation to be tweaked to limit the risks to younger users. That would require sites such as Instagram and TikTok to ensure the suggested posts and "for you" pages explicitly take account of the age of children."
dr tech

Australia plans to ban children from social media. Is checking and enforcing an age blo... - 0 views

    "Australia plans to ban children from social media. Is checking and enforcing an age block possible? As the Albanese government pledges a ban, age verification trials in the UK and US show possible hurdles and privacy concerns"
dr tech

Age verification in three different ways, wherever you need it * Yoti - 0 views

    "How we verify your users We use a combination of AI technology, liveness anti-spoofing and document authenticity checks so you can be confident in the age of your customers."
dr tech

How many 12-year-olds use TikTok? - by Jacqueline Nesi, PhD - 0 views

    "Among kids under age 13 (i.e., 11- and 12-year-olds), they found: 63.8% reported using social media They had an average of 3.38 social media accounts Among the 63.8% with a social media account, TikTok was most popular, with 68.2% saying they have an account. 57.3% said they have Instagram and 55.2% Snapchat Only 5.4% said their social media account(s) were secret from their parents My take: The takeaway here is simple: a lot of kids are using social media! This data may slightly overestimate the numbers, given data collection during the pandemic (2019-2021), when rates of social media use may have been higher. But still: 64% using social media! Despite a national desire to put our fingers in our ears and scream "la-la-la," kids under 13 are using these platforms. We need to either do a better job of preventing that, or make the platforms safer for kids that age. Academic Pediatrics."
dr tech

8 Skilled Jobs That May Soon Be Replaced by Robots - 0 views

    "Unskilled manual laborers have felt the pressure of automation for a long time - but, increasingly, they're not alone. The last few years have been a bonanza of advances in artificial intelligence. As our software gets smarter, it can tackle harder problems, which means white-collar and pink-collar workers are at risk as well. Here are eight jobs expected to be automated (partially or entirely) in the coming decades. Call Center Employees call-center Telemarketing used to happen in a crowded call center, with a group of representatives cold-calling hundreds of prospects every day. Of those, maybe a few dozen could be persuaded to buy the product in question. Today, the idea is largely the same, but the methods are far more efficient. Many of today's telemarketers are not human. In some cases, as you've probably experienced, there's nothing but a recording on the other end of the line. It may prompt you to "press '1' for more information," but nothing you say has any impact on the call - and, usually, that's clear to you. But in other cases, you may get a sales call and have no idea that you're actually speaking to a computer. Everything you say gets an appropriate response - the voice may even laugh. How is that possible? Well, in some cases, there is a human being on the other side, and they're just pressing buttons on a keyboard to walk you through a pre-recorded but highly interactive marketing pitch. It's a more practical version of those funny soundboards that used to be all the rage for prank calls. Using soundboard-assisted calling - regardless of what it says about the state of human interaction - has the potential to make individual call center employees far more productive: in some cases, a single worker will run two or even three calls at the same time. In the not too distant future, computers will be able to man the phones by themselves. At the intersection of big data, artificial intelligence, and advanced
dr tech

Ofcom: six-year-olds understand digital technology better than adults | Technology | Th... - 0 views

    "Among six to seven year olds, who have grown up with YouTube, Spotify music streaming and the BBC iPlayer, the average DQ (digital quotient) score was 98, higher than for those aged between 45 and 49, who scored an average of 96. Digital understanding peaks between 14 and 15, with a DQ of 113 - and then drops gradually throughout adulthood, before falling rapidly in old age."
dr tech

What to Make of Florida's New Social Media Ban for Kids | AllSides - 0 views

    "The Details: The law requires people under 14 who have accounts to delete them. It also demands enhanced age verification for sites containing 'obscene' or 'harmful' content. The Debate: Supporters view this as a welcome step towards child safety. Critics question the law's enforceability, querying account detection methods, use of VPNs by children, and age verification standards."
dr tech

The New Age of Hiring: AI Is Changing the Game for Job Seekers - CNET - 0 views

    "If you've been job hunting recently, chances are you've interacted with a resume robot, a nickname for an Applicant Tracking System, or ATS. In its most basic form, an ATS acts like an online assistant, helping hiring managers write job descriptions, scan resumes and schedule interviews. As artificial intelligence advances, employers are increasingly relying on a combination of predictive analytics, machine learning and complex algorithms to sort through candidates, evaluate their skills and estimate their performance. Today, it's not uncommon for applicants to be rejected by a robot before they're connected with an actual human in human resources. The job market is ripe for the explosion of AI recruitment tools. Hiring managers are coping with deflated HR budgets while confronting growing pools of applicants, a result of both the economic downturn and the post-pandemic expansion of remote work. As automated software makes pivotal decisions about our employment, usually without any oversight, it's posing fundamental questions about privacy, accountability and transparency."
dr tech

MSN - 0 views

    "Nearly half of three to four year-olds (48 per cent) were reported by their parent or guardian in the Ofcom survey to have used apps or sites to send messages or make video or voice calls. Those who did mainly used WhatsApp (25 per cent) and Facetime (19 per cent). "It's likely that children of this age were receiving help with these communication activities as they are still developing basic reading and writing skills," said Ofcom. The disclosures prompted a warning by Dame Rachel de Souza, the children's commissioner, that young children should not have internet-enabled phones because of the risk of them accessing harmful content."
dr tech

Internet anonymity is the height of chic | Technology | The Guardian - 0 views

    "In this age of information overload, internet exhibitionism and NSA snooping, is it possible to make yourself unGoogleable? And does it earn you added credibility, as fashion designer Phoebe Philo and bands such as !!! suggest?"
dr tech

Online privacy: nothing to fear | Jean-Louis Gassée | Technology | guardian.c... - 0 views

    "If there is nowhere to hide, how can disagreements safely ferment in political life, at work, in relationships? By definition, change disturbs something or annoys someone. And, moving to paranoia, or full awareness, the age-old question arises: who will guard us from the guardians?"
dr tech

Education Needs a Digital-Age Upgrade - - 0 views

    "Now You See It" - teaching skills that a student will need is this the route that we must follow?
dr tech

Cybercrime hits more than 9 million UK web users | Technology | The Guardian - 0 views

    "Researchers find 8% of cybercrime victims suffered financial losses while those aged over 55 were least likely targets"
dr tech

Already in Use in Canada and India, Iris Scans Get Thumbs-Up in U.S. Government Study |... - 0 views

    "But which parts of an individual's anatomy are truly unchangeable, even as he or she ages and potentially undergoes plastic surgery?"
dr tech

Robot doctors, online lawyers and automated architects: the future of the professions? ... - 0 views

    "Advances in technology have long been recognised as a threat to manual labour. Now highly skilled, knowledge-based jobs that were once regarded as safe could be at risk. How will they adapt to the digital age?"
dr tech

Human Vs. Robot: Bricklaying Robot Can Place 1,000 Bricks an Hour - Singularity HUB - 0 views

    ""We have absolutely nothing against bricklayers," Pivac says. "The problem is the average age of bricklayers is going up and it's difficult to attract new young people to the trade." There's a debate on about the future of automation-what it means that machines may be able to match humans at virtually any task. For now, robots are nowhere near that advanced."
dr tech

journalism in the age of data | D'Arcy Norman dot net - 0 views

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