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Sony suffers second major user data theft | Reuters - 1 views

    Explain what happened. Describe the issues. May 9 jen
    1.Explain what happened. Sony suffered a hack on their PC games network, which lead to theft of online user's data from its PlayStation video game network. The theft involved 77 million user information. Sony is now hiring various outside firms to investigate on the matter, and try to find the offenders to this hacking. Cyber-security detectives from Guidance Software and consultants from Robert Half International Inc's subsidiary Protviti were brought in to help with the clean-up. 2.Describe the issues. Issues from this includes the reliability and integrity, as well as the security of Sony's protection system and online user's sensitive information which include credit card numbers as well as passwords. The reliability is the reliability of Sony's software. It might have failed to function properly, thus being a loop hole of the hackers to get through. The integrity is keep users' data complete and unaltered without their permission by the hackers. There is also a privacy issue because user's sensitive data was stolen.
    1.2_security 2.1_online_bus 3.7_databases 3.6_multimedia_digital_media

48 NASA Laptops Stolen in Two Years: A Case for Better Encryption Practices | PCWorld B... - 14 views

    Explain the problem and solution. How should you Choose a Laptop for Your Small Business? How can you Recover a Lost Phone, Tablet, or Laptop? How can you Stop Laptop Theft? all march 13 Kevin

Former Gucci Employee Indicted For $200,000 Hack - International Business Times - 1 views

    brief april 26 az
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Business and employment 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. Gucci, employees 3. Identify one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. Security 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. Virtual private network- a network that is constructed by using public wires to connect nodes. For example, there are a number of systems that enable you to create networks using the Internetas the medium for transporting data. These systems use encryption and othersecurity mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users can access the network and that the data cannot be intercepted. Hacking- the practice of modifying computer hardware and software to accomplish a goal outside of the creator's original purpose. Virtual servers- a Web server, that shares computer resources with other virtual servers. Instead of requiring a separate computer for each server, dozens of virtual servers can co-reside on the same computer. E-mail Server - A computer server that acts as the supplier and sender of e-mails in the network. Ecommerce - Electronic commerce, business to sell and buy online electronically. Identity Theft - The stealing of and ID, or impersonating a fake person. 5. If possible, describe a solution to the concern (issue). Gucci needs to be stricter to their employees. They need to closely monitor anyone that can access the company's financial system and any vital part. By doing so, employees would not even think of hacking the system. Moreover, educating their workers into not being tricked to activate any other fraud employee accounts. Also, improving the authorization system of employees to access information with biometrics may be helpful to increase the security of their data and network system.

Identity Theft Resource Center ITRC Fact Sheet 102 - 0 views

    Select and list 5 guidelines you think are reasonable. May 9 az
    * Provide cross-cut paper shredders at each workstation or cash register area or uses a locked wastebasket and shredding company for the disposal of credit card slips, unwanted applications or documents, sensitive data or prescription forms. * Use an alternate number instead of Social Security Numbers (SSN) for employee, client and customer ID numbers. * Encrypt or password protect all sensitive data stored on computers and allow access only on a "need-to-know" basis. * Notify consumers and employees in advance as to the purposes of the data collection, to whom it will be distributed and the subsequent use after the fulfillment of the original purpose. * Keep sensitive information of consumers or employees on any item (timecards, badges, work schedules, licenses) out of view in public areas. That may include home addresses or phone numbers, SSN and driver's license numbers.

Digital self-defence | Bangkok Post: lifestyle - 0 views

Alex Lenk

BBC News - Australia's central bank targeted by hackers - 2 views

    Eun Young  October 17th  BAA
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. The area of impact the scenario relates to is 'business and employment'. 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. The main stakeholders to the IT system from this article are the RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia) and customers. 3. Identify and describe one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. The social/ethical concern that has been identified in this article is 'security'. Security refers to the protection of hardware, software from unauthorized access. Security tries to prevent the access by hackers. In this article, the RBA has been hacked (cyber attacked). For an example, the malware has embedded in the emails. They think it is China to blame because they thought that China has already been through a similar cyber attack, which aimed to get the information out of it. The staffs in the RBA have opened several malware emails. This malware application has managed to go through the computer system. 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. * Malware: Malware refers to software programs that are designed to damage or do other unwanted actions on a computer system. * Cyber Attack: Cyber attackers use malicious code to alter computer code,logic or data, resulting in disruptive consequences that can compromise data and lead to cyber-crimes (information and identity theft). * Computer Viruses: Small but insidious piece of programming-code that attacks computer and network systems through infected data files, introduced into a system via disks or Internet. 5. Describe the solution stated in the article or find a solution to the concern (issue) discussed in the article. Even though the RBA did not lose any of their information, it's better to have a safe security system/software to protect their information. The RBA needs to be more careful when opening email files, and for a better protection, they would need to find a better way to secure. I would suggest them to have an encryp
Young Woong Hong

Tracking iPhone thieves prompts killswitch call - 2 views

    This article starts with issue of one woman losing her iPhone, which was stolen by someone who lives 20 km away from her. Since there is a app called Track my iPhone, she used this app to go after the thieve and asked for her iPhone back. Not only her who had been finding the thief herself but lots of people are doing it to avoid conflict with the police. This is causing a concern with the police officer because of the increase in phone robbery in many places and if these are gang member, it can cause life to be lost. Even though the police had devoted more resources to combat the theft, but accessibility of police is quite low. Therefore, people usually like to take action alone neglecting the danger that they might find. Therefore, police came up with further and better solution called 'kill switch'. Which automatically make your phone unavailable and unattractive to the thieves.
    What is Kill switch? How is it beneficial to protect your personal information on your phone?

Identity Theft Resource Center ITRC Fact Sheet 118 - 0 views

    Explain the meaning of the following guidelines: Do you check the validity of site certificates when sending sensitive information to another website? Do you check for locks (bottom right browser status line) or the notation that the site is secure (https:// = secure = lock in status line) prior to entering sensitive information to that site? You must safeguard your information if you are going to store it on your computer. However, if you must store personal information on your computer, encryption is necessary. may 9 cream
    Explain the meaning of the following guidelines: Do you check the validity of site certificates when sending sensitive information to another website? It is about checking the validity of site certificates for guarantee myself that I sent sensitive information to real and Safety Company. Do you check for locks (bottom right browser status line) or the notation that the site is secure (https:// = secure = lock in status line) prior to entering sensitive information to that site? This action is when you see a green lock in the URL space of web browser such as, which it says about US privacy and stuff. Https codes help you know that you are transmitting via a safe system. If the padlock is open, do not transmit sensitive information! You must safeguard your information if you are going to store it on your computer. However, if you must store personal information on your computer, encryption is necessary. It is best to ere on the side of caution and use encryption to not only protect the data but also protect yourself
    1.3 Privacy and anonymity 3.3 Networks 3.4 Internet 3.5 Personal and public communications
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