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How Google Chromebook Will Feel for Music Fans | Epicenter | - 2 views

    What are the problems with doing everything on the cloud? may 19 az
    Doing everything on the cloud is efficient in a way that we can work on from anywhere anytime as long as we have internet connection. However, when we don't have good internet connection, there is nothing we can do since everything we have done is stored on the cloud. . Internet data storing plans might also be an obstacle while operating on the cloud because the costs increase as more data is wanted to be stored on the cloud. Moreover, The cloud is not invincible to attacks so your data is not 100% safe. Having a backup saved on a physical hard drive is a must, cause you can't rely too much in the cloud (look what happen to Amazon and Sony).

Learning The Right Lessons From The Amazon Outage - 5 views

    Define: AWS Iaas Define and describe: Free redundancy rapid scalability server failover maintainability Explain each lesson and determine whether you agree or not with each one. May 13 az
    1) Define: AWS- The Amazon Web Services (AWS) are a collection of remote computing services (also calledweb services) that together make up a cloud computing platform, offered over the Internet The most central and well-known of these services are Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3. Iaas - infrastructure-as-a-service; a way to deploy a less reliable server, quickly and without human intervention. 2) Define and describe: Free redundancy- re-deploying your application in another data center or cloud service using on-demand resources instead of having an idle redundant data center. Rapid scalability- Scalability approach that doesn't require access to AMIs that is stored on S3 or EBS. Instead, it uses the on-demand resources. This is when the system can withstand changes in transaction volume without major changes. Server failover- Virtual servers fail more frequently that physical servers, and when they do, there is less ability to recover them. Treat server failover the same way as scalability, just bring up a new server. Maintainability- Use a fully automated deployment and not a server configuration that is created manually to make it maintainability. Since, when a server configuration that is created manually and saved to a "golden image" has numerous problems such as: only the person who built it knows what is there, so if that person is gone, it can be time consuming to re-configure it. On the other hand, a fully automated deployment is not only a maintainable process, it also serves as documentation. 3) Explain each lesson and determine whether you agree or not with each one. Wrong lesson #1 The lesson where the infrastructure of the cloud is either not ready for its time to shine, or never will be. This is the lesson that explains that the infrastructure is still carried out on physical servers, just in remote areas where they are held in the physical data center in large numbers. These physical server

Identity Theft Resource Center ITRC Fact Sheet 102 - 0 views

    Select and list 5 guidelines you think are reasonable. May 9 az
    * Provide cross-cut paper shredders at each workstation or cash register area or uses a locked wastebasket and shredding company for the disposal of credit card slips, unwanted applications or documents, sensitive data or prescription forms. * Use an alternate number instead of Social Security Numbers (SSN) for employee, client and customer ID numbers. * Encrypt or password protect all sensitive data stored on computers and allow access only on a "need-to-know" basis. * Notify consumers and employees in advance as to the purposes of the data collection, to whom it will be distributed and the subsequent use after the fulfillment of the original purpose. * Keep sensitive information of consumers or employees on any item (timecards, badges, work schedules, licenses) out of view in public areas. That may include home addresses or phone numbers, SSN and driver's license numbers.
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