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Jeff Johnson

Classroom Technology 'Woefully Inadequate,' Study Finds : June 2008 : THE Journal - 0 views

  • Educators are, in large part, bullish on the role technology can play in improving student outcomes. But too large a percentage of them aren't receiving adequate training in the areas that matter most: instructional software, technology integration, learning outcomes management, and designing individual lesson plans. This according to a study released last week by the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers, which also described access to classroom technology as "woefully inadequate" in most schools.
  • Educators are, in large part, bullish on the role technology can play in improving student outcomes. But too large a percentage of them aren't receiving adequate training in the areas that matter most: instructional software, technology integration, learning outcomes management, and designing individual lesson plans.
    Educators are, in large part, bullish on the role technology can play in improving student outcomes. But too large a percentage of them aren't receiving adequate training in the areas that matter most: instructional software, technology integration, learning outcomes management, and designing individual lesson plans.
Nigel Coutts

Why we need to move our technology use beyond substitution - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    Mere substitution is not going to help our learners maximise the affordances of technology. The challenge is to find ways by which technology can enhance learning. We can be certain that technology is not going to go away and that those who maximise the affordances that it brings are likely to gain the most from it. 
Kashif Mehmood Mughal

20+ Emerging Concepts of Laptop Designs | Dzinepress - 0 views

    In this existing technology world, all technologies and trends change rapidly, we must follow emerging technologies otherwise you'll be outdated, we keep compare old and newest technologies. Now we are showing some really creative and turn you in conceptual laptop designs which listing here for your future needs.
Nigel Coutts

Why might we want to learn Digital Technologies? - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    Understanding the "Why" of any initiative should be a key step prior to implementation. Without a clear understanding of our "Why" how are we to judge the success of what we are implementing. How will we know which steps take us in the right direction if we have no concept of why we are journeying. In our implementation of ICT (Information & Communication Technologies) and now Digital Technologies, a lack of clarity on the matter of "Why" has often been the most significant challenge to success. 
Nigel Coutts

Why banning technology is not the answer - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    There is something about human nature that draws us towards dichotomous patterns of thought; an all or nothing, us or them style of thinking in which an option is either good or it is bad. In such a model complexity and subtle nuance with multiple possible outcomes and routes towards a goal are ignored. The field of educational technology is one where such a pattern is evident and recent ban on technology by a Sydney school shows how this style of analysis can have a significant impact on student learning.
Nigel Coutts

Confronting the fear and challenge of a new curriculum - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    Our learners will never now a world where Digital Technologies are not the norm. Using solutions developed within this space and with this mindset is already their normal. Unless they are to be slaves to this technology we must also empower them to be creators of digital solutions. To do this we must begin with recognising the challenges that a curriculum built around mastery of Digital Technologies brings to our teachers and seek to understand the supports they require.

Home Surveillance Cameras - 0 views

    This is why, in today's world, IP technology (digital video surveillance) is replacing analog surveillance systems more and more. In fact, the market now features more attractive prices, and IP surveillance-related products are much more diverse: it is now easier to meet client's specific needs with the wide range of IP cameras available. As such, IP technology holds an important place in the surveillance system market. Whether for small, medium or large businesses, for large-scale surveillance projects, or for the installation of a simple surveillance system, IP technology is now accessible to everyone and every budget.

Monitoring For Indoor And Outdoor Security System - 0 views

    This is why, in today`s world, IP technology (digital video surveillance) is replacing analog surveillance systems more and more. In fact, the market now features more attractive prices, and IP surveillance-related products are much more diverse: it is now easier to meet client`s specific needs with the wide range of IP cameras available. As such, IP technology holds an important place in the surveillance system market. Whether for small, medium or large businesses, for large-scale surveillance projects, or for the installation of a simple surveillance system, IP technology is now accessible to everyone and every budget.

Personal Security Surveillance Cameras by dcisecurite on deviantART - 0 views

    This is why, in today's world, IP technology (digital video surveillance) is replacing analog surveillance systems more and more. In fact, the market now features more attractive prices, and IP surveillance-related products are much more diverse: it is now easier to meet client's specific needs with the wide range of IP cameras available. As such, IP technology holds an important place in the surveillance system market. Whether for small, medium or large businesses, for large-scale surveillance projects, or for the installation of a simple surveillance system, IP technology is now accessible to everyone and every budget.
Amanda Kenuam

Technology Tools in a Special Education Classroom - 2 views

    " special education, classroom, SPED, projector, document camera, interactive whiteboard, technology tools"
Nigel Coutts

Learning with the New Science & Technology Curriculum - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    In the final weeks of 2017 a new Science & Technology Curriculum for Kindergarten to Year Six slipped into the schools of New South Wales. What does this new curriculum bring and what does it reveal about the nature of learning as we approach the year 2020?
John Pearce

Education Week: Battle for Whiteboard-Market Supremacy Heats Up - 12 views

    "The battle for supremacy in the K-12 whiteboard market is heating up. Companies are scrambling for new sources of revenue, making strategic moves to reinvent their products in the age of tablet computing, and sizing up their competitors to see what they can do to differentiate themselves from the pack. Who ultimately ends up on top has huge implications for educational technology leaders, who must determine which company is the best fit for their needs, and at a cost their districts can afford in still-difficult budget times. Complicating those decisions are changes in the technological landscape that are raising questions about the long-term educational relevance of interactive whiteboards. Do classrooms really need them in the age of iPads?"
Debbie Nichols

Web Hosting » Educational Technology Tips - 0 views

    Resources for Creating Classroom Website
Jeff Johnson

Teacher Learning of Technology-Enhanced Formative Assessment - 0 views

    TLT is a five-year research project studying how secondary science and mathematics teachers learn to use an electronic "classroom response system" to implement a specific pedagogical approach called Technology-Enhanced Formative Assessment (TEFA).
Danny Nicholson

Links to Interactive Whiteboard Lessons - 0 views

    This page is devoted to the growing collection of lesson plans that utilize Interactive Whiteboards as a technology resource.
Danny Nicholson

SMART Board Lessons - 0 views

    These examples of SmartBoard lessons and activities were developed by some teachers in the Putnam school district. As a recipient of the Technology Professional Development and Technical Assistance grant for 2005-2006, participating Putnam teachers created lessons to be used to integrate technology with the SmartBoard. The development and submission of Successful Practices was one of the criteria for the grant. According to the Connecticut State Department of Education,

Camera de securite montreal Dci Securite Camera de Video Surveillance - 0 views

    DCI Sécurité is present in the world of information technology for over 10 years, so she is constantly aware of the latest technologies. DCI Security is a division of DCI Consultants, which continues to make its mark in the field of computing: computer support service, networking, Internet security, integrated system, etc.. Specialties

Camera de securite montreal in DCI securite - 0 views

    DCI Sécurité is present in the world of information technology for over 10 years, so she is constantly aware of the latest technologies. DCI Security is a division of DCI Consultants, which continues to make its mark in the field of computing.
Ludmilla Smirnova

Lesson plans and resources for your SMART Board - SMART Exchange - Contest - 50 views

    New smarttech Home
    The experience I have found is that Unversity lecturers, preservice students and schools (the majority, not the minority) are struggling to understand how to use technologies such as whiteboards in an effective manner. The typical response for change in institutions is to push the technology not the pedagogy. Also, not sure of the percentage of casual teachers, high I believe, is that they go from school to school, where some have smartboards, some promethean and other various models. Where does the education for technology start? In the schools, the universities, the student? or the manufacture who puts out promotional material on the web, hoping this will transfuse into the teachers time poor memory of lesson plans.
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