These examples of SmartBoard lessons and activities were developed by some teachers in the Putnam school district. As a recipient of the Technology Professional Development and Technical Assistance grant for 2005-2006, participating Putnam teachers created lessons to be used to integrate technology with the SmartBoard. The development and submission of Successful Practices was one of the criteria for the grant. According to the Connecticut State Department of Education,
Headway elt books have been helping English language learners for decades. Now, they have joined the 21st century with Headway iTools for smartboards to compliment your lessons.
A SmartBoard mini-movie is a simple (most involve only a click of the mouse), interactive animation that teachers can download and add to their galleries. From there, the movies can be inserted into their SMART Notebook presentations. Each mini-movie is a dynamic Flash file, similar to the same files that are already included in SMART Notebook's resources.