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    Top 10 Big #eLearning eNews for #backtoschool 2012 : GlogsterEDU , EdFuture, CLASS2GO , Stanford University, Google Course Builder , GTA , Google Teachers Accademy, Wiziq Academic , TedEd , TreeHouse, Dell , Dell Social Inovation , StudyHall .Follow . If you enjoy reading add comments , share and rt
Cara Whitehead

Summer Program - 1 views

    VocabularySpellingCity has a new summer word study program that allows children to sharpen academic skills as they play. These simple assignments are a daily workout for the brain, building literacy skills such as vocabulary, spelling, and writing.
Paul Beaufait

Why Should I Learn More about Social Media? - OLC - 1 views

    This OLC Institute post suggested three purposes and provided numerous examples of social media implementation and integration that may serve to "support learning in online courses" (2016.05.17, ¶3, ff.), namely: 1. Amplifying the physical and psychological engagement of learners (Engagement using social media); 2. Providing instruction to "enhance learning outcomes" (Instruction involving social media); and 3. Facilitating access to, and increasing availability of academic, career, and other "support services" (Student support using social media). Reference Online Learning Consortium [OLC] Institute for Professional Development. (2016.05.17). Why Should I Learn More about Social Media? [weblog post].
Paul Beaufait

Reflective Writing | UNSW Current Students - 0 views

    This is one a series of short UNSW Academic Support pages defining and exemplifying reflective writing: What is reflective writing? How do I write reflectively? Examples of reflective writing
Alexandre Enkerli

Preface | EDUCAUSE - 0 views

    The elephant in the room is the question: If a 300-year-old institution like Encyclopedia Brittanica can be threatened in five years by Wikipedia, can other aggregators of expertise (aka colleges and universities) be similarly challenged? Similarly, if knowledge and talent are now globally understood to be the sine qua non of the Information Age, then can colleges and universities lever their communities, reputations, credentials, and presence globally? And, finally, how does the new channel cut by information technology change scholarship? Does the existence or accessibility of new tools, instruments, and resources change academic practice, and how do changes-or constancies-get socialized?
Allison Kipta

TCRecord: Engaging Parents Beyond the Parent Conference by Using a Shared "Parent Journal" - 0 views

    This article details the use of an assessment tool entitled, the parent journal. The parent journal is a response to a reading writing exercise in which the students respond in school then bring the journal home for their parents to either respond to the student's writing or craft their own response to the topic. I would then respond to each of the journals, creating a circle of communication. Over the four years the parent journal has been in place, parents have been much more involved with their child's education and subsequently almost all of the students' academic performances dramatically increased.
Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Directory of open access journals - 1 views

    This service covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. We aim to cover all subjects and languages. There are now 4010 journals in the directory. Currently 1437 journals are searchable at article level. As of today 268547 articles are included in the DOAJ service.
doris molero

From Knowledgable to Knowledge-able: Learning in New Media Environments | Academic Commons - 0 views

    1. Michael Wesch, "A Vision of Students Today (and what Teachers Must Do)," Encyclopedia Britannica blog, Oct. 21, 2008, [return to text]
Alexandre Enkerli - 2 views

  • glitterati
  • Silicon Valley
  • World Economic Forum
  • ...69 more annotations...
  • emotional resonance
  • we all know and value
  • looked good
  • aspired to
  • countries without comprehensive electrical grids
  • soured
  • underperformed
  • 50 percent of staff were being laid off and a major restructuring was under way
  • the project seems nearly dead in the water
  • And that may be great news for children in the developing world.
  • Innovate
  • Negroponte and other techno-luminati
  • lobbied national governments and international agencies
  • technology optimists
  • take control of their education
  • There's no question that improving education in the developing world is necessary.
  • trending dramatically upward
  • school attendance
  • highly respected center
  • they don't seem to be learning much
  • international science exam
  • powerful argument
  • the goal is improving education for children in the developing world, there are plenty of better, and cheaper, alternatives.
  • instinctive appeal
  • precious little evidence
  • circumstantial evidence
  • The OLPC concept has been pioneered in a number of school districts in the United States over the last decade
  • the technology didn't work any better than a normal classroom teacher
  • the teachers simply weren't using the computers
  • few experimental studies to show a positive impact from the use of computers
  • substituting computers for teachers
  • supplement
  • Negroponte has explicitly derided
  • It must be said
  • academic
  • teachers limited access to the computers
  • had not been adequately trained
  • not silver bullets
  • surveys of students
  • parents rolling their eyes
  • evaluation of an OLPC project in Haiti
  • Repeated calls and e-mails to OLPC and Negroponte seeking comment on OLPC did not receive a response
  • ironic
  • a leader in
  • the Third World
  • cheap
  • proven successful
  • etting children in developing countries into school and helping them learn more while they are there
  • There are
  • deworming
  • technology-based approaches to improving student learning in the developing world
  • show more promise than one laptop per child
  • the J-PAL co-founder
  • Remedial education
  • A study in Kenya
  • expensive
  • quarter of the cost
  • cheaper
  • it didn't matter
  • co-founder of J-PA
  • $2 per month
  • $3 per month
  • $2.20
  • 30 percent increase in lifetime earnings
  • $4 per student per year
  • 50 cents per child per year
  • tens of millions of dollars
  • children
  • children
1 - 9 of 9
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