PDF.js viewer - 0 views
TodaysMeet - 0 views
QR Code Periodic Table with Symbols | Flickr - Photo Sharing! - 0 views
QR Code Periodic Table linking each symbol with a video file. Very cool videos are well done.
What an awesome way to introduce or re-ignite excitement about the periodic table! I can certainly see students using this in the classroom. Also, how motivating to be able to use their cellphone or tablet!!
Framework for 21st Century Learning - The Partnership for 21st Century Skills - 1 views
Good resource for 21st century teachers. Gives information about 21st century learning, and an idea of student outcomes and support systems.
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This article gives the necessary framework for 21st century teaching.
This article gives the necessary framework for 21st century teaching.
What are 21st century skills? - 0 views
The 21st century skills are a set of abilities that students need to develop in order to succeed in the information age. The Partnership for 21st Century Skills lists three types: These skills have always been important for students, though they are particularly important in our information-based economy.
Supporting English Language Learners - Benchmark Education Storefront - 0 views
This module explores ways to address the specific needs of ELL students and how to scaffold their language and literacy development. You will examine observable behaviors that indicate students' progression through stages of language acquisition. English-language learners are students who have acquired their primary listening and speaking skills in a language other than English.
OER's - 0 views
Mind Mapping Software - Create Mind Maps online - 4 views
This website is a good tool for teachers to map student's ideas within the classroom. Teachers can model the use of this website and have their students use it as well.
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Mindmeister is a great resource for students! Graphic organizers are a powerful tool to help organize thinking. Mindmeister's ability to bring collaboration into the mix just makes it better, as well as being able to present. Works on multiple types of devices too, so good for everyone!
I really like this software! When I think of Social Bookmarking I want to use it to help me find different tools that will benefit me in my classroom. I can think of a time where I am going to want a nice mind mapping software that you can collaborate with, and I know I will be able to come and look at this resource. I agree that this software could be used very effectively, especially because it does have the collaboration tool. I believe this tool could be used both for the teacher and also the student. I could see how easily I could use this website in my life, both when trying to explain things and also in group work. I am aware of different concept maps you can create online, but I believe this one looks user friendly and I would like to explore it even more!
5 pros and cons of social media in the classroom - 0 views
I just actually thought this was a short pretty interesting read, it gives you both sides of the story
I thought this was a useful resource for the introduction of using social media in the classroom being straight forward with the pros and cons. I think this resource would be useful if it were linked with a website that explained how to combat the cons that are pointed out in this article. For example, how can we take the cyber bullying issue and turn it into a learning opportunity in the classroom. I believe this resource should be used to help teachers decide if they want to utilize social media in the classroom. I am aware of multiple resources that point out the pros and cons in social media.
This was very short, sweet and to the point. It got the points across fairly simply. It would be a good link for an RWLD or something along those lines. A great supplemental read that doesn't take too long to get through and understand.
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