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Sarah Rixon

PKM and Reflection: Types of reflective writing - 1 views

    "Type Description Descriptive writing Not reflective. Description of events that occurred/report of literature. No attempt to provide reasons/justification for events. Descriptive reflection Reflective, not only a description of events but some attempt to provide reason/justification for events or actions but in a reportive or descriptive way. For example, "I chose this problem-solving activity because I believe that students should be active rather than passive learners". Recognition of alternate viewpoints in the research and literature which are reported. For example, Tyler (1949), because of the assumptions on which his approach rest suggests that the curriculum process should begin with objectives. Yinger (1979), on the other hand argues that the "task" is the starting point. Two forms: Reflection based generally on one perspective/factor as rationale. Reflection is based on the recognition of multiple factors and perspectives Dialogic reflection Demonstrates a "stepping back" from the events/actions leading to a different level of mulling about, discourse with self and exploring the experience, events, and actions using qualities of judgements and possible alternatives for explaining and hypothesising. Such reflection is analytics or/and integrative of factors and perspectives and may recognise inconsistencies in attempting to provide rationales and critique, for example. While I planned to use mainly written text materials I became aware very quickly that a number of students did not respond to these. Thinking about this now there may have been several reasons for this. A number of students, while reasonably proficient in English, even though they had been NESB learners, may still have lacked some confidence in handling the level of language in the text. Alternatively, a number of students may have been visual and tactile learners. In any case I found that I had to employ more concrete activities in my teaching. Critical reflection Demonstrates an aware
Aspen Forgan

Reflections on Teaching, Learning, and Technology: APPsolutely Amazing Apps for K-3 - 3 views

    I have been following this teachers blog for the last week and a half as part of my PLN. Her most recent post, which contains a presentation she will be conducting includes a HUGE amount of apps for every imaginable topic- behaviour management, English, creativity etc etc
    Sorry for my ignorance but how do you follow her blog? I am interested in the apps, good find.

Three Applications of Cognitive Science | Pragmatic Education - 0 views

    English teacher linking research findings from Cognitive Science to his teaching practice.


    My initial ideas for Assignment 2 - Year 10 English Unit Plan

One More Activity | alanasmith79 - 2 views

    This blog I am writing is a direct activity I must do towards my marks for my ICT course. I am to share with everyone here and on Diigo my initial ideas for my unit plan for my grade 6 English clas...

How I use twitter in my classroom UPDATE 2 « levdavidovic - 1 views

    A history/English teacher talking about how he uses Twitter in his classes.

Flipping Blooms Taxonomy | Powerful Learning Practice - 1 views

    A teacher talks about how she starts teaching a range of topics (english, science, etc) with creativity (the top of Blooms) and then works backwards.
miss smith

ESOL Ninja Resource for ESL teachers - 2 views

The ESOL Ninja is a certified teacher from the USA who has been teaching in an urban school district for 12 years. She is certified to teach social studies (7-12), reading (1-12) and English Speake...

teachers education resources edc3100 sharing ESL P-12

started by miss smith on 07 Aug 14 no follow-up yet
Kate McDonald

QR Treasure Hunt - 5 views

    A nice little resource ... Could use in either English or Ancient History. I think that it would work better for Ancient History though in terms of content.

From the Classroom: Teachers Integrating Technology (Part 1) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice - 5 views

    Observation of secondary English teacher lesson in which ICT are being used.

Theresa L Christensen | TLC - Technology, Literacy, Collaboration - 2 views

    English teacher big on the integration of ICTs and especially class blogs.

The Technium: Chosen, Inevitable, and Contingent - 0 views

  • until these contingencies harden into technological necessities and become nearly unchangeable in future generations. There’s an old story that is basically true: Ordinary Roman carts were constructed to match the width of Imperial Roman war chariots because it was easier to follow the ruts in the road left by the war chariots. The chariots were sized to accommodate the width of two large war horses, which translates into our English measurement as a width of 4′ 8.5″. Roads throughout the vast Roman empire were built to this spec. When the legions of Rome marched into Britain, they constructed long distance imperial roads 4′ 8.5″ wide. When the English started building tramways, they used the same width so the same horse carriages could be used. And when they started building railways with horseless carriages, naturally the rails were 4′ 8.5″ wide. Imported laborers from the British Isles built the first railways in the Americas using the same tools and jigs they were used to. Fast forward to the US Space shuttle, which is built in parts around the country and assembled in Florida. Because the two large solid fuel rocket engines on the side of the launch Shuttle were sent by railroad from Utah, and that line transversed a tunnel not much wider than the standard track, the rockets themselves could not be much wider than 4′ 8.5.”
  • “So, a major Space Shuttle design feature of what is arguably the world’s most advanced transportation system was determined over two thousand years ago by the width of two horses’ arse.” More or less, this is how technology constrains itself over time.
  • In addition to the primary drive of preordained development (force #1), and in addition to the escapable influences of technological history (force #2), there is society’s collective free will in shaping the technium (force #3).
    Long post and not directly related to ICT and Pedagogy, but somewhat related. The highlighted section outlines one - often unseen - way in which the "way things are done" limit what can be done in the future.
Shari Kath

The Australian Curriculum - 1 views

    ACARA's implementation of the Australian Curriculum will enable students an equal and enriching education throughout the nation. As a future educator and studying for the past 4 years education, it is enlightening to know that in the near future, Australia as a nation will have one type of education for all states. The Australian Curriculum will enable teachers to travel throughout Australia, be able to provide students with a consistent learning experience, and will endeavor to advance and push students in a positive direction. I am all for the Australian Curriculum and am excited to know that this is the way that education is heading. The equality of the Australian Curriculum not only for educators as well as students, but for parents, knowing that their children will benefit from equal learning opportunities. The Learning Areas for the Australian Curriculum currently include: English, Mathematics, Science and History. General capabilities, a key dimension of the Australian Curriculum, are addressed explicitly in the content of the learning areas. They play a significant role in realising the goals set out in the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (MCEETYA 2008) - that all young people in Australia should be supported to become successful learners, confident and creative individuals, and active and informed citizens. The Australian Curriculum includes seven general capabilities: Literacy Numeracy Information and communication technology (ICT) capability Critical and creative thinking Personal and social capability Ethical understanding Intercultural understanding. Accordingly, the Australian Curriculum must be both relevant to the lives of students and address the contempor
Kim Halter

Teaching Teachers for the Future - 6 views

    This is a great website that I found, it is primarily set up for Pre-Service Teachers to help them build their ICTE (Information, Communication and Technology in Education) capabilities. It even has little packages that you can log into the site with your Scootle account and look at practical hints and tips on integrating ICTs into your lessons in English, History, Maths and Science. Easy to use and quite informative. Has a lot of information about TPACK too :) the packages come in three areas, early childhood, upper primary/lower secondary and years 9/10. There is even reflective video clips from Pre-Service Teachers that have used these packages.
Tami Grl

Stick Man - Teaching Ideas and Resources - 0 views

    Classroom ideas for the book: Stick Man by Julie Donaldson
Lisa Virtue

Top 10 Websites - ESL Resources - ESL Program: English as a Second Language - 1 views

    Top 10 websites/resources for ESL learners

Salinger - Imgur - 4 views

    Images of type-written letter from JD Salinger - the author of "The Catcher in the Rye" - explaining why he thinks the novel cannot be made into a movie.

Evolving English: One Language, Many Voices :: Map your voice - about - 8 views

    A project that gathered audio of people speaking one of two texts. The audio has been combined with a Google map to show the location of the voice. You can traverse the map, select a voice and listen to it. Shows how ICTs can be used to gather and store information. And then be used to manipulate it (to present a map interface) to allow distribution.
Phiona Mitchell

Spelling & Vocabulary Website: SpellingCity - 4 views

    the site automates the study of word lists for spelling and vocabulary. You can enter any list and provides the sentences and definitions for the 20 different learning activities, including a WordSeach, HangMouse (think hangman), WordUnScramble, SpellingTest, VocabularyTest, WhichWord, MatchIt, Alphabetize, SpeedySpeller, Word-O-Rama, digital and printable flashcards, and more. Many teachers also use the site as a way to generate printables, since all of the games can also be delivered as printable worksheets
    This site is really handy for help with children's spelling homework. Each week when my children get different spelling words I simply type in each word to create a list and the kids can choose from a number of different games to help them learn their words. Phiona
    This site was used during my last practical experience. The teacher would create the different spelling lists and during spelling groups the students would have a chance to work on there lists at different days of the week. A very handy resources.
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