Mr Robbo - The P.E Geek | Bridging the gap between Physical Education & ICT…Y... - 8 views
djplaner on 14 Mar 13One for the HPE folk. A Victorian PE teacher who labels himself "The PE Geek".
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anonymous on 28 Mar 14He does discuss other reasons why ICTs should be used in classes, but unfortunately doesn't give enough practical examples. The gamification he talks about most specifically is a dance game on the wii. Now of course the students are taking part in a game, but their bodies are moving just like they would be if they were dancing without the use of the game, so it is definitely physical. Using these types of games in your teaching shouldn't outweigh the the students taking part in physical activity or sports and training, but it should supplement it. I think using ICTs in HPE will help to improve motivation and interest in students who are uninterested in sport, which is a big focus that teachers face, particularly with junior high school girls. Using these games to get them interested is better than forcing them to take part in an activity where they aren't going to put in much effort anyway. ICTs are also immensely beneficial to students studying PE in senior, as a lot more of the focus is on technique and improvement, so using videos to view performance and receive feedback is great for these students. Especially the apps and programs you can get nowadays that let you pause and rewind video, play in slow motion, and draw on the screen (to check if your body is creating the right angles in the movement etc). In primary they wouldn't be so concerned with technique improvement like this, but ICTs can be used to expose students to sports that they wouldn't normally see or experience. Primary students could research and create their own games and sports using the internet and computers. (It is harder for me to think about the primary context, because I haven't had much to do with it). I am sure there are many ways ICTs can be incorporated in the Primary HPE setting, you just need to think outside the box.
anonymous on 28 Mar 14Oops, I think I got PE Geek confused with a PE blog I was reading recently. After looking at the actual link, this PE geek offers so much more! It is actually great, the apps he talks about are great for primary and secondary.