What is Universal Design and How Can it be Implemented? - 0 views
mrs parry on 29 Apr 13"Equitable Use, seeks to maximise the usefulness of design for everyone, identical whenever possible and equivalent when not, so that it avoids segregating or stigmatising any users. Flexibility in Use , values design that accommodates a wide range of individual preferences and abilities. Simple and Intuitive Use, seeks to create ease of understanding for users, regardless of their experience, knowledge and language. Perceptible Information, seeks to ensure that design allows information to be communicated effectively to the user, regardless of ambient conditions or the userÕs sensory abilities. Tolerance for Error, seeks to minimise hazards and the negative consequences of accidental or unintended actions. Low Physical Effort, seeks to ensure that interaction with the environment can occur efficiently and comfortably and with minimal fatigue. Size and Space for Approach and Use, seeks to maximise approach, reach and manipulation capabilities of users irrespective of their size, posture and mobility."