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Cécile Christodoulou

Coyote Up avec assistant vocal pour une conduite plus sûre - - 0 views

    "Avec Coyote Up, équipé d'un assistant vocal, le conducteur interagit directement avec le boîtier par la voix. Cela permet de signaler des accidents et autres risques par la voix en prononçant la formule « Hey Coyote ». Coyote Up propose ainsi un assistant vocal développé en interne par la société mère plutôt que de faire appel à un assistant externe."
Cécile Christodoulou

Inside Amazon's plan for Alexa to run your entire life - 0 views

    "The creator of the famous voice assistant dreams of a world where Alexa is everywhere, anticipating your every need." "The crux of the plan is for the voice assistant to move from passive to proactive interactions. Rather than wait for and respond to requests, Alexa will anticipate what the user might want. The idea is to turn Alexa into an omnipresent companion that actively shapes and orchestrates your life. This will require Alexa to get to know you better than ever before." "From a technical perspective, all this would be an incredible achievement. " "From a consumer's perspective, however, these changes also have critical privacy implications. " "Prasad's vision effectively assumes Alexa will follow you everywhere, know a fair bit about what you're up to at any given moment, and be the primary interface for how you coordinate your life. At a baseline, this requires hoovering up enormous amounts of intimate details about your life. Some worry that Amazon will ultimately go far beyond that baseline by using your data to advertise and market to you. "This is ultimately about monetizing the daily lives of individuals and groups of people," says Jeffrey Chester, the executive director of the Center for Digital Democracy, a consumer privacy advocacy organization based in Washington, DC."
Veronique Routin

Enter the voice : un documentaire dans les coulisses de la Voice Tech Française - 0 views

    reportage sur des acteurs de la voice tech en France : vivoka, allomedia, voxygen et snips. Conclusion : écosystème à construire et surtout des usages à trouver !
Cécile Christodoulou

Netflix se lance à son tour dans le podcast de fiction - 0 views

    "C'est une tendance dans l'écosystème de l'audio-parlé : plusieurs distributeurs et hébergeurs spécialisés dévoilent leur ambition de devenir le « Netflix du podcast » . Mais que se passe-t-il quand Netflix, ainsi érigé en modèle, se lance lui-même sur ce format ?"
Cécile Christodoulou

Siri, Alexa et Google Home piratés au laser - 0 views

    "Pirater un assistant vocal par la lumière. C'est ce qu'ont réussi à faire des chercheurs japonais et de l'université du Michigan. Depuis sept mois, ils sont parvenus à lancer des commandes à distance sur des assistants Alexa, Siri et Google Home grâce à des faisceaux lumineux et laser. Le diaphragme des micros serait à la fois sensible au son et aux stimulations lumineuses."
Veronique Routin

Does your kid think your smart speaker is just another family member? - 0 views

    L'assistant vocal est-il considéré comme un membre de la famille? Plusieurs recherches sont conduites pour étudier les relations entre les enfants et les assistants vocaux.
Cécile Christodoulou

Voice assistant technology is in danger of trying to be too human - 0 views

    "Rather than consistently embracing humanness, we can accept that there may be fundamental limits, both technological and philosophical, to the types of interactions we can and want to have with machines. We should be inspired by human conversations rather than using them as a perceived gold standard for interaction. For instance, looking at these systems as performers rather than human-like conversationalists, may be one way to help to create more engaging and expressive interfaces. Incorporating specific elements of conversation may be necessary for some contexts, but we need to think about whether human-like conversational interaction is necessary, rather than using it as a default design goal." "Making systems that do not have the ability to converse like a human sound human may do far more harm than good."
Cécile Christodoulou

IA et handicap, la déclaration d'indépendance - 0 views

    "Quels sont les différents moyens d'utiliser des neuroprothèses pour aider la prise en charge des patients souffrant de handicaps ? Où en est la recherche en matières d'essais cliniques sur ce type d'interfaces cerveau machine ? En quoi sont faits les implants cérébraux utilisés ?"
Cécile Christodoulou

Des assistants vocaux dans les classes d'écoles françaises | Agence 90 - 1 views

    > décryptage de l'appel d'offre de l'Education Nationale, concernant la conception, la création et la fourniture d'un assistant vocal pour enseigner l'anglais aux élèves du primaire.
Cécile Christodoulou

Alexa Adds Multilingual Mode for Bilingual Homes - - 1 views

    "Multilingual mode is aimed specifically at bilingual homes where two languages are frequently used at the same time. Until now, Alexa could only understand and speak one language at a time, and switching to another language requires adjusting the settings in the Alexa app. In multilingual mode, Alexa can respond to a question in the language it is asked. The setting comes in pairs based on country. For now, it is limited to English and Spanish in the U.S., English and French in Canada, and English and Hindi in India. More languages are currently in the works, according to Amazon."
Cécile Christodoulou

Mon boss est un algorithme - 0 views

    "Julie est micro travailleuse et elle a entraîné Cortana, l'assistant vocal de Microsoft. Nassim lui, était livreur pour Deliveroo et son temps de travail était décidé par un algorithme. Deux histoires de micro travailleurs précaires qui posent d'importants problèmes éthiques."
Cécile Christodoulou

You can tell Alexa to pay your bills (if you're in India) - 0 views

    "Amazon Pay users in India can now ask Alexa to pay their utility, internet, mobile and TV bills, according to TechCrunch. Indian Amazon Pay users can take advantage of the cross-platform functionality with any Alexa-enabled device, not just first-party devices like the company's Echo smart speakers. This means even headphones with Alexa built-in support the functionality."
Cécile Christodoulou

Google chief: I'd disclose smart speakers before guests enter my home - BBC News - 0 views

    "After being challenged as to whether homeowners should tell guests smart devices - such as a Google Nest speaker or Amazon Echo display - are in use before they enter the building, he concludes that the answer is indeed yes."
Cécile Christodoulou

Alexa and Google Home devices leveraged to phish and eavesdrop on users, again | ZDNet - 0 views

    "Hackers can abuse Amazon Alexa and Google Home smart assistants to eavesdrop on user conversations without users' knowledge, or trick users into handing over sensitive information."
Cécile Christodoulou

Tiny AI models could supercharge autocorrect and voice assistants on your phone - 2 views

    "In the past year, natural language models have become dramatically better at the expense of getting dramatically bigger. [...] In response, many researchers are focused on shrinking the size of existing models without losing their capabilities. [...] In addition to improving access to state-of-the-art AI, tiny models will help bring the latest AI advancements to consumer devices. They avoid the need to send consumer data to the cloud, which improves both speed and privacy. For natural-language models specifically, more powerful text prediction and language generation could improve myriad applications like autocomplete on your phone and voice assistants like Alexa and Google Assistant."
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