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Cécile Christodoulou

The rise of the ubiquitous voice assistant - 0 views

    "-Smart speakers are not broadly useful-most users only use them for a few things-music, timers, alarms, and, in some cases, home automation scenarios. - Voice-only situations are limiting in cases where a visual or hybrid mode is required - media, entertainment, shopping, etc. - Engagement levels with third-party skills are very low (skills offer limited functionality and skills syntax is hard to remember). "I'm sorry, I don't know that" and other Alexa failures are no longer entertaining, but rather frustrating. Even Amazon acknowledges this [,news-28072.html] - Smart speakers are NOT ubiquitous-the speaker on my kitchen counter is not in my car nor in my office!" "Apps - do we need to reinvent the wheel?" "Most people already have their banking, communications, social networking, navigation, travel and payment apps in their smartphones. They already know how to use them (simple). They already know which ones to use for what purpose-Slack for work, WhatsApp for friends, Messenger for family (user choice). They've already registered and set them up and they provide control over what information goes where-for instance, their portfolio may be in their banking app, their contacts are on the phone. They know which app sees what data (privacy). They also trust apps to protect them and their data. Imagine a voice assistant platform that just allows users to use the apps they already use-on-the-go - anytime, anywhere-with simple voice commands, without having to register these service relationships again, and without waiting for the developers to have to reinvent the wheel to plug into the platform. We must embrace mobile app actions as first-class citizens. We should be able to do things in our mobile apps with simple voice commands. We must provide user choice and personalize user experience without registration and without compromising privacy and trust."
Cécile Christodoulou

BBC Blogs - About the BBC - BBC podcasts on third-party apps - 0 views

    > la BBC ne met plus ses podcasts à disposition des services google podcast ou google assistant "You might have also seen that our podcasts are no longer available on certain Google products - including the Google Podcast app and Google assistant. I want to explain a little bit about why that has happened. Last year, Google launched its own podcast app for Android users - they've also said they will launch a browser version for computers soon. Google has since begun to direct people who search for a BBC podcast into its own podcast service, rather than BBC Sounds or other third party services, which reduces people's choice - an approach that the BBC is not comfortable with and has consistently expressed strong concerns about. We asked them to exclude the BBC from this specific feature but they have refused. As a public service, we want our content and services to be available to as many people as possible and we make these available for free on a range of third-party apps. But as the BBC, funded by the licence fee payers in the UK, we have to ensure it is done in a way that is good for all audiences, according to our Distribution Policy - which has been agreed with Ofcom." "We also want to make our programmes and services as good as they can possibly be - this means us getting hold of meaningful audience data. This helps us do a number of things; make more types of programmes we know people like, make our services even more personalised and relevant to people using them, and equally importantly, identify gaps in our commissioning to ensure we're making something for all audiences. Unfortunately, given the way the Google podcast service operates, we can't do any of the above."
Veronique Routin

Amazon sends Alexa developers on quest for 'holy grail of voice science' | VentureBeat - 0 views

  • Amazon VP David Limp refers to Conversations as a great next step forward. “It has been sort of the holy grail of voice science, which is how can you make a conversation string together when you didn’t actually programmatically think about it end-to-end. […] I think a year or two ago I would have said we didn’t see a way out of that tunnel, but now I think the science is showing us that [although] it will take us years to get more and more conversational, […] this breakthrough is very big for us, tip of the iceberg,” Limp said.
  • At the event, Cheyer talked about how voice will define the next decade of computing and the importance of bridging first-party AI assistant services with a third-party voice app ecosystem. “I don’t want to have to remember what a car assistant can do, the TV system do, the Alexa versus Cortana versus … too much. I want one assistant on every device to access every service without any differentiation between what’s core and what’s third-party,” Cheyer said.
  • Pancholi shared with developers that potential next steps for Alexa Conversations scenarios may include collections of skills to help people watch content at home, get food delivered, or buy a gift.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • help plan a weekend
  • night out experience is now getting you to order a cab
  • Conversations is designed to stitch together the voice ecosystem for engagement increases for skills and Alexa alike.
  • cross skilled
  • Batches of custom skills for the home could, for example, walk kids through multi-step routines, do chores, and help countdown to important dates.
  • Hunches, which suggests event reminders and smart home actions, and Alexa Guard for detecting the sound of broken glass or smoke alarm
  • Conversations could someday also become part of Amazon’s voice assistant for the workplace
  • Because of the nature of how voice apps work often without a screen, packaging skills means some skills may inevitably be left out or won’t be ranked.
  • Amazon’s skills recommendation engine that responds when you say things like “Alexa, get me a ride,” recommends voice apps based on measurements like engagement levels, which Amazon started paying developers for in 2017.
  • Conversations will incorporate skill quality measurements like user ratings, engagement levels Factors like regional significance, whether a skill works on a smart display, and personal information may also decide which skills appear during Alexa Conversations interactions.
    La graal de la voix selon Amazon : avoir une conversation sans y avoir pensé en terme de programmation de bout en bout. Un film- the night out scenario présenté lors de cette rencontre montre une conversation fluide avec alexa pour commander et réserver plusieurs choses : une place de cinéma, un diner et un taxi. L'objectif est de faire accomplir par l'assistant vocal des taches complexes incorporant plusieurs "skills" et permettant de réduire le nombre d'itérations pour faire des tâches comme réserver une place de cinéma ou commander à manger. La voix définira les contours de la technologie des 10 prochaines années. Je veux utiliser le même assistant sur tous les supports (devices) et non par support : l'assistant de la voiture, l'assistant de la télé,...
Cécile Christodoulou

Spotify tests an in-app 'create podcast' button - The Verge - 0 views

    "Spotify wants as many podcasts on its platform as possible, and it's now testing a new button within its app that'll encourage people to create one. " usage / podcast
Cécile Christodoulou

#4 - Un assistant vocal à la maison : une bonne idée ? (Joseph Dureau, CTO Sn... - 1 views

    Passionnant décryptage du CTO de Snips... depuis Siri à aujourd'hui... décryptage de la technologie autour des assistants vocaux, cas d'usages, fantasmes... Interface vocale, la technologie existe depuis 30 ans (médecins, call center...), "interface" remplacée par "assistant" (promesse de l'IA) + promesse d'un dialogue naturel... Limites : la voix ne sert pas à tout, besoin d'un écran quand on a une recherche plus précise à faire... ex: est-ce à l'usager de s'adapter à l'interface ? = > formulation de l'intention... Briques techniques d'un assistant vocal : - banc de micros (détection de la source, triangulation pour mieux capter la source de son) - wakeword pour réveiller l'assistant (machine learning = écoute le signal en permanence mais entre en écoute active à partir du "wakeword", la reconnaissance vocale est alors lancée qui a pour objectif de transcrire ce que l'utilisateur a dit) - NLU : natural language understanding prend le texte en entrée ("la météo demain à Bordeaux ?") et sort un objet structuré : intention : météo, quand : demain soir, où : bordeaux même fonctionnement qu'un chatbot - Logique d'action (comment réagir à la demande de l'utilisateur ?) :ce sont les développeurs qui travaillent cette dernière partie + synthèse vocale pour donner la réponse Snips travaille les étapes "wakeword" + "NLU" logique d'action (cf. modèle app store) avec 16000 développeurs + synthèse vocale : sous-traitance secteurs : bureau, habitat, véhicule, industrie Privacy / snips : le son ne sort pas du "salon" - sortie prévue fin 2019 petit réseau de neurones pour le "wakeword" tourne en embarqué pour toutes les solutions (amazon, google...)... mais il y a un taux d'erreur (de une fois par heure à une fois par jour)... donc
Cécile Christodoulou

US Smart Speaker Adoption Trends with Jeff McMahon, Jason Fields and Ava Mutchler - Voi... - 0 views

    "This episode is all about U.S. smart speaker adoption data and trends and what it tells us about the future of voice assistant use worldwide. Jeff McMahon (CEO Voicify), Jason Fields (Chief Strategy Officer Voicify), and Ava Mutchler (Voicebot) join host Bret Kinsella discussing data from the recent 2019 U.S. Smart Speaker Consumer Adoption Report. Topics include the smart speaker rate of adoption, killer app use cases, device market share, changes from 2018, and voice app discovery challenges and solutions. "
Cécile Christodoulou

Avec ses « skills », Amazon veut créer l'App Store des assistants vocaux - 0 views

    Des app aux skills... les modèles économiques en jeu... quelles rémunérations pour les développeurs dans ce nouvel écosystème d'interfaces vocales ?
Cécile Christodoulou

Marketing Through Smart Speakers? Brands Don't Need to Be Asked Twice - 0 views

    "Danielle Reubenstein, executive creative director in the mobile division of the ad agency Possible, said she had been urging brands to view smart speakers as a way to connect with people rather than as a means to sell products - at least for now." "These are still early days for marketing on voice devices. Ms. Reubenstein compared it to when brands began making apps for mobile devices. But over time, she said, voice interactions will begin to replace many of the activities that people are conducting on screens."
Cécile Christodoulou

Inside the hype and reality of Alexa, Siri and the voice assistant 'revolution' - Recode - 0 views

    "While people are certainly enthusiastic about the new technology, it's not exactly life-changing yet." [...] "There's always been a tendency to force the 'old' onto the 'new' when it comes to emerging technology platforms - the first ads on television, for example, were essentially radio ads, read out loud," Until we find the app, use-case or invention that could only be possible using voice, we're still just repurposing online content for your ears."
Cécile Christodoulou

Voice assistants like Alexa and Siri struggle to understand people with speech disabili... - 0 views

    "Some companies are already working to develop more individualized software. Voiceitt, a startup, is currently beta-testing a speech-recognition app that translates nonstandard speech to standard speech in real time using a closed dictionary. "
Cécile Christodoulou

Can emotion-regulating tech translate across cultures? | Aeon Essays - 0 views

    Every answer from a conversational agent is a sign that algorithms are becoming a tool of soft power, a method for inculcating particular cultural values. While conversational AI agents can reiterate stereotypes and clichés about how emotions should be treated, mood-management apps go a step further - making sure we internalise those clichés and steer ourselves upon them. The upbringing of conversational agents invariably turns into the upbringing of users. It's impossible to predict what AI might do to our feelings. Interacting with and via machines has already changed the way that humans relate to one another.
Cécile Christodoulou

Google Live Transcribe could be helpful for the deaf or hard of hearing - The Verge - 0 views

    "Live Transcribe is an app that automatically transcribes speech in near-real time, allowing people to communicate in situations where they might not otherwise be able to."
Cécile Christodoulou

How Voice Assistants Could Change the Way We Shop - 0 views

    "There are a few fundamental reasons why voice shopping has huge potential.[...] - It's faster. We can speak faster than we can type, so using voice is typically quicker than any other modality. For example, in 2018, Virgin Trains in the UK launched an Alexa skill that lets customers book train tickets through Alexa. It takes the average booking time down from 7 minutes online to 2 minutes via voice. The potential to save time is always something that appeals to customers. - It's frictionless. No matter how user-friendly you make your website or app, no matter how much you work on your conversion rate, you're always battling the inherent friction that's built into the device itself. [...] [but] there are challenges for retailers, including: - Data ownership. If you choose to use one of the top two platforms, Alexa or Google Assistant, then they'll ultimately have visibility into all of your skill or action activity, including what your users are asking for and buying. That's pretty compelling competitive intelligence. - Commission. For a truly seamless experience, you'll need to use a native payment service, like Amazon Pay or Google Pay. For that, there's a charge. - Competition. Amazon's aim is to be the place where you can buy anything online. That means that, whether or not you compete with Amazon today, you might tomorrow. Second, there are challenges for consumers, including: - Difficulty browsing. Although we can speak faster than we can type, it's quicker to scan a list of search results than it is to listen to those results read back audibly. This means that general browsing, a common product research behavior, is a challenge on voice. - Difficulty discovering possibilities. Discovering voice applications is a challenge. So finding out what shopping facilities exist on voice and understanding how to access them can be a challenge for some. - Cognitive load. There's also a cognitive load placed on the user in order to access a t

ShirkaLAB | Agence spécialisée dans les assistants vocaux - 1 views

    "Nous élaborons des applications vocales pour des enceintes intelligentes Notre agence vous conseille, développe et vous accompagne sur les étapes de création de vos applications vocales sur Google Home / Google assistant (Actions on Google) & Alexa (Skills). "

Les assistants vocaux et l'IA veulent vous aider à draguer | korii. - 1 views

    Une start up développe une app de rencontre basée sur une interface vocale : on répond à des questions sur nos gouts avec la voix, on peut raconter son premier date à l'app, et celle-ci donne des conseils.
Cécile Christodoulou

Alexa Adds Multilingual Mode for Bilingual Homes - - 1 views

    "Multilingual mode is aimed specifically at bilingual homes where two languages are frequently used at the same time. Until now, Alexa could only understand and speak one language at a time, and switching to another language requires adjusting the settings in the Alexa app. In multilingual mode, Alexa can respond to a question in the language it is asked. The setting comes in pairs based on country. For now, it is limited to English and Spanish in the U.S., English and French in Canada, and English and Hindi in India. More languages are currently in the works, according to Amazon."

Listnr - L'objet connecté qui vous écoute - Le Blog Domotique - 1 views

    Un dispositif relié à une app qui récolte des sons, les analyse et applique des actions : par ex. claquer des doigts pour allumer la lumière, afficher des lumières colorées différentes pour les différentes émotions des pleurs de bébés (fonction babyphone).
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