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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Miki Wolfe

Miki Wolfe

How does the Internet affect social capital? - 1 views

shared by Miki Wolfe on 02 Nov 11 - No Cached
    **written before the rise of the SNSs -social capital can be seen as both social contact and civil engagement (113) *both of which can and do occur on SNSs -Putnam argues there is a general decline in American social capital (evidenced by less social activity, less family dinners, etc.) However he is only looking at one specific form of social capital, and the online environment has supplemented if not supplanted some of these areas (Putnam v Fischer debate) *in the past five years, social networks have sprung up that have strengthened ties in communities, and allowed those separated by geography to remain close -has urbanity killed the social vibrant pastoral communities of yore? No... just need to change the criteria a bit to account for the numerous ways people communicate nowdays -with industrialization came the age of the individual (114) -"community-multiplying nature of the Internet" (117) -people seek out others with common interests to share ideas *social capital is strengthened *need to be careful the social networks are not self-perpetuating, or they can become unhealthy
Miki Wolfe

Social networks and Internet connectivity effects - 0 views

    -"what patterns of connectivity emerge among group members because of the ties they maintain and the media they use" (127)
Miki Wolfe

The strength of weak ties: A network theory revisited (PDF) - 0 views

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Miki Wolfe

The Internet and Social Life - 1 views

    **written before the rise of the SNSs -"It has been hailed by two U.S. presidents as the ultimate weapon in the battle against totalitarianism and tyranny, and credited by Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan with creating a "new economy." (574) *foreshadowing the Arab Spring w/ Twitter... and SNSs participation of the overthrow of govts -quote by Manasian on p 574 (the Internet will change every aspect of our lives...) -digital divide is a concern, and it only gets worse -"Several scholars have contended that Internet communication is an impoverished and sterile form of social exchange compared to traditional face-to-face interactions, and will therefore produce negative outcomes (loneliness and depression) for its users as well as weaken neighborhood and community ties" (575) -"Others believe that the Internet affords a new and different avenue of social interaction that enables groups and relationships to form that otherwise would not be able to, thereby increasing and enhancing social connectivity" (575) -"First, each new technological advance in communications of the past 200 years-the telegraph, telephone, radio, motion pictures, television, and most recently the Internet-was met with concerns about its potential to weaken community ties" (Katz et al. 2001, p. 406) (576) *there are always concerns about the decline of the community, which are never fully realized
    -"CMC (computer-mediated communication): viewed by some as an impoverished communication experience, with the reduction of available social cues resulting in a greater sense or feeling of anonymity *SNSs reduce the anonymity by creating online communities, and giving people cues by which to negotiate and validate truths and options
Miki Wolfe

Inbound Marketing for Social Media (Infographic) - 0 views

    -inbound media creates dialogue *facilitated by social media, the perfect place for two-way conversations between products and consumers -inbound marketing focuses on earning a person's attention *has to be consumer oriented or directed, can't be done blindly or scattershot -earning vs pushing *finding vs seeking *marketer seeks to educate/entertain vs marketer pushes product blindly -inbound marketing uses social media and content marketing (eBooks, podcasts, blogs) -when done right, the viral potential of the marketing campaign can be substantial, which increases SEO and hits, which improves ranking *plus inbound marketing is cheaper!
Miki Wolfe


    -"in local contexts, the internet holds the potential to grow strong communities of place which are rich in social capital." *social networks mimic neighborhoods in real life. A sense of community can be fostered online, by strengthening latent ties in the community. These latent ties, elevated into weak ties, can be sustained over distances, whereas a physical location relies mostly on geography -"Community could be defined as a collective problem-solving, resource-sharing, interactive and distinct segment of a communicative ecology or society." (31) *does the online environment contribute to the depersonalization of society? Or does it create new, closer connected communities of people with similar interests and goals? (People in neighborhoods may be united by geography, but that's all.) -"The ability to combine face-to-face interaction and local activism with the individuality and flexibility of the online environment is a key advantage of community networks" (34) *proximity is helpful,but so are shared interests. Combine both and the potential is unlimited -"The developer's attention has to shift from mere access to information to use of information. Otherwise these projects regularly result in sophisticated technical products, yet without a social concept it is unlikely that the community will accept them: 'If you build it, they will not necessarily come' (35) *especially key in areas of social media, where navigation of media is as important as a viable site
    - table on p 36: System vs Community designs. -goal is ultimately to increase social capital both online and offline, and take ties in the online community to better growth in offline community -digital divide serves to reinforce already existing gaps, and further weakens the community
Miki Wolfe

Analyzing the Factors Influencing the Successful Design and Uptake of Interactive Syste... - 0 views

shared by Miki Wolfe on 22 Oct 11 - No Cached
    -"An interdisciplinary approach that brings together views and expertise from sociology, urban studies, interaction design, and related disciplines will assist with efforts to facilitate urban neighborhood community building, social inclusion, public consultation and debate, fair access to local information and services, urban sustainability, and healthier local economies." (66) *this interdisciplinary approach can work for libraries too! -""portfolio of sociability"" (67) *collection of virtual tools that help to establish and maintain connections (both close, weak and latent) -"The Internet has not substituted but supplemented off-line interaction with online interaction...the Internet as well as mobile communication devices such as mobile phones, laptops, and personal digital assistants (PDA) allow people to maintain social ties in different ways by taking advantage of new features." (67) *people use these devices to strengthen already existing ties, not create new ones, mostly -"Wellman argues that, while people become more accustomed with the features these tools offer, the nature of the social ties that people establish and maintain changes from "door-to-door" and "place-to-place" relationships to "person-to-person" and "role-to-role" relationships. He creates a holistic theoretical framework that builds on the dual nature in the interplay between community and the individual. He describes the emerging qualities of this behavior as networked individualism." (67) *as location becomes less important, networks become more important. People are less attracted to that which is in their geographical area, and more inclined to seek out like-minded people in similar areas of interest
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    *How to create social spaces that enhance people's physical ties to a community? How to create an online space that translates seamlessly into a physical location? What can be created across social networks that highlights the desirability of the public library? (Maybe each SNS needs its own area to shine.. i.e. FB for chat/community; Twitter for link/event sharing; Flickr for photos, etc)
    -"The act of reappropriation (e.g., from the professional use of a pager to the social use of SMS) implies that there are opportunities to design and develop purpose-built systems from the ground up, which, instead of merely trying to make ends meet, take the unique requirements into account of the social- and place-based context in which they are used. (67) *tech can be re-purposed to market and develop community ties *people used to have to deal with geographical restrictions, and created social networks from geography, not interest or desire. This led, for some people, to an atrophying of interests, due to lack of community. SNSs allow people to find other people with shared interests, and develop them. Libraries can assist in shared communities over SNSs by providing links and resources to a variety of information. -"Place and proximity continue to matter in every socioeconomic context, because there are no Internet applications that can completely substitute real-time, co-located, face-to-face interaction" (68) *engage them online, bring them into the library proper *neighborhood ties still matter, but now they are place-independent. While proximity matters for some interactions, the majority of social ties can be maintained independently of physical location
    -In the absence of a common enemy, a shared purpose or a pre-existing village-like atmosphere, are there other reasons and motivations for social encounters to occur and for the formation of residential networks in urban neighborhoods? (72) *the idea of urban tribes, still loosely held together by geography but now also united by common interest (people can find each other in large cities) -"The findings of these sociological studies provide essential insights for a new design methodology that can guide the successful development of interactive systems and devices that can stimulate local interaction and animate urban neighborhoods." (73) *bring people to libraries! (even if they just visit online at an eBranch) *in order to be effective, people must participate in the design and implementation of the project. They have to have a voice. *no more one-way channels of broadcasting, there has to be communication and an exchange of ideas between institution and people in order to foster that sense of community *where the author talks about the size, growth and critical mass of the perceived system, he is talking about FB (refers to it as an "urban tribe incubator")
Miki Wolfe


    -although the FB site exists based on real-world information, the author of this paper states FB creates a "hyper-real" environment where both positive and negative elements are accentuated to an hyper-real extent -"To aid in this "perpetual connectivity," "Facebook" is now a pervasive verb, and the site that was formerly a mirror of "actuality" is now an outlet for virtuality-requiring active user participation." (3) *does FB change how we connect, or do we mold FB to our uses? (this paper focuses on teens) -ideas of semiotics and FB are tantalizing *how to signal profile and commonality among groups *veracity too
Miki Wolfe

Boundaries to the Articulation of Possible Selves Through Social Networking Sites: The ... - 0 views

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Miki Wolfe

Faces of Facebookers - 0 views

    -SNSs change the meaning and perception of popularity *popular people maintain/increase popularity while less-popular have a chance to create new identities -perception of attractiveness still matters re profile pic and albums *libraries need to be conscious of brand and marketing. Create a unified brand which is easily recognizable across the SNSs. *visual aspects of the profile are just as key as content. In a world dominated by SNSs, appearance matters -SNSs have also changed people's method and expectations of communication
Miki Wolfe

A Familiar Face(book): Profile Elements as Signals in an Online Social Network - 2 views

    -profile elements vs social influence: what types of info matter? -verifiable info vs facetious profile information -"Walther's Social Information Processing theory posits that online users compensate for the lack of traditional cues in online environments by looking towards other kinds of cues, such as spelling ability" (436) -online profiles contain many signals, but the viewer has to understand them in order for them to function properly *there's also the converse risk of having an inadvertent signal on the profile *there are clues that are meant, and those that are revealed by accident, and those that are subtle have more value to many people -"Signaling theory: the type of information that can be placed in profiles...profile elements act as signals that may prove something about the identity of the user. These signals can be manipulated by senders to communicate personal qualities, or interpreted by receivers to make judgments about the characteristics of other users" (436) *how do we tell about ourselves to others... and how does a library signal info about itself to not only its patrons but its viewers outside the geographical area -"common ground theory: the motivation of filling out profiles, which is to establish common frames of reference that enhance mutual understanding" (436) *libraries need to identify the needs of their primary users, and reflect these in the profile -"Transaction cost theory: certain profile elements may facilitate the production of shared referents" (436)
    -due to the social connections of the SNS, the info in profiles can be verified or not, in many cases easily *libraries cannot ever afford to be caught out in a falsehood! -some of the pieces of the profile are not relevant for libraries, or can be whimsical on the page (likes, etc.) Now with the additional of pages, many of these elements are not even present -size of network/friends may help subtly verify other elements to viewers of a profile -generic vs specific knowledge presented in order to garner common ground with viewers of a profile (437) -through the transaction cost theory, finding common ground can reduce social networking time
Miki Wolfe

Social Media Strategy Tool - Vocus - 0 views

    create a social media strategy via a website by answering questions
Miki Wolfe

Facebook by the Numbers [INFOGRAPHIC] - 0 views

    same as infographic posted above, basically -56% of Americans think its irresponsible to friend your boss 83% of women are ignored by their FB friends -avg user spends 7 hrs 46 min/month on FB -FB links about sex are shared 90% more than average -Top liked pages: FB, Eminem, Texas Hold-em Poker, Rihanna, YouTube -Top non-Internet liked brands: Coke, Oreos, Disney, MTV, Starbucks -is FB skewed more Dem? Obama has 23 million likes, nearest Repub (Sarah Palin) has 3.1 m likes
Miki Wolfe

What are Mobile Marketing Opt-Ins and Why Are They Important? - 0 views

    -Opt-in marketing is permission marketing (ways for users to monitor and control spam) *gives people a sense of control over social media! *permissions/subscription access on FB, for example *simple, easy and user-friendly (requires a one-click only) *marketing is marketing, however its defined -opt-ins give privileged access to consumers *(can create a channel for feedback and reward) -" with digital permission marketing, you can have your cake and eat it too. Just as consumers communicate with each other via social and mobile media, so should brands and consumers"
Miki Wolfe

6 Ways to Measure Your Social Media Results - 1 views

    -1. Strategy: measure objectives and potential for insight *Google Analytics *know what your organization has and needs before making social media plans -2. Define success: metrics or goal to achieve *what is a successful campaign/media effort? -3. Identify resources, training and potential obstacles *who can help? What might impede progress? How can these things be avoided/surmounted? -4. Identify tools based on these needs *what exists to help with this? -PR is not a transaction but a relationship. *SMNs help people connect with each other. SMNs can also help brands connect with potential users. -people act and share differently on various social media (FB vs Twitter vs other platforms)
Miki Wolfe

Differences in the Mechanics of Information Diffusion Across Topics: Idioms, Political ... - 0 views

    -stickiness vs persistence: "the probability of adoption based on one or more exposures vs the relative extent to which repeated exposures to a hashtag continue to have significant marginal effects" -"complex contagion": a principle from sociology, which posits that repeated exposures to an idea are particularly crucial when the idea is in some way controversial/contentious" -how does information spread? And why do some info streams allow the dissemination of info more easily than others? -political/controversial hashtags have more stickiness -Twitter created idioms either stick or die out quickly *even if they stick, they wither with time and exposure unless they enter into the popular lexicon, crossing the barrier
Miki Wolfe

Want to be Retweeted? Large Scale Analytics on Factors Impacting Retweet in Twitter Ne... - 1 views

    -part of the social concept of Twitter is the re-tweeting, or reposting of others' tweets *this is how information spreads, or knowledge becomes viral (information diffusion) *displayed as: RT @ username "copied message" -56.7% of retweets have URLs in them while only 19.0% of regular tweets have URLs. *example of info diffusion.. content creation spreads across a network, creates links -retweets on a large scale take not just content but context *not just what you tweet, but who you tweet it to (followers) -"findings suggest that microblogging can be tailored to facilitate informal communication between colleagues in organizations" *libraries can tweet info to patrons? links, database promotions, etc -real-time concept of Twitter disseminates info faster (but... more accurately?) *much of Twitter is personal sharing/overshare? -URLs and hashtags help retweetability, as does age of account and number of followers/ees, but number of tweets does not affect potential for retweeting *libraries can establish accounts, and not worry about constant tweeting to get retweeted
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