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Rudy Godoy

Seth's Blog: Getting serious about your meeting problem - 0 views

    Do you have one? Some folks are going to eight hours of meeting a day. At Ford, they used to have meetings to prepare for meetings, just to be sure everyone had their story straight. If you're serious about solving...
Rudy Godoy

Can Business Be Crowdsourced? 135 Real-World Examples - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

    !Estos son los clientes de equipoa!
Rudy Godoy

Sun Microsystems CEO Jonathan Schwartz on What's Next for Open Source - 0 views

  • By building on open source, we're able to avoid proprietary storage and networking products, alongside proprietary software.
  • Second, we announced the API's and file formats for Sun's Cloud will all be open, delivered under a Creative Commons License.
Rudy Godoy

A Cure for Task Estimation ObsessionJust Don't Do It - 0 views

  • For those teams that are new to Scrum, I do not recommend eliminating task estimates until you have established a stable velocity.
  • Once you have a stable velocity, however, you can use the concepts of story points and velocity to eliminate the need for task estimates in sprint planning. The time you used to spend estimating tasks can then be used more wisely to create working software.
    The way of task estimation is changing. Hour is no longer a metric.
Rudy Godoy

Behaviorally Speaking: Product versus Project - 0 views

  • We created many iterations with absolutely no room for error and no slack time at all. CM in this case focused on the short project needs because the risk of our competition beating us was far greater than the risk of failing to take a longer term "product" view. In the end - we beat our competition to the market.
  • There were a number of times in which we discovered that the fix did not work as expected and we saved valuable time by rejecting the release earlier in the process. I had effectively partnered with the business representative and started getting a decidedly stronger "product" view while still helping us to meet our project deadlines.
  • You need to be well aware of both views and make the right choices from a business perspective.
    CM driver development process can take two routes, which is better for one is the issue Bob elaborates on.
Rudy Godoy

Apple's Explosive iPhone Update - - 0 views

  • The key is the device's ability to become whatever a user needs. Typically, the more a gizmo does, the worse it gets at each separate job. Less is always more. The iPhone, however, is arguably better at everything it does, because it does so much. Start with the App store, which is now packed with more than 25,000 applications. Now add the ability to sell subscriptions that regularly deliver fresh content, additional levels for games or new content, all announced Tuesday. Suddenly an iPhone app can be a digital bookstore, or a digital newspaper, or a game that doles out fresh content by the slice. More is more.
  • Apple will now let developers turn the iPhone into a control panel for practically any piece of electronics you can plug it into. That will allow users to, say, pair the phone with a set of speakers to turn the screen into a digital equalizer.
Rudy Godoy

How to Change the World: ARSE: The Asshole Rating Self Exam - 0 views

    Pretty great rules for a company's work environment!
    Que les parece si aplicamos estas reglas?
Rudy Godoy

Maldito el que sabe - 0 views

  • El que sabe mucho de algo cree, por lo general, que el otro lo va a comprender mucho más fácilmente de lo que en realidad ocurre.
    • Rudy Godoy
      Creo que esto tiene que ver con el hecho de que uno está inmerso en sus actividades y, por lo tanto, su entorno cercano también. Cuando uno sale fuera del entorno e intenta comunicar sus conocimientos es donde se produce este hecho, en la mayoría de casos.
  • Cuando usted tiene una idea o un mensaje que comunicar, debe reconocer que su dominio del tema puede ser la mayor dificultad para comunicarse.
    • Rudy Godoy
      Hay que estar claros en que nuestro dominio del tema hace nuestro diálogo complejo, que solo es entendido por nuestros pares.
  • Piense en su audiencia. Aproveche a un lego en la materia para ver si se le entiende, antes de mandarse con todo.
    • Rudy Godoy
      Este es un buen consejo para saber enfrentar a una audiencia diversa.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Aquí se aplica lo que los psicólogos recomiendan a los padres para hablar con sus hijos sobre el sexo: explique lo necesario y asegúrese de estar entendiendo bien lo que su hijo quiere saber.
    • Rudy Godoy
      Lo importante en este caso es lo segundo: asegurarse de que uno entiende bien qué desea saber la otra persona. Me ha pasado con clientes en conversaciones. Por eso suelo preguntar antes que todo: cual es el problema o situación que se desea enfrentar o resolver.
    Buen artículo de Gabriel Ortiz de Zevallos acerca de comunicar lo que sabemos a audiencias diversas.
    Consejos para saber comunicar de manera sencilla lo que uno sabe.
Rudy Godoy

Ni ciencia, ni exacta. - 0 views

  • Por más experiencia que uno tenga, por más mediciones que uno haga, finalmente quien decide si comprar nuestro preciado producto es un ser humano y éste como parte de la naturaleza, cambia constantemente. Cambia frente al producto, frente a la coyuntura y por su puesto frente a los embates de nuestra competencia.
  • Despertemos ! El ama de casa ya no es nuestra madre, es nuestra esposa. Es la esposa del vecino, la de tu portero. Eres tú que estás leyendo el blog desde tu Black Berry minutos antes de dejar boquiabiertos a unos inversionistas. Es la Carmelina del comercial de Telefónica que está dispuesta a romper el mercado Holandés a punta de blue jeans bordados con flores.
    buen articulo acerca de estereotipos que ocasionanque veamos las cosas de una manera determinada.
Rudy Godoy

Wolfram Alpha: 'A new paradigm for using computers and the web' - 0 views

  • Wolfram and his team have built what he calls a “computational knowledge engine” for the Web. OK, so what does that really mean? Basically it means that you can ask it factual questions and it computes answers for you.
  • It doesn’t simply return documents that (might) contain the answers, like Google does, and it isn’t just a giant database of knowledge, like the Wikipedia. It doesn’t simply parse natural language and then use that to retrieve documents, like Powerset, for example.
  • Instead, it understands and then computes answers to certain kinds of questions.
    A scientist is launching a search engine which implements a new paradigm on knowledge searching on the web. This potentially can radically change the way we interact with the web and look for content.
Rudy Godoy

IBM research: In search of smaller, faster, cheaper memories - 0 views

    a team of IBM researchers who are working to build new kinds of memories. Ones that are smaller, faster, cheaper to build, and that use less power.
Rudy Godoy

Building a 100-year company - 0 views

  • 2. Relevance. The company must continue to innovate its solutions to the problems it solves to make the market continue to want them
  • Creating a company structure that is flexible enough to adapt with the environment is essential to longevity.
  • 4. Respect. For the industry, for its competitors, for its employees and for its customers.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • If you want your customers to be satisfied, first satisfy your employees.
  • Mark Zuckerberg knew the new Facebook was for the best, and in time, his customers came to realise that too.
  • 8. Be willing to apologise.
  • The best company on the other hand, sets its own agenda, its own goals and its own milestones to march to. March to your own metrics and be the best at what you do. Don’t compare yourself to others and be second-best.
  • 10. Persistence. It’s so easy to give up all the time. Every moment, it’s easier to just throw in the towel and say, “this is too hard, I don’t want to do this anymore” rather than stand your ground and say, “this is hard as hell, but what the heck, I’m here now - I’m going to keep giving it a shot”. That takes guts. Standing in the face of every adversity that comes your way and making your way through it, proud of all your actions, and then, whatever the outcomes, being willing to toil on - that’s what it takes.
    Pretty great advices for people willing to build long-standing companies!
Rudy Godoy

Turning Visitors into Users | Think Vitamin - 0 views

  • to turn visitors into users your homepage needs to make them feel the way they will feel when they use your service - happy, satisfied, excited. And this kind of trust begins with how the information is presented on your site
  • The page design and content offering is based on simplicity. The product claims to be easy and the page is, in fact, easy to consume and digest. This inspires trust.
  • using big design statements to direct your users to a call for action is key for converting visitors to users
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • “Based on this view, the home page is secondary to the permalinks. The home page should show me permalinks I’ve recently visited, recommendations based on those, and so forth. It should provide history and continuity of experience.”
    Lean este artículo para tener un poco más claro lo que debemos mostrar en la página principal de equipoa.
Rudy Godoy

Lo negativo también vende - 0 views

  • Ahora, hay tambien un atajo que merece ser evaluado y consiste en aceptar nuestro problema y convertirlo en el punto de partida para construir una gran beneficio diferencial.
  • Si esa desventaja que tiene nuestro producto esta bien instalada en la cabeza de los consumidores, hay algo de positivo en ello.  Nos tienen presentes y nos diferencian claramente por este mismo “problema”.  El reto está en encontrar la relación entre la desventaja y el efecto positivo que ésta podría tener en nuestras vidas.
  • A veces uno se desespera tratando de borrar una percepción negativa, cuando quizás la solución esta justamente en aprovechar el problema, y lo mejor de todo es que nadie se lo espera.
    No siempre lo negativo es un punto en contra. Ricardo demuestra como aprovechar esto para volverlo un punto a favor.
Rudy Godoy

電脳フィギュア - Dennoh Figure ARis - 0 views

    Geisha Tokyo Entertainment AR doll
Rudy Godoy

Max Levchin Is Bored With Silicon Valley Startups - 0 views

  • there are too many copy-cats constrained by Web 2.0 conventions: status updating, comments, friend lists, fans, gradient icons, and feeds.
  • Geisha Tokyo Entertainment makes something called Dennoh Figure ARis or Cyber Figure Alice. Max described it as an "augmented reality doll." It's a Web cam that's built into a doll. You hook it to your computer and software adds animation to the video.
    Interesting new innovations, specially the AR one! :)
Rudy Godoy

Top Predictions | - 0 views

  • 1. There will be an increased focus on infrastructures—such as social networks and wikis—to support building strong relationships and collaboration.
  • 2. The structure of work will become more adaptive, more informal and less focused on formal structure and static design solutions.
  • 3. (tie) "Agile" organizations will have survived rampant aggregation and consolidation, and all organizations will be developing greater agility.
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • There will be greater demands on HR professionals to be businesspeople, with competencies in finding and retaining talent and in managing contract and freelance workers.
  • Organizations will have the ability to personalize the employee value proposition, helping employees find value in the work they do based on how they interact with the company. Some employees will be full time and long term. Others will be short term and part time.
  • using networks such as LinkedIn to establish trust and research people’s backgrounds—will increase workplace flexibility
  • 4. (tie) Companies will find their best people anywhere in the world, so successful workers will be willing to work outside their home country.
  • The concept of offshoring will cease to exist. Talent will exist globally and companies will go where the talent is.
  • 8. The hunt for inexpensive labor will continue, but the evolution of economies from low cost to high value will be quicker, and increasingly, a low-cost labor strategy will be more difficult to sustain.
  • 2. Millennials will redefine work, doing work at home and taking home to work. This means blurring the boundaries of life and work. More workforce mobility will allow people to work from home and at different hours.
  • 4. As the generation born around 1980 takes its place leading major global organizations, the formative events in those workers’ lives—such as aging parents, the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, and the 2008 financial crisis—will lead to greater C-suite emphasis on corporate social and environmental responsibility.
  • Training and development may be tied to some contractual time commitment on the part of the worker.
  • 8. For nations such as India, where a large number of young employees are entering the workforce, there will need to be a major shift to address their needs and concerns.
  • Talented people, willing to work very hard, will flourish in most organizational settings.
  • 1. Recruitment and development will increasingly be seen as part of an integrated workforce-supply optimization process. Both will become virtual, global and just-in-time, but they will also be transformed through an increasing emphasis on optimization, differentiation and return on investment.
  • 2. There will be a continued and increased demand for top talent. The gap between the best and the rest will be greater. There will be more demand for creativity, innovation and thought leadership.
  • 3. Employers will compete as intensively for workers as they do for customers. Branding an organization as a place for workers will be as important as branding for consumers.
  • 4. Firms will become adept at sourcing and engaging transient talent around short-term needs, and will focus considerable energy on the long-term retention of smaller core talent groups.
  • 6. There will be a significant problem of retirement in the West. With people living longer and fewer people in the workforce, retirement will have to be redefined.
  • 7. (tie) More focus will be placed on searching for people who match companies, not just people who have the skills that companies need.
  • 2. HR issues will be measured much more as part of the business plan.
  • 3. Talent management will become the prime focus of HR.
  • 5. (tie) A "decision science" approach will be the foundation of human resources. HR will view talent in a supply-chain fashion and help the business understand workforce trends to make sound decisions.
    Workforce HR predictions on the new structure of work at organizations. Changes will also be influenced by society and the role of the organizations will be to become more agile.
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