Underbrain Industrie - 0 views
Underbrain Industries pulls up it's big boy pants and goes to work.... Hey Netriends!!! I am gradding in December and starting my Masters junk... I am also turning up the heat on my consulting b...
tools, standards, platforms for cobbling together your own social network - focus on interop, coopt, feature expansion
Underbrain Industries pulls up it's big boy pants and goes to work.... Hey Netriends!!! I am gradding in December and starting my Masters junk... I am also turning up the heat on my consulting b...
Underbrain Industries pulls up it's big boy pants and goes to work.... Hey Netriends!!! I am gradding in December and starting my Masters junk... I am also turning up the heat on my consulting b...
I didn't follow the Common Tag saga, though from the outside it seems a standards effort by small players without the support of the major ones (delicious for example) which is pretty much doomed f...
the tool should not require me to stand on my head to think.. but that may be a temporary solution, time to experiment with multiple personality disorder, I fear I may enjoy it too much
repetition, reverb, you can set up 'remind me' or 'read later' with time options to have an item pop back into your 'real time' feed
ability to subscribe to a tag - perhaps a lower class form of group (bent's extensional vs intentional?) is automatically formed when >1 person sub'd to a tag
aside from the obvious feeding one group into another, the ability to specify two groups to be merged where the merge takes each post and tags it with the name of the group it was from
long sought after at twine, the ability to feed one group into another, and to create a group from a static saved search, or feed a dynamic saved search (rss feed of new results on that search) int...
if posting to a group, multiple groups are possible in one posting, and clusters of groups can be defined, both as logical groupings and as equivalencies - those marked as equivalencies are mined b...
I've discovered I must be able to inspect the current state of something I am bookmarking (who what where when etc) as I am bookmarking it
Some verbs I like in this context: share, track, filter, structure, organize, map, list, recommend, create, innovate, learn, debate, decide, choose, motivate, contribute, help, collaborate, open. ...
I do like hilighting to show, but would like to be seeing only my and my colleagues hilighting within the context I am navigating to that page from, likely with toggles for 'all comments' 'all high...
friend lists, should have public and private friend listings possible (you may have one category for the other party to see and another for your own internal organization, filtering, trust, attent...
forking / splitting and Perspectives come into this as well
boy diigo is pissing me off crashing firefox, have switched to chrome - long posts cause issues and then I lose them (auto save people!!!) anyhow. /rant
The predominant model of systems to date has been to analyse your domain, model it, implement it in a rdbms then code access to it (forms on tables). Simplistic but largely true. RDF triplestores...
if a post is made to a group that is a sub-group of another post is promoted based on settings (if setting is 'ask' then system will ask on posting whether to promote) this adds 'enable post promot...