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7 Steps to Securing Your Point-of-Sale System | PCMag - 0 views

  • Consider how the Target store hack in 2014 was one of the biggest point-of-sale (POS) system data breaches in United States history that exposed more than 70 million customer records to hackers, and cost the retailer's CEO and CIO their jobs. It was later revealed that the attack could have been avoided if Target had just implemented the auto-eradication feature within its FireEye anti-malware system.
  • the reality is that most POS attacks can be avoided.
  • be sure your company has a virtual private
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  • network (VPN) in place to safeguard data that's traveling back and forth on your company's
  • network.
  • Most of the aforementioned attacks have been the result of malware applications loaded into
  • the POS system's memory.
  • important point to note here is that a second app must be running (in addition to the POS app),
  • This is why iOS has traditionally facilitated fewer attacks. Because iOS is only able to fully run one app at a time, these types of attacks rarely occur on Apple-made devices.
  • otherwise the attack can't occur.
  • Companies such as Verifone offer software that's designed to guarantee your customer's data is
  • never exposed to hackers.
  • These tools encrypt credit card information the second it's received on the POS device and once again when it's sent to the software's server. This means that the data is never vulnerable, regardless of where hackers might be installing malware.
  • install endpoint protection software on your device.
  • Employees can steal devices with POS software installed on them, or accidentally leave the device at the office or in a store, or lose the device. If devices are lost or stolen, anyone who then accesses the device and the software (especially if you didn't follow rule #2 above) will be able to view and steal customer records.
  • Systems that connect
  • to external networks are more susceptible to attacks from hackers
  • Consider keeping things internal and secure, use a corporate network to handle critical tasks like payment processing.
  • you'll want to comply with the Payment Card
  • Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) across all card readers, networks, routers, servers, online shopping carts, and even paper files. The PCI Security Standards Council suggests companies actively monitor and take inventory of IT assets and business processes in order to
  • detect any vulnerability.
    Even though this article is from 2019 it is still extremely relevant today. POS systems are found in most hospitality outlets and the chances for a security breach are high. I have often thought when I had my credit card to a waiter and they are gone for 10 minutes are they copying the number, is it being added to a database that can then be hacked? The importance of having the proper securities in place, the proper malware and security software is really important. Having had a catering company for 20 years I had to do PCI compliance tests every 6 months and for years I just handed it over to my IT to do the test. He would suggest things to make us safer and since it usually cost money I would shake it off. It wasnt until the credit card processing company i was using had a security breach that I realized how important these PCI rules were. It is something going forward I will always pay attention to!

Big Brother is watching: Chinese city with 2.6m cameras is world's most heavily surveil... - 0 views

  • The city’s surveillance system scans facial features of people on the streets from frames of video footage in real time, creating a virtual map of the face. It can then match this information against scanned faces of suspects in a police database. If there is a match that passes a preset threshold, typically 60% or higher, the system immediately notifies officers. Three days later the police captured the man, who eventually admitted that he was the suspect.
  • With 2.58m cameras covering 15.35 million people – equal to one camera for every six residents – Chongqing has more surveillance cameras than any other city in the world for its population, beating even Beijing, Shanghai and tech hub Shenzhen.
    • kmill139
      In the near future you will be able to find camera anywhere you go
  • Eight of the 10 most surveilled cities in the analysis are in China. London ranked sixth with 627,707 cameras covering 9 million residents and Atlanta, Georgia, came 10th with 7,800 cameras for 501,178 people.
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  • Many crimes committed in a certain area of Chongqing were committed by non-residents, so facial recognition cameras were seen as a way to combat this.
  • But critics warn such widespread surveillance violates internationally guaranteed rights to privacy. To meet international privacy standards enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, both collection and use of biometric data should be limited to people found to be involved in wrongdoing, and not broad populations who have no specific link to crime. Individuals should have the right to know what biometric data the government holds on them. China’s automated facial recognition systems violate those standards.
  • “These systems are being developed and implemented without meaningful privacy protections against state surveillance. The depth, breadth and intrusiveness of the Chinese government’s mass surveillance on its citizens may be unprecedented in modern history.”
  • Cities elsewhere may not be too far behind China’s mass surveillance.
  • media access control address of users’ smartphone devices, a request sent when a device is searching for a wifi connection, to track their travel journeys precisely. It was only after the media raised awareness of the project that TfL widely informed its passengers.
  • “With the rise of things like facial recognition, that is why we need new legislation that decides what is in the public’s interest and the legal structure within which they can be used. We shouldn’t drift there by accident.”
  • And part of that is building trust with the community based on good community information, not on Big Brother technology.”
  • Since then, two more Californian cities, Oakland and Berkeley, have also passed bans on all government use of facial recognition technology. Somerville, Massachusetts, passed a similar law this summer.
  • Some people support facial recognition on the basis that technology has always driven change and is a force for good if used responsibly and proportionately.
  • Omanovic argues that live facial recognition fundamentally threatens free societies. “It might start with the monitoring of just a few thousand people but it definitely won’t end there,” says Omanovic. “Authorities need to permanently ban its roll out now before it’s too late.”
  • “Singapore has plans to install 100,000 facial-recognition cameras on lampposts, Chicago police have asked for 30,000 more, and Moscow intends to have 174,000 by the end of this year.”
    Super important and relevant article about how big brother is watching us

What Is Planned Obsolescence? Major Tech Companies Rely On It - 1 views

  • A new regulation in France called the French repairability index requires a variety of tech products to publicize repairability scores, meaning the planned obsolescence behind major tech companies is finally coming to light.
  • This planned obsolescence business model is the foundation of many consumer industries, from fashion (especially in fast fashion) to shaving (ever hear of the razor and blades business model?). But one of its most interesting applications is in technology.
  • France launched the French repairability index. As part of this new program, France is now requiring manufacturers to clearly disclose repairability scores next to prices for five types of products: laptops, lawnmowers, smartphones, TVs, and washing machines.
    • teresastas
      I think this is a mandate that will help consumer's make better choices when it comes to purchasing tech. If something like this were to come to the US it would help consumers make more informed decisions.
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  • According to Apple’s French website, the company gave all varieties of its iPhone 12 a 6 out of 10; its iPhone 11 models all scored either 4.5 or 4.6; and its MacBook Pro computers scored between 5.6 and 7, meaning Apple’s scores top out around a C-. 
    • teresastas
      I am not surprised by these scores at all for Apple their business model is based off of Planned Obsolescence.
  • Microsoft’s website shows its scores for a variety of Surface laptops, which range from 3.7 to 4.1.
  • Samsung products’ scores range from 5.6 to 8.2, as reported by Le Monde. As part of the French repairability index, Samsung actually published a free repair manual for its Samsung Galaxy phone, which should help customers avoid having to pay for a repair or replaceme
  • The new French repairability index forces tech companies to be more transparent about how easy it is to repair their products. With mounting piles of e-waste polluting the Earth, rampant injustice in the cobalt mining industry, and labor law violations in overseas tech factories, forcing tech companies to make products easier to repair (and therefore create less of a demand for more new products to be made) could do a lot of good. 
    • teresastas
      This is an important step in trying to eliminate e-waste but with technology moving and changing the way that it is I don't know if being able to do repairs or updates will make too much of a difference.
    This article addresses the French reparability index which is a relatively new implementation that started in January of 2021, It requires that reparability scores are posted on some major tech products in France in hopes of slowing down planned obsolescence and eliminating tech waste. France is the first country to implement such as mandate and it bringing to light the notion of planned obsolescence to the general public. This article shares some of the major tech brands scores and how they are fairing against their competition.

How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing the Future of Digital Marketing - Business 2 Co... - 0 views

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) can think, read, and react almost like humans when trained with a large enough data set.
    • cingram21
      This provides some insight into artificual intelligence with a primary focus on developments in digital marketing. I especially found this helpful because it discusses analyzing large amounts of data that we as humans cannot make fair and unbiased decisions on. This is similar to the revenue management systems in use today. It also discusses the role fo chatbots in marketing. The article also ends with a few case studies.
  • Menial and redundant tasks like data entry, segregating leads from a marketing campaign, and responding to FAQs by customers can be easily handed over to chatbots and AI.
  • a machine learning model estimating the likelihood that a customer will churn can uncover factors driving churn rates and enable decision-makers to change business strategies and processes.
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  • By analyzing data, AI can easily predict the purchasing behavior and decision-making of target customers, improve user experience, and provide customers with what they really need.
  • AI is unlocking the potential of hyper-personalization through personalized product recommendations, intelligent content recommendations, and customer support suggestions.
  • According to a recent survey, 71% of marketing respondents say that brands do not understand consumer fundamentals. Therefore, 66% of marketers said they want brands to invest more to build customer awareness and relationships.
  • You no longer need to invest your time into menial tasks like responding to repetitive queries or FAQs to market yourself and your business because AI assistants like AmazonEcho can do it for you.
  • From purchase to flight booking, to giving you necessary recommendations and even financial management.
  • Product recommendation utilizes technology to create personalized content recommendations for users, such as people who buy X also buy Y.
  • Machine learning and auto-learning analyze the data of millions of consumers and generate the best time and day of the week to contact users, recommended frequency, and the most intriguing content in the subject and title of the email, which will lead to more clicks of the mail. The A / B test is time-consuming and may have some errors. So, in this sense, AI is your best friend in personalizing each subscriber’s email content.
  • By 2021, 75% of enterprises will use AI for their businesses.

Top Technology Trends Improving Guest Experience in the Post-COVID Era | Hospitality Te... - 0 views

  • from the pandemic’s restrictions, travelers’ needs have also evolved – more and more guests are looking for enhanced experiences to fit their post-pandemic expectations.
  • To meet these traveler expectations and differentiate themselves from the competition, hoteliers need to understand how technology, if implemented in the right way – from smart lighting solutions and building management systems to IAQ sensors and energy management tools – can help enhance the guest experience, as well as positively impact the bottom line.
  • Each year on average, hotels in America spend $2,196 per available room on energy alone. To combat this, hotels need to continue to find ways to help reduce energy consumption and also improve the guest experience.
    The article discusses technology trends improving the guest experience in the post COVID Era. Such technology includes: control offerings in guest rooms, energy management and indoor air quality (IAQ). Hotels need to be willing to adapt to changing needs in the travel industry as it pertains to technology.

Maestro Examines What Independent Hoteliers Want from their PMS' in 2023 | Hospitality ... - 0 views

  • aestro PMS, a provider of cloud and on-premises Web and Mobile property-management systems, is entering the new year with a fresh perspective on what hoteliers want from their mission-critical property systems. Coming off the heels of its Annual User Conference, Maestro team members spoke to customers to gain insight into their wants, needs, likes and dislikes related to training, operations optimization, product features/functionality, deployment flexibility and the role of the PMS to help them maintain close relationships with guests.
    This article discusses the PMS system Maestro who reached out to it's current customers in 2023. They are independent hotels and wanted to gain insight to their wants, needs, likes and dislikes related to training, operations optimization, functionality, deployment flexibility so they can gain close relationships with their customers. They responded back and wanted intuitive software adaptable with flexibly training options; free upgrades to new versions; cloud hosting in "any" cloud for easy accessibility: support of touch and mobile devices to streamline service engagement.

POV: IHG's Recent Data Breach Wasn't Due to a Weak Password | Hospitality Technology - 0 views

  • come to light regarding the recent IHG data breach, one thing becomes clear: employee training to detect suspicious phishing emails must become a priority. Many news outlets have made it seem that a weak password was the cause for the company’s recent security breach, but if the hackers -- TeaPea -- who are claiming responsibility for the breach are to be believed, this really isn’t the case. TeaPea told the BBC that they were only able to gain access to the company’s internal IT network after an employee was tricked into downloading a malicious piece of software via a booby-trapped email attachment.
  • Unfortunately, in an industry where hospitality and customer service is the primary directive, employees are predisposed for being kind and willing to give to much information," says Andy Rogers, Senior Assessor of Schellman, a global cybersecurity assessor. 
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  • or hoteliers, recognizing this as a true weakness and doing what they can to remediate this problem is a necessity
  • MAKE CYBER SECURITY TRAINING A PRIORITYOnce employees are aware of the role they play in protecting the company, they must then receive regular and high-quality training on a variety of phishing attacks
  • remember, an hour long security training session once a year is likely to be highly ineffective. Instead, consider multiple short training sessions regularly.
  • Email systems are too intimate with business applications and are typically installed on the same workstations for convenience," Sackowitz says. "Perhaps, as a safer alternative, it's time to look at sandboxing or bifurcating critical systems over one’s that converge with public delivery. Perimeters are still necessary. Additionally, there are technologies that can block or proxy any outbound URL from email that will minimize risk."
    this article is about a recent data breach. in essence this article provides an outline for how to possibly prevent something this devastating from happening. the general consensus is that training employees is of the utmost importance because there the weak link.

Walmart and Target Have a Big Problem They Don't Want to Fix - TheStreet - 0 views

  • Retailers and restaurants love to push work off on consumers under the guise that it's somehow better for them. It's like when you order a bagel and a cup of coffee at Panera Bread and you get handled, a blank bagel, frozen butter or cream cheese packets, and an empty coffee cup.
  • Letting me customize my coffee in an app as Starbucks (SBUX) - Get Free Report does is customer service. Handing me an empty cup and pointing me toward a carafe with a milk and sugar station is the exact opposite.Self-checkout is the same principle. If Target (TGT) - Get Free Report or Walmart WMT offers a few stations where people in a hurry can opt to check themselves out, that's very different than replacing your cashiers with automated checkout stations. That's not about convenience, it's about saving money.
  • And, yes, self-checkout has increased shoplifting, but it has also gone from being a convenience offered to customers to a cost-saving method for stores. It's automating an area where people do a better job in a lot of ways.
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  • sacrificed a chance to connect with your customers.
  • Human interaction and connection building can't be automated. Some tools may aid in that relationship, but ultimately people matter.
  • Automate the things people can't see and put as many human beings into helping customers and building connections as possible
    This article discusses the controversial self-checkout model in major chain stores such as Target and Walmart and the cause and effect of labor issues and how other scenarios appear to be encouraging a time when this model replaces human checkout entirely. It was reported that Walmart loses 3 billion every year to customer and employee theft. For the most part, retailers have been thinking about self-checkout through a financial-savings and customer-experience perspective. But inherently, that means there's going to be less eyes on a transaction, less human interaction and more opportunity for shrink.

Why Your Business Should Have a Redundant Internet Supply | Upward Broadband - 3 views

  • Each hour without an internet connection, a small or medium-sized business could lose between $8,580 to $74,000.
  • For most businesses, losing internet connection is like losing electricity
  • Businesses get internet redundancy by installing a secondary connection that runs on a different backbone than their primary connection
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  • If there’s an internet outage on the primary connection, the secondary one will kick in to keep your business humming along. 
  • This can happen automatically with a process known as auto-failover – the automatic transfer of the network so no work is lost and no disruptions are made to your business. It can also happen manually with just the switching of a cable
  • One option for redundant networks is fixed wireless internet providers
  • However, the more dependent on the internet your employees are, the more you’ll lose
  • If your employees depend on the internet to get work done, a redundant internet connection could very easily pay for itself after a lengthy outage.
  • Introducing diversity in internet providers is like insuring your company’s online productivity. Internet redundancy and failover can save your business from lost work and the lost revenue that comes with that. 
    This article discusses why we should have a backup internet supply. As it mentions, companies lose lots of money when this happens and if you don't have some sort of backup to get you up and running then it won't be good for you business and you may also lose lots of information that you may have not saved. This really applies to those companies that rely on the internet to do their jobs, which nowadays is most.
    Hello Emily. This is a very informative article on Internet Redundancy. One of the articles I read this week had similar details. However, this one provided more information about possible alternative sources of the internet. It focused on the fixed wireless internet, a broadband internet connection from a point of presence via radio waves. This makes a lot of sense since it does not run on the same wires as cable internet; and as such, it is unlikely that outages on the primary internet service would impact a fixed wireless connection. This is actually a great secondary option that businesses should seriously start looking into.

Global Distribution System [GDS] Market to Rise at CAGR of 4.3% during Forecast Period ... - 0 views

  • The value of global distribution system [GDS] market was clocked at US$ 4.7 Bn in 2021. The global distribution system [GDS] market is estimated to develop at a CAGR of 4.3% during the forecast period, from 2022 to 2031.
  • tremendous saturation of data has been a result of digital revolution in many industries.
  • identifying patterns or trends to optimize business operations, this is anticipated to lead to a rise in the usage of global distribution system (GDS) software across a variety of sectors.
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  • better GDS connectivity with hotels enables real-time access to the hotel's reservation system. In order to expand their clientele, businesses in the hotel industry are heavily spending in marketing initiatives. The use of GDS can assist cut down on marketing expenses. As a result, the incorporation GDS with hotels aids in offering a more affordable option to marketing.
  • Increasing GDS-Hotel connection enables real-time access to the hotel's reservation system.
  • Many industries, including the civil, airline, hotel, and auto rental industries, have benefited from GDS's high operational efficiencies, higher profit margins, and improved customer experience.
  • hold a major global distribution system market share 2022 in the forthcoming years. Europe and North America are anticipated to hold onto their positions during the forecast timeline. Leading providers of GDS are present in the U.S., while SMEs and the travel businesses are present in Europe, which is expected to boost the market in both of these regions.
  • key market players are SiteMinder Distribution Limited TravelSky Technology Limited Kiu System Solutions Amadeus IT Group SA, infini Travel Information, Inc. Sabre Corporation Pegasus GDS
  • Global Distribution System [GDS] Market: Segmentation Component Software/Platform Service Application Aviation Cruise Hotels and Resort Car Rental Others
    To summarize, during the projected period, the hotel and tourist industry is estimated to account for a worldwide distribution system market share. In 2021, the global distribution system [GDS] market is expected to be worth US$ 4.7 billion. During the forecast period, from 2022 to 2031, the global distribution system [GDS] market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.3%.The digital revolution has resulted in tremendous data saturation in many industries, and identifying patterns or trends to optimize business operations is expected to lead to an increase in the use of global distribution system (GDS) software across a variety of sectors, opening up new opportunities.

The Future of Technology in Hospitality is Green | Hospitality Technology - 2 views

  • the fact that millennials (those born roughly between 1982 and 1996), are going to be the largest generation in the country’s history (at 83.1 million).
  • Simple math tells us that the buying power at large is mainly in their hands.
  • According to Forbes, millennials consider social responsibility and environmental friendliness when making their purchases, so brands have to rise to these significant expectations millennials have when it comes to spending their money.
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  • he hospitality industry is also one known for producing exorbitant amounts of waste.
  • In order to make more green, here are some of the tactics within the headlines of late that are being used to keep up with the sustainable practices to woo this generation, and those others to come.
  • Thanks to technology, hotels have been making strides to becoming more environmentally friendly without breaking the bank.
    • Angelica Saez
      It is important to work with different companies to help you establish different ways technology to go green. There are different ways to help the technology to go green for your business.
  • For example, more LED lighting throughout their facilities with sensors can help keep costs down while reducing energy waste.
  • Through the use of an intelligent camera, smart scales and AI-based smart meter technology, Winnow Vision analyses ingredients during food preparation, as well as plates returned to the kitchen, to assess which food items are most wasted and in what quantities.
  • Cruises Also Taking a Stand with Tech
  • the cruise line is implementing technology to help reduce its ecological impact including clean LNG as fuel on its new ships, installing an Advanced Emission Purification system on most of its fleet, making progress with its program to eliminate single-use plastics, and is increasing its number of ships that are zero landfill capable
  • Hotels Continue to Innovate
  • According to the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA) trend survey released earlier this year, supporting sustainable initiatives remains important to the lodging industry as a whole.
  • This tells us that hotels need to continue to innovate and the future of technology in hospitality has to be green, or those brands that do not adopt to these emerging standards face being left behind.
  • it’s hard to ignore the fact that the pace of technology is moving faster than ever before.
  • From the excess food that is thrown out each year, to the overuse of plastics, water and energy – there are many brands in hospitality that are taking the right steps to becoming more sustainable. After all, if they don’t get on the green bandwagon, they risk losing the largest generation of buyers in history.
    • Angelica Saez
      When your business goes green it is good for the environment and your business.
  • InterContinental Hotels Group® (IHG®) announced a partnership with technology company Winnow to help its hotels automatically track, measure and reduce food waste for more sustainable and efficient restaurant and bar operations.
  • The technology group Wärtsilä also announced that it will supply and install an Auto Gasification solution for the ‘Regal Princess’, a Princess Cruises vessel. This technology will enable the safe disposal of waste from the ship through a self-fueling thermal decomposition unit, thereby significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It will also lessen the requirement to offload waste at shore facilities.
  • In the case of the Andaz London Liverpool Street hotel, a project with Quimera Energy Efficiency kicked off in 2016 and within a year 21% of electricity and 27.1% of gas consumption was saved. This translates in 500.000kg of CO2 emissions saved and was achieved using the methodology of Monitor & Save, including the Bopstem technology provided by Wisestate which is an IoT solution for HVAC control and automation, without suffering guest comfort.
  • St. Regis Atlanta integrated green tech into its 10th anniversary redesign (a trend that keeps popping up in headlines), leveraging services from Mode:Green to take advantage of the opportunity and make it a smart building system.
  • Another big announcement made by MSC Cruises shows its commitment to becoming the first major neutral cruise company in 2020. Starting on January 1, 2020, MSC Cruises will buy enough credits from companies that absorb carbon dioxide to offset all of the carbon emissions from its 17 ships throughout the year. MSC said that it is committed to reduce emissions as technology progresses with an ultimate target of zero emissions. The company intends to invest and work with shipyards and research institutes to achieve this goal. 
  • While Carnival Corporation, which holds the tag as the world’s largest leisure travel company, is partnering with leaders from the maritime and engineering industries to pilot the world's first fuel cell system designed to power large passenger vessels.
  • Linen and towel reuse programs are nearly universal among properties, and a majority of hotels across all segments have implemented a water savings program.
  • Consumers have way more transparency when making buying decisions and with the right information at their fingertips at all times, the hospitality industry is not immune to the imperative of creating a quality consumer experience.
  • This builds up a bank of data which in turn informs buying decisions, shapes menus and hones food preparation techniques.
    This article emphasizes how imperative it is for hospitality businesses to stay on the cutting edge of technology as a part of their business design and strategy if they want to survive in today's competitive market and remain in it, in the near future. The author expresses that today's hospitality market is being driven by Millennials' "the largest generation in the country's history" who patronize businesses that are socially and environmentally responsible. Armed with this information to capture their targeted market, more and more hotels are now incorporating from inception within their physical blueprint infrastructure that is environmentally sustainable and cost-effective. As well as obtaining Green certifications and implementing sustainable software to reduce waste and minimize leakages. This concept has also been adopted by cruise ship operators to reduce environmental impact through the use of technology.
  • ...2 more comments...
    The current innovation trends of hospitality prove that this industry is steadily developing with more sustainable tactics.Hotels are implementing more energy saving products to reducing energy waste. Cruise corporations are partnering with industries to find solutions in powering vessels with cell technology rather than emission cruising.
    -As technology advances consumers are being more transparent with their buying decisions. -Buying power lies on millennials who are roughly 83.1 million. -Millenials consider social responsibility and environmental friendliness when making their purchases. -Sustainable practices include censored lighting/temperature. -Cruise ships have installed a purification system to reduce its ecological impact, have decreased the use of single use plastics, and have increased the number of ships that are zero landfill capable. -Linen and towel reuse programs and water savings programs are nearly universal among properties.
    This article introduces the different initiatives that the hospitality industry is taking with regard to technology in order to align with their target market or a large segment of their market. As being perceived, millennials are sought to be the largest generation in the country's history which leads companies to infer that they have a massive amount of buying power in their hands. Hospitality companies are now making strides to become more environmentally conscious. Some of these initiatives is incorporating LED lights throughout the facilities to reduce energy waste and cut down on costs. Another initiative is incorporating new systems in the guest rooms that enhance the stay while keeping it green like systems that adjust temperatures in the rooms, remotely powered shades, etc. Other companies are even using systems as a tool to help track, measure, and reduce food waste for more sustainable and effective restaurant/bar operations. It is no secret that technology is ever-evolving, and it will continue to develop as new features are discovered.
    Article discusses millennials as the largest generation in U.S. history, and the speed at which technology progresses. In addition to paying attention to millennials' purchasing decisions, other industries must also meet their financial expectations. Many brands are taking steps to become more sustainable in the hospitality industry despite its reputation for producing massive amounts of waste.

This is personal: Cybersecurity and the hospitality industry | HLB - 1 views

  • The hospitality industry has been a prime target for cyberattacks in recent years. From ransomware to data breaches, hotel chains and other businesses in the hospitality industry have experienced a variety of attacks
  • First, hospitality businesses deal with large amounts of Personally Identifiable Information (PII), including credit card information and contact details of customers.
  • Second, the hospitality industry relies heavily on technology, creating additional attack surfaces for criminals to exploit. For example, many hotels use electronic key cards that can be easily hacked
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  • Finally, the hospitality industry is often slow to adopt new security measures, leaving it behind the curve in protecting against emerging threats and scams.  
  • One type of attack is known as malware injection. This occurs when malicious software is injected into a hotel's or restaurant's computer system. The malware can then be used to steal customer data or take control of the system
  • Fortunately, there are steps that the hospitality industry can take to protect itself from these types of attacks, including investing in robust cybersecurity solutions, educating employees about cybersecurity risks and best practices, which can help reduce employee mistakes that could lead to an attack, and staying up-to-date on cybersecurity threats and trends
  • To protect themselves, these businesses need to follow GDPR guidelines (General Data Protection Regulation), a set of regulations that European Union member states must implement to protect digital data privacy
  • The most important thing you can do is to use a unique password for each account. This may seem like a lot of work, but it's the only way to ensure that your data is safe
  • This ensures that if an attack does occur, critical information can be recovered quickly. Additionally, it is important to keep software updated with the latest security patches. Many attacks exploit known vulnerabilities, so by staying up-to-date, businesses can make it more difficult for attackers to access their systems
    The article discusses the relevance of cybersecurity for hotels in light of more and more people working from home after the pandemic. Common risks and their safeguards have been described along with a set of best practices that hotels should adopt to prevent breaches.

7 restaurant technology trends to watch in 2022 - 2 views

  • Many restaurants have turned to tech in the last couple of years, even if reluctantly, to adapt to a new reality.
  • 1. Online ordering systems and delivery apps
  • he food delivery market is now worth more than $150 billion globally, which has more than tripled since 2017 largely attributed to the pandemic, according to statistics from McKinsey.
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  • 2. Contactless payment
  • It’s estimated that contactless payments will triple from $2 trillion to $6 trillion worldwide by 2024, and having such options are reportedly extremely important for 34% of customers.
  • 3. Online table reservation system
  • initiative Experiences
  • OpenTable is offering
  • unique culinary events and dining experiences
  • Ramen Nights in celebrity chef Hugh Acheson’s dining room, a ‘side-dish’ of line dancing lessons or a fixed-price tasting menu,
  • 4. Digital kitchen ‘boards’
  • Kitchen Display Systems (KDS) are a digital menu board for kitchen staff
  • Directly linked to the restaurant’s point-of-sale (POS) system, the screen displays orders automatically according to priority and flagging any special dietary requests.
  • racking meal delivery times and monitoring inventory to signal when a product is out of stock,
  • 5. Automated inventory management software
  • tracking food and beverage stocks, anticipating quantities and even scheduling reorders
  • implementation of such software
  • reduce food wastage, which is reportedly costing the hospitality industry $100 billion annually.
  • (AI) technology, companies like Kitro
  • cut food waste and costs
  • platforms like Too Good to Go also save restaurants from wasting their food surplus
  • 6. QR codes
  • QR codes
  • allows customers to access online menus, order and pay – without contact –
  • 7. Air purification technology
  • bipolar ionization
  • purifies the air and surfaces in indoor spaces by neutralizing contaminants
  • systems which make use of ultraviolet light
  • f both air and surface sanitization
    "Technology and innovation are what have helped, even saved, restaurants as they transform how they operate to not just survive, but thrive, in this new connected and contactless era" "Third-party food delivery apps like UberEats, Foodpanda, or Door Dash will continue to be an important solution for those not able to offer in-house ordering and delivery services" "Contactless technology is going mainstream, and it's not just about placing an order online, but also about paying with a smartphone, smartwatch or smartcard via an app or touchless device" "technology-enabled reservation systems, restaurants can manage seating, waitlists, customer loyalty and dining preferences as well as collect vital client data be it for contact tracing or market insights" "Kitchen Display Systems (KDS) are a digital menu board for kitchen staff helping restaurants streamline back-of-house operations" "companies like Winnow are helping restaurant owners and managers cut food waste and costs and run their businesses more efficiently and sustainably" "auto-scanning barcodes with smartphone cameras on posters, tables, coasters, doors or websites allows customers to access online menus, order and pay - without contact" "air purification technologies to promote 'clean air'"
    Some of these technologies such as food delivery services, and conctactless payments I have grown used to as a consumer. However, technology like KDS to improve the back of house operations or air purification technologies are more behind the scenes type of technologies that I have not given much thought so I found this article interesting.
    Many restaurants are adapting to a new reality. Some of the digital trends to watch in 2022 are as follows: 1. Online ordering systems and delivery apps - Food delivery market worth more than $150 billion globally. 2. Contactless payment estimated to triple from $2 trillion to $6 trillion by 2024. 3. Online table reservation system such as Open table Experiences initiative offering unique culinary events and dinner experiences. 4. Digital kitchen boards such as KDS, a digital menu board for kitchen staff linked to the restaurant's POI which displays orders automatically and efficiently. 5. Automated inventory management software tracking food and beverage stocks, anticipating quantities and scheduling reorders. 6. QR codes that allow customers to access menus online, order and pay. 7. Air purification technology like bipolar ionization and ultraviolet light.
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