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Ancient Greek Sculpture Lesson - 0 views

  • Classical and Hellenistic. 
  • large supply of marble, which was what they used most in their sculptures.
  • damaged or destroyed.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • These works have a stiff and ridged appearance similar to that of the Egyptian sculpture. 
  • very large shift from the stiff Archaic to a more realistic and sometimes idealistic portrayal of the human figure.  Females, after the 5th  century B.C., were depicted nude, often with flowing robes.  The robes gave the sculpture the idea of movement and realism in an effort by the artist to show humans more realistically.  
  • The Greeks portrayed a young, vigorous, and athletic person in their works.   These works idealized the individual and in a way, attempted to capture the idea of youth and strength in their design. 
    • Garth Holman
      Realistic and detailed art work= Classic art of Greece. 
    • Garth Holman
      Note the Perfection ideas of showing people at their best: young, strong, athletic....

Ancient Greece - 0 views

  • The art of the ancient Greeks is often reffered to as "classical art." It is simple and geometric and placed a great emphasis on the beauty of the human body. They usually used their ideas of the ideal human or of the gods as the subject of their art, rather than actual people. The Greek people used thier artistic talent to create beautiful sculptures, vases, paintings, jewelry, and reliefs. Many of these pieces still exist today. Sculpting is probably what the Greeks are most know for, however. Many museums around the world house ancient Greek sculptures or copies of those sculptures.
    • Martin M
      They made nice architectural designs!
  • Doric
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Greek architecture was big, beautiful, and symmetrical. Temples were the most common form of architecture, however they were used for politics as well as worship. There were three orders, or styles, of architecture in Ancient Greece. The Doric and Ionic orders were the most common, and the Corinthian order, while seen more in Roman architecture, was sometimes used also. Below you can see examples of the columns that were commonly used on Greek architecture. Each of them is from a different style and gives you a general idea of the characteristics of each style of achitecture.
  • Doric
  • The Doric style was simple and sturdy with a plain top.IonicThe Ionic style was more elegant and thin with a curled top.CorinthianThe Corinthian style was very ornate with a top that looked like leaves.

Greek achievements and Greek history - 0 views

  • Art (Pathenon, sculptures of Phidias, etc., source of inspiration for Roman and all sorts of sub. art)
  • The Greeks excelled in sculpture.
  • Also impressive: Greek architecture.
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • Greek scupture inspired the Romans and (indirectly) the great sculptors of the Renaissance.
  • Elements of Greek architecture have been copied again and again from Roman times onward--and we still see many elements of Greek architecture in at least some of our public buildings today.
  • Sports (Olympic games)
  • The Greeks also are important for the contribution to sports.
  • There are lots of other echoes of the Greeks in our sports tradition of today.
  •   History (first and some of greatest historians, including HERODOTUS, Thucydides, and Xenophon)
  • The Greeks give us the first true historical works, and it was a Greek (Herodotus) that first used the term "history" for what we call history today.  Not only did the Greeks give us our first historical works, they also give us some of  our greatest.
  • The buildings on the Athenian acropolis are a great example.
  • First of all, it is impressive because it moves beyond the mere chronicling of events (something that had been done before) and attempts to explain why certain events happen and what those events means: what lesssons we can learn from history.
  •   Herodotus might be considered, not just the father of history, but the father of cultural anthropology as well.
  • And particular this is so when one looks at Herodotus' central theme: freedom.  A central theme of Herodotus' book is the value of living in a free society (even though it means sacrifice) rather than living under despotism no matter how well-organized and prosperous a society run by a despot might seem.  Herodotus book is one of the sources of the Western love of freedom.
  • Political science Not only do the Greeks give us our first history, they give us also our first political science, the systematic study of human government.  When one studies political science today, one constantly uses Greek terms (monarchy, democracy, etc.). Why?  Because the Greeks were the first to study the various forms of human government and to identify the strengths and weakness of each.
  • Aristotle's Politics and Plato's Republic are still much read in political science/political philosophy classes today, another good example of the lasting influence of the Greeks.
  • Poetry In poetery too, the Greek had a lasting influence.  When we analyze poetry today, we use Greek words (iamb, dactyl, trochee, etc.).  Why?  Because the Greeks were the first to systematically analyze poetry.  Here too Aristotle is a key figure.  His "Poetics" is as influential in literary criticism as his "Politics" is in political science.
  • Among the greatest and most influential of epic poems are the two great poems of Homer, the Iliad and the Odyssey. 
  • The Greeks also excelled at lyric poetry. 
  • Mathematics Math is another area in which the Greeks made important contributions.  You are all familiar with the Pythagorean theorum, and the Greek reverence for numbers that starts with Pythagoras is certainly an important contribution of the Greeks.
  • Now what's important here is *not* the practical application of geometry.  What's important is the systematic, rigorous thinking process one must go through in coming up with these proofs.  The study of Euclid taught generation after generation to think clearly and logically: and it is a pity that the current geometry texts have drifted away from this.
  •   Science The Greeks also made important contributions to the sciences.  Biology, Physics, Physiology, Zoology: all Greek names, because the Greeks were the first to systematically explore these areas.  Thales, the first Greek philosopher, also is the father of physics, asking a fundamental question: what are all things made of?  The Greeks explored the question, coming up with promising answers.  Ultimately, Greeks like Aristotle believed that the world was made up of four fundamental elements. Other Greeks added the idea that these elements in their turn were made up of invisible, indivisable particles they called atoms.  Now we have a lot more elements than the Greek four, and we believe the atom can be divided into evern more fundamental particles, but note that the Greeks are certainly on the right track.
  • Perhaps most impressive of all was Archimedes
  •   But its not just in literature the Greeks excelled. They produced some of the world's greatest art, the first true science, and some of the greatest athletes the world has ever seen.  In fact, of all the ancient peoples, it was the Greeks who contributed the most to subsequent civilization in virtually every field of human endeavor.  What's all the more amazing is that the Greek were able to do all these things despite the fact that they were constantly at war--or maybe because they were constantly at war. Generalization: Greeks made more important contributions to sub. civilization than any other ancient people.  Achievements:

Sculpture and Art in Ancient Greece - 1 views

  • The best example showing freedom of movement is the Discobolos (The Discus Thrower) by Myron in the Museo Nazionale Romano, Rome. This is one of the most famous classic Greek statues from this period.
    Some of the most famous works of Greek art.

Middle Ages Art - 1 views

  • Byzantine Art was the name given to the style of art used in very early Middle Ages Art.
  • Byzantium Art and its effects on art during the Middle Ages.
  • The Roman Empire was spit into two sections - the Eastern and Western part of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire fell when the German Visigoth
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Pietistic painting (religious art)
  • Artists were members of religious houses such as monasteries
  • There were no sculptures as these were looked upon as a form of idolatry
  • Sombre tones
  • Byzantine Art was totally flat - one dimensional. There was no perspective
  • There were no shadows
  • Figures in Byzantine Art were generally depicted front-facing
  • Byzantine Art featured long, narrow and solemn faces
  • There was no attempt to portray realism in sombre Byzantine Art
  • Early Middle Ages Art was initially restricted to the production of Pietistic painting (religious art) in the form of illuminated manuscripts, mosaics and fresco paintings in churches. There were no portrait paintings. The colors were generally muted.
  • The artists and painters were founders of the movement towards greater realism which culminated in the Renaissance art style.
  • Brighter colorsSculpturesMetal work in the form of bronze artMiddle Ages art in the form of stained glass windowsMove towards realismThe development of perspective and proportion in Middle Ages artThe use of shadows and lightNew ideals of naturalismCreation of a sense of pictorial spaceThe use of symmetry in Middle Ages artChanges in subject matter including the depiction of animals and mythological scenes

Greece Geography - 1 views

  • About 20% of Greece is made up of islands. Crete is a large island located in the Mediterranean Sea. It is a popular tourist area for its beautiful mountains, coastline, and many ancient ruins.
    • JI-Yoon K
      Greece is a beautiful place to visit!
  • Much of Greece is mountainous and rocky terrain, with the occasional plain.
  • ...49 more annotations...
  • Pindus Mountains start in northern Greece and stretch south to the Gulf of Patra. In the southern part of Greece are the Peloponnesus Mountains.
  • people of Greece were one of the earliest civilizations
  • Greece is one of the oldest civilizations, dating back over 5000 years.
  • 10 million people.
    • Achintya K
      What is the most interesting key fact about Greece?
  • Athens, Patra, Piraeus, Larisa and Salonica.
  • Athens.
  • Major cities
  • Most of the people in Greece live along the coast, or along rivers and harbors.
    • Achintya K
      Figure out what are some historical highlights.
  • still has many ancient ruins, some over 4000 years old.
  • has many medieval churchs.
  • makes Greece a very popular tourist area.
  • well known for its sculptures, paintings, pottery, poetry and playwriting.
  • The land within Greece is not very productive for farming.
  • Greeks have struggled to build a strong economy.
  • standard of living in Greece is lower than other European countries.
  • Manufacturing
  • becoming one of the key industries.
  • Tourism
  • 51,000 square miles.
  • very important, particularly along the Aegean Sea coast.
  • farming includes wheat, fruits, vegetables, olives and grapes.
  • Some areas support goat and sheep ranching.
  • Fishing also continues to be an important industry.
  • Top of Page Ancient Greece is considered the birthplace of European civilization, dating back over 5000 years.
  • date back over 4000 years,
  • caves showing signs of life over 10,000 years ago.
  • ancient greek people may have come from northern Africa.
  • Ancient Greece produced many philosophers and scholars, such as Socrates and Plato.
  • contributed significantly to our current culture.
  • first democratic government
  • created
  • scientific principles
  • created
    • Achintya K
      What are a few things about greece?
  • discovered
  • contributed to the artistic community with Homer
  • wrote the Iliad and The Odyssey,
  • artisans creating sculptures, paintings, pottery, poetry and playwriting.
  • Competitive sports were a major part of Greek life. The first Olympic Games were held in Greece in 776 BC.
  • did not have a strong, unified military force.
  • ancient Greeks
  • an easy target for other invading people.
  • ancient times, Greece was conquered by the Romans. Others controlled Greece at various times. In the 15th century, the Turks invaded Greece and ruled for about 400 years. The Greeks finally got their independence in the early 1800s.
  • mathematics.
  • Two thirds of the population lives in urban areas such as Athens.
  • Greek culture is still heavily influenced by its ancient history.
  • Most of Greece has a mild climate. Summers are warm and dry, particularly in the southern coastal areas. Rain is heavy during the winter months, with some mountain areas getting snow.
    i had no idea that 20 percent of greece is islands and is rockey with terrains
    I really want to go to Greece

The Renaissance - 0 views

  • new enthusiasm for classical literature, learning, and art which sprang up in Italy towards the close of the Middle Ages, and which during the course of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries gave a new culture to Europe.
  • Renaissance was essentially an intellectual movement
  • secular, inquiring, self-reliant spirit which characterized the life and culture of classical antiquity
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • vernacular literatures.
    • John Woodbridge
      Vernacular means locally spoken language. Literature the stories that are written so this whole phrase means stories written in the local language about local topics.
  • The atmosphere of these bustling, trafficking cities called into existence a practical commercial spirit, a many-sided, independent, secular life which in many respects was directly opposed to medieval teachings and ideals.
  • So far-reaching and transforming was the influence of the old world of culture upon the nations of Western Europe that the Renaissance, viewed as the transition from the mediaeval to the modern age, may properly be regarded as beginning with its discovery, or rediscovery, and the appropriation of its riches by the Italian scholars.
  • It was a political, intellectual, and artistic life like that of the cities of ancient Greece.
  • Florence, for example, became a second Athens
  • Italy the birthplace of the Renaissance was the fact that in Italy the break between the old and the new civilization was not so complete as it was in the other countries of Western Europe.
  • Italians were closer in language and in blood to the old Romans than were the other new-forming nations
  • direct descendants and heirs of the old conquerors of the world
  • first task of the Italian scholars the recovery and appropriation of the culture of antiquity.
  • existence in the peninsula of so many monuments of the civilization and the grandeur of ancient Rome
  • -a recovery and appropriation by the Italians of the long-neglected heritage of Graeco-Roman civilization.
  • The movement here consisted of two distinct yet closely related phases, namely, the revival of classical literature and learning, and the revival of classical art
  • intellectual and literary phase of the movement
  • "Humanism,
  • study of the classics, the literae humaniores, or the "more human letters," in opposition to the diviner letters, that is, theology, which made up the old education.
  • Petrarch, the First of the Humanists.-- [Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374
  • He was the first scholar of the mediaeval time who fully realized and appreciated the supreme excellence and beauty of the classical literature and its value as a means of culture.
  • He could not read Greek, yet he gathered Greek as well as Latin manuscripts
  • During all the mediaeval centuries, until the dawn of the intellectual revival, the ruins of Rome were merely a quarry. The monuments of the Caesars were torn down for building material, the sculptured marbles were burned into lime for mortar.
    Effects of the Renaissance on development of Western culture

Gargoyles, Rain Spouts, and Gothic Style Architecture - Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris - 0 views

  • In addition to religious figures, many Gothic cathedrals are heavily ornamented with strange, leering creatures. These gargoyles are not merely decorative. Originally, the sculptures were waterspouts to protect the foundation from rain. Since most people in Medieval days could not read, the carvings took on the important role of illustrating lessons from the from the scriptures.

Michelangelo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 2 views

  • Michelangelo (Italian pronunciation: [mikeˈlandʒelo]), was an Italian sculptor, painter, architect, poet, and engineer of the High Renaissance
  • Michelangelo was considered the greatest living artist in his lifetime, and ever since then he has been held to be one of the greatest artists of all time
  • A number of his works in painting, sculpture, and architecture rank among the most famous in existence
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Two of his best-known works, the Pietà and David, were sculpted before he turned thirty
    This is a wikipedia article about Michelangelo.

Ancient Greece left the richest cultural legacy! by Eric Bradley on Prezi - 0 views

  • Ancient Greece left the richest cultural legacy because of its breath taking architecture, their Olympic Gamesand their amazing art and sculptures.
  • the most amazing buildings where usually government buildings or churches/temples because they where the most popular buildings at the time just like now.
  • The Greeks where the first empire to use the coulombs, they are large poles to hold a structure like a roof or a balcony. the Greeks used this to symbolize the greatness of their riches and power
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • The games that took place in the ancient Olympics where Chariot racing, foot racing, boxing, long jump and many more,
  • There where allot of restrictions in the ancient Greek Olympics like for example you must be a man that is greek in order to play in the games if you where a woman you would not be able to play.
  • Ancient Greek art is the most visual and realistic type of art, most art used oil paints and most sculptors use marble wood and stone. t
  • The ancient Greeks had very minimal use of tools, they used a chisel and a hammer to be able to sculpt, we still use the same tools for painting but today we use electric drills and other upgraded tools like electric hamme
    Prezi on Ancient greece

Ancient Greece - Art and Architecture, Sculpture, Pottery and Greek Temples - 1 views

shared by brock j on 04 Nov 11 - Cached
  • Acropolis in Greek means "The Sacred Rock, the high city". All around the world the Acropolis of Athens is known as 'The Acropolis'. There are many Acropolises in Greece but the Acropolis of Athens is the best known. The Acropolis is primarily dedicated to the Goddess Athena. But humans from the prehistoric era have populated the Acropolis and the caves around it. Situated in the middle of Athens, many myths, festivals and important events are connected to the sacred Acropolis. The Acropolis echoes the grandeur and the power of the Athenian empire....
    this is cool things about the acropolis

Ancient Greek Art Lesson - 0 views

  • The Ancient Greeks created what has become known as classical art.  Many of America's governmental buildings have been designed with Classical Greek structures. 
  • cornerstone to the western traditions of art and ideas.
  • The Ancient Greeks were organized into independent city-states.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The Greeks idealized humans, showing the strong and youthful depiction of men and women. 

Ancient Greece - Art and Architecture, Sculpture, Pottery and Greek Temples - 6 views

shared by Shinjon C on 16 Oct 12 - No Cached
    • Asha G
      We use a lot of these architectural designs today.
    • Kyle W
      This is really detailed and i like this website
  • The Temple of Athena Nike - part of the Acropolis in the city of Athens. The Greeks built the Temple of Apollo at Didyma, Turkey (about 300 BC). The design of the temple was known as dipteral, a term that refers to the two sets of columns surrounding the interior section. These columns surrounded a small chamber that housed the statue of Apollo. With Ionic columns reaching 19.5 m (64 ft) high, these ruins suggest the former grandeur of the ancient temple.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • The Temple of Apollo at Didyma - The Greeks built the Temple of Apollo at Didyma, Turkey (about 300 BC). The design of the temple
  • was known as dipteral, a term that refers to the two sets of columns surrounding the interior section. These columns surrounded a small chamber that housed the statue of Apollo. With Ionic columns reaching 19.5 m (64 ft) high, these ruins suggest the former grandeur of the ancient temple.
    • Matilda M
      These are the three architectural systems- Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian.
    • Morgan T
      This website explains the architecture style of Ancient Greece
  • Architecture in ancient Greece: Greek life was dominated by religion and so it is not surprising that the temples of ancient Greece were the biggest and most beautiful
    • Morgan T
      Greek life dominated religion
  • Architecture in ancient Greece: Greek life was dominated by religion
  • They also had a political purpose as they were often built to celebrate civic power and pride, or offer thanksgiving to the patron deity of a city for success in war.
  • Acropolis in Greek means "The Sacred Rock, the high city". All around the world the Acropolis of Athens is known as 'The Acropolis'. There are many Acropolises in Greece but the Acropolis of Athens is the best known.
    Greek life was dominated by religion
    This website is good for enduring impacts of ancient Greece for architecture. 
    Greece Architecture

The Renaissance at - 3 views

  • About 1450
  • Renaissance is a French word that means "rebirth."
  • beginning of modern history.
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • flowering in literature
  • painting, sculpture, and architecture. Paintings became more realistic and focused less often on religious topics.
  • began in northern Italy
  • Arab scholars preserved the writings of the ancient Greeks in their libraries. When the Italian cities traded with the Arabs, ideas were exchanged along with goods. These ideas, preserved from the ancient past, served as the basis of the Renaissance.
  • William Shakespeare.
  • Crusaders returned to Europe with a newfound understanding of the world.
  • The invention of the printing press encouraged literacy and helped to spread new ideas.
  • Wealthy families and the church had amassed enough wealth to become patrons.
  • The development of financial techniques such as bookkeeping and credit allowed merchants to
  • prosper
  • studying the world around them.
    • Garth Holman
      What does the term Rebirth mean?  Imply?  SO the Renaissance was a WHAT? 
    • Rose h
      The beginning of a new age, 
    • Margo L
      Whats a turk???
    • Garth Holman
      A Turk is a person from Modern Turkey.  They divide the European/Christian world from the Middle East and Asia (Arab/Islamic) 
    • agriffin a
      the term re birth means a new life or to start over from scratch.
    • gpinhasi g
      Why did the Europeans became more interested in the World around them?
    • jgreen j
      Because the world around them was very interesting.
    • jdanielpour j
      The reason why Europeans all the sudden are now curious and are now investigating the world around them is that after the black death and the crusades, people became more humanist and farther away from religion, so this causes two things: First, religion was keeping others from wondering what everything is, (since religion would make an answer for the questions people had,) keeping everyone together in one place. Second, Christianity at that time had a pretty bad relationship with Muslims, so now that people aren't letting their Religion tell them what to do, people will go past those religious laws for the sack of curiosity.
    • Garth Holman
      So, who do we thank for saving the knowledge of Ancient Greece and Rome?  Who helped make our world? 
    • Lance C
      The muslims
    • Jack Z
      The Arabs
    • Garth Holman
      What does the word Patron mean?  Look it up.   How did art change?  How did MONEY impact society? 
    • glever g
      A Patron is like an EMPLOYER they pay you with MONEY as compared to an item or land to do a task
    • Garth Holman
      Here we have four causes.  What do they really say is happening?  In your own words. 
    • Hannah K
      The idea of investing
  • Rich families became patrons and commissioned great art. Artists advanced the Renaissance style of showing nature and depicting the feelings of people.
  • Crusaders returned to Europe with a newfound understanding of the world. The invention of the printing press encouraged literacy and helped to spread new ideas. Wealthy families and the church had amassed enough wealth to become patrons. The development of financial techniques such as bookkeeping and credit allowed merchants to prosper
    • Yuke Z
      Cultural Diffusion
    • Yuke Z
      Replaced illuminated manuscripts. Took much less time to use printing press, which means, more books and ideas could be spread
    • bsafenovitz b
      So more money could be made in a faster time
    • Yuke Z
      Banking is invented. Instead of breaking the stick, now there is bookkeeping.
    • Garth Holman
      If the Middle Ages are sometimes called the "DARK AGES", why is the Phrase "DAWN of a New Age" so important? 
    • mberkley m
      I think the "DAWN" means that the "New Age" is going to be a better and nicer time for people and the world will be calmer that before
    • glever g
      I believe the "DAWN" means an enlightening of minds
    • jdanielpour j
      Since the dark ages are now over, and now it's the "DAWN" of a new age, this could imply that, the "DARK AGES," was the night/hibernation of technology and/or knowledge and information, and now that it is now the "DAWN," we could infer that this could mean that technology and knowledge, are awakening.
    • nshore n
      I think "DAWN" probably means the beginning of change in Europe. Everything from art to government transforms into new ideas for a new era. 
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