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John Woodbridge

Internet History Sourcebooks - 0 views

    End of Rome, Early Christian Church, Byzantium, Crusades, Empire & Papacy, Medieval Church, Economic Life in Medieval Europe, Intellectual Life in Medieval Europe, Jewish Life in Medieval Europe. All very good descriptions, but the reading level is quite high
Sanjana M

Ancient Greece - Culture and Society in the Ancient Greek World - 4 views

    • Ofek H
      The Greek Government did not allow freedom of speech or full rights for the citizens of Greece.
    • anonymous
      Some geography here.
    • gpinhasi g
      full of facts about Ancient Greece government
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • The majority of Greek states were governed by groups of rich landowners, called aristocrats; this word is derived from 'aristoi', meaning best people. This was a system known as 'oligarchy' the rule by the few.
    • Sanjana M
      Good information about geek society.
    • Sanjana M
      Good website of Greek culture and society.
  • Greek Society was mainly broken up between Free people and Slaves, who were owned by the free people.
  • The social classes applied to men only, as women all took their social and legal status from their husband or their male partner. Women in ancient Greece were not permitted to take part in public life.
  • Democracy was introduced by an aristocrat, Cleisthenes.
    Just some information about ancient Greek culture.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Just some information about ancient Greek culture.
    facts about ancient greece government.
    Greek Culture and Society
Daria N

Ancient Rome Government - 0 views

shared by Daria N on 01 Nov 11 - Cached
    • Livi E
      The people of Rome came up with the three branches of government.
    • Livi E
      The ruler would get credit for what he was doing but it didn't last long.
    This is a really good resource for Roman Government.
Garth Holman

Ancient Greek Environment - Ancient Greece for Kids! - 1 views

  • The combination of good sailing and lousy farming tends to make Greeks try to get a living from the sea.
    • Garth Holman
      How did these people make a living from the sea?  
  • There are several active volcanoes, and earthquakes are also very common. There is a nervous feeling that there could be a natural disaster at any time. This got the Greeks interested in a particular kind of religion which we call oracles. Oracles are the gods speaking to people, often in the form of minor earthquakes, and the gods tell the people what is going to happen in the future.
  • There used to be quite a lot of trees on the hillsides of Greece, but people cut most of them down, and now the hills of Greece are mostly bare, or have little bushes on them.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • The soil is not very good for growing things, there are a lot of mountains that make it hard to walk from one place to another, and there is never enough fresh water.
  • what Greece does have is a lot of coastline
  • No part of Greece is more than about forty miles from the sea: a couple of days walking
  • in Greece, they were sailors
  • Greeks have always spent a lot of time sailing on the ocean.
Kanrry K

Medieval Tournaments - 1 views

    Good website for tournaments.
Garth Holman

BBC News | Health | A millennium of health improvement - 0 views

  • In the medieval world, there was a belief that only miracles were so powerful
  • full and healthy life for men was making it through early childhood. For women, it was making it past childbearing age.
  • boy had reached 20 he could hope to live to 45, and if he made it to 30 he had a good chance of making it into his fifties.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • main threats lay in early childhood, as the child's immune system was coming to terms with the threats posed by a disease-ridden environment.
  • Thatch roofs were common in the countryside (where 85-90% of the population lived) and they attracted insects and rodents
    • Garth Holman
      Thatching is the craft of building a roof with dry vegetation such as straw, water reed, sedge (Cladium mariscus), rushes, or heather, layering the vegetation so as to shed water away from the inner roof. It is a very old roofing method and has been used in both tropical and temperate climates. See images:
  • They carried bacteria, which they deposited either on the inhabitants or the food they would eat
  • There was no plumbing, so human waste was deposited outside - but not too far from - the house. Such material produced a breeding ground for the biggest killers of the period, cholera and typhoid, which were caused by unsanitary living conditions.
  • body lice living on infected people.
  • increased risk of death as a result of accidents at work.
  • It was noblemen who were most successful at keeping themselves clean, and they surrounded themselves with well-scrubbed servants.
  • But between the ages of 14 and 40 - the years of having children - a woman's life expectancy was half that of a man's.
  • One reason offered for this is that having babies in the middle ages was more dangerous than going to war
  • less sanitary, and put the mother at a high risk of fatal infection.
  • Food storage was also primitive, with no refrigeration except in winter, and consumers showed a tolerance of slightly rancid goods because there was a general shortage of food.
  • while relatives of the afflicted prayed for miracles.
Garth Holman

Maps of the Arrival and Spread of the Plague in Europe - 0 views

    Very detailed description of how the black death moved. It also has several good links on the bottom for more stories about the black death.
Garth Holman

World-History | Medieval Knights - 1 views

  • Knights might have been professional soldiers but that didn't mean they had to act like one. In the early days of feudalism, knights often ate at the same table as the lords and ladies of the manor
  • They often belched, spit, and put their feet directly on the dinner table. The refined ladies and lords were appalled. So, a code of honor was drawn up that we now call Chivalry.
    • Garth Holman
      So Chivalry comes as a way to correct their personal bad behavior. 
  • This stems from the Medieval Knights Code of Chivalry and the Vows of Knighthood.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • There were at least 17 rules to the knights code of chivalry and vows of knighthood. The most important were to serve God, serve their liege lord (the King), be courteous to all women (though what they meant was all women of the noble class), and to defend the weak. Other rules included to fight for the welfare of all, to live by honor and glory, and to refrain from the wanton giving of offence; basically, don’t act like ye olde arse.
    • Garth Holman
      Rules for the knight to follow. 
  • this was meant to defend the elderly, women and children, but of the upper class. Knights were often brutal to peasants and it was considered acceptable because of the low social status of the peasants. 
    • Garth Holman
      Poor Peasants? 
  • From this, came rules like if a woman was of equal or higher status, he should stand when she enters a room and sit only after she does, the best foods at a meal should be offered to her, and when walking on the sidewalk, the man should walk closest to the street. This was to protect the woman from getting spattered with mud and the contents of chamber pots (buckets that were used as toilets) that were thrown out windows. It was a way to show that the gentleman honored the woman to have the poop hit him instead.
  • nights kept their skills sharp by competing in tournaments known as jousts where two heavily armored horseman race at another at high speed
  • Medieval tournaments brought knights and lords together in friendly competitions to show off their skills at hand to hand combat, horse back riding, and of course, jousting
  • A head shot for example was the most damaging but also the most difficult target, and therefore was awarded the most points.
  • Cash prizes, called a purse, would be given to the winners and this was the best way to move up the social ladder if you didn't get a chance to show off your skills on the battle field. 
    • Garth Holman
      Maybe you can win the "PURSE" in your blog! 
  • To become a knight was a long and difficult path.
  • sent to live in the castle with his Lord where his training would begin around the age of seven
  • road to knighthood he was known as a page. A page's training involved learning to ride a horse and receiving religious instruction from the priest of the manor. And, when he wasn't riding or praying, a page spent his days running errands and serving the ladies of the manor. He would also be taught to dance, sing, and play a musical instrument which were considered honorable qualities for a knight to have.
  • a page would be promoted to the role of squire. A squire worked directly with his knight. The squire learned skills from his knight (who was also his Lord) such as sword fighting and hand to hand combat. The squire pretty much acted as personal assistant to his knight, polishing his armor, caring for his horse, and even waiting on him at meal times. During times of battle, it was the job of the squire to help his Lord into the armor and look after him if he was wounded. He also had the awful task of cleaning out the armor which, after a long day on the battle field would be covered in all sorts of bodily fluids.
    • Garth Holman
      Like pee He he!
  • "I promise on my faith that I will in the future be faithful to the lord, never cause him harm and will observe my homage to him completely against all persons in good faith and without deceit." -A Typical Oath of Fealty
    • Garth Holman
      NOTE: loyalty, homage, never cause harm, good faith.  You had to be a trustworthy to be a knigh! 
    Learn how a Knight becomes a knight and how Chivalry impacts you!
Garth Holman

History of Timbuktu, Mali - 6 views

  • The popular statement, " From here to Timbuktu." conjures up images of remote, isolated and distant parts of this earth. Very few people are aware of this ancient city's location, and fewer still ascribe any kind of civilization to this historic area. Timbuktu is located in the western African nation of Mali at the edge of the sahara.
  • The historic town of Timbuktu is located at the precise point where the Niger flows northward into the southern edge of the desert. As a result of its unique geographical position, Timbuktu has been a natural meeting point of Songhai, Wangara,Fulani, Tuareg and Arabs. According to the inhabitants of Timbuku, gold came from the south, the salt from the north and the Divine knowledge, from Timbuktu. Timbuktu is also the cross-road where "the camel met the canoe." It is to this privilege position that the city owes much of its historical dynamism. From the 11th century and onward, Timbuktu became an important port where goods from West Africa and North Africa were traded.
  • Goods coming the Mediterranean shores and salt were traded in Timbuktu for gold. The prosperity of the city attracted both black scholars, blacks merchants and Arabs traders from North Africa. Salt, books and gold were very much in demand at that time.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • he first constructions in Timbuktu were designed by African architects from Djenne and later on by Muslim architects from North Africa. Trade and knowledge were at their height.
  • Timbuktu became a celebrated center of Islamic learning and a commercial establishment. Timbuktu had three universities and 180 Quranic schools. These universities were the Sankore University, Jingaray Ber University and Sidi Yahya University. This was the golden age of Africa. Books were not only written in Timbuktu, but they were also imported and copied there. There was an advanced local book copying industry in the city. The universities and private libraries contained unparalleled scholarly works. The famous scholar of Timbuktu Ahmad Baba who was among those forcibly exiled in Morocco claimed that his library of 1600 books had been plundered, and that his library, according to him, was one of the smaller in the city.
  • The booming economy of Timbuktu attracted the attention of the Emperor of Mali, Mansa Mussa (1307-1332) also known as “Kan Kan Mussa.” He captured the city in 1325. As a Muslim, Mansa Mussa was impressed with the Islamic legacy of Timbuktu. On his return from Mecca, Mansa Mussa brought with him an Egyptian architect by the name of Abu Es Haq Es Saheli.
  • The Emperor also brought Arabs scholars to Timbuktu. To his great surprise, the Emperor has found that these scholars are underqualified compared to the black scholars of Timbuktu
  • Mansa Mussa's pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324 had made Mali known worldwide. The great rulertook 60,000 porters with him. Each porter carried 3 kilograms of pure gold, that is, 180,000 kilograms or at least 180 tons of gold (Reference: Volume IV UNESCO General History of Africa, pages 197-200). He had so much gold with him that when he stopped in Egypt, the Egyptian currency lost its value and as result, the name of Mali and Timbuktu appeared on the 14th century world map.
    • Garth Holman
      Who would take notice of all this gold?  
    • Garth Holman
      Where camel met the canoe.  What does this mean? 
    • Garth Holman
      Key items traded? 
    • Garth Holman
      Spread of Islam.  How did Timbuktu help Islam take hold in Africa?  How did Mansa Mussa Help spread the word about Timbuktu?
Sam A

Sparta - Ancient Greece for Kids - 1 views

  • Much less evidence survives about Sparta than Athens, but we do know that it was a military state. Sparta was surrounded by mountains which protected it from invaders.
  • Sparta was the only city state which had a full time army. The Spartan men were well known for being brave and fierce, and they spent their whole lives training and fighting.
  • Spartans lived in harsh conditions, without luxuries, to make them tough fighters. Physical training and fitness was considered to be an important part of a Spartan child’s education. Girls did not fight in wars but they took part in physical activities because Spartans believed fit and strong women would have healthy babies that would be good soldiers. Boys went to live at an army barracks at the age of 7. Government Sparta had its own system of government which was very different from the other city states. Rule was shared between two kings, the Gerousia and the Assembly. Most citizens Spartans were either Perioeci (citizens who paid taxes, served in the army and were protected by Spartan laws) or Helots (people from lands conquered and ruled by Sparta who had no rights). The Helots Spartan citizens were given land which was farmed for them by the Helots. The Helots were treated as serfs (slaves) and had to give half their crops to their Spartan master.
    • Sam A
      Hi its Sam ;)
    • Rebecca S
      HI its Becca :)
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • rta's powerful army is ready for war. Athens knows that it cannot defeat this army ... but it has a Navy and Sparta does not. The year is 430 BC. Poliphus and his family from Athens and Sparcus and his family from Sparta are thinking about the future. They each have different points of view!! Cool site!
    its cool!!!
Ethan W

Best content in Historywithholman&pennington | Diigo - Groups - 0 views

  • Historywithholman&pennington
  • This is a place for students to save web resources for use in Mr. Holman's and Mr. Pennington's World History classrooms.
  • Much less evidence survives about Sparta than Athens, but we do know that it was a military state. Sparta was surrounded by mountains which protected it from invaders.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Sparta was the only city state which had a full time army. The Spartan men were well known for being brave and fierce, and they spent their whole lives training and fighting.
  • Spartans lived in harsh conditions, without luxuries, to make them tough fighters. Physical training and fitness was considered to be an important part of a Spartan child’s education. Girls did not fight in wars but they took part in physical activities because Spartans believed fit and strong women would have healthy babies that would be good soldiers. Boys went to live at an army barracks at the age of 7.
  • Government Sparta had its own system of government which was very different from the other city states. Rule was shared between two kings, the Gerousia and the Assembly. Most citizens Spartans were either Perioeci (citizens who paid taxes, served in the army and were protected by Spartan laws) or Helots (people from lands conquered and ruled by Sparta who had no rights).
  • The Helots Spartan citizens were given land which was farmed for them by the Helots. The Helots were treated as serfs (slaves) and had to give half their crops to their Spartan master.
  • Much less evidence survives about Sparta than Athens, but we do know that it was a military state. Sparta was surrounded by mountains which protected it from invaders.
Nikita V

Marco Polo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

shared by Nikita V on 11 Apr 13 - Cached
    • Nikita V
      Good info;
Kyle W

The Inquisition - 0 views

    Another website on the Spanish Inquisition.
    This source is very descriptive and it is a good source about the inquisition. 
aelepele a

Secrets of the Spanish Inquisition Revealed | Catholic Answers - 0 views

    This was a really good website that gives you detailed back ground history on the spanish inquisition. 
    Secrets Revealed
Zack Z

The Inquisition - 0 views

    • Zack Z
      They kill jewish people who converted.
  • sh Inquisition sou
  • Unlike its earlier version, the Spa
    This is a very good website.
Lily S

The Galileo Project | Christianity | The Inquisition - 0 views

  • The inquisitor questioned the accused in the presence of at least two witnesses.
    • Lily S
      Two witnesses so that the testimony isn't biased.
  • Penalties went from visits to churches, pilgrimages, and wearing the cross of infamy to imprisonment
  • death
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Death was by burning at the stake
  • In 1231, Pope Gregory IX published a decree which called for life imprisonment with salutary penance for the heretic who had confessed and repented and capital punishment for those who persisted. The secular authorities were to carry out the execution.
  • The accused had to testify against himself/herself and not have the right to face and question his/her accuser.
criseida o

Reformation - 0 views

  • The Church was in disarray on the eve of Reformation
    Explains the Renaissance and Reformation. A really good site for all topics during that time period.
John Woodbridge

Middle Ages for Kids - Abbots, Bishops, Cardinals, Pope - 0 views

    • John Woodbridge
      This is a good description of how the high clergy fit into feudal system.
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