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Olivia A

Ancient Greece - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Ancient Greece From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • The Parthenon, a temple dedicated to Athena, located on the Acropolis in Athens, is one of the most representative symbols of the culture and sophistication of the ancient Greeks.
    • Emily J
      Explains when Ancient Greece was
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Ancient Greece was a civilization belonging to a period of Greek history that lasted from the Archaic period of the 8th to 6th centuries BC to the end of antiquity (ca. 600 AD).
    • Leah R
      Wow!  I didn't know that Ancient Greece was along time ago.
  • Ancient Greece was a civilization belonging to a period of Greek history that lasted from the Archaic period of the 8th to 6th centuries BC to the end of antiquity (ca. 600 AD)
    • Olivia A
      Great topic sentence
  • Ancient Greece was a civilization belonging to a period of Greek history that lasted from the Archaic period of the 8th to 6th centuries BC to the end of antiquity (ca. 600 AD).
    This is a page about ancient Greece.
  • ...1 more comment...
    ancient greece website
    Ancient Greece belonged to a period of history that lasted from Archaic period to the end of antiquity
    Very discriptive
Nicole G

Ancient Rome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Ancient Rome was a thriving civilization that grew on the Italian Peninsula as early as the 8th century BC. Located along the Mediterranean Sea and centered on the city of Rome, it expanded to one of the largest empires in the ancient world.[1]
    • kaley g
      It's interesing that Rome had the largest empire.
    • kaley g
      This is intersting.
  • was a thriving civilization that grew on the Italian Peninsula as early as the 8th century BC. Located along the Mediterranean Sea and centered on the city of Rome , it expanded to one of the largest empires in the ancient world . [1]
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Rome was preponderant throughout  the Mediterranean region, and was the sole superpower of Antiquity
  • government
  • A society highly developed in military and politics, Rome professionalized the military and created a system of government called res publica, the inspiration for most of modern republics like the United States and France.
  • inspiration
  • professionalized the military and created a system of government called res publica, the  inspiration for most of modern republics like the United States and France . By the end of the Republic, Rome had conquered the land
  • of
  • Ancient Rome was a thriving civilization that grew on the Italian Peninsula as early as the 8th century BC. Located along the Mediterranean Sea and centered on the city of Rome, it expanded to one of the largest empires in the ancient world.[1]
  • Rome was preponderant throughout the Mediterranean region, and was the sole superpower of Antiquity.
  • the Mediterranean

Ancient Civilizations | Ancient History for Kids - 1 views

  • This massive Arid climate makes it a strange place for a large population of people
  • It flows north through the Sahara creating a long oasis in the desert eventually dumping into the Mediterranean Sea
  • The Nile River is the world’s longest river
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • The Nile is divided into sections by cataracts.  A cataract is a rocky area that creates a waterfall or rapids.  There are six cataracts in the Nile river.
  •  As the water level lowered, it would leave behind rich fertile soil for farmers
  • Fresh water, irrigation, fertile soil--this is why people called it the "gift" of the Nile.
  • Around 6000 BCE the climate began to change, which might explain why many humans changed from hunting and gathering to farming.  Before civilization, early humans came to the Nile River to hunt, fish, and gather food, but gradually as people learned to farm and domesticate animals (about 7000 BCE and 5500 BCE), and therefore live in permanent settlements, areas around the Nile became more crowded.
  • The change from nomadic hunter-gatherers to civilized living followed the same pattern as other places around the world: farming provided extra food, which allowed the division of labor, which allows the development of government and religion and creates social classes. 
  • Historians call them Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt
  • We know so much about the Egyptians because there are so many written resources and because their culture lasted so long with few interruptions
  • Another reason we know so much about Egypt is because they made their architecture out of stone, which has lasted for the most part. 
  • Religion was a the center of Egyptian life.  Egyptians believed in many Gods, so they were polytheistic.
  • Later Egyptians would call their kings “pharaoh”.  Egyptian people believed the pharaoh was a living God, so the Egyptians developed a theocracy, or a government ruled by religious leaders.  This is important to understanding why Egyptian people were so willing to give their grain to the Pharaoh and build him or her incredible temples—they thought the Pharaoh was a living God that would be with them forever in eternity.
  • The most well-known ritual was mummification.  Egyptians believed in life after death, and they wanted the body to look life-like.  Anyone could be mummified if they had enough money
  • Egyptians were a very advanced civilization due to their inventions and technology.  Egyptians developed a writing system called hieroglyphs that combined pictures and symbols.  Eventually, they created an alphabet from their symbols.  In 1822 CE a European explorer found what is called the Rossetta Stone (left picture)--a stone with the same message written in 3 different languages, which finally allowed historians to translate ancient hieroglyphs. Egyptians developed a 365-day calendar and used a number system based on 10. Egyptians figured out amazing ways to cut stone to use in their temples and obelisks.  An obelisk is a tall narrow monument that becomes more narrow as it goes up.  They created a writing material similar to paper called papyrus from reeds found in the Nile.  Egyptians were excellent ship builders and excelled at mathematics.  They used fractions, decimals, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and basic ideas of geometry.  Egyptian art and architecture is famous and has been reused and copied by many other civilization including Greece, Rome, and even the United States
  • Egyptian life depended on what social class you were a part of.
  • At the top of society was the Pharaoh.  Below the Pharaoh was the royal court (Pharaoh's family), high priests, government officials, and scribes and nobles (rich land owners).  Below them were doctors and engineers, craftsman, and then farmers and unskilled workers at the bottom.  Egyptians did use some slaves, but slavery is hardly mentioned in their writings.
  • Bread was the main food source, but they would have eaten meat during festivals. 
  • Egypt's history is divided into six different time periods
  • creating Egypt's first dynasty.  He defeated some enemies and united Upper and Lower Egypt into one civilization.
  • One of the first major Pharaohs of the Old Kingdom was Djoser.  His temple was one of the first pyramids Egyptians tried to build.  It was a "step pyramid" and it started the tradition of building pyramids as a burial ground for Pharaohs. Although the term "Pharaoh" wasn't used until much later, we will keep using it to refer to Egyptian kings.   
  • Hatshepsut was a women Pharaoh.  Her tomb is an amazingly long ramp leading to a temple that has been cut out of a mountain.  Pharaoh Akhenaten tried to start a new religious tradition of worshipping only one God.  Worshipping one God is called monotheism.  This did not sit well with the polytheistic population that has honored many gods for thousands of years.  After Akhenaten's death his monuments were destroyed and his name was removed from the list of kings. Years later he was often referred to as, "the enemy". Akhenaten's son would also become famous, thousands of years later when his tomb was found perfectly preserved. His name was Pharaoh Tutankhamen--he is known and King Tut. He became Pharaoh at age 9 or 10 and ruled for only 9 years.
Garth Holman

Geography shaped Greek civilization - 2 views

  • Greece was known as the "Birthplace of Western Civilization"
  • One factor that can be considered as an integral part of the development of Greek civilization is its geography.
  • Balcan peninsula in Southwestern Europe. It is surrounded by three seas: in the south is the Mediterranean Sea; Ionian Sea in the west; and the Aegean Sea in the east.
  • ...31 more annotations...
  • The geographical features of ancient Greece contributed to its advantage and disadvantage.
  • Greece is a strategic location for empire building because it served as the crossroads between Africa, Asia and Europe
    • Garth Holman
      What does it mean: "Crossroads between Africa, Asia and Europe." 
  • climate, the mountains and the seas
  • temperate, making it comfortable to the people to be outside of their homes almost every year. This allowed them to engage in outdoor life within their city-states. They were able to interact with each other which enabled them to organize outdoor activities such as athletic competitions, public gatherings, entertainment and art shows, and meetings, which facilitate to the development of a rich and distinct Greek culture.
  • mountains
  • Almost 70 to 80 percent of Greece is covered and dominated with mountains
  • advantage of the mountains is that they contributed to the preservation of the purity of Greek culture.
  • were secluded to their area resulting to rare interactions with other cultures.
  • served as a natural barrier which acted like walls separating different communities.
  • hindered communication among communities and slowed down the introduction of new ideas and technology.
  • unified system of government
  • polis or the city-state
  • democratic government works better in smaller states
  • protection and security to the inhabitants.
  • disadvantage of this geographical feature is that only few lands were dedicated to farming
  • isadvantage is the the rocky lands and poor soil which are not suitable for the domestication of plants.
  • olives and grapes
  • domesticated sheeps and cattles as an alternative to farming
  • Having been surrounded by three major bodies of water served as an advantage because it allowed early Greeks to travel and trade
  • Greece to major trade routes allowed the prosperity in maritime commerce (
  • became fishers, sailors and merchants
  • excelled in ship buildings and voyaging because of their knowledge about seas around them
  • Greeks to depend heavily on trade
  • could not grow through trading
  • olive oil, wine, wool and pottery with grains and other natural resources, which had a limited supply during that time
  • trade encouraged cultural diffusion
  • Hellenistic culture
    • Garth Holman
      Hellenistic Culture means Greece culture. 
    • Garth Holman
      What are the geographic factors that promote or impede the movement of people, products or ideas? Explain your ideas.  
    • Garth Holman
      We are part of the WESTERN CIVILIZATION.  That means Greece has several enduring impacts on us.  Can you find any in this reading.  
lizzy k

slavery in ancient civilizations - 1 views

shared by lizzy k on 17 Nov 11 - No Cached
  • In our modern world there are few human practices that inspire such profound outrage as the practice of one human being enslaving another. This is, however, a very modern sentiment. The institution of slavery probably predates civilization itself. Slavery was an accepted institution and central to the economies of most major world civilization. Slaves were were often war captives, both captured warriors and the women and children of conquered populations. The offspring of these enslaved people provided a vast slave work force. The victors in battle might enslave the losers rather than kill them. Slavery in many early civilizations is poorly understood. Slavery in ancient Egypt is a poorly understood topic. We have done some work on Egyptian social classes, but destinguishing slaves from other groups with limited freedom is a challenging task that scholars have found very difficult. The same is true for the many civilizations of Mesopotamia. Slavery in both Greece and Rome are much better understood and were major components of the work force. Slaves in Greece and Rome were drawn from widly differing peoples and there was no association with race. Slaves might be blond, blue eyed Anglo-Saxons from Britania or blacks from Sahara as well as evry other racial type. Slavery in Rome had no racial basis. This appears to have been the general pattern in the ancient world. Even those of Italian stock were enslaved. It was thus impossible to tell from one's features if they were a slave. This complicated control. The Senate debated establishing a destinctive dress for slaves. In the end, the Senate decided against a slave attire, partly because they decided it was dangerous because it would show the slaves just how numerous they were. As in the Americn South, slavery was justified on the basis of the natural inferiority of certain individuals.
Paige S.

Ancient Civilizations : Social Organization : Social Hierachy - 0 views

    • Paige S.
      This is India
    • isabel l
      What? What's india? I am not going to click on that link.
    Social Hierarchy of several Ancient civilization 
morgan m

Slavery in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Slavery in the United States was a form of slave labor which existed as a legal institution in North America for more than a century before the founding of the United States in 1776, and continued mostly in the South until the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1865 following the American Civil War .
  • Slavery in the United States
  • Slavery in the United States was a form of slave labor which existed as a legal institution in North America for more than a century before the founding of the United States in 1776, and continued mostly in the South until the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1865 following the American Civil War.[1] The first English colony in North America, Virginia, acquired its first Africans in 1619, after a ship arrived, unsolicited, carrying a cargo of about 20 Africans.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Slavery in the
megan s

List of Indian inventions and discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Button, ornamental: Buttons—made from seashell—were used in the Indus Valley Civilization for ornamental purposes by 2000 BCE.[1] Some buttons were carved into geometric shapes and had holes pieced into them so that they could attached to clothing by using a thread.[1] Ian McNeil (1990) holds that: "The button, in fact, was originally used more as an ornament than as a fastening, the earliest known being found at Mohenjo-daro in the Indus Valley. It is made of a curved shell and about 5000 years old."
  • Calico: Calico had originated in the subcontinent by the 11th century and found mention in Indian literature, by the 12th century writer Hemachandra. He has mentioned calico fabric prints done in a lotus design.[3] The Indian textile merchants traded in calico with the Africans by the 15th century and calico fabrics from Gujarat appeared in Egypt.[3] Trade with Europe followed from the 17th century onwards.[3] Within India, calico originated in Calicut.[3] Carding, devices for: Historian of science Joseph Needham ascribes the invention of bow-instruments used in textile technology to India.[4] The earliest evidence for using bow-instruments for carding comes from India (2nd century CE).[4] These carding devices, called kaman and dhunaki would loosen the texture of the fiber by the means of a vibrating string.[4]
  • The words for "chess" in Old Persian and Arabic are chatrang and shatranj respectively — terms derived from caturaṅga in Sanskrit,[11][12] which literally means an army of four divisions or four corps.[13][14] Chess spread throughout the world and many variants of the game soon began taking shape.[15] This game was introduced to the Near East from India and became a part of the princely or courtly education of Persian nobility.[13] Buddhist pilgrims, Silk Road traders and others carried it to the Far East where it was transformed and assimilated into a game often played on the intersection of the lines of the board rather than within the squares.[15] Chaturanga reached Europe through Persia, the Byzantine empire and the expanding Arabian empire.[14][16] Muslims carried Shatranj to North Africa, Sicily, and Spain by the 10th century where it took its final modern form of chess.[15] Chintz: The origin of Chintz is from the printed all cotton fabric of calico in India.[17] The origin of the word chintz itself is from the Hindi language word चित्र् (chitr), which means a spot
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Coherer, iron and mercury: In 1899, the Bengali physicist Jagdish Chandra Bose announced the development of an "iron-mercury-iron coherer with telephone detector" in a paper presented at the Royal Society, London.[19] He also later received U.S. Patent 755,840, "Detector for electrical disturbances" (1904), for a specific electromagnetic receiver. Cotton gin, single-roller: The Ajanta caves of India yield evidence of a single roller cotton gin in use by the 5th century.[20] This cotton gin was used in India until innovations were made in form of foot powered gins.[21] The cotton gin was invented in India as a mechanical device known as charkhi, more technically the "wooden-worm-worked roller". This mechanical device was, in some parts of India, driven by water power.[4] Crescograph: The crescograph, a device for measuring growth in plants, was invented in the early 20th century by the Bengali scientist Jagadish Chandra Bose.[22][
  • Perhaps as early as 300 BCE—although certainly by 200 CE—high quality steel was being produced in southern India also by what Europeans would later call the crucible technique.[24] In this system, high-purity wrought iron, charcoal, and glass were mixed in a crucible and heated until the iron melted and absorbed the carbon.[24] The first crucible steel was the wootz steel that originated in India before the beginning of the common era.[25] Archaeological evidence suggests that this manufacturing process was already in existence in South India well before the Christian era.[26][27][28][29] Dock (maritime): The world's first dock at Lothal (2400 BCE) was located away from the main current to avoid deposition of silt.[30] Modern oceanographers have observed that the Harappans must have possessed knowledge relating to tides in order to build such a dock on the ever-shifting course of the Sabarmati, as well as exemplary hydrography and maritime engineering.[30] This was the earliest known dock found in the world, equipped to berth and service ships.[30][31] It is speculated that Lothal engineers studied tidal movements, and their effects on brick-built structures, since the walls are of kiln-burnt bricks.[32] This knowledge also enabled them to select Lothal's location in the first place, as the Gulf of Khambhat has the highest tidal amplitude and ships can be sluiced through flow tides in the river estuar
  • location in the first place, as the Gulf of Khambhat has the highest tidal amplitude and ships can be sluiced through flow tides in the river estuar y
  • Incense clock: Although popularly associated with China the incense clock is believed to have originated in India, at least in its fundamental form if not function.[33][34] Early incense clocks found in China between the 6th and 8th century CE—the period it appeared in China all seem to have Devanāgarī carvings on them instead of Chinese seal characters.[33][34] Incense itself was introduced to China from India in the early centuries CE, along with the spread of Buddhism by travelling monks.[35][36][37] Edward Schafer asserts that incense clocks were probably an Indian invention, transmitted to China, which explains the Devanāgarī inscriptions on early incense clocks found in China.[33] Silvio Bedini on the other hand asserts that incense clocks were derived in part from incense seals mentioned in Tantric Buddhist scriptures, which first came to light in China after those scriptures from India were translated into Chinese, but holds that the time-telling function of the seal was incorporated by the Chinese.[34] India ink, carbonaceous pigment for: The source of the carbon pigment used in India ink was India.[38][39] In India, the carbon black from which India ink is produced is obtained by burning bones, tar, pitch, and other substances.[39][40] Ink itself has been used in India since at least the 4th century BCE.[41] Masi, an early ink in India was an admixture of several chemical components.[41] Indian documents written in Kharosthi with ink have been unearthed in Xinjiang.[42] The practice of writing with ink and a sharp pointed needle was common in ancient South India.[43] Several Jain sutras in India were compiled in ink
  • Indian clubs: The Indian club—which appeared in Europe during the 18th century—was used long by India's native soldiery before its introduction to Europe.[45] During the British Raj the British officers in India performed calisthenic exercises with clubs to keep in for physical conditioning.[45] From Britain the use of club swinging spread to the rest of the world.[45] Kabaddi: The game of kabaddi originated in India during prehistory.[46] Suggestions on how it evolved into the modern form range from wrestling exercises, military drills, and collective self defense but most authorities agree that the game existed in some form or the other in India during the period between 1500-400 BCE.[46] Ludo: Pachisi originated in India by the 6th century.[47] The earliest evidence of this game in India is the depiction of boards on the caves of Ajanta.[47] This game was played by the Mughal emperors of India; a notable example being that of Akbar, who played living Pachisi using girls from his harem.[47][48] A variant of this game, called Ludo, made its way to England during the British Raj.[
  • Ruler: Rulers made from Ivory were in use by the Indus Valley Civilization in what today is Pakistan and some parts of Western India prior to 1500 BCE.[64] Excavations at Lothal (2400 BCE) have yielded one such ruler calibrated to about 1/16 of an inch—less than 2 millimeters.[64] Ian Whitelaw (2007) holds that 'The Mohenjo-Daro ruler is divided into units corresponding to 1.32 inches (33.5 mm) and these are marked out in decimal subdivisions with amazing accuracy—to within 0.005 of an inch. Ancient bricks found throughout the region have dimensions that correspond to these units.'[65] Shigeo Iwata (2008) further writes 'The minimum division of graduation found in the segment of an ivory-made linear measure excavated in Lothal was 1.79 mm (that corresponds to 1/940 of a fathom), while that of the fragment of a shell-made one from Mohenjo-daro was 6.72 mm (1/250 of a fathom), and that of bronze-made one from Harapa was 9.33 mm (1/180 of a fathom).'[66] The weights and measures of the Indus civilization also reached Persia and Central Asia, where they were further modified.[66] Seamless celestial globe: Considered one of the most remarkable feats in metallurgy, it was invented in Kashmir by Ali Kashmiri ibn Luqman in between 1589 and 1590 CE, and twenty other such globes were later produced in Lahore and Kashmir during the Mughal Empire.[67][68] Before they were rediscovered in the 1980s, it was believed by modern metallurgists to be technically impossible to produce metal globes without any seams, even with modern technology.[68] These Mughal metallurgists pioneered the method of lost-wax casting in order to produce these globes
  • Simputer: The Simputer (acronym for "simple, inexpensive and multilingual people's computer") is a self-contained, open hardware handheld computer, designed for use in environments where computing devices such as personal computers are deemed inappropriate. It was developed in 1999 by 7 scientists of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, led by Dr. Swami Manohar in collaboration with Encore India, a company based in Bangalore.[69][70] Originally envisaged to bring internet to the masses of India, the Simputer and its derivatives are today widely utilized by governments of several Indian states as part of their e-governance drive, the Indian Army, as well as by other public and private organizations.[71][72] Snakes and ladders: Snakes and ladders originated in India as a game based on morality.[73] During British rule of India, this game made its way to England, and was eventually introduced in the United States of America by game-pioneer Milton Bradley in 1943.[73] Stepwell: Earliest clear evidence of the origins of the stepwell is found in the Indus Valley Civilization's archaeological site at Mohenjodaro in Pakistan.[74] The three features of stepwells in the subcontinent are evident from one particular site, abandoned by 2500 BCE, which combines a bathing pool, steps leading down to water, and figures of some religious importance into one structure.[74] The early centuries immediately before the common era saw the Buddhists and the Jains of India adapt the stepwells into their architecture.[74] Both the wells and the form of ritual bathing reached other parts of the world with Buddhism.[74] Rock-cut step wells in the subcontinent date from 200-400 CE.[75] Subsequently the wells at Dhank (550-625 CE) and stepped ponds at Bhinmal (850-950 CE) were constructed.[75] Stupa: The origin of the stupa can be traced to 3rd century BCE India.[76] It was used as a commemorative monument associated with storing sacred relics.[76] The stupa architecture was adopted in Southeast and East Asia, where it evolved into the pagoda, a Buddhist monument used for enshrining sacred relics.[76] Toe stirrup: The earliest known manifestation of the stirrup, which was a toe loop that held the big toe was used in India in as early as 500 BCE[77] or perhaps by 200 BCE according to other sources.[78][79] This ancient stirrup consisted of a looped rope for the big toe which was at the bottom of a saddle made of fibre or leather.[79] Such a configuration made it suitable for the warm climate of most of India where people used to ride horses barefoot.[79] A pair of megalithic double bent iron bars with curvature at each end, excavated in Junapani in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh have been regarded as stirrups although they could as well be something else.[80] Buddhist carvings in the temples of Sanchi, Mathura and the Bhaja caves dating back between the 1st and 2nd century BCE figure horsemen riding with elaborate saddles with feet slipped under girths.[81][82][83] Sir John Marshall described the Sanchi relief as "the earliest example by some five centuries of the use of stirrups in any part of the world".[83] In the 1st century CE horse riders in northern India, where winters are sometimes long and cold, were recorded to have their booted feet attached to hooked stirrups.[78] However the form, the conception of the primitive Indian stirrup spread west and east, gradually evolving into the stirrup of today.http://en.wikipe
John Woodbridge

The Renaissance - 0 views

  • new enthusiasm for classical literature, learning, and art which sprang up in Italy towards the close of the Middle Ages, and which during the course of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries gave a new culture to Europe.
  • Renaissance was essentially an intellectual movement
  • secular, inquiring, self-reliant spirit which characterized the life and culture of classical antiquity
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • vernacular literatures.
    • John Woodbridge
      Vernacular means locally spoken language. Literature the stories that are written so this whole phrase means stories written in the local language about local topics.
  • The atmosphere of these bustling, trafficking cities called into existence a practical commercial spirit, a many-sided, independent, secular life which in many respects was directly opposed to medieval teachings and ideals.
  • So far-reaching and transforming was the influence of the old world of culture upon the nations of Western Europe that the Renaissance, viewed as the transition from the mediaeval to the modern age, may properly be regarded as beginning with its discovery, or rediscovery, and the appropriation of its riches by the Italian scholars.
  • It was a political, intellectual, and artistic life like that of the cities of ancient Greece.
  • Florence, for example, became a second Athens
  • Italy the birthplace of the Renaissance was the fact that in Italy the break between the old and the new civilization was not so complete as it was in the other countries of Western Europe.
  • Italians were closer in language and in blood to the old Romans than were the other new-forming nations
  • direct descendants and heirs of the old conquerors of the world
  • first task of the Italian scholars the recovery and appropriation of the culture of antiquity.
  • existence in the peninsula of so many monuments of the civilization and the grandeur of ancient Rome
  • -a recovery and appropriation by the Italians of the long-neglected heritage of Graeco-Roman civilization.
  • The movement here consisted of two distinct yet closely related phases, namely, the revival of classical literature and learning, and the revival of classical art
  • intellectual and literary phase of the movement
  • "Humanism,
  • study of the classics, the literae humaniores, or the "more human letters," in opposition to the diviner letters, that is, theology, which made up the old education.
  • Petrarch, the First of the Humanists.-- [Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374
  • He was the first scholar of the mediaeval time who fully realized and appreciated the supreme excellence and beauty of the classical literature and its value as a means of culture.
  • He could not read Greek, yet he gathered Greek as well as Latin manuscripts
  • During all the mediaeval centuries, until the dawn of the intellectual revival, the ruins of Rome were merely a quarry. The monuments of the Caesars were torn down for building material, the sculptured marbles were burned into lime for mortar.
    Effects of the Renaissance on development of Western culture
sasha p

Slavery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

shared by sasha p on 16 Nov 11 - Cached
  • Slavery is a system under which people are treated as property and are forced to work.[1] Slaves can be held against their will from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to demand compensation. Conditions that can be considered slavery include debt bondage, indentured servitude, serfdom, domestic servants kept in captivity, adoption in which children are effectively forced to work as slaves, child soldiers, and forced marriage.[2]
  • Slavery is a system under which people are treated as property and are forced to work . [1] Slaves can be held against their will from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to demand compensation. Conditions that can be considered slavery include debt bondage, indentured servitude, serfdom, domestic servants kept in captivity, adoption in which children are effectively forced to work as slaves, child soldiers, and forced marriage.[2]
  • Slavery is a system under which people are treated as property and are forced to work.[1] Slaves can be held against their will from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to demand compensation. Conditions that can be considered slavery include debt bondage, indentured servitude, serfdom, domestic servants kept in captivity, adoption in which children are effectively forced to work as slaves, child soldiers, and forced marriage.[2]
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Slavery is a system under which people are treated as property and are forced to work . [1] Slaves can be held against their will from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to demand compensation. Conditions that can be considered slavery include debt bondage, indentured servitude, serfdom, domestic servants kept in captivity, adoption in which children are effectively forced to work as slaves, child soldiers, and forced marriage
  • Slavery predates written records and has existed in many cultures . [3] The number of slaves today is higher than at any point in history , [4] remaining as high as 12 million [5] to 27 million, [6][7][8] though this is probably the smallest proportion of the world's population in history. [
  • Slavery predates written records and has existed in many cultures.[3] The number of slaves today is higher than at any point in history,[4] remaining as high as 12 million[5] to 27 million,[6][7][8] though this is probably the smallest proportion of the world's population in history.
  • Chattel slavery, so named because people are treated as the personal property of an owner and are bought and sold as commodities, is the traditional form of slavery. It is the least prevalent form of slavery today.[10]
  • Evidence of slavery predates written records, and has existed in many cultures.[3] Prehistoric graves from about 8000 BC in Lower Egypt suggest that a Libyan people enslaved a San[disambiguation needed ]-like tribe.[16] Slavery is rare among hunter–gatherer populations, as slavery is a system of social stratification. Mass slavery also requires economic surpluses and a high population density to be viable. Due to these factors, the practice of slavery would have only proliferated after the invention of agriculture during the Neolithic Revolution about 11,000 years ago.[17] The earliest records of slavery can be traced to the oldest known records, which treat it as an established institution, not one newly instituted. The Code of Hammurabi (ca. 1760 BC), for example, stated that death was prescribed for anyone who helped a slave to escape, as well as for anyone who sheltered a fugitive.[18] The Bible refers to slavery as an established institution.[3] Slavery was known in civilizations as old as Sumer, as well as almost every other ancient civilization, including Ancient Egypt, Ancient China, the Akkadian Empire, Assyria, Ancient India, Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, the Islamic Caliphate, and the pre-Columbian civilizations of the Americas.[3] Such institutions were a mixture of debt-slavery, punishment for crime, the enslavement of prisoners of war, child abandonment, and the birth of slave children to slaves.
Ethan H

Legacy of Ancient Greece: Art, Government, Science & Sports - Video & Lesson Transcript... - 0 views

    • Ethan H
      The thing that I thought was the biggest discovery / finding was that they created a democracy.  They decided to revolt against a king. 
  • Ancient Greece was one of the first major civilizations of Europe. Ancient Greek culture officially lasted from the 8th century BC to the 7th century AD, but their height was in the 6th and 5th centuries BC, a period that was so influential on Western culture that we call it the Classical era.
  • The Greeks cities were some of the first major civilizations to question the rule of a king, and in the 6th Century BC, the people of Athens developed a new government system called democracy
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • But Greece has done so much more for humanity than just great marinated vegetables. Greece set foundations for modern civilization that include art, government, science, and even sports.
  • Athens instituted a system where every citizen - then defined as free males - had the right to both vote and speak in the legislative assembly where new laws were made.
    This sight talks about Greece's legacy.  It talks about art and Greek governments.
Achintya K

Greece Geography - 1 views

  • About 20% of Greece is made up of islands. Crete is a large island located in the Mediterranean Sea. It is a popular tourist area for its beautiful mountains, coastline, and many ancient ruins.
    • JI-Yoon K
      Greece is a beautiful place to visit!
  • Much of Greece is mountainous and rocky terrain, with the occasional plain.
  • ...49 more annotations...
  • Pindus Mountains start in northern Greece and stretch south to the Gulf of Patra. In the southern part of Greece are the Peloponnesus Mountains.
  • people of Greece were one of the earliest civilizations
  • Greece is one of the oldest civilizations, dating back over 5000 years.
  • 10 million people.
    • Achintya K
      What is the most interesting key fact about Greece?
  • Athens, Patra, Piraeus, Larisa and Salonica.
  • Athens.
  • Major cities
  • Most of the people in Greece live along the coast, or along rivers and harbors.
    • Achintya K
      Figure out what are some historical highlights.
  • still has many ancient ruins, some over 4000 years old.
  • has many medieval churchs.
  • makes Greece a very popular tourist area.
  • well known for its sculptures, paintings, pottery, poetry and playwriting.
  • The land within Greece is not very productive for farming.
  • Greeks have struggled to build a strong economy.
  • standard of living in Greece is lower than other European countries.
  • Manufacturing
  • becoming one of the key industries.
  • Tourism
  • 51,000 square miles.
  • very important, particularly along the Aegean Sea coast.
  • farming includes wheat, fruits, vegetables, olives and grapes.
  • Some areas support goat and sheep ranching.
  • Fishing also continues to be an important industry.
  • Top of Page Ancient Greece is considered the birthplace of European civilization, dating back over 5000 years.
  • date back over 4000 years,
  • caves showing signs of life over 10,000 years ago.
  • ancient greek people may have come from northern Africa.
  • Ancient Greece produced many philosophers and scholars, such as Socrates and Plato.
  • contributed significantly to our current culture.
  • first democratic government
  • created
  • scientific principles
  • created
    • Achintya K
      What are a few things about greece?
  • discovered
  • contributed to the artistic community with Homer
  • wrote the Iliad and The Odyssey,
  • artisans creating sculptures, paintings, pottery, poetry and playwriting.
  • Competitive sports were a major part of Greek life. The first Olympic Games were held in Greece in 776 BC.
  • did not have a strong, unified military force.
  • ancient Greeks
  • an easy target for other invading people.
  • ancient times, Greece was conquered by the Romans. Others controlled Greece at various times. In the 15th century, the Turks invaded Greece and ruled for about 400 years. The Greeks finally got their independence in the early 1800s.
  • mathematics.
  • Two thirds of the population lives in urban areas such as Athens.
  • Greek culture is still heavily influenced by its ancient history.
  • Most of Greece has a mild climate. Summers are warm and dry, particularly in the southern coastal areas. Rain is heavy during the winter months, with some mountain areas getting snow.
    i had no idea that 20 percent of greece is islands and is rockey with terrains
    I really want to go to Greece
j slain

Civilization in Athens - 2 views

  • The men who were citizens of Athens each had a say in making its laws and were allowed to vote for whatever politician they wanted in regular elections.
  • only men got to be citizens. And not just any man; his mother, father, grandfather, grandmother and sometimes even more had to be born in Athens, Greece.
Abbey B

What were the major accomplishments of Greek civilization - 0 views

    • Abbey B
      Accomplishments of the Greek civilization.
  • *Democracy*Parthenon*Olympics*Founder of the western world*Sophia Hagia*Drama*Science
Justin D

The Fall Of Ancient Rome - 2 views

  • Rome was engaged in border skirmishes with the tribes north of the great European rivers
  • Strong emperors occasionally extended the empire over the rivers while weak emperors tended to lose those land
  • The largest organised rival of the Romans was the Persian Empire to the east, occupying modern Syria, Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan. The Persians were the political descendants of the Parthians who had revolted away from Greek rule following Alexander's conquests and, thereafter, successfully resisted Roman invasions.
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • The Romans had existed as an important power for over 1000 years
  • They had brought stability, prosperity, and order to the civilised West
  • Roman law kept the internal peace and 20 to 30 Roman legions defended the frontiers.
  • Emperors held absolute authorit
  • but incompetent ones could do great harm
  • The rules for succession to the throne were never clear, and debilitating civil wars often resulted.
  • in the hands of a minority while a large slave population did most of the work.
  • Roman conquests had ceased in the second century A.D., bringing an end to massive inflows of plunder and slaves
  • A plague may have killed 20 percent of the empire's population in the third and fourth centuries, further reducing trade and production.
  • late third century, the Roman Empire was split into eastern and western halves in an attempt to make for easier rule and better contro
  • 323 Constantine became emperor after a civil war and established his eastern capital at Byzantium, which he renamed Constantinople.
  • eastern and western parts of the empire gradually established separate identities, although nominally the same empire
  • These identities were partially due to the different pressures brought to bear on them from the outside and the local culture.
    A site that goes into some details
morgan m

List of Indian inventions and discoveries - 2 views

  • Button, ornamental: Buttons—made from seashell—were used in the Indus Valley Civilization for ornamental purposes by 2000 BCE.[1] Some buttons were carved into geometric shapes and had holes pieced into them so that they could attached to clothing by using a thread.[1] Ian McNeil (1990) holds that: "The button, in fact, was originally used more as an ornament than as a fastening, the earliest known being found at Mohenjo-daro in the Indus Valley. It is made of a curved shell and about 5000 years old
    • morgan m
      buttons are ok but we dont really need them
    It has many inventions and discoveries
    Yes, I agree. I used the same site.
    It has many inventions and discoveries
Everett m

Slavery in Ancient Greece - 2 views

  • Slavery played a major role in ancient Greek civilization. Slaves could be found everywhere. They worked not only as domestic servants, but as factory workers, shopkeepers, mineworkers, farm workers and as ship's crewmembers
    • sarah l
      sarah l
    • Everett m
      this is helpful
  • Slavery played a major role in ancient Greek civilization. Slaves could be found everywhere. They worked not only as domestic servants, but as factory workers, shopkeepers, mineworkers, farm workers and as ship's crewmembers.
  • There were many different ways in which a person could have become a slave in ancient Greece. They might have been born into slavery as the child of a slave. They might have been taken prisoner if their city was attacked in one of the many battles which took place during these times. They might have been exposed as an infant, meaning the parents abandoned their newborn baby upon a hillside or at the gates of the city to die or be claimed by a passerby.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Usually it was a daughter because the male children were much needed to help out with the chores or the farm. Kidnapping was another fairly common way in which one could have been sold into slavery.
    How slavery worked in ancient Greece
mmcshepard m

Greek Civilization in Beijing Museum -- - 0 views

    How Greece traded with China along the silk road. 
Bridgitte F

Greek History - 0 views

  • According to archaeological and historical sources the story of Greece began deep in prehistory, and has continued to our days.
  • This brief history of Greece is compiled here as an introduction to web readers and to provide the historical background that’s needed to appreciate all the subjects of Ancient Greek civilization. It was no easy task to compress the history of Ancient Greece into a concise format that would be appropriate both for Online reading and as a precise overview of the subject.
  • From the 6th and until the 2nd century BCE the Agora as the heart of the government, as a public place of debate, as a place of worship, and as marketplace, played a central role in the development of the Athenian ideals, and provided a healthy environment where the unique Democratic political system took its first wobbly steps on earth.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Delphi was inhabited since Mycenaean times (14th - 11th c. B.C.) by small settlements who were dedicated to the Mother Earth deity. The worship of Apollo as the god of light, harmony, and order was established between the 11th and 9th centuries. Slowly over the next five centuries the sanctuary grew in size and importance. During the 8th c. B.C. Delphi became internationally known for the Oracular powers of Pythia.
  • Dodona is an important ancient Greek oracle, second in fame only to Delphi. It is located in a strategic pass at the eastern slopes of the imposing Mt. Tomaros, close to the modern city of Ioannina in western Epiros. It was dedicated to Zeus and Dione, and the Greeks believed it to be the most ancient of oracles.
  • Archaeological evidence testifies to the island's habitation since the 7th millennium BC After the 5th millennium BC we find the first evidence of hand-made ceramic pottery which marks the beginning of the civilization Evans, the famed archaeologist who excavated Knossos, named "Minoan" after the legendary king Minos.
  • The sanctuary at Olympia (Ολυμπία) is positioned in a serene and fertile valley between the Alpheios and the Kladeos rivers in western Peloponnese, in Elis. It was the host of the Olympic games for a thousand years in antiquity.
Neha C

Greek achievements and Greek history - 0 views

  • Art (Pathenon, sculptures of Phidias, etc., source of inspiration for Roman and all sorts of sub. art)
  • The Greeks excelled in sculpture.
  • Also impressive: Greek architecture.
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • Greek scupture inspired the Romans and (indirectly) the great sculptors of the Renaissance.
  • Elements of Greek architecture have been copied again and again from Roman times onward--and we still see many elements of Greek architecture in at least some of our public buildings today.
  • Sports (Olympic games)
  • The Greeks also are important for the contribution to sports.
  • There are lots of other echoes of the Greeks in our sports tradition of today.
  •   History (first and some of greatest historians, including HERODOTUS, Thucydides, and Xenophon)
  • The Greeks give us the first true historical works, and it was a Greek (Herodotus) that first used the term "history" for what we call history today.  Not only did the Greeks give us our first historical works, they also give us some of  our greatest.
  • The buildings on the Athenian acropolis are a great example.
  • First of all, it is impressive because it moves beyond the mere chronicling of events (something that had been done before) and attempts to explain why certain events happen and what those events means: what lesssons we can learn from history.
  •   Herodotus might be considered, not just the father of history, but the father of cultural anthropology as well.
  • And particular this is so when one looks at Herodotus' central theme: freedom.  A central theme of Herodotus' book is the value of living in a free society (even though it means sacrifice) rather than living under despotism no matter how well-organized and prosperous a society run by a despot might seem.  Herodotus book is one of the sources of the Western love of freedom.
  • Political science Not only do the Greeks give us our first history, they give us also our first political science, the systematic study of human government.  When one studies political science today, one constantly uses Greek terms (monarchy, democracy, etc.). Why?  Because the Greeks were the first to study the various forms of human government and to identify the strengths and weakness of each.
  • Aristotle's Politics and Plato's Republic are still much read in political science/political philosophy classes today, another good example of the lasting influence of the Greeks.
  • Poetry In poetery too, the Greek had a lasting influence.  When we analyze poetry today, we use Greek words (iamb, dactyl, trochee, etc.).  Why?  Because the Greeks were the first to systematically analyze poetry.  Here too Aristotle is a key figure.  His "Poetics" is as influential in literary criticism as his "Politics" is in political science.
  • Among the greatest and most influential of epic poems are the two great poems of Homer, the Iliad and the Odyssey. 
  • The Greeks also excelled at lyric poetry. 
  • Mathematics Math is another area in which the Greeks made important contributions.  You are all familiar with the Pythagorean theorum, and the Greek reverence for numbers that starts with Pythagoras is certainly an important contribution of the Greeks.
  • Now what's important here is *not* the practical application of geometry.  What's important is the systematic, rigorous thinking process one must go through in coming up with these proofs.  The study of Euclid taught generation after generation to think clearly and logically: and it is a pity that the current geometry texts have drifted away from this.
  •   Science The Greeks also made important contributions to the sciences.  Biology, Physics, Physiology, Zoology: all Greek names, because the Greeks were the first to systematically explore these areas.  Thales, the first Greek philosopher, also is the father of physics, asking a fundamental question: what are all things made of?  The Greeks explored the question, coming up with promising answers.  Ultimately, Greeks like Aristotle believed that the world was made up of four fundamental elements. Other Greeks added the idea that these elements in their turn were made up of invisible, indivisable particles they called atoms.  Now we have a lot more elements than the Greek four, and we believe the atom can be divided into evern more fundamental particles, but note that the Greeks are certainly on the right track.
  • Perhaps most impressive of all was Archimedes
  •   But its not just in literature the Greeks excelled. They produced some of the world's greatest art, the first true science, and some of the greatest athletes the world has ever seen.  In fact, of all the ancient peoples, it was the Greeks who contributed the most to subsequent civilization in virtually every field of human endeavor.  What's all the more amazing is that the Greek were able to do all these things despite the fact that they were constantly at war--or maybe because they were constantly at war. Generalization: Greeks made more important contributions to sub. civilization than any other ancient people.  Achievements:
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