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Rob Jacklin

Measuring Worth - Measures of worth, inflation rates, saving calculator, relative value... - 4 views

    Seven Ways to Compute the Relative Value of a U.S. Dollar Amount - 1774 to Present
Cathy Oxley

Pacific War Animated - 22 views

    "If a picture is worth a thousand words, a good animation is worth ten thousand. After reading book after book about the Pacific War and finding only complicated maps with dotted lines and dashed lines crisscrossing the pages, we decided to depict the key naval and land battles using animation technology."
Mitch Weisburgh

Learn about the National Atlas - 9 views

    If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a map is worth ten thousand. This is not like any atlas you remember. Maps of America are what you'll find and make on™. Maps of innovation and vision that illustrate our changing Nation. Maps that capture and depict the patterns, conditions, and trends of American life. Maps that supplement interesting articles. Maps that tell their own stories. Maps that cover all of the United States or just your area of interest. Maps that are accurate and reliable from more than 20 Federal organizations. Maps about America's people, heritage, and resources. Maps that will help you, your children, your colleagues, and your friends understand the United States and its place in the world."
HistoryGrl14 .


    "Manuscripts, Books, and Maps: The Printing Press and a Changing World"
    Martin Luther lesson plan
Lisa M Lane

The Washington Monthly - 12 views

    discussion on teaching history backwards -- the comments are worth the whole thing
Lisa M Lane

A People's History of the United States - 5 views

    This great book should really be read by everyone. It is difficult to describe why it so great because it both teaches and inspires. You really just have to read it. We think it is so good that it demands to be as accessible as possible. Once you've finished it, we're sure you'll agree. In fact, years ago, we would offer people twenty dollars if they read the book and didn't think it was completely worth their time. Of all the people who took us up on it, no one collected.
HistoryGrl14 .

Curriculum Units | Brown University - 11 views

    While to get the full version you must buy the curriculum for any given topic (which I will say I have found to be VERY worth the money they charge if you are interested in purchasing), for any given curriculum set, when you select it, on the right side you will see a box that says "supplemental materials". This is a link that gives you access to graphic organizers, video clips by historians, etc all good stuff you can use in your lessons!
Simon Miles

MIT Visualizing Cultures - 16 views

    "Topical units on Japan in the modern world and early-modern China. Images of every sort are introduced and examined here-in partnership with contributing institutions and collections."
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    Thanks for this one...amazing website! Love it for our yr 12 course of study...thanks Lisa
    Perfect for the Asia in the C20th unit I'm doing with my 12s this term. Thanks heaps :)
    I found this on the Asia Education Foundation website - If you're doing units on Asia, definitely worth taking a look.
David Hilton

resourcesforhistoryteachers - home - 5 views

    An excellent reference point for teachers and students of History. The resources and sources are organised around grade levels (based on the Massachusetts curriculum) and contain primary sources as well as historical descriptions. Worth joining up!
    A useful resource for history teachers to find multimedia tools.
David Hilton

History Teaching Ideas - General - 0 views

    There seem to be some gems in there for history teachers and it has two things going for it: it's not just a money spinner, and it's maintained by a practicing history teacher. Worth a look for some classroom resources when the bell's going in five minutes and planning's been the last thing on your mind... Although of course we never do that...
David Hilton

Readings & Flowcharts - The Flow of History - 0 views

    I've found these resources excellent. You buy them for 3 bucks and it's worth it. I use them now with all my classes and I've found them really effective.
David Hilton

NPS Archeology Program: Ancient Architects of the Mississippi - 2 views

    Doesn't have a whole lot of material (most of it seems to be illustrations and reconstructions rather than primary sources - understandable I guess given the paucity of material culture) yet given the scarcity of materials on the topic I thought it was worth saving. A fascinating topic for students.
David Hilton

Homepage - ReadWriteThink - 18 views

    I've got a new boss these days and she's getting us to use graphic organisers and reading strategies and such things. I was sceptical at first, but now I'm a convert. Do many people use graphic organisers in class?
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    They're pretty popular here in the States. What do you want to know/need to know?
    Thinkfinity has ReadWriteThink as one of its content providers. Definitely worth checking out:
    How do you use them mate? I found some excellent charts here Password is 'monty'.
    I use them for thinking maps, to show how concepts and ideas are related, as flow charts when necessary, as a way to show comparisons and contrasts and as a way to show umbrella terms and then related terms.
    I'm definitely a convert. I now spend the first half of each lesson going through the content and the second half skills-building using graphic organisers, summarising, etc.
Jeremy Greene

Historical Role Playing for Engagement, Authenticity, and Interaction - 20 views

    This is an article I co-wrote on using a technique (RAFT = role, audience, format, topic) to make history work more creative and worth while for students. I would love to hear what others think about the assignment
Christina Briola

Famous People Painting "Discussing the Divine Comedy with Dante" - 9 views

    Discussing the Divine Comedy with Dante. Wow!!
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    I have created a very successful lesson/activity around this painting. The details are as follows. This window has this year's assignment. The next reply has the previous years. Advice: WHAP Review Activity: The Twittering Masses Review activity (mostly 1914- and East Asia) Description - I previously set up 103 discussions on for this lesson so they post into that person's discussion board and all replies are kept under the initial post. This year they posted on our classes in the discussion forum. Grading is also difficult - Since not every one will have the same amount of replies - people are more likely to write to Hitler than Cui Jian for instance. So, I am grading the posts holistically out of 10 (I often only have 100-200 points in a quarter, so for instance a test might only be worth 40 points). I have students use a heading that states who [character] is tweeting what topic they are focusing on and who they are writing to. I would be interested in feedback or improvements people think they can make on this lesson - should I use Moodle, [Again, I have switched to] etc.? Many thanks. And you can add or subtract people as you wish, so we have actually added Marcus Garvey, Jomo Kenyatta, Stephen Biko, and Emiliano Zapata to our role play and taken the painters (of this painting) out of the role play - Write up for students: Go to to see who all these individuals are, in color. The rules: You will imagine that each of the historical actors above has access to twitter, the expanded edition, 140 words as compared to 140 characters, to communicate to the other guests present. You will choose six of them (from my list below - my list is the final list - some people pictured have been replaced) to role-play in the "Twittering Masses." As your historical
    See previous post for advice. This is how I set it up the first two years without specific WHAP content or themes: The rules: You will imagine that each of the historical actors above has access to twitter, the expanded edition, to communicate to the other guests present. You will choose up to four (at least three) of them to role play in the "Twittering Masses" role play. As your historical person, during the Twittering Masses role play you will write, "tweet," at least four other persons. Two of the people should be in close proximity to you based on the painting above. Another tweet should go to the person you feel closest to (not by proximity) at the party - this could be based on ideology (MLK Jr. and Gandhi), background (Tagore and Gandhi), lifestyle (Gandhi and Mother Theresa), etc. Explain in your tweet why you are writing them. The other tweet should go to the person you see as most opposed, or farthest from you - Gandhi and Hitler or Gandhi and Gates or Gandhi and Churchill - in this tweet you should either try to bridge the gap between your differences or explain why the person is wrong in their beliefs. If you have only three guests - you will need to make 5 initial tweets. You will respond to each initial tweet. Then who knows . . . All tweets should have some connection to WHAP content or themes. You may want to comment on the surroundings or other guests . . .
    I would love comments as to the posts above. Something similar I do is written up here:
Ed Webb

Modern art was CIA 'weapon' - World, News - The Independent - 6 views

  • The Central Intelligence Agency used American modern art - including the works of such artists as Jackson Pollock, Robert Motherwell, Willem de Kooning and Mark Rothko - as a weapon in the Cold War. In the manner of a Renaissance prince - except that it acted secretly - the CIA fostered and promoted American Abstract Expressionist painting around the world for more than 20 years.
  • in the propaganda war with the Soviet Union, this new artistic movement could be held up as proof of the creativity, the intellectual freedom, and the cultural power of the US. Russian art, strapped into the communist ideological straitjacket, could not compete.
  • The decision to include culture and art in the US Cold War arsenal was taken as soon as the CIA was founded in 1947. Dismayed at the appeal communism still had for many intellectuals and artists in the West, the new agency set up a division, the Propaganda Assets Inventory, which at its peak could influence more than 800 newspapers, magazines and public information organisations. They joked that it was like a Wurlitzer jukebox: when the CIA pushed a button it could hear whatever tune it wanted playing across the world.
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  • Initially, more open attempts were made to support the new American art. In 1947 the State Department organised and paid for a touring international exhibition entitled "Advancing American Art", with the aim of rebutting Soviet suggestions that America was a cultural desert. But the show caused outrage at home, prompting Truman to make his Hottentot remark and one bitter congressman to declare: "I am just a dumb American who pays taxes for this kind of trash." The tour had to be cancelled.
  • This philistinism, combined with Joseph McCarthy's hysterical denunciations of all that was avant-garde or unorthodox, was deeply embarrassing. It discredited the idea that America was a sophisticated, culturally rich democracy. It also prevented the US government from consolidating the shift in cultural supremacy from Paris to New York since the 1930s.
  • If any official institution was in a position to celebrate the collection of Leninists, Trotskyites and heavy drinkers that made up the New York School, it was the CIA.
  • Moscow in those days was very vicious in its denunciation of any kind of non-conformity to its own very rigid patterns. And so one could quite adequately and accurately reason that anything they criticised that much and that heavy- handedly was worth support one way or another
  • As president of what he called "Mummy's museum", Rockefeller was one of the biggest backers of Abstract Expressionism (which he called "free enterprise painting"). His museum was contracted to the Congress for Cultural Freedom to organise and curate most of its important art shows. The museum was also linked to the CIA by several other bridges. William Paley, the president of CBS broadcasting and a founding father of the CIA, sat on the members' board of the museum's International Programme. John Hay Whitney, who had served in the agency's wartime predecessor, the OSS, was its chairman. And Tom Braden, first chief of the CIA's International Organisations Division, was executive secretary of the museum in 1949.
  • "It was very difficult to get Congress to go along with some of the things we wanted to do - send art abroad, send symphonies abroad, publish magazines abroad. That's one of the reasons it had to be done covertly. It had to be a secret. In order to encourage openness we had to be secret."
  • Would Abstract Expressionism have been the dominant art movement of the post-war years without this patronage? The answer is probably yes. Equally, it would be wrong to suggest that when you look at an Abstract Expressionist painting you are being duped by the CIA. But look where this art ended up: in the marble halls of banks, in airports, in city halls, boardrooms and great galleries. For the Cold Warriors who promoted them, these paintings were a logo, a signature for their culture and system which they wanted to display everywhere that counted. They succeeded.
David Hilton

PROVcommunity - promoting research using records from the Victorian state archives - 5 views

    A Ning set up by someone at the Victorian State Archives. Definitely worth a look for anyone teaching history in Australia, I reckon.
David Hilton

Flowcabulary Hip-Hop Learning Tools - Social Studies - 18 views

    I think this one is even better. There's a free sample or you can buy the full collection of songs.
    I know I'd already added this page to the group, however the resources that ordered arrived recently and they are so cool I decided to add it again. Most def worth a look for all the history peeps. The students dig it. You feel me?
David Hilton

Cafe Historia - A Sua Rede Social de História - Inscreva-se! É rápido e gratu... - 2 views

    This History Ning (social network) is hosted in Portuguese however it's so large (17000 members!) that I thought it worth adding. It's on Ning - the same platform at the My History Network! OMG what a coincidence!
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