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Matt Esterman

National Curriculum - 38 views

In Year 11 students have to complete a research assignment that is mandated by the syllabus, however at our school we basically gave them the list of personalities they could study. I was pushing f...

national curriculum history study research

peter shaheen

9/11 in the Arts: An Anniversary Guide - 8 views

    InterRelations Collaborative, Inc. A selected listing of events related to the 10-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Events are ordered by opening or release date, and alphabetically for events on the same day. The latest on the arts, coverage of live events, critical reviews, multimedia extravaganzas and much more.
David Korfhage

Gettysburg Address history: Why Four Score and Seven Years Ago? - 9 views

    An interesting cartoon exploration of the Gettysburg address, specifically the significant of the phrase "Four score and seven years ago"
Christina Briola

Famous People Painting "Discussing the Divine Comedy with Dante" - 9 views

    Discussing the Divine Comedy with Dante. Wow!!
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    I have created a very successful lesson/activity around this painting. The details are as follows. This window has this year's assignment. The next reply has the previous years. Advice: WHAP Review Activity: The Twittering Masses Review activity (mostly 1914- and East Asia) Description - I previously set up 103 discussions on for this lesson so they post into that person's discussion board and all replies are kept under the initial post. This year they posted on our classes in the discussion forum. Grading is also difficult - Since not every one will have the same amount of replies - people are more likely to write to Hitler than Cui Jian for instance. So, I am grading the posts holistically out of 10 (I often only have 100-200 points in a quarter, so for instance a test might only be worth 40 points). I have students use a heading that states who [character] is tweeting what topic they are focusing on and who they are writing to. I would be interested in feedback or improvements people think they can make on this lesson - should I use Moodle, [Again, I have switched to] etc.? Many thanks. And you can add or subtract people as you wish, so we have actually added Marcus Garvey, Jomo Kenyatta, Stephen Biko, and Emiliano Zapata to our role play and taken the painters (of this painting) out of the role play - Write up for students: Go to to see who all these individuals are, in color. The rules: You will imagine that each of the historical actors above has access to twitter, the expanded edition, 140 words as compared to 140 characters, to communicate to the other guests present. You will choose six of them (from my list below - my list is the final list - some people pictured have been replaced) to role-play in the "Twittering Masses." As your historical
    See previous post for advice. This is how I set it up the first two years without specific WHAP content or themes: The rules: You will imagine that each of the historical actors above has access to twitter, the expanded edition, to communicate to the other guests present. You will choose up to four (at least three) of them to role play in the "Twittering Masses" role play. As your historical person, during the Twittering Masses role play you will write, "tweet," at least four other persons. Two of the people should be in close proximity to you based on the painting above. Another tweet should go to the person you feel closest to (not by proximity) at the party - this could be based on ideology (MLK Jr. and Gandhi), background (Tagore and Gandhi), lifestyle (Gandhi and Mother Theresa), etc. Explain in your tweet why you are writing them. The other tweet should go to the person you see as most opposed, or farthest from you - Gandhi and Hitler or Gandhi and Gates or Gandhi and Churchill - in this tweet you should either try to bridge the gap between your differences or explain why the person is wrong in their beliefs. If you have only three guests - you will need to make 5 initial tweets. You will respond to each initial tweet. Then who knows . . . All tweets should have some connection to WHAP content or themes. You may want to comment on the surroundings or other guests . . .
    I would love comments as to the posts above. Something similar I do is written up here:
Mr Maher

Pilgrims and Progress: How Magazines Made Thanksgiving - 4 views

    This academically rigorous article may be beyond even the highest functioning AP US History students. But all teachers will find this article aiming a question directly at their curriculum - Do you teach a myth as a cultural affirmation? The essay argues that "traveling home to turkey and all the trimmings was "invented", not in 17th century Massachusetts, but in 19th century Philadelphia in the pages of the nation's most widely circulated magazines and in respond to the changing American scene. Two hundred years after the Pilgrims' quit commemorations, Thanksgiving developed a uniform national profile, impelled by its promoters ideas about republican identity, ideas diffused by a publishing industry with increasingly national reach"
Kristen McDaniel

Bringing History to Life - High School Notes ( - 13 views

  • The students' documentary was part of National History Day, a program that more than 600,000 middle and high school students participate in each year.
  • They're going to archives, going to museums, doing real historical research. In the process of all this, they learn history, they learn about their nation's past. They learn important skills they can apply in their careers and in college.
  • We have empirical data that proves without a doubt that kids who participate in History Day outperform their peers who don't.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • In middle and high school, that's where the loss of instruction time comes.
  • has to be an engaged study of the past.
  • [National History Day] is not just for gifted and talented students; this is a program that does extremely well with kids in the lower quartile.
  • riginal research, you have an opportunity to form your own opinion on a topic. You're looking at original material. They do have to read secondary material so that they can have context. Have you talked to any teachers about how they're discussing the killing of Osama bin Laden with students? What should teachers be saying to their students? What's the importance of recent history in history class? I haven't had the chance to talk to any teachers since [last] Sunday. But I can tell you that what I hope they're doing is helping young people put this in perspective. I hope they're helping students understand the history of terror and understand why 9/11 happened in the first place. You have to understand the history of the Middle East and the history of the United States' role there, so you can draw some meaning and understanding. Using the word understanding doesn't mean condoning; it just means you need to understand why it may have happened. See how your school stacks up in our rankings of Best High Schools. Have something of interest to share? Send your news to us at More High School Notes posts Reader Comments Add Comment Start the discussion! Be the first to comment on this story. var RecaptchaOptions = { theme : 'clean' }; Add Your Thoughts Title Comment 3000 characters left About You Name Email State - state - AL AK AZ AR CA CO CT DE DC FL GA HI ID IL IN IA KS KY LA ME MD MA MI MN MS MO MT NE NV NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VT VA WA WV WI WY International Please enter the two words below into the text field underneath the image. Recaptcha.widget = Recaptcha.$("recaptcha_widget_div"); Recaptcha.challenge_callback(); Your comment will be posted immediately, unless it is spam or contains profanity. For more information, please see our
    Outlining the importance of National History Day.
Van Weringh

Germany celebrates 20 years since reunification - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Cor... - 5 views

    This newspaper article explains very briefly the whole period between 1918 and 1990; a history lesson in a newspaper article!
David Hilton

What is History? - 26 views

shared by David Hilton on 27 Jan 10 - Cached
    This site rocks! You'll never use PowerPoint again. It takes a while to get used to, but the effort is worth it. I've done up this presentation for my year 11s to introduce them to history. I plan on playing 'Golden Years' by David Bowie and 'Think About It' by Flight of the Conchords in the background as a soundtrack. I'm guessing that you could edit and use it if you wanted. Pretty cool!
    VERY COOL!!!! I'm sure it took a LOT of time to create!!! It's awesome! Thanks for sharing it!
Van Weringh

Cuban Missile Crisis -- 50th Anniversary | Harvard Kennedy School's Belfer Center has c... - 3 views

    The 50th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis, coming up this October
David Hilton

The ULTIMATE tree-ring pages! - 0 views

    Henri loves his tree-ring dating and that's why he set up this site with all things dendrochronological. Would be useful if you're doing archaeology with your students (it's customary in Queensland for year 11 students to do a unit on that).
David Hilton

A Blog About History - 0 views

    Even though this is a blog (I tell my students to avoid them! Such a hypocrite...) this bloke seems to know what he's doing. From what I can see it's relevant with up-to-date research on a wide range of historical topics. Might be useful for the archaeology unit my year 11s do.
David Hilton

Ancient History with Alex - 0 views

    This is a podcast produced by one of my year 11 students for an assignment.
David Hilton

Modern History textbooks - 27 views

Thanks Jeremy for that. Very helpful. I really appreciate it :)

textbooks books resources ap ib

Matt Esterman

How One Teacher Uses Twitter in the Classroom - 11 views

    I've been using Twitter with my 11s and 12s this year and the feedback so far has been very positive. It's created a real buzz. If anyone would like to join in with their students I'd encourage you to check out #historystudent on Twitter. I recommend downloading Tweetdeck first (my students use that). It would be great to have other students and teachers sharing the feed. A great discussion can also be found at #historyteacher, organised by Russell Tarr. I've picked up many resources there.
Ed Webb

How we remember them: the 1914-18 war today | openDemocracy - 6 views

  • After the war, however, the problem of reintegrating into society both those who had served and those who had lost, and finding a narrative that could contain both, found one answer by an emphasis on the universality of heroism. A British society that has since the 1960s grown increasingly distant from the realities of military service - whilst remaining dedicated to it as a location for fantasy - has been unable to move on from this rhetorical standpoint
  • The war's portrayal has always been shaped by contemporary cultural mores, and commemorative documentaries demonstrate just how much the relationship between the creators and consumers of popular culture has changed over the last fifty years. For the fiftieth anniversary of 1914, the BBC commissioned the twenty-six part series The Great War, based around archive footage and featuring interviews with veterans. There was an authoritative narrative voice, but no presenters. For the eightieth anniversary, it collaborated with an American television company on a six-part series littered with academic talking-heads. For the ninetieth anniversary, it has had a range of TV presenter-celebrities - among them Michael Palin, Dan Snow, Natalie Cassidy and Eamonn Holmes - on a journey of discovery of their families' military connections. These invariably culminate next to graves and memorials in a display of the right kind of televisual emotion at the moment the formula demands and the audience has come to expect.   The focus of these programmes - family history as a means of understanding the past - is worthy of note in itself. It is indicative of the dramatic growth of family history as a leisure interest, perhaps in response to the sense of dislocation inherent in modernity
  • The search for family history is usually shaped by modern preconceptions, and as such it seldom results by itself in a deeper understanding of the past. The modern experience of finding someone who shares your surname on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website, taking a day trip to France and finding his grave (perhaps with a cathartic tear or few) might increase a person's or family's sense of emotional connection to the war, and may bring other satisfactions. Insofar as it is led not by a direct connection with a loved one, however, but by what television has "taught" as right conduct, it can seldom encourage a more profound appreciation of what the war meant for those who fought it, why they kept fighting, or why they died.
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  • Projects such as The Great War Archive, which combine popular interest in the war with specialist expertise, and which recognise that an archive is different from a tribute or a memorial, suggest that it is possible to create high-quality content based on user submissions.
  • the exploitation of popular enthusiasm to encourage thought, rather than to enforce the "correct" opinion
  • It is certainly true that the 1914-18 war is popularly seen as the "bad war" and 1939-45 as the "good war." I think the one view is sustained in order to support the other. Although no expert, it seems to me that in reality the two world wars were marked more by their similarities than their differences (Europe-wide military/imperial rivalry causes collapse of inadequate alliance system > Germany invades everywhere > everywhere invades Germany). However, there is an extreme reluctance in Britain to admit that WW2 was anything other than a Manichean struggle between the elves and the orcs, so WW1 becomes a kind of dumping-ground for a lot of suppressed anxiety and guilt which might otherwise accrue to our role in WW2 - just as it might in any war. So we make a donkey out of Haig in order to sustain hagiographic views of Churchill. "Remembrance" of both wars continues to be a central feature of British public consciousness to an extraordinary, almost religious degree, and I think this has a nostalgic angle as well: if "we" squint a bit "we" can still tell ourselves that it was "our" last gasp as a global power. Personally I think it's all incredibly dodgy. "Remembrance," it seems to me, is always carried out in a spirit of tacit acceptance that the "remembered" war was a good thing. Like practically all of the media representation of the current war, Remembrance Day is a show of "sympathy" for the troops which is actually about preventing objective views of particular wars (and war in general) from finding purchase in the public consciousness. It works because it's a highly politicised ritual which is presented as being above politics and therefore above criticism. All these things are ways of manipulating the suffering of service personnel past and present as a means of emotionally blackmailing critics of government into silence. I reckon anyway.

Some Interesting Health Facts You Must Know. - 0 views

1. When you are looking at someone you love, your pupils dilate, and they do the same when you are looking at someone you hate. 2. The human head is one-quarter of our total length at birth but on...

health quiz facts

started by puzznbuzzus on 15 Feb 17 no follow-up yet
Javier E

Blame game erupts over Trump's decline in youth vote - POLITICO - 1 views

  • For instance, a post-election study by the Tisch College of Civic Life at Tufts University showed that 60 percent of Trump voters between the ages of 18 and 29 believe racism is a “somewhat or very serious issue,” compared to 52 percent of Trump voters above 45 years old. Similar gaps emerged when young Trump voters were asked about the importance of climate change (52 percent said they were “concerned” versus 40 percent of older Trump voters) and their self-proclaimed identity (61 percent identify as conservative versus 74 percent of older Trump voters).
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