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edutopia .org

What Does September 11 Stand For and How Should We Acknowledge it? | Edutopia - 6 views

    What about Sept. 11, 2001? I propose we call this, "A day leading to a national month of inspiration and gratitude." Let 9/11 be a source of social-emotional and character development (SECD) for our schools, staff and students.
peter shaheen

9/11 in the Arts: An Anniversary Guide - 8 views

    InterRelations Collaborative, Inc. A selected listing of events related to the 10-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Events are ordered by opening or release date, and alphabetically for events on the same day. The latest on the arts, coverage of live events, critical reviews, multimedia extravaganzas and much more.
Amy Cunningham

Understanding 9/11: A Television News Archive - 16 views

    Internet archive 9/11 collection
Shane Freeman

Key words=Common Craft, Videos, Social Studies, Middle School, 19th Century History, Fu... - 11 views

    The final videos can all be found here.  I hesitate to embed any in the post because I know I would be prone to pick the "best" one.  Please click on the link and randomly select one to watch! There are two pages of videos-and hey-leave a comment or a thumbs up!  I have to say, that after watching the kids make these, the final products just don't reflect the amount of work that is needed.  What I mean is that you shouldn't watch them and say "My kids could do that in a couple of days."  It took 360 minutes of class time to produce those 1-2 minute videos!! One thing I wished we had done is to write transitions so that the different videos linked together better.  I inadvertently led them to make videos on topics that come across as standing alone in time instead of being influenced and apart of other events and movements. Other good resources: Art Titzel Eric Langhorst John Fladd Karen McMillan Greg Kulowiec Mr. Canton Mr. Fogel Mr. Canton Authors write for different purposes.* The writing process is consistent across disciplines.* Technology is a tool for collecting, organizing, creating, and presenting informatio Tags: 6 COMMENTS SO FAR ↓ aimee // Dec 27, 2010 at 8:56 pm These videos really are terrific! I was able to pop in briefly and watch them being created (on Ustream)- such an amazing process! They are so deceptively simple and enchanting, yet require a myriad of skills. Well done! And, I've learned so much Reply Tweets that mention New Post: Key words=Common Craft, Videos, Social Studies, Middle School, 19th Century History, Fu... by -- // Dec 27, 2010 at 10:59 pm [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by mrsdi, Edtech Feeds. Edtech Feeds said: New Post: Key words=Common Craft, Videos, Social Studies, Middle School, 19th Century History, Fu… by @paulbogush [...] Reply Sally // Dec 28, 2010 at 10:39 am This is great! When we get back to school the students are finishing up t
Eric Beckman

PRI's The World: Special Edition 9/11 - 8 views

    Special editions of "The World's" coverage of September 11, from September 2001.
David Hilton

SlideShare (share powerpoint presentations online, slideshows, slide shows, download pr... - 0 views

    Dan put me on to this. We never need create a PowerPoint again. Similar is by Chris Butler in Illinois. Some great PowerPoints there.
Mila Saint Anne

Lyon en 1700 - 7 views

  • e du centre historique de la presqu'île disparu quasi intégralement, avec des commentaires audio et/ou des illustrations agrémentant la visite selon le lieu où le visiteur se trouve. La restitution permettra donc de servir de fil conducteur pour présenter des documents d'archive pouvant intéresser le public, gravures, peintures, plans ou autres. Elle permettra également de présenter des articles concernant tel ou tel bâtiment ou secteur de la ville.L'objectif adopté pour la restitution des immeubles disparus est de retrouver à minima le nombre d'étages, d'arcs de boutique et l'emplacement de la porte principale, mais cela n'est pas toujours possible. De vieilles gravures ou même certaines photographies du milieu du 19ème siècle permettent parfois de retrouver l'organisation des fenêtres. La couleur des façades est nécessairement imprécise. Les bâtiments publics ou religieux sont reconstitués à partir de plans et de gravures.Lyon en 1700 est une association régie par la Loi de 1901 et composée de passionnés d'histoire.Tout Lyonnais amateur de recherches en archives ou sur le terrain est bienvenu pour donner un coup de main ! Vous pouvez nous écrire à l'adresse Méthode adoptée à télécharger Méthodologie.pdf Diaporama
Kristen McDaniel

Bringing History to Life - High School Notes ( - 13 views

  • The students' documentary was part of National History Day, a program that more than 600,000 middle and high school students participate in each year.
  • They're going to archives, going to museums, doing real historical research. In the process of all this, they learn history, they learn about their nation's past. They learn important skills they can apply in their careers and in college.
  • We have empirical data that proves without a doubt that kids who participate in History Day outperform their peers who don't.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • In middle and high school, that's where the loss of instruction time comes.
  • has to be an engaged study of the past.
  • [National History Day] is not just for gifted and talented students; this is a program that does extremely well with kids in the lower quartile.
  • riginal research, you have an opportunity to form your own opinion on a topic. You're looking at original material. They do have to read secondary material so that they can have context. Have you talked to any teachers about how they're discussing the killing of Osama bin Laden with students? What should teachers be saying to their students? What's the importance of recent history in history class? I haven't had the chance to talk to any teachers since [last] Sunday. But I can tell you that what I hope they're doing is helping young people put this in perspective. I hope they're helping students understand the history of terror and understand why 9/11 happened in the first place. You have to understand the history of the Middle East and the history of the United States' role there, so you can draw some meaning and understanding. Using the word understanding doesn't mean condoning; it just means you need to understand why it may have happened. See how your school stacks up in our rankings of Best High Schools. Have something of interest to share? Send your news to us at More High School Notes posts Reader Comments Add Comment Start the discussion! Be the first to comment on this story. var RecaptchaOptions = { theme : 'clean' }; Add Your Thoughts Title Comment 3000 characters left About You Name Email State - state - AL AK AZ AR CA CO CT DE DC FL GA HI ID IL IN IA KS KY LA ME MD MA MI MN MS MO MT NE NV NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VT VA WA WV WI WY International Please enter the two words below into the text field underneath the image. Recaptcha.widget = Recaptcha.$("recaptcha_widget_div"); Recaptcha.challenge_callback(); Your comment will be posted immediately, unless it is spam or contains profanity. For more information, please see our
    Outlining the importance of National History Day.
Christina Briola

Famous People Painting "Discussing the Divine Comedy with Dante" - 9 views

    Discussing the Divine Comedy with Dante. Wow!!
  • ...1 more comment...
    I have created a very successful lesson/activity around this painting. The details are as follows. This window has this year's assignment. The next reply has the previous years. Advice: WHAP Review Activity: The Twittering Masses Review activity (mostly 1914- and East Asia) Description - I previously set up 103 discussions on for this lesson so they post into that person's discussion board and all replies are kept under the initial post. This year they posted on our classes in the discussion forum. Grading is also difficult - Since not every one will have the same amount of replies - people are more likely to write to Hitler than Cui Jian for instance. So, I am grading the posts holistically out of 10 (I often only have 100-200 points in a quarter, so for instance a test might only be worth 40 points). I have students use a heading that states who [character] is tweeting what topic they are focusing on and who they are writing to. I would be interested in feedback or improvements people think they can make on this lesson - should I use Moodle, [Again, I have switched to] etc.? Many thanks. And you can add or subtract people as you wish, so we have actually added Marcus Garvey, Jomo Kenyatta, Stephen Biko, and Emiliano Zapata to our role play and taken the painters (of this painting) out of the role play - Write up for students: Go to to see who all these individuals are, in color. The rules: You will imagine that each of the historical actors above has access to twitter, the expanded edition, 140 words as compared to 140 characters, to communicate to the other guests present. You will choose six of them (from my list below - my list is the final list - some people pictured have been replaced) to role-play in the "Twittering Masses." As your historical
    See previous post for advice. This is how I set it up the first two years without specific WHAP content or themes: The rules: You will imagine that each of the historical actors above has access to twitter, the expanded edition, to communicate to the other guests present. You will choose up to four (at least three) of them to role play in the "Twittering Masses" role play. As your historical person, during the Twittering Masses role play you will write, "tweet," at least four other persons. Two of the people should be in close proximity to you based on the painting above. Another tweet should go to the person you feel closest to (not by proximity) at the party - this could be based on ideology (MLK Jr. and Gandhi), background (Tagore and Gandhi), lifestyle (Gandhi and Mother Theresa), etc. Explain in your tweet why you are writing them. The other tweet should go to the person you see as most opposed, or farthest from you - Gandhi and Hitler or Gandhi and Gates or Gandhi and Churchill - in this tweet you should either try to bridge the gap between your differences or explain why the person is wrong in their beliefs. If you have only three guests - you will need to make 5 initial tweets. You will respond to each initial tweet. Then who knows . . . All tweets should have some connection to WHAP content or themes. You may want to comment on the surroundings or other guests . . .
    I would love comments as to the posts above. Something similar I do is written up here:

Some Interesting Health Facts You Must Know. - 0 views

1. When you are looking at someone you love, your pupils dilate, and they do the same when you are looking at someone you hate. 2. The human head is one-quarter of our total length at birth but on...

health quiz facts

started by puzznbuzzus on 15 Feb 17 no follow-up yet
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