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Chris Dede

Students lobby to use smart phones in classrooms :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Education - 4 views

    Since not all kids can afford a smart phone, I don't like giving those who can the advantage ... but ... what I am excited about are the low cost tablets, such as Marvell's Moby ($99 !) coming down the pike ...
Jessica O'Brien

First virtual school in Mass. opens Thursday - - 4 views

    • Jessica O'Brien
      Poor student health is associated with educational gaps. It seems possible that virtual schools may one day offer an effective alternative to traditional schools for children with chronic disease. However, it seems far too premature to consider that application yet.
    Very few virtual schools have worked with students this young, so there are interesting questions about jumping from no virtual schooling all the way to this model.
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    I wonder what the purpose would be of having a school entirely virtual. I can see this being a better opportunity for children in rural communities who are limited by distance (overlooking the financial aspect, of course). I also see this as a subtle way to eventually reduce staffing (not as many teachers and support staff workers needed). Have we evaluated the physical effects of children being glued to a screen for six hours a day?
    There is a really fascinating and controversial policy story behind this. Through "legislative sausage-making" the states first virtual school is being run by a single district out in Western Mass., mostly as a result of the entrepreneurial spirit of the superintendent. There are big questions about what will happen as students across the state sign up for the virtual school and their districts are required to pay tuition to Greenfield. And Greenfield isn't really providing a school, they are just enrolling students to be taught by a for-profit company, K-12. There are quite a few very interesting policy issues that would be worth digging into as the state launches this new venture in an unusual way.
    When I first read the article, I immediately thought "an idealist gone rogue." I wondered if there was even any research/method behind this decision, and you mentioned there is a fee. Did I understand correctly that the school district will have to pay this fee for the student like some sort of voucher? If I get a chance I'm going to look for more articles out there on this project. Thanks for mentioning it, Justin. Interesting, indeed.
Cameron Paterson

Imagining the Internet - 4 views

  • The links on this page lead to thousandsof forecasts about the networked future
    A history and forecast of the internet
Amanda Comperchio

Save the Words - 4 views

    This site might have some interesting application in a language arts or English class.
Garron Hillaire

California testing iPads as algebra textbooks - The Hill's Hillicon Valley - 4 views

  • A pilot project in four California school districts will replace 400 students' eighth-grade algebra textbooks with Apple iPads
  • "This is a seminal moment. It marks the fundamental shift from print delivery of curriculum to digital," said John Sipe, vice president of K-12 sales at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
  • Students with iPads will have instant access to more than 400 videos from teaching experts walking them through the concepts and assignments
    One example of using Ipads instead of math books. There is a brief mention of incorporating video, but the article does not go into detail about the format of the digital text books
Chris Dede

Video Games Win a Beachhead in the Classroom - - 4 views

    To what extent should videogames be used in classrooms, and what is the research support for this?
    Note the author characterizes the National Educational Technology Plan as a "manifesto." Quoting this article, "... in March, Arne Duncan, the secretary of education, released a draft National Educational Technology Plan that reads a bit like a manifesto for change, proposing among other things that the full force of technology be leveraged to meet "aggressive goals" and "grand" challenges, including increasing the percentage of the population that graduates from college to 60 percent from 39 percent in the next 10 years. What it takes to get there, the report suggests, is a "new kind of R.& D."
    A bunch of especially interesting quotes toward the end: "This concept is something that Will Wright, who is best known for designing the Sims game franchise...refers to as 'failure-based learning,' in which failure is brief, surmountable, often exciting and therefore not scary... According to Ntiedo Etuk, the chief executive of Tabula Digita...children who persist in playing a game are demonstrating a valuable educational ideal.... 'They'll fail until they win.' He adds: 'Failure in an academic environment is depressing. Failure in a video game is pleasant. It's completely aspirational.' It is also, says James Paul Gee, antithetical to the governing reality of today's public schools. 'If you think about kids in school - especially in our testing regime - both the teacher and the student think that failure will lead to disaster,' he says. 'That's pretty much a guarantee that you'll never get to truly deep learning.'"
Doug Pietrzak

The Answer Sheet - Rhee in D.C.: The myth of the heroic leader - 4 views

    Larry Cuban on Wonder Woman / Man superintendents
Cameron Paterson

James Paul Gee on video games & learning - 4 views

    What if, instead of seeing school the way we've known it, we saw it for what our children dreamed it might be: a big, delicious video game?
Chris Dede

Advance Access to E-Learning Special Report and Open House on - 4 views

    Special report on e-learning highlights policy issues related to teaching
amy hoffmaster

Free iOS Physics App Calculates Velocity from Video -- THE Journal - 0 views

    Vernier develops some interesting data collection technology for a tough concept. Will capturing info frame by frame and generating a graph help students understand the concept of velocity?
Mydhili Bayyapunedi

danah boyd | apophenia ยป Call for Papers: Digital Media & Learning Conference - 4 views

    Digital Media Conference 2011 is happening at Irvine CA! and they've invited proposals for papers
Britt Harris

YouTube - Shift Happen's 2010 - 4 views

    This video gives VERY interesting statistics about our future in information and education.
Jessica O'Brien

Twitter, Facebook, and social activism : The New Yorker - 4 views

  • The world, we are told, is in the midst of a revolution. The new tools of social media have reinvented social activism. With Facebook and Twitter and the like, the traditional relationship between political authority and popular will has been upended, making it easier for the powerless to collaborate, coรถrdinate, and give voice to their concerns.
  • Fifty years after one of the most extraordinary episodes of social upheaval in American history, we seem to have forgotten what activism is.G
  • The platforms of social media are built around weak ties. Twitter is a way of following (or being followed by) people you may never have met. Facebook is a tool for efficiently managing your acquaintances, for keeping up with the people you would not otherwise be able to stay in touch with.
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  • But weak ties seldom lead to high-risk activism.
    This article is interesting in light of Haste's article for class. Gladwell dismisses the "Twitter revolution" in Moldova and explains that real activism--real civic participation--is not seen in low-risk online networks, such as Facebook and Twitter. Perhaps new technology cannot empower individuals enough for real-life civic engagement?
    I am not sure that online networks only form weak ties. I am somewhat surprised there was no mention of and the soon to be released as they both appear to consider themselves to be a means for social change. There is another point raised that we seem to have forgotten activism. This point, if true, may be a good explination as to why social media is not commonly used for social change.
    Thanks for posting this Jessica! I've been thinking about this for sometime now and I don't think Gladwell is right in saying that Twitter and FB form weak ties just as the SM folklore claiming that twitter or FB is in the middle of real activism. Social media is a tool for organizing civic participation. Civic engagement is defined by how many participate and only later by the platform/tool they use. Couple of reactions to Gladwell's piece:
Mohammad Hussain

Negative impacts of Social networking - 4 views

    How social networking negatively impacts our lives?
Yang Jiang

Gates and Hewlett Foundations Focus on Online Learning - - 4 views

  • The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and four nonprofit education organizations are beginning an ambitious initiative to address that challenge by accelerating the development and use of online learning tools.
  • Just how effective technology can be in improving education โ€” by making students more effective, more engaged learners โ€” is a subject of debate. To date, education research shows that good teachers matter a lot, class size may be less important than once thought and nothing improves student performance as much as one-on-one human tutoring.
Devon Dickau

New College Networks, Unlike Facebook, Connect 'Social' to Studies - Technology - The C... - 4 views

  • Universities are turning to social networking to create online learning communities that mix serious academic work, and connections among working scholars, with Facebook-style fun.
  • write and share blogs, join subject groups, and participate in academic discussions
  • "You may not want to friend your dean on Facebook, but you still want to be connected to your dean
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  • open for user input, allowing it to evolve over time
Chris Dede

Palm Beach County students benefit from virtual classroom at home - 4 views

    virtual education meets some students' needs
    Thanks for sharing this link. This is interesting for me to read because I grew up in this district. I also think virtual classrooms are a valuable tool for children who suffer from illness and might otherwise have to miss extended periods of class time. My younger brother is a college student and is currently stuck at home with Mono and might have to drop the semester- it would be great if he could keep up with his work online, while resting at home.
    It is frustrating that his college does not have a distance learning option. Hope your brother feels better soon.
Cameron Paterson

Networked student model - 4 views

    Principles of networked learning, constructivism, and connectivism inform the design of a test case through which secondary students construct personal learning environments for the purpose of independent inquiry. Emerging web applications and open educational resources are integrated to support a Networked Student Model that promotes inquiry-based learning and digital literacy, empowers the learner, and offers flexibility as new technologies emerge. The Networked Student Model and a test case are described in detail along with implications and considerations for additional research. The article is meant to facilitate further discussion about K-12 student construction of personal learning environments and offer the practitioner a foundation on which to facilitate a networked learning experience. It seeks to determine how a teacher can scaffold a networked learning approach while providing a foundation on which students take more control of the learning process.
Chris Dede

Carnegie Mellon Researchers Test Mobile Phone Games To Teach Children -- THE Journal - 4 views

    mobile phones for language learning
Natalie Hebshie

The Attention-Span Myth - - 4 views

    Heffernan argues against the theory that technology is to blame for short attention spans.
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