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Danna Ortiz

As Boom Lures App Creators, Tough Part Is Making a Living - - 2 views

    It's tough to make a living creating apps
    What struck me most about this article was that the couple had no marketing plan and even less understanding of financial management (specifically cash flow, assets, and liabilities). Sobering. Thanks for sharing, Danna.
Tommie Anthony Henderson

Steve Jobs - Creator, Innovator, and Hero of the Teen Tech Generation - 0 views

    Just one more remainder, from the point of view of a millennial, of how important Steve Jobs was/is to our educational lives.
Ryan Klinger

Mooc creators criticise courses' lack of creativity - 1 views

    "Original vision lost in scramble for profit and repackaging of old ideas"
Cameron Paterson

Disrupting Class comes to life - 2 views

    If you haven't yet seen it, there is a fascinating video of Sal Khan speaking at the Gel 2010 conference. For those who haven't been following, Khan is the creator of the Khan Academy-a non-profit that has over 1,800 videos for free on the Web that teach topics in Math, Science, the Humanities, and so forth-and have attracted such an impressive following that they have more viewers than even MIT's open courses on YouTube. The Khan Academy reaches people all over the world with these videos, and recently Google awarded it $2 million to create more videos and translate them into additional languages.
Stephen Bresnick

MOOC: Massive Open Online Course | - 2 views

    MOOCs, or "Massive Open Online Courses", are a relatively new model of distance e-learning where hundreds and sometimes thousands of participants all take an online course together. The instructional mode of the courses is fairly decentralized; since there are so many participants in the course, the individual students cannot typically expect to have much individual interaction with the professors running the course. As a result, individual members of the MOOCs take on roles of peer teachers, and these roles are assumed organically (i.e. nobody invites them to become teachers in the course, they simply step up and take the reins). The assessment of MOOCs is extremely flexible; there are no grades and people only participate in what they want to participate in. The theory is that the MOOC creators put the learning environment into place, and the participants learn what they want to learn; less participation simply means that they will not learn as much. Thought this was a though-provoking model of eLearning and the changing role of the instructor in an eLearning environment.
Chris Dede

The Creator of Wikipedia Turns to Education Videos - Curriculum Matters - Education Week - 1 views

    video repository for education
Deidre Witan

Jane McGonigal: Gaming can make a better world | Video on - 3 views

    The creator of some innovative alternate reality games explains how we need to make the real world more like a game
Danna Ortiz

Designs for the Future: Kids and Robots, Superior Medical Devices, Politics for Everyma... - 0 views

    Stanford's acclaimed d. school inspired 50 teams of graduate students to pitch projects at Aspen Ideas Festival. Spark Truck, one of the winners is a "mobile maker lab" that brings simple tech to help inspire kids to become creators.
Chris Dede

How Computerized Tutors Are Learning to Teach Humans - - 0 views

    Actually, ASSISTments is not a tutor, but it draws on insights from artificial intelligence and tutoring. It's a good example of going to scale that we will reference later in the course.
    Hi Prof. Dede, it struck me at the end of the article that while the title said '...Computerized Tutors...', what the creator was really struggling with was 'Humanizing computers'. It might never be possible, but the value is really in the journey. Thank you for sharing this with us!
Chris Dede

Reliving History: Virtual Reality in the Classroom -- Campus Technology - 2 views

    One of the few uses of advanced technologies in the history curriculum
    As delivery of history teaching to students becomes more and more realistic, it is more important than ever to ensure that we have in place a robust and diverse oversight network to ensure that the narrative being suggested is an accurate representation of the time and place, as opposed to a history-as-written-by-the-winners narrative, which is pervasive throughout many textbooks. For many students, this sort of immersion will overwhelm any alternative streams of knowledge coming from Harlem in the 20s, so it is vital that the VR be constructed in a way that captures the context of why it was such a dynamic time in New York. As for the creators of this technology having to turn to the porn industry for technical support, that should not come as a surprise, as many claim that porn has revolutionized, or at least been instrumental in, the emergence of many new industries from VHS to the internet.

YouTube Teacher Channel - 1 views

shared by anonymous on 28 Sep 11 - No Cached
    Free Youtube channel dedicated to use just for teachers. Allows teachers to provide video content to their students and also archive recordings of their own lessons.
    COOL! Here, Chris Anderson, the creator of TED discusses how YouTube is changing education.

'Portal' in the Classroom? Valve joins White House in education technology initiative - 1 views

    How the creators of the popular "physics" game 'Portal 2' have been entering the classroom and allowing students to develop levels for the game. Helps to support education through technology development. This is part of the response to the 'Digital Promise'
Bridget Binstock

Digital Badges - 4 views

    The idea of "showing what you know" and earning badges instead of degrees? In this economic downswing, could something like this become the new emergent way of learning and of assessing? Thoughts?
    Sounds like the digital badge is more lke a digital portfolio- which I would more likely support. I find it interesting that our education system (which strives and struggles to provide consistent, high quality education from coast to coast) is seen as deficient but this badge proposal will be the answer? It's like the flood of support for home-schooling after a home-schooler wins a national competition but no one knows about the tens of homescholers I had to remediate in rural NH. Standardization is the key for any system to be integrated into another system. The variety of education models we have in our country makes it difficult for employers to integrate employees. If this digital badge concept relies on a variety of models, they will have the same problem.
    The prospect of digital badges to show what you know is both exciting with its potential affordances and worrisome with some of its limitations and ambiguity. It'd be great if the ideal came to pass that digital badges would allow valid demonstration of super-specific skills and knowledge over a greater range of fields and topics than what having a B.A. or B.S. currently does. Digital badges could represent the most particular concepts or skills at a granular level even-- those that are essential in the real-world (whether that be desired by employers or otherwise). If the task or test or challenge, or whatever else would be the means of assessment for earning a badge, was carefully designed and evaluated to be a truly valid measure of proficiency, then earning a badge for something would be a clear indication that you know something. But like Allison said, standardization would be key. What would these assessments/ badge challenges be- so that they would be truly valid indicators of proficiency? Who would be the purveyors or authorities to determine the assessments or challenges to accomplish a badge? Given the medium (completing badge assessments on one's own computer or mobile device - from any site they're at potentially) - what's to stop a user from going "open book" or "opening another tab" in order to look up answers to questions or tutorials on how to do a task, in order to complete the assessment? Doing this would allow a user to ace the assessment and earn the badge- but would defeat any value of the badge in truly demonstrating knowledge or skill. By imagining if digital badges did reach mass-acceptance and use in the real world, and we were to ultimately find them all over the internet like we're now finding social media widgets, it made me realize that the "prove proficiency anywhere I am in any way I want" won't work. I changed fields and career paths from what I studied in college, so I definitely appreciate the value in being able to truly show e
Bridget Binstock

Digital Library Aims to Expand Kid's Media Literacy - 0 views

    I love these lines from the article: "Just as schools have always pushed teens to read critically and pick apart authors' arguments, she says, educators must now teach kids how to consume media critically and, ideally, to produce it. 'It's really a shift from thinking of a library as a repository to a community center, a place where things actually happen,' says Taylor Bayless, 27, a librarian and one of the center's mentors."
Billie Fitzpatrick

Vioce Thread - 2 views

    Now this service/interface seems to offer real potential -- it's flexible, it's based on a dynamic interplay of different applications -- it's been around for a few years now -- anybody have first-hand experience with it?
    Being a 2nd year part-time student, I already took David Rose's UDL course last spring. My group project for UDL was exploring VoiceThread-- understanding its current feautres and capabilities, testing it out in a real world situation with some students, and envisioning changes to fix shortcomings plus new features. Overall, we thought VoiceThread was really cool! Could allow students to communicate in different kinds of ways (text, voice, submitting video statements, drawing-- whatever someone preferred or was comfortable with) and enabled a growing transcript of student dialogue in reference to a piece of content. But there was a real learning curve- in figuring out how (as a 'teacher') to create an original VoiceThread using our media. And then students had to figure out the interface and tools available to them as they used VoiceThread to browse a stream we created and comment on it. As of last spring at least, I felt it was a bit cumbersome. Really wish it was more intuitive so both creators and viewers could jump right in and get right to communicating. Haven't gone back to using it as of late, but I hear they now have iPhone/iPad access!
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