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Yoga Gesture | Yog Mudra - 0 views

    A Yoga gesture or mudras is performed with hands that force the energy to flow towards the brain. It is performed by crossing, curling, touching and stretching the fingers. It is used in combination with pranayama.
    A Yoga gesture or mudras is performed with hands that force the energy to flow towards the brain. It is performed by crossing, curling, touching and stretching the fingers. It is used in combination with pranayama.
    A Yoga gesture or mudras is performed with hands that force the energy to flow towards the brain. It is performed by crossing, curling, touching and stretching the fingers. It is used in combination with pranayama.

Benefits of Surya Namaskar | Sun Salutation - 0 views

    Benefits of Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation are best when done empty stomach early in the morning. There are 12 simple yet highly effective steps of Sun Salutation for your good health.
Meena Kiri

Swami Ramdev yoga for High Blood Pressure - 0 views

    Swami Ramdev Yoga Asanas, Acupressure & Home remedies can help you to control your blood pressure without taking any medication.

6 Yoga Breathing Exercises For Weight Loss - 0 views

    Losing weight doesn't always mean divesting yourself from delicious foods or working hard day and night. You can really do it by just practicing some yoga breathing exercises that will assist you to shed off extra fat in a healthier and more effective manner. Here are 6 most effective yoga breathing exercises for weight loss that actually work.

Respiratory Acidosis vs Alkalosis | Know the Difference - 0 views

    Respiratory Acidosis vs. Alkalosis is a crucial aspect of enhancing basic knowledge of the human body. The blood pH is another means maintained with precision by our body. it is constantly checking the proportion of acid and base towards affecting any change. This balance is important for so many body functions like the rate of enzymatic reactions and muscle contractions. In this equilibrium loss due to lung and breathing difficulties, respiratory acidosis or respiratory alkalosis may develop.
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