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Satinder Singh

IBS and AYURVEDA - 0 views

    In ayurveda, we have some basic rules for quality life one of such rule is "If your GIT ( Gastero intestinal Tract ) is good you can enjoy good life". It was told by our grandparents to eat only when you feel hungry and eat according to your stomach. Always, eat less then what you want because totally filling your stomach with food can cause improper digestion of food when these improper digested food particles circulate in our body they cause disease. But we in modern lifestyle act totally against these rules. We eat whenever we want without any hunger. When are at home, we eat breakfast, lunch , dinner then we go for shopping we eat burger or chat papri etc., we go to someone's house we eat biscuits and drink tea or cold drinks. We never give rest to our stomach. Food is first pillar of Quality life. It act as fuel of our body. But what will happen if we have food but improper functioning system(GIT) to digest or use this fuel. GIT is a type of pipe where food is chewed in small particles in mouth then digested in stomach, energy from food is absorbed from intestine, waste particle is stored in rectum to excrete after proper interval. Food takes its specified time in each part of GIT. But what will happen if this specified time become shorter. Then you will feel colic pain stomach which relieve after defecation. You feel urge to defecate 30 mins to 1 hour after meal. You start thinking thrice before eating any food. This type of disease is called Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Dr. Satinder is Ayurvedic doctor in ambala having years of experience in this field. He has helped many patients during these years. He will not only help you in coming out of such problems but will help you mentally to live a healthy life.
    In ayurveda, we have some basic rules for quality life one of such rule is "If your GIT ( Gastero intestinal Tract ) is good you can enjoy good life". It was told by our grandparents to eat only when you feel hungry and eat according to your stomach. Always, eat less then what you want because totally filling your stomach with food can cause improper digestion of food when these improper digested food particles circulate in our body they cause disease.
Anatoliy Simeonov

Healthy stomach tips - 0 views

    Today, i'll write some simple tips for you to be healthier. And you will achieve this by paying attention to your healthy stomach more.. Wonder how? Read on
Sehat Online

7 Side Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar |Healthy Living - 0 views

    Apple cider vinegar, a fermented drink made using crushed apples is considered a wholesome beverage by many wellness enthusiasts. Sure enough, it possesses copious nutrients like B vitamins, vitamin C, acetic acid, phosphorous, sodium, iron, calcium, and magnesium that work together towards enhancing overall physical salubriousness. However, despite its remarkable health-boosting benefits, its over consumption can also lead to a number of side-effects that can have a detrimental effect on your wellbeing. Here are seven such apple cider vinegar side effects: 1. Erosion of Tooth Enamel: Apple cider vinegar is considered a great home remedy for teeth whitening, but using it excessively for that purpose can backfire. The acetic acid contained in apple cider vinegar makes the teeth susceptible to erosion, easy decay, enhanced sensitivity and gum problems like bleeding and itching. If you want to make use of ACV, without damaging your pearly whites, it is advisable to dilute it in water before rinsing your mouth with it. 2. Stomach Irritation: Here's another one of apple vinegar side effects. Drinking ACV on a daily basis can trigger stomach irritation by resulting in acidity and corroding stomach lining, research conducted by the University of Arkansas's Department of Human Environmental Science reports. It can also cause other digestive problems like nausea and heartburn. If you are susceptible to gastrointestinal problems, exercise caution before including apple cider vinegar in your diet.

Smart Food Supplements to Fight Unhealthy Cravings | Insights Care - 0 views

    The blog is a guide for choosing healthy food supplements and handling food cravings smartly to stay fit and healthy.
    The blog is a guide for choosing healthy food supplements and handling food cravings smartly to stay fit and healthy.

Test Boost Max Reviews Side Effects - What Users Are Saying About Side Effects and Effe... - 1 views

Visit our Facebook page and groups: - https://www.faceboo...

started by kanibi on 17 Aug 24 no follow-up yet
Sanjay Jain

Are Probiotics Supplements Effective? - 0 views

    A simple answer to your question would be a YES. Here you would further read about the benefits of probiotics supplements and how it helps men and women in different ways. A healthy body is an indication of a healthy intestine system. The stomach related framework has an indispensable impact in working on general health.

Niume | Posts - 0 views

    If you are a pregnant mother waiting to meet your precious bundle, we congratulate you! Pregnancy is an exciting time and also a time for learning, as many moms-to-be in Katy find out, whether or not they have had kids before. Each pregnancy is different, just as every child is different, and you can never be sure exactly what to expect. However, there are some basic things you can do to ensure that your baby is healthy and to ease the delivery process.What is prenatal care?This is an umbrella term for all the services provided to you by an obstetrician in addition to your care routine at home before the baby is born. The first thing to do when you think you are pregnant is to confirm it through an at-home pregnancy test or a blood test (hCG test). Once your pregnancy is confirmed, you will need to call or visit your doctor so that you can get the essential vitamins. Folic acid, for example, has been proven to consistently reduce neural tube defects in newborns when the mother has taken sufficient amounts of it. It is now advised that all women hoping to get pregnant should start on folic acid early (dosage to be prescribed by your family doctor) and not wait until they are pregnant to take it. Prenatal vitamins are also recommended as a part of prenatal care by obstetricians in Katy around the 8th week of pregnancy.How often should you visit your obstetrician?In the first trimester you will only need to visit every four weeks. The doctor will check your weight and measure the stomach to get an idea of the baby's growth inside. The doctor will also check the heartbeat of the baby. During the third trimester, however, you may need to visit every two weeks and then once a week. At least one ultrasound test will be performed along with a few possible blood tests.For more information visit: Prenatal careImage Source:
Anatoliy Simeonov

General information to understand stomach flu - 0 views

    In the summer season, we often face gastroenteritis, which can give us a lot of headaches. If we have basic information, we can react correctly and in time.

Abirapro 120 Tablets Suppliers India | Moderntimes-Medicine - 0 views

    Abirapro 120 Tablets Suppliers in India, Abirapro contains Abiraterone Acetate. Abirapro is manufactured by Glenmark Pharma. This Medicine is available in 250 Mg Tablets Form. We are leading suppliers & exporters of "Abirapro 250Mg" in China, Russia, Hongkong, Bulgaria, Romania, India. And the largest suppliers-exporters of "Glenmarks Onkos" medicines & provide you the best price on Abirapro Abiraterone acetate. The lowest price sellers, suppliers, distributors & Exporters from Delhi-India. Abirapro 250 mg Tablet is an anticancer drug basically used in men along with another drug called prednisone for the treatment of prostate cancer that has spread to other parts of the body. As It is generally used in patients who are not responding to other treatment options. Abirapro 120 Tablets Suppliers in India Abirapro 120 Tablets Suppliers in India, Abirapro 120 Tablets Suppliers in Russia Buy Online Abirapro 120 Tablets Buy Now Description: Brand name - Abirapro Generic name - Abiraterone acetate Strength - 250 Mg Form - Tablets Packing - 1 X 120 Manufactured by - Glenmark (onkos) it's a Glenmarks Oncolgy anti cancer Division Usage : Clinical Packaging Type : Box Expert Advice:Well "Abirapro 250 mg Tablet" treats prostate cancer that has spread to other parts of the body. Usually it can be taken with another medicine called prednisolone to reduce unwanted side effects. Always remember that it must be taken on an empty stomach. Don't eat any food for at least 2 hours before or 1 hour after your dose. How It Works: Take Abirapro 250 mg Tablet as instructed by your doctor. Don't take it in larger amounts as advised/prescribed. Immediately Consult the doctor if you experience any undesirable side effects. Be sure that the treatment course is completed. Don't stop the use of this medicine/tablet without consulting your doctor. Note: Abirapro 250Mg is a prescription Drug and should be used under Proper Medical Guidance and Advice. Do no
Open TeleShop

Derma Roller in Pakistan,Lahore,Karachi,Islamabad,Peshawar | Online Shop In All Over Pa... - 0 views

    PRODUCT DESCRIPTION DERMA ROLLER SYSTEM IN PAKISTAN Derma Roller Price In Pakistan Anti Wrinkle / Anti Aging Treatment in Derma Roller System Can Be Used To Treat Creases In The Skin Of The Forehead (Scowl Lines), Deep Wrinkles, Fine Wrinkles, Skin Creases And Lines, Wrinkles Around The Mouth, On The Neck And Jaw Line, The Decolletes (Chest), On The Backs Of The Hands And More. CELLULITE TREATMENT / CELLULITE REDUCTION OR REMOVAL|OPENTELESHOP Cellulite Removal/reduction Can Be Accomplished With Regular Treatment Using The Derma Roller System in Openteleshop. The Derma Roller System Can Be Used To Remove/reduce Cellulite Commonly Found On Arms, Buttocks, Hips, Legs, Thighs And Stomach.. HAIR LOSS TREATMENT / HAIR RESTORATION (USED WITH MINOXIDIL 5%) The Derma Roller System Can Be Used To Effectively Prevent And Stop Hair Loss From Occuring. The Derma Roller System in Openteleshop. Can Help With Hair Restoration And Regrowth By Both Men And Women Who Are Experiencing Alociepia, Balding, Bald Spots, Receding Hairlines And Thinning Hair. A Recent Trial Conducted Over A 3 Month Period Showed That Men With Thinning Hair Who Used The Derma Roller System Experienced Both An Increase In Hair Growth And An Average Of 80% Reduction In Hair Loss. Note: For Hair Regrowth And Hair Loss Prevention, The Derma Roller Must Be Used With Minoxidil 5% (Available At Your Local Pharmacy). Scar Removal - Including Acne Scar Removal The Derma Roller System Is Effective In Acne Scar Removal And Acne Scar Treatment, As Well As Treating Appdectomy Scars, Breast Augmentation Scars, Burn Scars, C-Section Scarring, Chicken Pox Scars, Ice Pick Scars, Large Pores, Pitting Of The Skin, Surgical Scars, Tummy Tuck Scars And More. SKIN SMOOTHING:OPENTELESHOP The Derma Roller System Is An Effective Way To Smoothen Your Skin. By Stimulating Collagen And Elastin And Repairing Your Skin From The Inside, Your Skin Will Stay Beautiful Even As You Get Older. The Derma Roller Sys

Stay Healthy this Winter with Pharmacy First | DoH NI - 0 views

    The Department of Health (DoH) Northern Ireland is reminding the public to think Pharmacy First this winter to stay well and reduce demands on other parts of their health service. Under this new advanced service, a local pharmacy can provide treatment and advice on a range of health conditions including common colds, stomach upsets, ear aches, diarrhoea, head lice, mouth ulcers and thrush. Pharmacies will also directly provide emergency contraception and advice and treatment for uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) for women aged 16 to 64 years without the need for a GP appointment, the department said. Further the public are informed that 42 community pharmacies across the country will be providing a sore throat service this winter, involving advice, testing for infection and treatment, if necessary.

21 Health Benefits Of Carom Seeds (Ajwain): Lose Weight & Treat Premature Ejaculation! - 1 views

    Carom seeds are better known for the aroma and taste they impart to dishes. However, it may be termed as a wonder herb because of its immense medicinal properties. It gives instant relief from stomach-related issues like pain, gas, constipation, diarrhea, belching, etc., and improves digestion.
Nguyễn Thư

5 tư thế "NGỦ" gây hại cho dạ dày - 0 views


health healthy stomach

started by Nguyễn Thư on 21 Jul 16 no follow-up yet
Nguyễn Thư

Bệnh đau dạ dày và những điều bạn chưa biết - 0 views


health healthy stomach

started by Nguyễn Thư on 18 Jul 16 no follow-up yet
Nguyễn Thư

Chữa đau dạ dày bằng củ riềng - 1 views Bài thuốc chữa đau dạ dày bằng củ riềng sẽ giúp bạn đánh bay những cơn đau phiền toái.

stomach healthy health dạ dày

started by Nguyễn Thư on 30 Jun 16 no follow-up yet
Vortege Ville

Foods For Your Good Mood | - 0 views

    The function of food is not only to fill your stomach and satisfy hunger, but also can affect mood. People who always eat healthy foods tend to have a good mood. Food can affect your mood or the person's mood, depending on how you use it.
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