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Satinder Singh

IBS and AYURVEDA - 0 views

    In ayurveda, we have some basic rules for quality life one of such rule is "If your GIT ( Gastero intestinal Tract ) is good you can enjoy good life". It was told by our grandparents to eat only when you feel hungry and eat according to your stomach. Always, eat less then what you want because totally filling your stomach with food can cause improper digestion of food when these improper digested food particles circulate in our body they cause disease. But we in modern lifestyle act totally against these rules. We eat whenever we want without any hunger. When are at home, we eat breakfast, lunch , dinner then we go for shopping we eat burger or chat papri etc., we go to someone's house we eat biscuits and drink tea or cold drinks. We never give rest to our stomach. Food is first pillar of Quality life. It act as fuel of our body. But what will happen if we have food but improper functioning system(GIT) to digest or use this fuel. GIT is a type of pipe where food is chewed in small particles in mouth then digested in stomach, energy from food is absorbed from intestine, waste particle is stored in rectum to excrete after proper interval. Food takes its specified time in each part of GIT. But what will happen if this specified time become shorter. Then you will feel colic pain stomach which relieve after defecation. You feel urge to defecate 30 mins to 1 hour after meal. You start thinking thrice before eating any food. This type of disease is called Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Dr. Satinder is Ayurvedic doctor in ambala having years of experience in this field. He has helped many patients during these years. He will not only help you in coming out of such problems but will help you mentally to live a healthy life.
    In ayurveda, we have some basic rules for quality life one of such rule is "If your GIT ( Gastero intestinal Tract ) is good you can enjoy good life". It was told by our grandparents to eat only when you feel hungry and eat according to your stomach. Always, eat less then what you want because totally filling your stomach with food can cause improper digestion of food when these improper digested food particles circulate in our body they cause disease.

Stomach/Gastric Cancer Treatment in Gurugram, Gurgaon, Haryana, Delhi, NCR, India - 0 views

    What are the symptoms of Stomach/Gastric Cancer? Why is stomach/Gastric Cancer difficult to identify? What are the causes of Stomach/Gastric Cancer? Which factors increase the risk of Stomach/Gastric Cancer
Anatoliy Simeonov

Stomach Flu Is A Common Stomach and Intestines Infection | stomach flu symptoms - 0 views

    The stomach flu is the second most common disease met in American family and causes about 50,000 hospitalizations per year. The virus can be transferred from food of infected person and spread from one person to another through plate, food, and water which made this virus highly spread and disease can be happened if you lazy to wash your hand or do sterilization in Public facility.
susan damayanti

Looking for HOW TO BURN STOMACH FAT? Here's HOW TO BURN STOMACH FAT information for you... - 0 views

    How To Burn Stomach Fat. I t will eventually not be quite easy to melt away stomach fat. It just can be achieved throughout consistent eating and working out. So many people are directed by excessive fats concerning stomach to start thinking about how to burn stomach fat.

Home Remedies For Stomach Pain in Hindi - Health Care Knowledge - 0 views

    The absolute most mainstream home solutions for an annoyed stomach and Home Remedies for Stomach Pain in Hindi. Drinking water. Drying out can improve the probability of a resentful stomach. Abstaining from resting. Ginger. Mint. Washing up or utilizing a warming sack. Rascal diet. Abstaining from smoking and drinking liquor.
Anatoliy Simeonov

Stomach flu symptoms 2013 - Viral Gastroenteritis (Stomach Flu) Symptoms, Causes, Treat... - 0 views

    The Stomach flu is highly infectious and very common - every year there are tens of millions. The main stomach flu symptoms are watery diarrhea and vomiting. Also, frequent and headache, fever, chills and abdominal pain.
Anatoliy Simeonov

Healthy stomach tips - 0 views

    Today, i'll write some simple tips for you to be healthier. And you will achieve this by paying attention to your healthy stomach more.. Wonder how? Read on

Probiotics : 6 SIgns to know it is beneficial for your child - 0 views

    Kids get stomach problems all the time due to low immunity or lifestyle risk factors. While taking medications can reduce a bloated stomach or excess diarrhea, learning how to improve gut health can help your kid avoid stomach problems. One of the most effective gut health products is probiotics. Whether you plan to provide your kid with good strains of gut bacteria through Sproutedbiome supplements or introducing the good bacteria through diet, knowing what to expect can help you determine if they are working. HOW TO KNOW IF YOUR KID IS RESPONDING TO PROBIOTICS? Fewer tantrums and outbursts Gut health and mental health go hand-in-hand. A child with gas or stomach cramps tends to be fussy. The fussiness may progress to outbursts and tantrums due to symptoms in the gut. Probiotics trigger serotonin production, a neurotransmitter that improves your child's mood, sleep and appetite. If your once moody child starts getting happy and has sufficient sleep after taking probiotics, you will know they are working.
AMVital Nutrition

Does Ginger Help With Nausea? | AMVital - 0 views

    Ginger is an age-old herb that has had extensive usage in history for its numerous natural therapeutic effects, especially as an "anti-emetic." The best-known proof indicates that ginger is an effective and affordable remedy for nauseatic and vomiting ailments and is safe. The pleasing zesty "kick" from the root of Zingiber officinale, the ginger plant, is what produces ginger ale, ginger tea, sweets, loaves of bread, and many Asian dishes so delicious. Ginger adds an aromatic tang to both sweet and spicy foods. As ginger is frequently suggested for its stomach-settling impacts, you may wonder whether it's a proven way to treat nauseatic ailments naturally. This article reevaluates the efficacy and safety of ginger for nausea and the most promising practices for using it. How does Ginger Help with Nausea? According to PubMed Central, the highly appreciated database from the National Institutes of Health, it's believed that ginger fetches its therapeutic qualities from gingerol, the main bioactive ingredient in fresh ginger, and complementary blends called shogaols, which provide the root its savory flavor. Shogaols are more robust in dried ginger, with 6-shogaol as the primary source of antioxidants. At the same time, gingerols are more plentiful in raw ginger. Some examination has revealed that ginger and its compounds may improve digestive function and speed up stomach emptying feel, relieving nausea. Its anti-inflammatory traits may improve digestive activity and sustain the discharge of blood-pressure-regulating hormones to relax your body and ease nausea. Other Health Benefits of Ginger Being an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and digestive aid, it has been used as a natural treatment for helping to alleviate nausea and other symptoms. It can be used to treat: Heartburn Indigestion Motion sickness Reduce joint pain Soothe sore throats Minimize the duration of colds and flu viruses Ease menstrual cramps Prevent cancer cell growth Improve choleste

Most Effective Best Exercise to Lose Weight from Stomach - Body Pain Facts - 0 views

    Best Exercise to Lose Weight from Stomach, especially women, may suffer from our lack of movement and fat-feeding, as well as pregnancy and childbirth. Today we offer you the 5 indeed Best Exercise to Lose Weight from Stomach and tummy tuck and how to do these exercises but first let us offer you some general advice.
Sehat Online

7 Side Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar |Healthy Living - 0 views

    Apple cider vinegar, a fermented drink made using crushed apples is considered a wholesome beverage by many wellness enthusiasts. Sure enough, it possesses copious nutrients like B vitamins, vitamin C, acetic acid, phosphorous, sodium, iron, calcium, and magnesium that work together towards enhancing overall physical salubriousness. However, despite its remarkable health-boosting benefits, its over consumption can also lead to a number of side-effects that can have a detrimental effect on your wellbeing. Here are seven such apple cider vinegar side effects: 1. Erosion of Tooth Enamel: Apple cider vinegar is considered a great home remedy for teeth whitening, but using it excessively for that purpose can backfire. The acetic acid contained in apple cider vinegar makes the teeth susceptible to erosion, easy decay, enhanced sensitivity and gum problems like bleeding and itching. If you want to make use of ACV, without damaging your pearly whites, it is advisable to dilute it in water before rinsing your mouth with it. 2. Stomach Irritation: Here's another one of apple vinegar side effects. Drinking ACV on a daily basis can trigger stomach irritation by resulting in acidity and corroding stomach lining, research conducted by the University of Arkansas's Department of Human Environmental Science reports. It can also cause other digestive problems like nausea and heartburn. If you are susceptible to gastrointestinal problems, exercise caution before including apple cider vinegar in your diet.
Anatoliy Simeonov

Treatment for Stomach flu and infections - 0 views

    Before treating stomach flu, it is important to identify the causative pathogen as it can be associated with other microorganisms like a viral infection.

Alternative Treatments For Stomach Cancer | - 0 views

    Stomach cancer, also called gastric cancer, occurs in the wall and lining of the stomach.

Nausea: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment | Health Blog - 0 views

    What causes nausea and how can you avoid/treat it at home? You feel nauseous when your stomach either stops contracting or... Ever wonder why you feel so uneasy while driving across a rough, bumpy road? How does nervousness lead to nausea? Patients with nausea make up 6.7% of all cases treated...
    Today was an exceptionally bright day. At least the morning. The rest of the day was marred by Kate throwing up on me nonstop. She felt a strong sensation of nausea and dizziness. But why does she eat at that weird Mexican place when she knows it makes her stomach sick? Every time she goes there, she feels a gut-wrenching, stomach-turning urge to release all that her belly holds. I mean, the stomach is an elastic bag made of muscular walls containing acid. We read that in science once. But why does Kate's stomach hold a serious grudge against Mexican food?
Sanjay Jain

Tips to Lose Belly Fat and How Belly Fat Burner Pills Work? - 0 views

    Stomach fats is kind of a nuisance that creates your garments really feel tight. Know Greatest Stomach Fats Burner Capsules for women and men in India. It's critically dangerous. One form of stomach fats: talked about as visceral fats, could also be a main danger issue for kind 2 diabetes, coronary heart situation, and different

Nexium Control's Insights on Heartburn Trends - 0 views

    Nexium Control, the UK's number one selling heartburn product for 24-hour protection1, has commissioned research to explore consumer attitudes to heartburn awareness of the different products on the market in Great Britain and Ireland (1,500 UK and 500 IE respondents). The research found that 53% of respondents usually opt for short-acting treatments to heartburn2, despite longer-acting products being able to provide relief over a 24-hour period. The research from Nexium Control revealed that 54% of people surveyed wished there was a product that managed symptoms for longer3, with 55% of respondents agreeing that short-acting treatments only last a maximum of five hours4. To help their patients understand there are longer-acting options available, pharmacists can provide information and guidance on treatments, such as proton pump inhibitors like Nexium Control. Shorter-acting products, which shoppers often reach for, work by either neutralising the acid already in the stomach or by forming a layer that floats to the top of the stomach, stopping acid rising into the food pipe. Double action treatments which utilise both methods are also available. Containing esomeprazole, Nexium Control reduces the production of stomach acid for up to 24-hour protection with just one pill, treating the cause and symptoms of heartburn - allowing time for the oesophagus to recover from the acid irritation.
Idietitian in

5 Foods to Avoid to Get a Flat Stomach - 0 views

    Trying to get a flat stomach with rigorous exercises but failed miserably and cribbing about your exercise regime. But the issue might be residing with your diet. You are not focusing on your diet and could do with online weight loss packages. For starters, you will have to do away with some foods that are an enemy of flat stomach!
drmartyr md


    Yesterday during my outdoor posting i attended an elderly individual presenting with advanced features of stomach cancer .He was in a lot of anguish and pain.
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Test Boost Max Reviews Side Effects - What Users Are Saying About Side Effects and Effe... - 1 views

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