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Roxi91 Roxi91

6-Secure Attachment - 0 views

    Title: Mary Ainsworth and Attachment Theory Author: Richard Brodie Date Published: 2012 Why Relevant and Summary: This website has a good video that shows secure attachment with an infant and her mother. It also discusses the other types of attachment; Anxious-Ambivalent Insecure Attachment and Anxious-Avoidant insecure attachment. How this influenced my thinking: This web based article allowed me to get a deeper understanding of the three different types of attachment that Ainsworth studied. Credibility of source: website is secured by GeoTrust
lindsey holloway

Attachment Theory - 1 views

    Title: Attachment Theory Author: Saul McLeod Published: 2009 Why Relevant: It's a pretty thorough overview of attachment theory and its theorists. How It Influenced My Thinking: It cleared up some concepts that our text book didn't get deep enough into. Credibility of Source:Simply Psychology, author used plenty of references
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    Title: Attachment Theory Author: Saul McLeod Date Published: 2009 Why Relevant and Summary: Discusses John Bowlby's attachment theory. It goes through stages of attachment and breaks it down by age. It also refers to the two main theories of attachment (not just Bowlby's) and discusses a older study done on monkeys regarding attachment. How This Influenced My Thinking: It emphasized an important point for me, which was "attachments were most likely to form with those who responded accurately to the baby's signals, not the person they spent most time with." Credibility of Source: High
    Title: Attachment Thoery Author: Saul McLeod Date Published: 2009 Why Relevant and Summary: This is relevant because of what it has to say about attachment theory. A huge focus is on Bowlby and what he brought to the table in the discussion of the importance of attachment in human development. How This Influenced my Thinking: It just through out facts that I was able to think about to further my knowledge of attachment theory. Credibility of Source: Uses numerous sources
    Title: Attachment Theory Author: Saul McLeod Date Published: 2009 Why Relevant and Summary: this webpage gives a good look at the attachment theory and how it applies to people. It also walks through the different stages of attachment and where children are at in different points in their lives How This Influenced My Thinking: I felt like it gave a little more information and helped to clear some things up that I was wondering about in the textbook. Credibility of Source: pretty good, well written and well cited information in the article.
    Title: Attachment Theory Author: Saul McLeod Date published: 2009 Why Relevant and Summary: This article describes the theory of attachment well and the different stages of attachment. How this influenced my thinking: I found it very interesting that Bowlby thought that there is a link between separations with the mom at an early age and maladjustments later on. Credibility of Source: It is from the simply psychology website, seems credible.
Sarah Haughton

5 - Baby Delight - 1 views

    Title: Baby Delight Author: unknown Date Published: 2013 Why Relevant & Summary: Upon studying the benefits but potential dangers of cosleeping, I was interested in how I could find a safe way to cosleep with my baby that would give me a feeling of safety but also the closeness I'd like to have with my baby. This product is simple, there are two different models, but basically allow baby the safety of sleeping with mom and dad while being close. How This Influenced My Thinking: Knowing the potential dangers of cosleeping, I would encourage friends and family to consider this option for their baby, and for myself in the future. Credibility of Source: Great Product for Cosleeping safely

6-Diana Baumrind & Parenting Styles - 0 views

    Title: Diana Baumrind's (1966) Prototypical Descriptions of 3 Parenting Styles Author: Diana Baumrind Date Published: ND Why Relevant and Summary: This site talks about Diana Baumrind's Parenting styles. This site goes into detail of the different parenting styles and gives background examples of child qualities and parenting styles. How This influenced my thinking: This site definitely gave me more insight on the parenting styles Credibility of Source: This site seems credible its from developmental
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    Title:Prototypical Descriptions of 3 Parenting styles Author:Baumrind, D Date Published:1966/1967 Why Relevant and Summary:It's a clear description of the three parenting styles and their characteristics.  How This Influenced My Thinking:It has given me a more clear understanding of parenting styles but more broken down.  Credibility of Source: seems very credible as it is similar to our book. 
    Title: Diana Baumrind & Parenting Styles Author: Diana Baumrind Date Published: 1967 Why Relevant and Summary: This provided excellent original excerpts from her research and studies, it goes over all of the different parenting styles as well as what to expect from the children after being parented a certain way. How This Influenced My Thinking: This mademe aware of the different styles and how it could effect children, so it made me know which parenting style I would like to take on. Credibility of Source: This is credible due to the citations and that it comes from an original source document.
    Title:Diana Baumrind's (1966) Prototypical Descriptions of 3 Parenting Styles Author: K. H. Grobman Date Published: 2003-2008 Why Relevant and Summary: This page gives great excerpts from Baumrind's literature, along with helpful explanations and examples. How This Influenced My Thinking: It helped to clarify Baumrind's theory. Credibility of Source: 7- References cited.
Ruby Gonzalez

7-Risks and Benefits to Co-Sleeping - 2 views

Title: Risks and Benefits of Parent/Child bed sharing Author: Sobralske et. al Date Published: 2009 Why Relevant and Summary: This is relevant to out topic about co-sleeping because it explains bot...

6a - Cosleeping & Culture

started by Ruby Gonzalez on 27 Feb 13 no follow-up yet
Lolo Miller

6-Benefits of cosleeping; What research shows - 0 views

    Title: Benefits of Cosleeping Author: API Staff Why Relevant and Summary: This article shares the benefits of cosleeping long term and short term. They also back up their information with research and scientific studies. How it Influenced My Thinking: I always thought cosleeping was unusual and did not know of many benefits, but this article changed my mind. Credibility :This is an international parenting group that does research on many child rearing and development topics.
Andressa Young

6.Co-sleeping Neither Helps Nor Hurts Child Development - 1 views

    Title:Co-Sleeping Neither Helps Nor Hurts Child Development Author: Michael J. Breus Date Published: August 17, 2011 Why Relevant and Summary: This article offers a study doing on a variety of lower class cultures and their children whom have co-slept with there parents. The researcher test their cognitive skills and behavior development. How This Influenced My Thinking: This influence my way of thinking that bonding can happen even while sleeping. Credibility of Source: the article was written by an author with a Ph.D and was found on Psychology Today.
Andressa Young

5. Study of Intelligence - 0 views

    Title: Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Author: Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders Why Relevant and Summary: This article is relevant to testing intelligence because the Wechsler Intelligence Scale is a method of measurement for testing intelligence in children. This scale offers subtests that measures intelligence by verbal and nonverbal performance. How This Influenced My Thinking: I was able to better understand the different subtests that makes up the Wechsler Intelligence scale. Credibility of Source: Found on the Encyclopedia for Mental Disorders.

7 - Postformal Thinking - Reflective Judgement, argument agains violent video games - 0 views

    Title: Violent Video Games Are a Risk Factor for Criminal Behavior and Aggression Author: Matt Delisi, Craig Anderson, Douglas Gentile, Angie Hunt Date: March 26, 2013 Why relevant and summary: I'll be discussing whether or not violent video games should be banned in this critical thinking assignment, and this is a study that supports my view that violent video games should be banned. How this influenced my thinking: It reinforced what I believe: violent media should be restricted. Violent video games should be banned. Parents need to take responsibility for what they are letting their kids interact with. Did excessive playing of violent video games cause Adam Lanza to massacre 26 innocent souls? It was definitely a significant factor, coupled with serious mental health problems. This article encouraged me to also see that there may be a middle ground between banning the games and free access. Maybe some educational resources for parents need to be made publicly available and easily accessible, so that they have the tools they need to discourage/disallow violent media in the home.
Sarah Haughton

Kantian Ethics - 0 views

    Title: Kantian Ethics Author: none Date Published: n.d. Why Relevant and Summary: Relevant to Kolhberg's final sixth stage of moral reasoning: Universal Ethical Principals. Kant believed that moral reasoning is not based on the idea that humans are a means to an end, but that were an end in ourselves. How This Influenced My Thinking: I have studied Kant in Philosophy classes in the past, and enjoyed having the chance here to cross previous learning into what I am learning now. It also helped me to understand Kohlberg's sixth stage more thoroughly. Credibility of Source: Great - Wikipedia is credible
Tracy Pompeo

7- Religion and teens - 0 views

    Title: Identity Shifts for Teens, But Not Their Religion Author: Rick Nauert Ph. D. Date Published: July 1, 2011 Why Relevant and Summary: Gave a good cultural study for continued religion in teens How This Influenced My Thinking: Backed up my feelings Credibility of Source: Very Credible
Claudia Leon

6-Religious benefits according to values - 1 views


Julia Magallanes

4-Discusses importance of religion(outdated) - 0 views

    Title- why religion matters author-Patrick F. Fagan date-Jan 25th 1996 why relevant and summary- this site provided many supporting examples as to how religion influences a child's upbringing. This give my paper some depth and intertwined different view points. how this influenced me- i wasn't really influenced by this site because it didn't add anything that i hadn't heard before. It might influence a person more if they are not as familiar with religion, specifically Christianity, as i was. credibility-the site seems pretty credible. It is a .org website, and was written by someone with a PHD in his area of study.
    Title:Why religion matters Author:Patrick F. Fagan Date published: 1996 Why relevant and summary:This article is relevant because it discusses the importacne of religion in family, relationships, personal health. However, it is very outdated. How this influenced my thinking:Having a connection with God and the church is very beneficial. It can make you a better person by trying to do good for others, yourself and family. Credibility of source:Seems credible from an organization website.
Alma Reed

6 - Tips on how to improve your marriage - 2 views

    Title:10 Strengths To Make A Happy Marriage Author: Date Published: 2010 Why relevant and summary: this webpage discusses the strengths needed to create a successful marriage. The author discusses their finding after having researched what makes a happy marriage; clear communication, flexibility, and other characteristic of the marriage are what creates the happiness. How This Influenced My Thinking: For the most part it didn't. It reinforced what Ii already what created a happy marriage. Credibility: it was a article published by a .org website
    title: 10 Strengths to a happy marriage Author: unknown Date: 2010 Why relevant and summary: I really liked this article it was brief interesting and to the point. It is a reflection on a study conducted on more than 21,000 couples in all the United states and gives 10 easy tips on what to do to improve your marriage and also gives the top 10 reasons that cause problems for a marriage. I think it is an easy piece to read for everyone at every stage of their married life. How it changed my thinking: Most of the tips are common sense that everyone will agree to it but more than often we fail to follow; reading them kind of reinforces their message. Credibility of source: The website "first things first" is a non profit grass roots organization that came to be as a tool to help the residents of Hamilton county , Tennessee. Apparently they have a high divorce rate and other relationship and children rearing issues and this website offers advice, support and education on hoe to deal with family problems on a day to day basis. Dozens of books are written every year about the things that go wrong in marriage. Now one of America's foremost marriage researchers has evaluated the things that go right in marriage. David H. Olson, founder of Life Innovations and one of the creators of the Prepare/Enrich marriage enrichment tools, has surveyed 21,501 married couples in all 50 states to identify the top ten strengths of happy marriages.
Humberto Garcia Jr.

6-50 Year Old Body - 0 views

    Title:Why I Love My 50-Year-Old Body Date Published: January 7, 2013 Author: Dr. Lisa Kaplin Why Relevant and Summary: this article is relevant because it talks about the body at age 50. it tell people to love their body and not to discourage or be ashamed of it. it explains how to maintain being healthy and hoe to eat right at 50. it is a useful article for those who have body image issues at an older age. How This Influenced My Thinking: this made me realize that people have major body image issues even after they are older. it makes me stop and think that even through all that these older folk have been through, somehow the image that is distilled on the younger generation caught up to the older generation and made them want to be in their 20's all over again when their bodies were at the peak of being viewed as beautiful. Credibility: it was published by a doctor who has study within this field. seem pretty credible to me.
Lauren Coker

6- Research method information - 0 views

Title: Psychology Research Methods Author: Several Date Published: N.D. Why Relevant and Summary: Provides a variety of resources with which to learn and better understand the different components ...

1- Research Methods

started by Lauren Coker on 08 May 13 no follow-up yet
Samantha Ameperosa

6-Experts Weigh in on Childhood Obesity - 0 views

    Title: Experts Weigh in on Childhood Obesity Author:Rebecca Sharim Storace, M.D. Date Published: March 13, 2013 Summary/Why Relevant: This article discusses how important obesity in children are and what we as parents can do when our own children are obese. How can we help them to overcome obesity? How it influenced my thinking: This helps me to realize how truly important it is to emphasize that this a lifestyle change, not a diet. We want our children to understand the importance of health and exercise and that short amount of efforts will not reap long term gains. Credibility: Very. The authors provide citations for the research study as well as other resources.
Lauren Coker

6- Successful Aging Theories: The Disengagement Theory - 0 views

    Title: What is Disengagement Theory? Author: Cristen Conger Date Published: April 7th, 2009 Why Relevant and Summary: It details the disengagement theory and discusses how the study that produced this theory began and how the scholarly community regarded this theory. It also briefly compares it to other theories of aging that eventually developed. How This Influenced My Thinking: It gave a nice background to how the Disengagement Theory came about. It also is a good reminder that theories can become outdated. Just because a popular opinion is also a theory, it does not necessarily make it factual or "right." Credibility of Source: OK. From Discovery Health website.
    Title: What Is Disengagement Theory? Author: Cristen Conger Date Published: April 7, 2009 Why Relevant and Summary: Thoroughly explains the Disengagement Theory; identifies the positive and negative opinions of it and how it affects multiple relationships in the life of an elderly individual. Provides scenarios with which to examine the Disengagement Theory; enabled me to understand the effects it had on the elderly individual. How This Influenced My Thinking: I was able to compare and contrast it to a very opposite theory in successful aging, the Activity Theory. It forced me to think of ways in which the Disengagement Theory could have positive outcomes and influences on an elderly individual and their surrounding environment. Credibility of Source: Through Discovery Health, seems fairly credible.
Teri Scime

6 - The Development of Self-Esteem - 0 views

    Title: The Development of Self-Esteem Author: Sue and Jo Date Published: No Date Why Relevant and Summary: This is a straightforward summary of a child's cognitive development of self-esteem. Although it doesn't include many details of what contributes to a child's self-esteem it does clearly define what its makeup is. How This Influenced My Thinking: This was interesting to me because it summed up the definition of self-esteem in a nutshell. I am personally interested in how to promote a healthy self-esteem in children but this website gives a good foundation for the outline of what self-esteem is and what factors affect it. Credibility of Source: It looks like it's some sort of personal website; however, it does cite studies and seems to back up its statements with scientific data.
Julia Magallanes

5-Babies recognize mom's voice - 0 views

    Title: What Babies Learn in the Womb Author: Laura McCarthy Date Published: n.d. Why Relevant and Summary: Discusses what the fetus learns about its environment in utero and how it will help them when they are born into the real world How This Influenced My Thinking: This taught me about how much babies learn without being directly exposed to the external environment, as well as how rapidly they learn. Credibility of Source: Credible, from parenting website
    Title:What babies learn in the womb Author:Laura Flynn Mccarthy Date Published:nd Why Relevant and Summary:This article is relevant because it discusses how newborns prefer mom's voice over someone elses, proving that infants can distinguish between voices. This article discusses a study done on one day old newborns. They are given pacifiers and depending on the sucking pattern, they start the recording of mom's voice or another person's voice. After twenty minutes, they learned to use the sucking pattern that started the recording of mom's voice. How This Influenced My Thinking:Babies are born learning. Clearly they understand more than people realize. It is up to us to stimulate and progress their learning. Credibility of Source:This comes from so I seems credible, however, their are no citations or references.
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