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creselda cabal

NuData Security reveals improvements to online fraud detection engine - 1 views

Software development company NuData Security recently revealed its enhancements to its online fraud detection engine called NuDetect, according to Hass and Associates Cyber Security. They added ne...

Hass and Associates Cyber Security NuData reveals improvements to online fraud detection engine

started by creselda cabal on 18 May 15 no follow-up yet

Hass & Associates Online Reviews: Advertisers Join Forces to Fight Online Ad Fraud - 1 views

As marketers grow increasingly concerned about the integrity of the online advertising inventory they are buying, a trade group and 30 well-known marketers are forming a coalition to address the pr...

Hass & Associates Online Reviews Advertisers Join Forces To Fight Ad Fraud

started by giffordhass on 11 Aug 14 no follow-up yet
creselda cabal

Datablog Hass and Associates Madrid Reviews - 0 views

  • Nettkriminalitet er blomstrende, med ondsinnet hacking og elektronisk svindel vokser i et urovekkende tempo. Snu denne trenden vises en nesten sisyphean oppgave, men maskinen læring og Bayesisk statistikk viser seg uvurderlige for cyber sikkerhetsorganisasjoner Hacking, svindel og andre hemmelig nettaktiviteter har vært å gjøre overskriftene de siste ukene, gir opphav til bekymringer at politiet taper krigen mot Cyberkriminelle. Men hvor alvorlig en trussel mot offentligheten er cyber-kriminalitet, og kunne data vitenskap holde nøkkelen til snu trenden? RSA, cyber sikkerhet arm av amerikanske big data firmaet EMC, spesialiserer seg på bruk av avanserte analyser og maskin lære å forutse og forhindre online fraud. Dens Anti-Fraud kommandoen (AFCC) har identifisert og avsluttet 500.000 slike angrep i sin åtte års eksistens, hvorav halvparten kom i 2012 alene. Denne økende oppklaringsprosenten skyldes på ingen liten del til dens rask adopsjon av maskinen lære teknikker. Fem år siden foretok RSAS israelske operasjonen et skritt endring, beveger seg bort fra ikke-fleksibel regelbasert svindel detection system, i favør av en selv bedre tilnærming ved hjelp av data-vitenskap understøttet av Bayesisk inferencing. Related Articles:
nathalie kitt

Phishers Cast Longlines to Hook More Victims - 0 views

    It's the last thing security professionals want to see: A new hacking method that makes it even harder to detect suspect code in emails. The method is actually a stealthy combination of two favorite attack modes, and it shows that hackers are pulling out all the stops to ensnare computer users in their webs. Phishing and spear phishing have long been thought to be mutually exclusive hacking tricks, but cybercrooks have found a way to combine the two in a technique called longline phishing. "The technique allows you to hit a lot of people very quickly and largely go undetected," Dave Jevans, founder and CTO of Marble Security and founder of the Anti-Phishing Work Group, told TechNewsWorld. With spear phishing, which is typically used as a vehicle for advanced persistent threat attacks like the recent one on The New York Times, a select group of connected people are targeted with a highly credible email message based on extensive research of the targets' backgrounds. "With longlining, you can get hundreds of people exposed to a website that will infect their computers," Jevans noted. He explained that longliners -- named after commercial fishermen who use long lines of hooks to catch fish -- might send 100,000 emails from 50,000 IP addresses, which makes it difficult to identify an email from a particular server as hacking bait.
biancca hash

Spear Phishing 101 - wer Sie diesen Scam-e-Mails gesendet wird und warum? - 1 views

Source: Mein letzte Beitrag eröffnet das Thema Internetsicherheit für Kleinunterneh...

Spear Phishing 101 - wer Sie diesen Scam-e-Mails gesendet wird und warum?

started by biancca hash on 09 Oct 13 no follow-up yet
biancca hash liked it
nathalie kitt

Phishers Cast Longlines to Hook More Victims - 1 views

It's the last thing security professionals want to see: A new hacking method that makes it even harder to detect suspect code in emails. The method is actually a stealthy combination of two favorit...

hass and associates online crimeware warning fraud watch

started by nathalie kitt on 14 Mar 13 no follow-up yet

Hass and Associates Cyber Security Sound Business Advice: Seven tips to proactively pre... - 1 views

The personal battle of owner-operators against fraudsters For autonomous entrepreneurs, fraud is a truly ominous and pervading risk. Private businesses are very susceptible to the threat of fraud b...

Hass and Associates Cyber Security Sound Business Advice: Seven tips to proactively prevent fraud

started by lisacotto95 on 03 Jun 14 no follow-up yet
creselda cabal

Protect yourself from phishing attacks - 0 views

The term 'phishing' derives from the idea of fishing -- fishing for information. It refers to a type of internet fraud that attempts to collect sensitive financial information. Typically, a fraudul...

Protect yourself from phishing attacks

started by creselda cabal on 20 Jun 14 no follow-up yet
creselda cabal

Hewlett-Packard partners with cybersecurity firm FireEye - 1 views

The prominent cybersecurity firm FireEye, Inc. and tech giant Hewlett-Packard (HP) recently announced a partnership to develop advanced threat protection. Hass and Associates Cyber Security percei...

Hass and Associates Cyber Security Hewlett-Packard partners with cybersecurity firm FireEye

started by creselda cabal on 04 May 15 no follow-up yet
kristine lim

Get Safe Online publishes online safety hints, tips and videos - 1 views

Experts say the government should get involved with tackling the challenge of social engineering scams Research just published claims to show that more than £21 million has been lost in the UK to ...

Get Safe publishes online safety hints tips and videos

started by kristine lim on 01 Jul 14 no follow-up yet
Scarlet Hugh

Hass & Associates Online Reviews on Malware Poisons One-Third of World's Computers - 1 views

    Nearly one-third of the world's computers could be infected with malware, suggests a report released last week by the Anti-Phishing Working Group. Malicious apps invaded 32.77 percent of the world's computers, a more than 4 percent jump from the previous quarter's 28.39 percent, the report estimates. The increase in infected computers has come hand-in-hand with a jump in the appearance of malware samples, said Luis Corrons, technical director of PandaLabs, the research arm of Panda Security, one of the sponsors of the APWG report. "The creation of malware samples is skyrocketing," Corrons told TechNewsWorld. "It has doubled from the last quarter to the first quarter of this year." In the last quarter of 2013, some 80,000 malware samples a day were discovered by Panda researchers. In the first quarter of 2014, that number jumped to 160,000. Hiding in Numbers By far, most of the new malware strains (71.85 percent) and malware infections (79.70 percent) are Trojans. Less than a quarter of new malware strains (22.70 percent) and malware infections (12.77 percent) are viruses and worms. "At the end of the day, malware is created to steal information," Carrons explained. "Trojans are the most suitable malware to do that." The primary motivation behind creating so many new malware strains is to avoid detection by antivirus programs. Those programs use signatures to identify malicious software. Since each new bad app strain contains a new signature, constantly introducing new strains extends the time a malicious app can remain virulent.

Hass and Associates Cyber Security: Botnets inflate Twitch viewership - 1 views

With the boom in online streaming these days, it's only expected that people will get creative and game the system to earn more money. In the case of streaming site Twitch - known for its community...

Hass Associates Cyber Security

started by conroeleah on 31 Mar 15 no follow-up yet
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