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Shamblesguru Smith

Shambles Newsletter May 2011 ... online - 15 views

    Shambles Newsletter May 2011 .. now online and it lives at or use the short url It only comes out three time a year ... designed specifically for k-12 educators The Content in this issue includes - launch of ShamblesPad (built on EtherPad) - Facebook instant OpenSIM VW - IB in LinkedIn - CPD courses and conferences - iPad School Timetable App written by a student - SAGE: Speakers, Authors, Guests, Experts - PLANA Australia New Zealand CPD Portal - #21CLHK #learn21cn #TechEx2011 #barcampcm4 #rscon3 - iDevices Apps #mlearning #Apps #edapp - The Relationship Manifesto - Digitise the Text Book Industry - The TED-Ed Brain Trust - Generation Y: Who, What, How - Flipped Classroom I'd appreciate your help to spread the word by forwarding this email to education colleagues or by Tweeting or through Social networks. It might be more convenient to use the url which has a sign-up form and also contains archives back to 2002. The next edition out in November (enjoy the summer hols) Many thanks Chris Chris Smith (shamblesguru) (over 10,000 visitors a day) Bio Follow me on Twitter @shamblesguru I hope you are already signed up for the free Shambles newsletter … only 3 a year
Aaron Davis

eLearn Updates (May 2018) - 10 views

    Here is a collection of links and resources associated with GSuite for May 2018.
Lucy Gray

Post and Find Projects Here - GEC Project Database - The Global Education Collaborative - 0 views

    Please consider posting any collaborative projects to this Google spreadsheet that you and your school may be hosting. By providing a central location for listing project details, project lead teachers and potential partners can find each other!
    Please consider listing any collaborative projects that you may be hosting in this document! For more info, visit
Chris Betcher

Factory Images for Nexus Devices - Android - Google Developers - 4 views

    "This page contains binary image files that are provided for use in restoring your Nexus device's original factory firmware. These files are for use only on your personal Nexus devices and may not be disassembled, decompiled, reverse engineered, modified or redistributed by you or used in any way except as specifically set forth in the license terms that came with your device."
Gail Braddock

Welcome to Bank Jr! - 0 views

    educational banking website designed for elementary school students. I discovered Bank Jr. through Donna Murray's excellent blog. Bank Jr. is an interactive website on which students can learn the in's and out's of banking. Bank Jr. has a glossary of terms, a help center, and savings wizards. Bank Jr. also provides students with a history of money and a look at how different countries use money. The teachers section of Bank Jr. provides an extensive glossary of terms and some lesson ideas. Bank Jr. does not provide full-length, detailed lesson plans, but it does provide PDF's of worksheets and handouts that teachers may find useful for teaching banking lessons. Yesterday, Common Craft released a new video that explains borrowing money in plain English. As always, Common Craft does an excellent job of explaining what can be a complex topic in a very easy to understand form. The video is embedded below in Dot Sub form. Applications for Education Bank Jr. could be a good place for students to learn about saving money and commonly used banking terms. In the teacher section of Bank Jr. teachers can find PDF forms for teaching banking basics like keeping an accurate ledger. The Common Craft video should be required viewing for high school and college students. Too many students get to college and get into debt in part because of ignorance about the pitfalls of borrowing more than you can afford to repay. Here are a couple of other resources for teaching about banking and economics. The History of Credit Cards in the United States Saving Money in Plain English
Fred Delventhal

Real World Math - 0 views

    Within this site you will find lesson ideas, examples, and downloads for mathematics that embrace active learning, constructivism, and project-based learning while remaining true to the standards. The initial focus will be for grades 5 and up, but teachers of younger students may be able to find some uses or inspiration from the site. Higher level thinking skills, such as analysis, synthesis, and creativity are encouraged as well as technology skills and social learning. The scope of this site is mathematics, but many lessons lend themselves to interdisciplinary activities also.
Jeff Johnson

Gmail Enables SMS Messaging From Chat - 0 views

    Only a few days after the launch of its new task manager, Gmail has introduced a new feature allowing users to send free SMS messages through its integrated Chat. To activate the feature, visit the Gmail Labs page and scroll down until you see the appropriate listing (you may also want to activate a few of the other nifty features while you're at it).
Lucy Gray

Google Teachers Academy: Chicago - 86 views

Please pass on the following information to friends and colleagues who might be interested in this free training opportunity from Google. Thanks, -- Lucy Gray Lead Technology Coach The Universit...

chicago education gct google gta k12 training

started by Lucy Gray on 09 Aug 08 no follow-up yet
andrew bendelow

#educon-Session 3 - 9 views

    It may not look like much, but it's Open Source conferencing. Here is an archive of the tweets concurrent with the afternoon session at the EDUCON 10. Eavesdrop on a dozen conversations and infer the good parts
Doug Peterson

Fake Google search engine emerges in China | ITworld - 11 views

    A new search engine called Goojje highlights why Google may leave China.
    This fake google do not intend to contest for users from google . It is just an ironic joke......
Justin Medved

The Answer Factory: Demand Media and the Fast, Disposable, and Profitable as Hell Media... - 8 views

  • Pieces are not dreamed up by trained editors nor commissioned based on submitted questions. Instead they are assigned by an algorithm, which mines nearly a terabyte of search data, Internet traffic patterns, and keyword rates to determine what users want to know and how much advertisers will pay to appear next to the answers.
  • To appreciate the impact Demand is poised to have on the Web, imagine a classroom where one kid raises his hand after every question and screams out the answer. He may not be smart or even right, but he makes it difficult to hear anybody else.
  • But what Demand has realized is that the Internet gets only half of the simplest economic formula right: It has the supply part down but ignores demand. Give a million monkeys a million WordPress accounts and you still might never get a seven-point tutorial on how to keep wasps away from a swimming pool. Yet that’s what people want to know.
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  • That’s not to say there isn’t any room for humans in Demand’s process. They just aren’t worth very much. First, a crowdsourced team of freelance “title proofers” turn the algorithm’s often awkward or nonsensical phrases into something people will understand: “How to make a church-pew breakfast nook,” for example, becomes “How to make a breakfast nook out of a church pew.” Approved headlines get fed into a password-protected section of Demand’s Web site called Demand Studios, where any Demand freelancer can see what jobs are available. It’s the online equivalent of day laborers waiting in front of Home Depot. Writers can typically select 10 articles at a time; videographers can hoard 40. Nearly every freelancer scrambles to load their assignment queue with titles they can produce quickly and with the least amount of effort — because pay for individual stories is so lousy, only a high-speed, high-volume approach will work. The average writer earns $15 per article for pieces that top out at a few hundred words, and the average filmmaker about $20 per clip, paid weekly via PayPal. Demand also offers revenue sharing on some articles, though it can take months to reach even $15 in such payments. Other freelancers sign up for the chance to copyedit ($2.50 an article), fact-check ($1 an article), approve the quality of a film (25 to 50 cents a video), transcribe ($1 to $2 per video), or offer up their expertise to be quoted or filmed (free). Title proofers get 8 cents a headline. Coming soon: photographers and photo editors. So far, the company has paid out more than $17 million to Demand Studios workers; if the enterprise reaches Rosenblatt’s goal of producing 1 million pieces of content a month, the payouts could easily hit $200 million a year, less than a third of what The New York Times shells out in wages and benefits to produce its roughly 5,000 articles a month.
  • But once it was automated, every algorithm-generated piece of content produced 4.9 times the revenue of the human-created ideas. So Rosenblatt got rid of the editors. Suddenly, profit on each piece was 20 to 25 times what it had been. It turned out that gut instinct and experience were less effective at predicting what readers and viewers wanted — and worse for the company — than a formula.
  • Here is the thing that Rosenblatt has since discovered: Online content is not worth very much. This may be a truism, but Rosenblatt has the hard, mathematical proof. It’s right there in black and white, in the Demand Media database — the lifetime value of every story, algorithmically derived, and very, very small. Most media companies are trying hard to increase those numbers, to boost the value of their online content until it matches the amount of money it costs to produce. But Rosenblatt thinks they have it exactly backward. Instead of trying to raise the market value of online content to match the cost of producing it — perhaps an impossible proposition — the secret is to cut costs until they match the market value.
    This is facinating!!!
Elizabeth McCarthy

Optical character recognition (OCR) in Google Docs - Official Google Docs Blog - 0 views

  • CR works best with high-resolution images, and not all formatting may be preserved. T
  • onvert text from PDF
    can now convert PDF's to Google Doc format
Dennis OConnor

Google Translate Adds Conversation Mode -- InformationWeek - 11 views

  • Conversation Mode has arrived. Conversation Mode is a user interface for mobile devices designed to facilitate a real-time conversation between two people speaking different languages.
  • "Google Translate will translate your speech and read the translation out loud. Your conversation partner can then respond in [his or her] language, and you'll hear the translation spoken back to you."
  • There are some limitations. The current version supports only English-Spanish translation in Conversation Mode. And rapid speech or a regional accent may be misinterpreted by Google's systems. But these are problems Google is working to overcome.
Dennis OConnor

Shock threat to shut Skype - 0 views

  • eBay says it may have to shut down Skype due to a licensing dispute with the founders of the internet telephony service.
  • eBay has since been licensing the technology from the founders’ new company, Joltid, but the pair recently decided to revoke the licensing agreement.
  • In a quarterly report filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, eBay said in no uncertain terms that if it lost the right to use the software it would most likely have to shut Skype down.
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  • But, even though Skype has not been a major financial success, it has succeeded in becoming the dominant internet telephony service globally.
    I use Skype and enjoy the free functionality. It's far from perfect, but has a place in my e-learning toolkit. (I've also used Jah-Jah to call my daughter in Thailand and was very pleased with this alternate take on internet telephony.) Like all things tech, Skype could go. As this article shows, the big hitting billionaires who run the show are in dispute. If i have to switch, so be it! Will Google Voice move into this space? Who knows? Wait and see as the future unrolls on a daily basis
Dennis OConnor

Google Jolts Search Engine With Caffeine - New search tech under the hood? - 0 views

  • Google engineers unveiled the news in a blog and said that they have been working on this "secret project" over the past few months.
  • The changes may be more apparent to Web developers and power searchers, so Google is opening up a Web developer preview to get their feedback.
  • Another tester liked the fact that Caffeine also provides more results from social networking sites. "I've noticed more Twitter pages in the results with this version of Google. Quite like having that - makes it easier to find people and companies."
Vahid Masrour

Google Plus: Is This the Social Tool Schools Have Been Waiting For? - 0 views

  • it may well be the granular level of privacy afforded by Google+ that is the key to making this a successful tool for schools
  • many schools and teachers have still been reluctant to "friend" students
  • that "always public" element of Twitter that makes many nervous
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  • it's also about sharing with the right people. Circles will allow what educational consultant Tom Barnett calls "targeted sharing," something that will be great for specific classes and topics
  • Skype has become an incredibly popular tool to bring in guests to a classroom via video chat -
  • teachers are already talking about the possibility of not just face-to-face video conversation but the potential for integration of whiteboards, screen-sharing, Google Docs, and other collaborative tools
  • Google + seems like the solution for someone like me who wants to use the web to have conversations about school topics with students and parents and yet not have students and parents have access to my personal posts.
    • Vahid Masrour
      Parents and students on different Circles. You know you want it!
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