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Lucy Gray

Google Teachers Academy: Chicago - 86 views

chicago education gct google gta k12 training

started by Lucy Gray on 09 Aug 08
  • Lucy Gray
    Please pass on the following information to friends and colleagues who might be interested in this free training opportunity from Google.


    Lucy Gray
    Lead Technology Coach
    The University of Chicago
    Urban Education Institute
    (773) 834-4078

    Google Teacher Academy - Chicago
    Chicago, IL
    September 24, 2008

    Applications Due: August 24, 2008
    We are pleased to announce that another round of Google's FREE training program for K-12 educators is coming to the windy city! Outstanding educators from around the world are encouraged to apply for the Google Teacher Academy taking place on Wednesday, September 24, 2008.

    The GTA is an intensive, one-day event (8:30am-7:30pm) where participants get hands-on experience with Google's free products and other technologies, learn about innovative instructional strategies, collaborate with exceptional educators, and immerse themselves in an innovative corporate environment. Upon completion, GTA participants become Google Certified Teachers who share what they learn with other K-12 educators in their local region.

    50 outstanding educators from around the world will be selected to attend the GTA based on their passion for teaching, their experience as leaders, and their use of technology in K-12 settings. Each applicant is REQUIRED to produce and submit an original one-minute video on either of the following topics: "Motivation and Learning" or "Classroom Innovation." Applications for the event in Chicago are due on August 24, 2008. If possible, please use Google Video or YouTube to post these original videos. Participants must provide their own travel, and if necessary, their own lodging. Though we will give preference to K-12 educators within a 90-minute local commute of an Academy event, anyone may apply.

    Learn more about the program and the application at

    The GTAs have been a wonderful experience for everyone involved, with 97% of all attendees rating the GTA as "outstanding."

    Here are a few quotes from GTA participants:
    "The academy was everything I hoped for and more! I can't wait to plan out ways to use the tools we learned about, to share my experiences with my colleagues and to re-connect with the other academy participants!"
    "The focus on innovation in education, and not just about the tools, was right on target."
    "I appreciate the opportunity to be connected to a group of educators that are passionate about preparing students for the 21st century. I feel inspired and able to meet the challenges that lie ahead!"
    "Until now, I had never attended a conference where I was so engaged and loving every minute of it."
    "This was easily the most important professional development experience I have ever had as an educator. World-class tools demonstrated by world-class people at a world-class facility. THANK YOU!"
    "I love [the Google Certified Teacher community] for the ideas and inspiration that comes flowing to and from it...folks share professional development strategies (technology or otherwise) that have worked. It's nice to have a variety of ways to assist others and having that variety also provides spice for those of us responsible for doing the providing."

    Feel free to send any questions to "", and please spread the word to anyone who may be interested in joining us.

    We're looking forward to another great event!

    - The GTA Team
    Google Teacher Academy
    September 24, 2008
    Chicago, IL

    Applications Due: August 24, 2008

    Note: Another GTA is currently being planned for New York City in November 2008. Sign up for the Google Teacher Newsletter on the front page of Google for Educators site to receive more detailed information soon.

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