K12 Guide to going Google - 50 views
K12 Guide to going Google - 1 views
Docs Demo: Masters Edition - 15 views
Why Schools Are Turning to Google Chromebooks | EdTech Magazine - 24 views
the Chromebook is a unique class of personal computer that combines the functionality of a traditional notebook computer with the convenience of a pure-cloud client in a device the size of a netbook.
"They're easy to set up: Just press 'control, alt, e,' and they're ready for a student," Millin says. "And they're easy to administer. There's no worry about students downloading viruses or unwanted software. Plus, the management console permits blacklisting sites or apps and enables pushing specific apps to specific devices."
"We found that the Chromebook's more reliable operation significantly reduced time lost in the classroom due to PC downtime, help desk calls and operating system maintenance,"
- ...4 more annotations...
How to Integrate Google Apps with the Rigor Relevance Framework | EdTech Magazine - 21 views
Google Apps Resources - 45 views
Project-Based Learning Google Apps Smash - 15 views
Google Earth for Earth Science - 0 views
Infinite Thinking Machine: Google Teachers Academy Chicago - 0 views
Google Earth Education Community - 0 views
Google Earth for Earth Science - 1 views
Google For Educators - 7 views
7/1/10Google Apps for Education Teacher Training Find step by step instructions and guided tutorials for using all the products in the Google
Google Teachers Academy: Chicago - 86 views
Please pass on the following information to friends and colleagues who might be interested in this free training opportunity from Google. Thanks, -- Lucy Gray Lead Technology Coach The Universit...