Shambles Newsletter May 2011 ... online - 15 views
Shamblesguru Smith on 13 May 11Shambles Newsletter May 2011 .. now online and it lives at or use the short url It only comes out three time a year ... designed specifically for k-12 educators The Content in this issue includes - launch of ShamblesPad (built on EtherPad) - Facebook instant OpenSIM VW - IB in LinkedIn - CPD courses and conferences - iPad School Timetable App written by a student - SAGE: Speakers, Authors, Guests, Experts - PLANA Australia New Zealand CPD Portal - #21CLHK #learn21cn #TechEx2011 #barcampcm4 #rscon3 - iDevices Apps #mlearning #Apps #edapp - The Relationship Manifesto - Digitise the Text Book Industry - The TED-Ed Brain Trust - Generation Y: Who, What, How - Flipped Classroom I'd appreciate your help to spread the word by forwarding this email to education colleagues or by Tweeting or through Social networks. It might be more convenient to use the url which has a sign-up form and also contains archives back to 2002. The next edition out in November (enjoy the summer hols) Many thanks Chris Chris Smith (shamblesguru) (over 10,000 visitors a day) Bio Follow me on Twitter @shamblesguru I hope you are already signed up for the free Shambles newsletter … only 3 a year