Open World - About Us - 0 views
chris deason on 30 Mar 11" The Open World Program enables emerging leaders from Russia and other Eurasian countries to experience American democracy and civil society in action. It is the first and only exchange program in the U.S. legislative branch. Congress established the program in 1999 following discussions among Librarian of Congress James H. Billington and members of Congress led by Senator Ted Stevens (AK) on ways to increase U.S.-Russian understanding and to expose Russian leaders to American democratic and economic institutions. Open World has introduced more than 12,000 current and future Russian decision makers to American political and civic life, and to their American counterparts. Open World delegates range from first-time mayors to veteran journalists, from nonprofit directors to small-business advocates, and from political activists to high-court judges. Each U.S. visit focuses on a set theme that relates to the delegates' professional or civic work, exposing them to ideas and practices they can adapt to their own situations. Typical activities include watching jury selection, sitting in on newspaper editorial meetings, and observing political candidates on the campaign trail. Most participants stay in private homes. Open World is managed by the Open World Leadership Center, an independent legislative branch entity headquartered at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. "