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Gary Patton

Jesus' Return - Bible Gateway - 0 views

    In 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11 NASB, the Apostle Paul supplements what Jesus says Himself in The Gospels about His return to earth someday for His Followers.
Gary Patton

The Cloak of Antichrist in Bible Prophecy - 0 views

    • Gary Patton
      Don't miss the outline and my annotations below because this book argues that Satan's favourite disguise when appearing to human beings is in the form of 'religion'. If this be Biblically true, as the author attempts to prove, then organized religion in all it forms, not just Islam, is the REAL enemy that Ephesians 6:12 says every Jesus Follower fights against as his/her most dangerous foe, not people, at">" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> (I'd argue if the author is correct, that Islam is our greatest physical adversary but traditional, organized religion of every stripe, including Christian denominations, is our potential, greatest spiritual enemy in the last days i.e., read the Book of Jude. gfp (2012-01-15)
  • He really doesn't carry a pitch fork and have a long red tail and two horns.  Yet, he is a master at disguise.  Got any ideas of his favorite?  Masquerade, that is?  
  • satan is in disguise -- even in the Garden of Eden.  The reason?  Because that is how he appears before humanity.  
  • ...27 more annotations...
  • His best disguise?  Religion.
  • the "bomb throwers" of Islam are not the aberration of true Islam; but rather, they are the actual root.
  • The Bible gives us "identifiers" to be able to locate him.  They are called "antichrist." 
  • Whenever the antichrist identifiers are present, satan is present. 
    • Gary Patton
      The author means Satan's influence is present in the form of his diabolical power exercised by his troops, demons. Only Almighty God is everywhere-present, all-powerful and all-knowing according to the Bible.
  • When antichrist is present, satan has left his "fingerprints" behind. 
  • Since its inception in the 7th century AD, Islam has waged holy war, jihad, against anyone who stood in its way. 
    • Gary Patton
      Jihad is an Arabic word that describes the peaceful or violent expansion of Islam as "the only way" as stated in the Constitution of the Muslim Brotherhood. This monstrous and multiple-tentacled organization was founded and is headquartered in Egypt. It operates stealth-jihad organizations funded by Saudi Arabian, Wahhabi-sect money in every non-Muslim democracy and other country in the world according to experts in Islamic terrorism like Raymond Ibrahim and Tawfik Hamid. However, most Westerners fear AlQaeda the most. In the statements of all violent Jihadists and their groups directed at European or American audiences, they maintain that the terrorism they inflict on the West is merely reciprocal treatment for decades of Western and Israeli oppression. (The common term used by many American politicians for this is "blowback".) Yet in writings directed to their fellow Muslims, their hatred is presented, not as a reaction to military or political provocation, but as a product of religious obligation. For instance, when addressing Western audiences, Osama bin Laden used to list any number of grievances as motivating his war on the West. These included, among others, from the oppression of the Palestinians to the Western exploitation of women, and even U.S. failure to sign the environmental Kyoto protocol. All these were designed to be intelligible from a Western perspective and mask their real intent using taqiyya, Qur'anic approved "liefare". However never once, according to Raymond Ibrahim, did bin Laden justify Al-Qaeda's attacks on Western targets simply because non-Muslim countries are infidel entities that must be subjugated violent Jihadists read the Qur'an. Indeed, he often initiates his messages to the West by saying, "Reciprocal treatment is part of justice" or "Peace to whoever follows guidance". Regrettably, he means something entirely different from what his Western listeners understand by words such as "peace," "justice," or "guidance." Wes
  • All of these wars are spiritual in nature-- not political.  Islam is one of two world empires that has waged holy war against Jews and Christians. 
  • The Bible calls him, Abaddon, the Hebrew name for "destroyer."  Islam calls him, al-Mahdi, "master of the sword," and the "long awaited one."
    • Gary Patton
      al-Mahadi or "Twelfth Imam" In Shi'a Islam, al-Mahdi will come at the end of days to bring the world to Islam for Allah. he will arrive in the midst of man-created world chaos or cause it after his arrival. His followers are called "Twelvers". The top government leaders of Iran and the real leaders, the "Mullahs" are Twelvers and based on a secret, recent video they released to their military and others, they believe only chaos will bring him back to earth. Joel Rosenberg, author of "The Twelfth Imam", and others argue they wish to expedite the Madhi's return by raining nuclear chaos on the Middle East i.e., on Israel, thereby creating the necessary ingerdients for his return. Sunni Muslim theology also includes a belief in, plus an eschatological* expectation of, the "Twelfth Imam" or the Mahdi, according to Mr. Rosenberg. * es·cha·tol·o·gy (sk-tl-j) n. 1. The branch of theology that is concerned with the end of the world or of humankind. 2. A belief or a doctrine concerning the ultimate or final things, such as death, the destiny of humanity, the Second Coming, or the Last Judgement.
  • To Christians, he is the last "false prophet, i.e., the Antichrist.  To Shia Islam, he is al-Mahdi. 
    • Gary Patton
      Sunni Muslim theology also includes a belief in, plus an eschatological* expectation of, the "Twelfth Imam" or the Mahdi, according to Mr. Rosenberg.
  • The chapters below are not final, but drafts that eventually made their way to final form in the recently published book.
  • Islam, as a religion, somehow survived the death of the one so crucial to its existence.  Against all odds, Islam grew to be a voracious kingdom in an unbelievably short period of time.
  • seven separate periods in Islamic history begin.
  • Think about it.  Ten horns, seven heads, and ten diadems; and, Islam fufills both counts.
  • In the Last Days, Islam's Last Caliphate will arise.  Led by Muhammad al-Mahdi, an Alliance of ten muslim nations or groups will unite. 
  • all Islam will unite under Muhammad al-Mahdi.
  • the "revived Caliphate," will usher in the Last Days.
  • This chapter will reveal another detail of Revelation 17's scarlet beast.  The beast is al-Mahdi; the empire is the Revived (and last) Islamic Caliphate. 
  • Don't think for a moment that "Babylon" identifies this harlot as modern Iraq, and the ancient city of Babylon
  • The harlot is wealthy, and she has made the merchants of the world rich and great from her "wine."
  • What is the one substance that the entire world cannot do without?  The woman?  Find the highest "towers" in the land of Islam and you will find the harlot who has built them. 
    • Gary Patton
      The author is VERY knowldgeable about the Christian Bible, Islam and history. His analysis is VERY well developed and suggests "wine" is oil and "the woman" is Saudi Arabia and her predecessors.
  • Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam.  The owner of the world's largest proven oil and gas reserves. 
  • We move to the final stages of the Last Days as an Alliance of nations is prophesied to attack Israel.  The leader of the attack is named in prophetic scripture: "Gog."  He is "prince" of the "land of Magog," and the leader of three "nations" from the land of Magog, "Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal." 
  • nations of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, including Iran, Turkey, Ethiopia, Armenia, and Libya. 
  • This chapter will interpret Russia to be the key nation in this Alliance against Israel, along with Iran as the lead nation from the Middle East.
  • A most important element of this victory is not that the Muslim nations of the world are defeated, but that the Spirit of God is "poured out upon Israel," an event that can only be fulfilled with the return of Jesus Christ, and Israel's acknowledgment of Jesus as Messiah. 
  • The time of tribulation has arrived, a seven year period the Bible describes as a "time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time" (Daniel 12:1). 
  • Satan and his agents will have their way until God extends His sickle and pours out His wrath upon the "sons of disobedience." 
    • Gary Patton
      In his book, "The Pre-Wrath Rapture of the Church", Marvin Rosenthal, outlines a powerful, Biblical analysis of the Old and New Covenants regarding when the so-called "Rapture" of Jesus Followers takes place. Mr. Rosenthal concludes from his well-documented, clear, easy-to-understand and graphics-supported analysis that the commonly-believed "Pre-Tribulation Rapture" theological position of most North American Bible teachers is inaccurate and not supported by a careful Biblical analysis. You can read a short, well-done summary of Mr. Rosenthal's thesis by another Bible teacher at
    This book argues that Stan's favourite disguise when appearing to human beings is in the form of 'religion'. If this be Biblically true, as the author attempts to prove, then religion is against what Ephesians 6:12 says every Jesus Follower fights against as his/her most dangerous enemy. gfp (2012-01-15)
Gary Patton - 0 views

  • Centered Sets, Bounded Sets and the Search for Ekklesia
    "Centered Sets, Bounded Sets and the Search for Ekklesia" outlines a new way to view whar traditional Christianity calls "church" which is ekklesia in our Scriptures.
Gary Patton

The Full Armour of God - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • For our (E)struggle is not against [a](F)flesh and blood, but (G)against the rulers, against the powers, against the (H)world forces of this (I)darkness, against the (J)spiritual forces of wickedness in (K)the heavenly places.
    • Gary Patton
      A Jesus Follower's real enemies are the demons that inspire and motivate sinful people and the truly evil ones with who we must fight while on this earth.
  • Put on the full armor of God
  • be strong in the Lord and in (B)the strength of His might. 11
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • able to stand firm
  • so that you will be able to (M)resist in (N)the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm
  • the (V)sword of the Spirit
  • The Armor of God
    • Gary Patton
      You will be intrigued by what you can discover about the relationship between 'insurgency' and a Jesus Follower's warrior-interaction with and commanded-response to present Spiritual Warfare even in the short introduction to: "The Lling and The Stone ...On war in the 21st century". Hammes, Col. Thomas X, USMC. Hardcover Book, 2006. at . If you have any Muslim Friends or neighbours, you also will find helpful the author's insider-based comments on the reality of modern warfare and especially modern, violent, Islamist Jihad around the world. gfp (2011-09-15)
  • Ephesians 6:10-17
    • Gary Patton
      Ephesians 6:10-17 describes the Spiritual Weapons that a Jesus Follower is to use while waging peace on the earth as Jesus commands in Matthew 5:38-45 at
    Ephesians 6:10-17 describes the Spiritual Weapons that a Jesus Follower is to use while waging peace on the earth as Jesus commands in Matthew ? at ?. The awesome power of these weapons is outlined in 2 Corinthians 10:17- at
Gary Patton

The Tongue Is Big Problem - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Let not many of you become teachers
    • Gary Patton
      Please do noy believe that this verse is a command to not share with those whom Holy Spirit brings across your path. That's a lie from the pit of Hell! You are clearly commanded to "make disciples as you're going along" by Jesus Himself in Matthew 28:18-20 at . This verse is ONLY a warning to coach/communicate/share/teach CAREFULLY and in the power of Holy Spirit. Please also do not believe that this verse says that you should only teach in the Body of Christ if you are a Pastor (Reverend, Minister, Bible School- or Seminary-trained graduate, etc.) That's a lie from the pit as well.The role of Teacher of the Body is open to anyone who is acknowledged by their fellow Believers as possessing the Gift of Teaching and s(he) teaches in the power of Holy Spirit.
  • James 3:1-10
    • Gary Patton
      All Jesus Followers have responsibility before God as sharers/communicators/coaches/teachers. This is clearly stated in James 3:1 below. And James 3:2-10 shares why we must be careful. When our sharing/communicating/teaching involves Jesus' Gospel, our intentional & non-interntion errors of ommission or commission actually incurs a curse according to Galatians 1:9 at . Therefore, each Jesus Following communicator/coach/teacher must take responsibility for the information we transmit to ensure its integrity. More importantly, we are wise to be actively sceptical about the information we receive ...especially over the Internet where it's so easy to defraud and be defrauded. We ought to do the best we know how to check the facts, investigate the evidence, and evaluate all research for ourselves. Finally, we honour Jesus better when we regularly re-recommit to being rigorous, lifelong learners ourselves ...for it is only with knowledge that we can wisely & prayerfully evaluate the claims that we encounter.
    All Jesus Followers have responsibility before God as sharers/communicators/coaches/teachers. It is is clearly stated in James 3:1 . And James 3:2-10 shares why we must be careful. When our sharing/communicating/teaching involves Jesus' Gospel, error actually incurs a curse according to Galatians 1:9 at . Therefore, each Jesus Following communicator/coach/teacher must take responsibility for the information we transmit to ensure its integrity. More importantly, we are wise to be actively sceptical about the information we receive ...especially over the Internet where it's so easy to defraud and be defrauded. We ought to do the best we know how to check the facts, investigate the evidence, and evaluate all research for ourselves. Finally, we honour Jesus better when we regularly re-recommit to being rigorous, lifelong learners ourselves ...for it is only with knowledge that we can wisely & prayerfully evaluate the claims that we encounter.
Gary Patton

Prime Minister of Canada Eid Greetings - 0 views

  • the following remarks
  • the moderate, benevolent, true face of Islam
    • Gary Patton
      Mr. Harper mis-speakes when he says this. This is simply not true about the R-E-A-L Islam (Real-Enervating-Abysmal-Loathsome). "There are moderate Muslims but no such thing as moderate Islam!" ~ Ibn Warraq, Pakistani author ("Why I Am Not a Muslim (1995)) The "true face of Islam", as one who was raised as and lives with Muslims says above, is not "moderate" (nor can be as you'll understand better reading on). It is definitely not "benevolent" or "just" or peaceful, as some try to argue. The "true face of Islam" is anyone can discern quickly by skimming through an English version of the Arabic Qu'ran. The face portrayed of Islam in the a-Hadith is even more brutal. Islam's true face is the way women and religious minorities are being treated in countries around the world where Shari'ah Law i.e., Islamic law is brutally enforced ...often by Religious Police, as In Saudi Arabia or the military in countries like Egypt or Pakistan. Which Muslim-dominated country in the world believes in and protects the equality of women? The equality, tolerance of, and state protection from wholesale murder for members of non-Muslim religions? The freedom to change or leave one's religion without being stoned or otherwise murdered for apostasy? Where a homosexual or even an effeminate man will feel safe? Or an evangelist for any other faith except Islam? Not one of them. Islam and its Shariah Law is incompatible with traditional, moral Western values of democracy, diversity, freedom and tolerance. gfp (2011-11-24)
    This statement reads to me like an apology to Muslim Canadians after the Prime Minster received considerable "blowback" for earlier, public remarks that he made about Islam. The earlier uproar came after his speaking truth on 2011-09-07 in an interview with the CBC for the 10th Anniversary of 9/11. (See a video of his talk with Peter Mansbridge, OC (1948- ) Canadian broadcaster & CBC news anchor at During that interview when asked about the biggest threat to Canada's national security, Mr. Harper responded it was "Islamism" (He inadvertently mispronounced it "Islamicism" a non-word). That blowback came from leftist academics, liberals, and supporters of violent jihad, disguised as Islamic clerics, scholars and jurisprudents both from within and outside Canada. Therefore, he adopted a politically-correct stance in his "Greetings" to the assembled Muslim and other dignitaries at "Eid on the Hill" in Ottawa on 2011-11-23 . But he goes to far in his pandering and spoke untruth as I note in my e-Stick Notes attached to the Press Release attached. gfp (2011-11-24)
Gary Patton

Canadian PM: I Will Defend Israel 'whatever the cost' - YouTube - 0 views

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper says he is prepared to suffer any political backlash that comes his way for speaking out against anti-Israel rhetoric plus Canada will defend Israel "at any cost".
Gary Patton

Michael Coren & Tarek Fatah on Harper's "Islamicism Biggest Threat To Canada" - YouTube - 0 views

    In this video, a practising Muslim applauds PM Harper for labelling "Islamicism" the national security threat that it is. (Messrs. Fatah & Coren say Islamism") He also confirms that President Obama is heavily influenced by Islamism, in his opinion. gfp (2011-09-11)
Gary Patton

Know Your Rights! - 0 views

    By Hanni Fakhoury, Electronic Frontier Foundation Staff Attorney, June 2011 is a helpful article that outlines one's electronic rights when it comes to government's rights to view cell, computer & other digital data based on U.S. Law. gfp data
Gary Patton

Congo's Chaotic Past - 0 views

  • Although the Congo has vast mineral resources and tremendous agricultural potential, it is one of the poorest counties in the world.
  • The Congo’s fertile fields and tropical forests cover an area larger than the combined areas of California, Oregon, Montana, Colorado, New Mexico and Texas. The Congo is rich in diamonds, gold, copper, uranium and other precious metals. The huge Congo River has the potential to generate enough hydroelectric power to provide all the electrical needs of the entire continent.
  • Literally millions of Congolese have been massacred, often by the very soldiers and police who were meant to be protecting them.
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • Immediately after independence in the 1960’s tens of thousands of Christians and hundreds of missionaries were martyred, particularly in the Communist Simba rebellion of 1964.
  • Documenting the human rights abuses and persecution of Christians in the Congo can be overwhelming.
  • forces from Communist
  • Soon the armies of eight other nations were embroiled in the conflict in the Congo.
  • corruption has continued to cripple the country,
    • Gary Patton
      For the opposite perspective, see the research article, "Economic growth with endogenous corruption: an empirical study" by Mushfiq Swaleheen of Florida Gulf Coast University ( In it he postulates that a measure of corruption in deeply corrupt countries such as Congo actually enhances economic growth ...perhaps by helping companies sidestep onerous rules. But that's only at the extreme; for a country with average endemic corruption, a one-standard-deviation increase in corrupt incidences depresses per-capita GDP growth by 0.12 percentage points, he has found. gfp
  • the Christian church has emerged as the only viable national structure to survive the general social, political and economic collapse of the country. The growth of the church in the Congo over the last century has been dramatic. The number of Christians in the Congo has grown from 1.4% of the total population in 1900 to over 90% professing Christianity today.
    • Gary Patton
      Sicne Jesus went back to heaven, His "Body on earth", "The Church" has continued to thrive best when persecuted. The Congo is typical. So are Canada & the U.S where the Body has become flacid and is disappearing ...down to less than 3% by some estimates. gfp
    • Gary Patton
      Since Jesus went back to heaven, His "Body on earth", "The Church", has continued to thrive best when persecuted. The Congo is typical. So are Canada & the U.S typical of what happens to the Body without real persecution. It has become flacid and is disappearing ...down to less than 3% by some estimates. gfp
    • Gary Patton
      1 Chron. 16:24-25 is a powerful Scripture regarding God's glory & my role in proclaiming it that I have quoted in my Spiritual Mission Statement.
  • 1 Chronicles 16:24 – 25
    • Gary Patton
      is a powerful Scripture regarding God's glory & my role in proclaiming it that I have quoted in my Spiritual Mission Statement.
  • Estimates exceed a million AIDS and war orphans.
  • Just about the only functioning schools are church run. The Catholics have dominated the education field, but Protestants are increasingly striving to rise to the challenge as well.
  • There is a famine of Christian literature and an intense hunger for Christian books.
  • Many nominal Christians have no clear grasp of repentance and faith in Christ. Animism, witchcraft and syncretism are also major problems. The vast swamp lands north east of Kinshasa include many communities which have never been effectively evangelized. The half a million Swahili speaking Muslims need to be reached with the Gospel. Despite the Muslims mounting considerable efforts to spread Islam in the Congo, very little has been done to try to reach Muslims for Christ.
  • Despite the small Pygmy peoples of the Congo rain forests being despised and abused by the Congolese, there has been a tremendous turning to Christ amongst them. Nominally 30% of the Pygmies claim to be Christian.
  • Much of the country needs to be re-evangelized.
  • The “Democratic Republic of the Congo”, in its 46 years of independence from Belgium, has never been a democracy.
    • Gary Patton
      The Congo's past may soon be duplicated by numerous new, allegedly democratic nations that are merging in the Middle East following the so-called "2011 Arab Spring" i.e. Tunisia, Egypt, Syria and Yemen for starters. Democracy has never flourished, or even survived, when radical Islamists can gain control of a country & implement Islamic Sharia Law. Even the perdominately Muslim people of the previously relatively-free and secular Turkey have handed control of their country over to an Islamist dominated government in 2011. gfp
    Here's how God arranged to effect from communist chaos to Christ in the Congo. gfp (2011-10)
Gary Patton

You Like Ron Paul, Except on Foreign Policy - YouTube - 0 views

    • Gary Patton
      One Serious Problem with the Blowback Thesis as the Route to Ending the War on Terror The campaign video by Mr. Ron Paul, Republican Candidate for President of the U.S. in 2012, at, recounts facts surrounding major mistakes in U.S. Foreign Policy going back to the 19th Century. The video documents mistakes made by Presidents and Congresses representing both major parties in the U.S. Many U.S. residents and Westerners do not know nor well appreciate the significance of most of these. There is only one factual and major error in it, I believe. "Blowback" certainly has worked to the advantage of violent Jihadists and their defenders and supporters among Islamic clerics, sheiks and jurisprudents. But, if the U.S. ever implements the approach argued by Mr. Paul and stops interfering in other country's affairs, radical and violent jihad against the West and democratic freedoms will continue unabated. Terrorism will continue unabated because it is principally religiously motivated by majority interpretation of the Qur'an. This is proven, I suggest, because of three key reasons: 1. What jihadist organizations say is their motivation when addressing Western media and what they say to Muslim media. Blowback for Zionist/U.S. actions has been claimed consistently by every Islamic terrorist group regardless of size as their ONLY "raison d'etre". This has been the taqiyya-inspired "liefare" used by violent Jihadists since the first Muslim Fedayeen of the 1950s attacked Israelis whenever they were directing their propaganda to a Western audience. However, violent jihad against the Infidel is what every terrorist group has indicated was their real motivation when speaking to fellow Muslims. Violent Jihadists are fundamentalist Muslims who read their Qur'an using an interpretation approach called the the Doctrine of Abrogation*. They are seeking to please their deity, Allah, with violent jihad. Only da'wa, Islamic evangelism can do this wi
    This campaign video by Mr. Ron Paul, Republican Candidate for President of the U.S. in 2012, recounts facts surrounding the rationale behind major mistakes in U.S. Foreign Policy that most U.S. Residents and Westerners do not know nor appreciate the significance of well. These mistakes were made by Presidents and Congresses representing both major parties in the U.S. There is only one factual error in it. "Blowback" certainly has worked to the advantage of violent Jihadists and their defenders and supporters among Islamic clerics, sheiks and religious jurisprudents. But, if the U.S. ever implements the approach argued by Mr. Paul and stops interfering in other country's affairs, as he suggests, which I pray for, radical and violent jihad against the West and democratic freedoms will continue unabated. Terrorism will continue unabated because it is principally religiously motivated. This is proven, I suggest, because of: 1. what jihadist organizations say is their motivation when addressing Western media and what they say to Muslim media. Blowback for Zionist/U.S. actions has been consistently claimed by every Islamic terrorist group regardless of size since the first Fedayeen of the 1950s attacked Israelis when they were speaking to a western audience. However, violent war against the Infidel is what every terrorist group has indicated was their motivation when speaking to fellow Muslims. (See The al Quaeda Reader for detailed documentation by it's author Raymond Ibrahim or his articles on the Web.) 2. the fact that more Muslims than non-Muslims have consistently been murdered by the variety of Islamic terrorist groups. This also has been for religious reasons manly alleged apostasy from true Islam stemming from a variety of causes as also demanded by the Qur'an. 3. What has the Islamic "bete noir" of Zionism got to do with Islamic terrorism in the Far East. The withdrawal of U.S. and it's allies, like Canada, from so-called interference in Muslim-domin
Gary Patton

The Everyday Evangelist | The Toronto Observer - 0 views

  • fundamentalist
    • Gary Patton
      I am one fundamentalist evangelical who sure wouldn't agree with this definition because according to, at, "fundamental" the root of this word, often used by the media as an epithet is simply: "serving as, or being an essential part of, a foundation or basis; basic; underlying: fundamental principles; the fundamental structure." gfp (2012-01-02)
Gary Patton

The Christmas Story - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Luke 2:1-20
    • Gary Patton
      This passage expands on the story of the birth of Jesus as told in Matthew 2:1-12 at from that Apostle's perspective. That account features the Wisemen's visit to Yeshua/Jesus from the Far East.
  • And she (E)gave birth to her firstborn son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a [d]manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.
    • Gary Patton
      This is the Bible's description of the first major event in Yeshua's/Jesus' earthly life ...his "cradle'. This is followed by His: 2. coaching 3. cross, & 4. coronation.
    Luke 2:1-20 in the NASB describes Yeshua's/Jesus' Birth in Bethlehem and the reason for the season Christians call Christmas.
Gary Patton

The Visit of the Magi - Now after Jesus - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Matthew 2:1-12
    • Gary Patton
      This passage expands on the story of the birth of Jesus in Luke 2:1-20 at
    Matthew 2:1-12 in the NASB expands on the story of the birth of Jesus in Luke 2:1-20 at It adds the event of the visit of the "Magi" or "Wisemen" from the far East to worship Yeshua/Jesus some time after His birth. This was probably in Nazareth before Joseph and Mary fled to Egypt to protect the child. This part of the story follows immediately after verse 12 in this passage.
Gary Patton

Why You Really Shouldn't Curse - Harvard Business Review - 0 views

    Anne Kreamer shares some helpful and interesting links in her article.
Gary Patton

NASB - But Thomas one of the twelve called - Bible Gateway - 1 views

  • Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed.
    • Gary Patton
      If your a Follower of Jesus, don't miss the significance of these red letters because Jesus particularly commends and blesses all Followers who would believe in Him after He would go home to heaven. i.e. you and me.
  • “My Lord and my God!”
    John 20:24-30 outlines Jesus' graceful acceptance of those of us who sometimes I doubt why or what He does in our lives. In verse 30, He also particularly commends and blesses all Followers who would believe in him after He went home to heaven. i.e. you and me.
Gary Patton

Forensic Autopsy of the Shroud of Turin - 0 views

  • Many scientist have used knowledge of forensic medicine to determine the characteristics and cause of death of the man of the Shroud. Here, we show some of the data published in "The Authentication of the Turin Shroud: An Issue in Archaeological Epistemology by William Meacham. Current Antropology- Vol. 24 - N° 3 - (June 1983). Published by the University of Chicago Press". Although there is no general agreement among the scholars about all the details presented in this article, we think it is a good guide to approach the issue.
  • All authorities agree that this wound was inflicted after death, judging from the small quantity of blood issued, the separation of clot and serum, the lack of swelling, and the deeper color and more viscous consistency of the blood. Stains of a body fluid are intermingled with the blood, and numerous theories have been offered as to its origin: pericardial fluid (Judica, Barbet), fluid from the pleural sac (Moedder), or serous fluid from settled blood in the pleural cavity (Saval, Bucklin).
Gary Patton

Jesus' Crucifixion - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • blood and water came out
    • Gary Patton
      This a medically and forencically accurate description of the separation of "clot and serum" that occurs in bleeding from a wound inflicted post-mortem. This is explained in full the account of the forensic autopsy of the evidence visible on the "Shroud of Turin" at Some Christians consider this categorical proof that the God-man, Yeshua, actually died of crucifixion and was, then, burried as recounted in the Gospels' accounts of Yesuha's last hours on earth as the God-man. Other experts believe that the Shroud is a medieval hoax. (If it is, how some aspects of the surface markings were created, plus the medical science unknown at the time that they depict, stumps some modern forensic experts.
    This passage, John 19:14-42, is one of the four Gospel descriptions of Yeshua's/Jesus', the Messiah's, sacrifice of Himself and death on a Roman cross and later burial. These Gospel descriptions each contradict the Muslim Qur'an's contradiction that the Prophet, whom the Qur'an calls, Isa, was crucified and died for our sin nature and sins as outlined at ?
Gary Patton

Jesus Public Ministry And Gospel - Bible Gateway - 0 views

    • Gary Patton
      The Gospel of Yeshua/Jesus is "Good News". But, it's not a book or a passage of Scripture. It's the person of God incarnate Himself! And salvation is a trusting relationship in & with Him by simply believing in Yeshua's payment on His cross of the full penalty God demands for our sin & sins and, then, deferring to Yeshua's lordship of every aspect of our lives by living in the power of His resurrection!" ~ gfp The word 'gospel' means 'good news' and Yeshua/Jesus, the Messiah, is the personification of "good news". Simply put, He is the gospel! For anyone who hears them, Yeshua/Jesus and His words are heart-piercing as you can discover in His 'Beatitudes' at . They are totally convicting because they demonstrate every hearers' total inability to behave as He commands. And, Jesus doesn't leave us hanging! Right now, He's making available to you His power. It's freely available to every man, woman and child ...despite what they may have done. He gives anyone who asks for it a "new life". Plus, He also gives us the power to live it, using His strength, when we believe His 'Gospel' ("Good News"/'Injeel'). This glorious News is that Yeshua/Jesus died to pay the full penalty that God's holiness and justice requires because of both our "sin nature" and our many 'sins'. As Deity incarnate, Yeshua/Jesus died so that His human creation could be forgiven by God and be reconciled to His heavenly Father and have peace with Him through Yeshua/Jesus's sacrifice and His subsequent resurrection from the grave. Yeshua/Jesus's death and resurrection guarantee real, eternal salvation instead by working for ones own salvation by trying to obey the law. Folks, Jesus is alive! He's living right now and praying for you at the right hand of our heavenly Father. When you respond to his pleading, He'll send his Holy Spirit to live inside you as a new, born-again Believer. "The Gospel" is the power in Jesus' words! "Stop trying ...and start tr
    Yeshua/Jesus clarified His Gospel first to the Jews and, then later, to all non-Jews through the ones who that became His Followers. He first did so using words of The Jewish Prophet, Isaiah, that Yeshua quoted from the Old Covenant (Muslim: Taurat) in this passage: 18 "(G)THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS UPON ME, BECAUSE HE ANOINTED ME TO PREACH THE GOSPEL TO THE POOR. HE HAS SENT ME TO PROCLAIM RELEASE TO THE CAPTIVES, AND RECOVERY OF SIGHT TO THE BLIND, TO SET FREE THOSE WHO ARE OPPRESSED, 19 (H)TO PROCLAIM THE FAVORABLE YEAR OF THE LORD."
Gary Patton

Philippians 2:5-11 NASB - Have this attitude in yourselves which - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Christ Jesus, 6 who, although He (C)existed in the (D)form of God, (E)did not regard equality with God a thing to be [b]grasped, 7 but [c](F)emptied Himself, taking the form of a (G)bond-servant, and (H)being made in the likeness of men. 8 Being found in appearance as a man, (I)He humbled Himself by becoming (J)obedient to the point of death, even (K)death [d]on a cross
    • Gary Patton
      Yeshua/ Jesus came to earth and ministered (served) here for about 30 years as the God-Man...fully God and fully man as Philippians 2:5-10 at describes. This passage also proclaims that He came to pay by his death the full penalty required by Yeshua's heavenly Father for our "sin nature" and sins. Later, In John 14:15-21 at, Yeshua tells His gathered Followers that after He is resurrected from the grave and thereby proving His Father's acceptance of Yeshua's sacrifice, God would send "another personality of Himself", called Holy Spirit. It is only in the New Covenant, that Yahweh discloses that He, the One God of the Old Covenant Schema, is the "Three Personalities in One God" of the 'Trinity". Together, these three unique personalities of the God-head, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, are the Old Covenant YHWH. YHWH is the Old Covenant unpronounceable and unwritable in full name of the Hebrew God. Christians have transliterated YHWH to Yahweh or Jehovah by supplying assumed missing vowels. But scholars cannot be sure. How a God-man existed and died is a mystery Yeshua's/Jesus' Followers cannot explain. We accept them as outlined in the New Covenant on faith because they are confirmed by the power of Holy Spirit working in us and through us. YHWH/Trinity are NOT and cannot be the Muslim Allah. Nor is Yeshua/Jesus the 'Isa' of the Muslim 'Quor'an' because Allah is not YHWH, Yeshua's heavenly Father or 'Abba' ('Daddy'). Islam includes no concept of their deity as 'Father', let alone familiar, Daddy!
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