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Gary Patton

"Be Angry And Keep your Mouth Shut" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • James 3:1-12
  • we all (C)stumble in many ways. (D)If anyone does not stumble in [b]what he says, he is a (E)perfect man,
  • See how great a forest is set aflame by such a small fire! 6 And (J)the tongue is a fire, the very world of iniquity; the tongue is set among our members as that which (K)defiles the entire body, and sets on fire the course of our [c]life, and is set on fire by [d](L)hell.
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  • But no one can tame the tongue; it is a restless evil and full of (M)deadly poison. 9 With it we bless (N)our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, (O)who have been made in the likeness of God; 10 from the same mouth come both blessing and cursing.
    "Be Angry And Keep your Mouth Shut" James 3:1-12 explains why my advice in my title above is wise given that anger is a gift from your God and your tongue is a fire!
Gary Patton

"The R-E-A-L Gospel & Jesus...God's Saving Power Source" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Romans 1:16
  • Romans 1:16
  • I am not ashamed of the gospel,(A) because it is the power of God(B) for the salvation of everyone who believes:(C) first for the Jew,(D) then for the Gentile.(E)
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    • Gary Patton
      The word "Gentile" is the English translation of the Hebrew word that means "non-Jew". It's the equivalent of "Infidel" to a Muslim. Gentile was a negative word for ancient Jews. Gentiles were nearly non-people as Nassara are to Muslims. (This is the Qur'an's derogatory term for Christian.)
    "The R-E-A-L Gospel & Authentic Jesus...God's Saving Power Source" To Muslims the Gospel is a long lost book. For Christians, it is what is described below. And the Jesus referred to here is NOT the Isa of the Qur'an! The 'Isa' of the Qur'an is the purely human, Jewish Prophet described there that pre-dated the Prophet Mohammad and he was a Muslim. (See Surahs 4:71; 5:116; 6:101; 19:35 & 88-89 & 23:88-92 among others in context ) Therefore, Isa cannot be the 'Yeshua/Jesus' of the Christian Bible's New Covenant ...Whom Christian believe is God Almighty, the YHWH of the Old Covenant. (John 10:28-30 at and Thomas among others). says? When the Qur'an is properly read by Muslims in Arabic, not another language, the word used is Isa, not Jesus. Indeed, the revered Muslim historian Dr. Tarif Kalif (insert quote used by Tony Costa in debate) In addition: * The heavenly Father of Yeshua/Jesus is YHWH, the written name of the Jewish "One God", according to the Bible Book/Chapter/Verse(s): Mark 5:21-42). Isa is stated in the Qur'an to be a gift of Allah. (Qur'an Surah/Ayah(at): 47:19; 112:I Peter 4:8: "Say: He is Allah, the One and Only.") * Yeshua/Jesus was born to a virgin, Mariam, by means of an immaculate conception by God. (In Matthew I Peter 4:8:16, speaking of Joseph, the foster father of Jesus, the verse says: "… the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus who is called Christ". Matthew does not say, "….and Joseph "the father of" (begat in some translations) Jesus" he had done with the preceding generations. Matthew thus makes clear that Joseph was not the genetic father of Jesus. No man was.) Isa was "begat" by sexual intercourse between Joseph and Mariam. (Qur'an 23:91; 112:3: "He begs not, nor is He begotten" or, "God neither gave birth nor is born"). * Yeshua/Jesus said He was "Emmanuel" (God with us). He was orally proclaimed by His heavenly Father to be His Son. Isa was only a human Prophet (Qur'an 23:84-91 htt
Gary Patton

The Tongue Is Big Problem - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Let not many of you become teachers
    • Gary Patton
      Please do noy believe that this verse is a command to not share with those whom Holy Spirit brings across your path. That's a lie from the pit of Hell! You are clearly commanded to "make disciples as you're going along" by Jesus Himself in Matthew 28:18-20 at . This verse is ONLY a warning to coach/communicate/share/teach CAREFULLY and in the power of Holy Spirit. Please also do not believe that this verse says that you should only teach in the Body of Christ if you are a Pastor (Reverend, Minister, Bible School- or Seminary-trained graduate, etc.) That's a lie from the pit as well.The role of Teacher of the Body is open to anyone who is acknowledged by their fellow Believers as possessing the Gift of Teaching and s(he) teaches in the power of Holy Spirit.
  • James 3:1-10
    • Gary Patton
      All Jesus Followers have responsibility before God as sharers/communicators/coaches/teachers. This is clearly stated in James 3:1 below. And James 3:2-10 shares why we must be careful. When our sharing/communicating/teaching involves Jesus' Gospel, our intentional & non-interntion errors of ommission or commission actually incurs a curse according to Galatians 1:9 at . Therefore, each Jesus Following communicator/coach/teacher must take responsibility for the information we transmit to ensure its integrity. More importantly, we are wise to be actively sceptical about the information we receive ...especially over the Internet where it's so easy to defraud and be defrauded. We ought to do the best we know how to check the facts, investigate the evidence, and evaluate all research for ourselves. Finally, we honour Jesus better when we regularly re-recommit to being rigorous, lifelong learners ourselves ...for it is only with knowledge that we can wisely & prayerfully evaluate the claims that we encounter.
    All Jesus Followers have responsibility before God as sharers/communicators/coaches/teachers. It is is clearly stated in James 3:1 . And James 3:2-10 shares why we must be careful. When our sharing/communicating/teaching involves Jesus' Gospel, error actually incurs a curse according to Galatians 1:9 at . Therefore, each Jesus Following communicator/coach/teacher must take responsibility for the information we transmit to ensure its integrity. More importantly, we are wise to be actively sceptical about the information we receive ...especially over the Internet where it's so easy to defraud and be defrauded. We ought to do the best we know how to check the facts, investigate the evidence, and evaluate all research for ourselves. Finally, we honour Jesus better when we regularly re-recommit to being rigorous, lifelong learners ourselves ...for it is only with knowledge that we can wisely & prayerfully evaluate the claims that we encounter.
Gary Patton

The Only Way To Serve - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Philippians 2:3-11
  • Do nothing [a]from [b](A)selfishness or (B)empty conceit, but with humility of mind (C)regard one another as more important than yourselves;
  • do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.
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  • Christ Jesus, 6 who, although He (G)existed in the (H)form of God, (I)did not regard equality with God a thing to be [d]grasped, 7 but [e](J)emptied Himself, taking the form of a (K)bond-servant, and (L)being made in the likeness of men. 8 Being found in appearance as a man, (M)He humbled Himself by becoming (N)obedient to the point of death, even (O)death [f]on a cross.
  • at the name of Jesus (S)every knee will bow, of (T)those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is (U)Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
    "The Only Way To Serve " Philippians 2:3-11 talks about how Jesus Followers can know that they are serving with the right attitude of heart in the power of Holy Spirit ...not their flesh. GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-06-22)
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