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Gary Patton

You Like Ron Paul, Except on Foreign Policy - YouTube - 0 views

    • Gary Patton
      One Serious Problem with the Blowback Thesis as the Route to Ending the War on Terror The campaign video by Mr. Ron Paul, Republican Candidate for President of the U.S. in 2012, at, recounts facts surrounding major mistakes in U.S. Foreign Policy going back to the 19th Century. The video documents mistakes made by Presidents and Congresses representing both major parties in the U.S. Many U.S. residents and Westerners do not know nor well appreciate the significance of most of these. There is only one factual and major error in it, I believe. "Blowback" certainly has worked to the advantage of violent Jihadists and their defenders and supporters among Islamic clerics, sheiks and jurisprudents. But, if the U.S. ever implements the approach argued by Mr. Paul and stops interfering in other country's affairs, radical and violent jihad against the West and democratic freedoms will continue unabated. Terrorism will continue unabated because it is principally religiously motivated by majority interpretation of the Qur'an. This is proven, I suggest, because of three key reasons: 1. What jihadist organizations say is their motivation when addressing Western media and what they say to Muslim media. Blowback for Zionist/U.S. actions has been claimed consistently by every Islamic terrorist group regardless of size as their ONLY "raison d'etre". This has been the taqiyya-inspired "liefare" used by violent Jihadists since the first Muslim Fedayeen of the 1950s attacked Israelis whenever they were directing their propaganda to a Western audience. However, violent jihad against the Infidel is what every terrorist group has indicated was their real motivation when speaking to fellow Muslims. Violent Jihadists are fundamentalist Muslims who read their Qur'an using an interpretation approach called the the Doctrine of Abrogation*. They are seeking to please their deity, Allah, with violent jihad. Only da'wa, Islamic evangelism can do this wi
    This campaign video by Mr. Ron Paul, Republican Candidate for President of the U.S. in 2012, recounts facts surrounding the rationale behind major mistakes in U.S. Foreign Policy that most U.S. Residents and Westerners do not know nor appreciate the significance of well. These mistakes were made by Presidents and Congresses representing both major parties in the U.S. There is only one factual error in it. "Blowback" certainly has worked to the advantage of violent Jihadists and their defenders and supporters among Islamic clerics, sheiks and religious jurisprudents. But, if the U.S. ever implements the approach argued by Mr. Paul and stops interfering in other country's affairs, as he suggests, which I pray for, radical and violent jihad against the West and democratic freedoms will continue unabated. Terrorism will continue unabated because it is principally religiously motivated. This is proven, I suggest, because of: 1. what jihadist organizations say is their motivation when addressing Western media and what they say to Muslim media. Blowback for Zionist/U.S. actions has been consistently claimed by every Islamic terrorist group regardless of size since the first Fedayeen of the 1950s attacked Israelis when they were speaking to a western audience. However, violent war against the Infidel is what every terrorist group has indicated was their motivation when speaking to fellow Muslims. (See The al Quaeda Reader for detailed documentation by it's author Raymond Ibrahim or his articles on the Web.) 2. the fact that more Muslims than non-Muslims have consistently been murdered by the variety of Islamic terrorist groups. This also has been for religious reasons manly alleged apostasy from true Islam stemming from a variety of causes as also demanded by the Qur'an. 3. What has the Islamic "bete noir" of Zionism got to do with Islamic terrorism in the Far East. The withdrawal of U.S. and it's allies, like Canada, from so-called interference in Muslim-domin
Gary Patton

"Muslim Persecution of Christians: July, 2012" by Raymond Ibrahim - 0 views

  • Muslim Persecution of Christians: July, 2012
    "Muslim Persecution of Christians: July, 2012" by Raymond Ibrahim Because the persecution of Christians in the Islamic world is on its way to reaching epidemic proportions, "Muslim Persecution of Christians" was developed to collate some-by no means all-of the instances of persecution that surface each month. It serves two purposes: Intrinsically, to document that which the mainstream media does not: the habitual, if not chronic, Muslim persecution of Christians. Instrumentally, to show that such persecution is not "random," but systematic and interrelated-that it is rooted in a worldview inspired by Sharia. Accordingly, whatever the anecdote of persecution, it typically fits under a specific theme, including hatred for churches and other Christian symbols; apostasy and blasphemy laws; sexual abuse of Christian women; forced conversions to Islam; theft and plunder in lieu of jizya (tribute); overall expectations for Christians to behave like cowed "dhimmis" (barely tolerated citizens); and simple violence and murder. Oftentimes it is a combination thereof. Because these accounts of persecution span different ethnicities, languages, and locales-from Morocco in the west, to India in the east, and throughout the West, wherever there are Muslims-it should be clear that one thing alone binds them: Islam-whether the strict application of Islamic Sharia law, or the supremacist culture born of it.
Gary Patton

"Islam, How it works" - 0 views

  • It is a comprehensive system regulating all areas of life. There is no separation between religion here, politics there, law there — therefore none between Islam and Islamism, either. Islamism is not an abuse of Islam, because Islam is different from our worldview.
    • Gary Patton
      Many Muslims don't like the terms 'Islamism' and 'Islamist'. They say the former confuses a political ideology with a religion and, the latter confuses a moderate Muslim with a violent Jihadist. This expert argues there is NO need to make a distinction because there is none needed because they all mean the same the same! Oh my! Are Westerners being 'conned' by liberal, politically-correct media terminology when they use Islam/Islamism distinction? Is it really Muslim taqiyya (dissimulation)? gfp (2011-10-27)
  • the Islamic norms and values system regulates the living together in Muslim societies far beyond the religious realm in the narrow sense of the word: without Islam they could not work at all.
  • you needn’t be an Islamic scientist to analyze the sociology of Islam.
    • Gary Patton
      One may not need to be an Islamic scientist. But, given the danger of western cultural biases that the author mentions below (highligted in red), westerners may NOT understand Islam and the Islamic mind. A further danger is that violent Jihadists use taqiyya (dissimulation) to launch and perpetuate proganda lies. gfp (2011-10-27)
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  • the role of religion in the social fabric of Islamic societies is quite different from that of Christianity in ours. Islam does not only relate humans to the hereafter, like all religions do, and determine what is good and evil, but it also defines what is legal or illegal in a juridical sense, legitimate and illegitimate in a political sense, true and untrue in an empirical sense. Islam is, so to speak, the DNA of its societies: not only a religion but a social system.
  • Religions shapes the system of culturally valid and (by socialization) internalized pre-assumptions about issues such as truth, justice, morality, ethics, society, or violence; i.e. all the assumptions that precede actual political thinking.
    • Gary Patton
      This a dangerous key to Westerners' failure to understand Islam & what we, not Muslims, have labeled Islamism. Islamism is distinguished in the West from Islam as a political ideology. Islam, itself, is a political ideology. gfp (2011-10-27)
  • these assumptions are not just shared in Islam
  • We use a certain terminology fit for describing our own culture, but not fit for that of Islam.
    • Gary Patton
      This is very wise observation. Given this crucial point, the imporatnt question that arises is how do non-Muslims guard against the trap of cultural misalignment mistakes. I believe only Jesus Followers are eqipped to do this consistently and well because the power of Holy Spirit is available to us when we choose to walk in it and Him! (Galatians 5:16 &25) gfp
  • the widespread assumption in this country under which we perceive Islam — that all religions are equal or “want the same thing” — is misleading.
  • Islam does not generally outlaw violence, not even in a strictly moral sense.
    • Gary Patton
      This is a demonic opposite of Jesus' commands to His Followers to be non-violent and wage peace ...not war. e.g. Matthew 5:38-45 However, when dealing with criminality, violent Muslim jihadism or other activities by which people can be harmed, Jesus did not tell us to hold our peace and be passive D.O.O.R.M.A.T.S. (Dependent Order Of Really Miserable And Timid Souls). e.g. Matthew 23:23-33
  • Blaise Pascal once said. “Jesus let himself be killed, Muhammad himself killed”.
    • Gary Patton
      With even more contarst, I'd suggest: "Jesus teaches His Followers to wage peace and allowed Himself to be murdered; Muhammad teaches his followers to wage war and himself murdered others!" ~ gfp '42™
  • Violence in Islam has a structuring function: it makes a difference between above and below, i.e. master and slave, men and women, believers and unbelievers. Islam doesn’t define peace as a universal principle.
  • The Islamic concept of society is based on the division of humanity into “believers” and “infidels” — and Islam leaves no doubt that the “infidels” sooner or later have to disappear in history. “Good” in the ethical sense, is what is good for the spread of Islam; “evil” is any opposition to it
  • No, “Islam” means, in friendly translation, “devotion” and less friendly, “submission”. The word is derived from the same word-root as “Salam” (peace), but it is not a synonym.
  • it creates a tacit social acceptance of violence, provided it is directed against the “infidels”, even among those Muslims who are not individually violent.
  • Jihad is not just war. It includes anything Muslims do to bring the world under the law of Allah.
  • Therefore, I conceive Islam as a Jihad System.
  • the Koran refers in the latest, the Medinan suras — which are in any doubt, the decisive — relatively little to the “greater” jihad, the struggle for one’s own faith, compared with the struggle against the “infidels”, the so-called “lesser” jihad which is crucial in these suras.
  • Islam rejects the notion of a universal ethics by which all people have equal rights, no matter what religion they belong to, or peace as a matter of principle. Such views contradict not only the teachings of Islam, but its basic structure.
  • Islamism is only the political side of Islam, that is, in fact, no degeneration, but a part of this religion. The Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan has said quite rightly that there is no radical and no moderate Islam, but only Islam.
    • Gary Patton
      Succintly put!
  • The idea of an Islam without Sharia law is absurd, that would be — not like soup without salt, but like soup without water. Therefore, Islamists are quite correct when claiming to be in harmony with the Prophet and the Koran. And consequently these Islamists are not socially isolated, but very respected for their strong faith and respected members of the Islamic community.
  • Couldn’t there be an Islamic Enlightenment
    • Gary Patton
      Dr. Tawfik Hamid, among others including some Islamic scholars, would agree this is possible and fight at risk to their lives for its arrival. Tawfik argues that there is a big difference between fundamentalist, Qur'anic Islam, correctly interpreted, and what is promoted by all Islamic judicial jurisdictions. So Muslims who feel like Dr. Hamid are very much alone among the approximately 3.5 billion Muslims world-wide. His Website is where he operates as a Muslim "voice calling in the wilderness".
  • Firstly, I repeat: That would undermine the basis of Islamic societies. Therefore, there is enormous social pressure which prevents this. Secondly, Islam itself is already in some ways a kind of “enlightenment” as Islam has questioned anything in Christianity that is paradoxical and dialectical, sometimes incomprehensible, and to bring it to a simple formula:
  • was our Reformation something moderate?
    • Gary Patton
      Some prominet & well-known Christian writers argue that the Christian "Reformation" actually reformed very little of what was and still is variants of what is really paganism. They document from a variety of historical sources, including the Christian Bible, that pagan practises are what are practised on Sunday morning by most traditional Protestant denominations in addition to both the Roman & Orthodox Catholic Churches. Pastor Frank Viola's book, where you can learn more about this thesis, is called "Pagan Christianity". Reverend Viola argues that Christians are NOT pagans, but their traditional Western churches and church practises are. gfp (2011-10-27)
  • in Islam, as a “back to the roots”, means just the opposite, emphasizing the validity of the political model of the original community of the Prophet, whose political profile I’ve already described.
  • there are already first indications of an Islamist turn of these revolutions,
    • Gary Patton
      Some of my Muslim Friends who live in Canada make an even scarier case than this author. My Friends are well-tuned to accurate sources of Muslim and other information other than the politically-correct and often-leftist, western media. These Friends argue that all the current talk about Arab Spring democracy rising from the ashes of Afghanistan, Egypt, Tunisia, and as I write, Libya is absolute and utter nonsense. One well-informed Friend says that the prior leader of Al-Qaeda in Libya has returned to the devastated country and is firmly in control of most anti-Qaddafi forces. Al-Qaeda people will win any election held in Libya in the coming months, according to him. No commentator or group that I've heard or read at this writing, including the internationally-respected and knowledgeable Stratfor, the geo-politcal analyst group, has yet to even hint at this reality. That the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood will engineer the same coup in Egypt is being suggested in some quarters, already. I sense the same radical Jihadish coup will take place in Arab countries, possibly even Saudi Arabia, all across the Middle East and North Africa. And I bet it will be accomplished under the noses of Western political leaders who will pay for and host the forthcoming elections at great expense to western taxpayers to extend democracy. Duh! I also sense a modern Muslim Caliphate is in the birth canal of the 21st century with Satan as both the father and mid-wife. I'm awaiting with interest to see what the living God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will allow and whom will be the wet-nurse, anti-Christ whom emerges to lead it. (Turkey's Ardogan is already in the running according to some experts.) gfp (2011-10-27)
Gary Patton

Prime Minister of Canada Eid Greetings - 0 views

  • the following remarks
  • the moderate, benevolent, true face of Islam
    • Gary Patton
      Mr. Harper mis-speakes when he says this. This is simply not true about the R-E-A-L Islam (Real-Enervating-Abysmal-Loathsome). "There are moderate Muslims but no such thing as moderate Islam!" ~ Ibn Warraq, Pakistani author ("Why I Am Not a Muslim (1995)) The "true face of Islam", as one who was raised as and lives with Muslims says above, is not "moderate" (nor can be as you'll understand better reading on). It is definitely not "benevolent" or "just" or peaceful, as some try to argue. The "true face of Islam" is anyone can discern quickly by skimming through an English version of the Arabic Qu'ran. The face portrayed of Islam in the a-Hadith is even more brutal. Islam's true face is the way women and religious minorities are being treated in countries around the world where Shari'ah Law i.e., Islamic law is brutally enforced ...often by Religious Police, as In Saudi Arabia or the military in countries like Egypt or Pakistan. Which Muslim-dominated country in the world believes in and protects the equality of women? The equality, tolerance of, and state protection from wholesale murder for members of non-Muslim religions? The freedom to change or leave one's religion without being stoned or otherwise murdered for apostasy? Where a homosexual or even an effeminate man will feel safe? Or an evangelist for any other faith except Islam? Not one of them. Islam and its Shariah Law is incompatible with traditional, moral Western values of democracy, diversity, freedom and tolerance. gfp (2011-11-24)
    This statement reads to me like an apology to Muslim Canadians after the Prime Minster received considerable "blowback" for earlier, public remarks that he made about Islam. The earlier uproar came after his speaking truth on 2011-09-07 in an interview with the CBC for the 10th Anniversary of 9/11. (See a video of his talk with Peter Mansbridge, OC (1948- ) Canadian broadcaster & CBC news anchor at During that interview when asked about the biggest threat to Canada's national security, Mr. Harper responded it was "Islamism" (He inadvertently mispronounced it "Islamicism" a non-word). That blowback came from leftist academics, liberals, and supporters of violent jihad, disguised as Islamic clerics, scholars and jurisprudents both from within and outside Canada. Therefore, he adopted a politically-correct stance in his "Greetings" to the assembled Muslim and other dignitaries at "Eid on the Hill" in Ottawa on 2011-11-23 . But he goes to far in his pandering and spoke untruth as I note in my e-Stick Notes attached to the Press Release attached. gfp (2011-11-24)
Gary Patton

The Cross and the Sword » Sermon Series by Greg Boyd - 1 views

  • The Cross and the Sword
    • Gary Patton
      In the four short Sermons below, Dr. Boyd exposes the dangerous consequences of the myth of the Christian Nation held by many in the body of Christ. GaryFPatton
    Dr. Boyd exposes the dangerous consequences of the myth of the. Christian Nation.
Gary Patton

The Everyday Evangelist | The Toronto Observer - 0 views

  • fundamentalist
    • Gary Patton
      I am one fundamentalist evangelical who sure wouldn't agree with this definition because according to, at, "fundamental" the root of this word, often used by the media as an epithet is simply: "serving as, or being an essential part of, a foundation or basis; basic; underlying: fundamental principles; the fundamental structure." gfp (2012-01-02)
Gary Patton

The History & Modern Manifestation of Christian Zionism - Red Letter Christians - 0 views

  • they will eventually push the Palestinian humanity to a point where non-violent resistance will no longer be pursued. 
  • a State that has displaced and oppressed millions of innocent people. 
  • the God of the Bible as was revealed in Jesus does not make justice through injustice, nor does he make peace through violence. Dr. Salim Munayer, professor at Bethlehem Bible College, once said, “Any theology that promotes the oppression of neighbor or enemy isn’t Biblical.”
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  • The History & Modern Manifestation of Christian Zionism
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