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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Rafa Llopis

Rafa Llopis

R You Ready for R? (1/2) - 0 views

  • Data Analysts Captivated by R’s Power
    • Rafa Llopis
      Artículo del New York Times que explica desde el principio las bases del lenguaje R y en qué se emplea.
  • used to set ad prices, find new drugs more quickly or fine-tune financial models
  • Google, Pfizer, Merck, Bank of America, the InterContinental Hotels Group and Shell use it.
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • R is also the name of a popular programming language used by a growing number of data analysts inside corporations and academia.
  • R is really important to the point that it’s hard to overvalue it,” said Daryl Pregibon
  • “It allows statisticians to do very intricate and complicated analyses without knowing the blood and guts of computing systems.”
  • R is similar to other programming languages, like C, Java and Perl
  • . I.B.M., Hewlett-Packard and Dell make billions of dollars a year selling servers that run the open-source Linux operating system
  • Web sites are displayed using an open-source application called Apache,
  • the end results of all this technology via the Firefox Web
  • can help illuminate data trends more clearly than is possible by entering information into rows and columns
  • What makes R so useful
  • is that statisticians, engineers and scientists can improve the software’s code or write variations for specific tasks
  • advanced algorithms, colored and textured graphs and mining techniques to dig deeper into databases.
  • Packages written for R add
  • the professors considered their coding efforts more of an academic game than anything else.
  • the notion of devising something like R sprang up during a hallway conversation.
  • They both wanted technology better suited for their statistics students
  • R immediately gained a following with people who saw the possibilities in customizing the free software.
  • “The diversity and excitement around what all of these people are doing is great,” Mr. Chambers said.
Rafa Llopis

R You Ready for R?(2/2) - 0 views

  • R You Ready for R?
    • Rafa Llopis
      Artículo del New York Times sobre la influencia del lenguaje R.
  • R helps people deal with large volumes of data in a wide variety of industries
  • the software is open source, meaning people can pick it up for free and make their own changes to the code
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • People chimed in with the unique ways they’re using the technology
  • talked about its passion
  • Vhayu Technologies
  • R to help traders on Wall Street
  • for tweaking
  • Speaking of R, Mr. Chambers said, “It’s way beyond anything we could have imagined at Bell Labs.”
  • Were Pfizer to use R in clinical studies
  • “It’s very hard to displace the industry standard in those types of cases,” said Max Kuhn, associate director of nonclinical statistics at Pfizer.
  • Revolution offers ways to speed up the software on certain applications and to run it on large computers
  • Revolution provides support services to customers like Pfizer and Bank of America
Rafa Llopis

Curiosidades del lenguaje R - 0 views

    Un usuario nos muestra variaciones que se pueden hacer en el código que dan unos resultados un tanto curiosos.
Rafa Llopis

Más ejemplos gráficos - 0 views

    • Rafa Llopis
      Cosas curiosas que hace la gente con R
Rafa Llopis

Qué es R y su aplicación al mundo empresarial - 0 views

  • R es utilizado por el 47 por ciento de los profesionales de extracción de datos.
  • la capacidad para crear rápidamente exhibiciones visuales dinámicas de los datos, se ha tornado valiosa en el mundo empresarial a medida que las empresas comienzan a afrontar el desafío de los Grandes datos.
  • La diferencia está en la visualización
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • ¿Qué es R? R es un lenguaje de programación y entorno de software de fuente abierta para computación y gráficos estadísticos.
  • gráficos en el léxico de las estadísticas, o manipular interactivamente un gráfico existente
  • los usuarios pueden crear nuevos
  • la fortaleza de R en un contexto empresarial es su capacidad para modificarse y adaptarse a sus necesidades
  • Si no puede encontrar el gráfico
  • en los 5.000 paquetes de R, es probable que encuentre cualquier método que necesite en la comunidad de usuarios de R.
  • Lo que logra con el uso de R depende completamente en sus necesidades de negocios
    • Rafa Llopis
      Actualmente R es utilizado por más del 47% de los profesionales de extracción de datos, aumentando constantemente el número de personas que lo utilizan debido principalmente a su capacidad de crear representaciones visuales de forma rápida de una gran cantidad de datos. Además otra de sus ventajas es que R es una fuente abierta, lo que quiere decir que si no encuentra la grafica que necesita en los paquetes de datos de R es posible que la encuentre en la comunidad de usuarios de R.
    Breve artículo sobre R y sobretodo centrado en su aplicación al mundo empresarial.
Rafa Llopis

R aplicado a la psicología - 0 views

  • What makes R particularly powerful is that statisticians and statistically minded people around the world have contributed packages to the R Group and maintain a very active news group offering suggestions and help. The growing collection of packages and the ease with which they interact with each other and the core R is perhaps the greatest advantage of R
    • Rafa Llopis
      Esta web afirma que la mejor ventaja del lenguaje R es que es una comunidad abierta y que mejora constantemente.
  • Using R in 12 simple steps for personality research (These steps are not meant to limit what can be done with R, but merely to describe how to do the analysis for the most basic of research projects and to give a first experience with R). Install R on your computer or go to a machine that has it. Download the psych package as well as other recommended packages from CRAN using the install.packages function, or using the package installer in the GUI. To get packages recommended for a particular research field, use the ctv package to install a particular task view. Note, these first two steps need to be done only once! Activate the psych package or other desired packages using e.g., library(psych). This needs to be done every time you start R. Or, it is possible to modify the startup parameters for R so that certain libraries are loaded automatically. Enter your data using a text editor and save as a text file (perhaps comma delimited if using a spreadsheet program such as Excel or OpenOffice) Read the data file or copy and paste from the clipboard (using, e.g., read.clipboard). Find basic descriptive statistics (e.g., means, standard deviations, minimum and maxima) using describe. Prepare a simple descriptive graph (e.g, a box plot) of your variables. Find the correlation matrix to give an overview of relationships (if the number is not too great, a scatter plot matrix or SPLOM plot is very useful, this can be done with pairs.panels. If you have an experimental variable, do the appropriate multiple regression using stan- dardized or at least zero centered scores. If you want to do a factor analysis or principal components analysis, use the factanal or fa and principal function To score items and create a scale and find various reliability estimates, use score.items and perhaps omega. Graph the results.
    • Rafa Llopis
      Uso del lenguaje R para estudios psicológicos.
Rafa Llopis

Aplicaciones basadas en R - 0 views

  • R-based application to predict pipeline cracking for an international oil and gas company R-based application to optimize product recipe for a multinational food and beverage conglomerate Implementing a hedge fund's backtesting system in R  
    • Rafa Llopis
      El lenguaje R se puede usar para hacer aplicaciones dirigidas a la producción. Esta página web muestra tres ejemplos reales del uso de la programacion R en empresas.
Rafa Llopis

Statistical Computing with R: A tutorial - 0 views

    Ejemplos gráficos y explicación matemática de lo que es capaz de hacer R
Rafa Llopis

Orígnes e historia de R - 0 views

  • We both had an interest in statistical computing and saw a common need for a better software environment in our Macintosh teaching laboratory. We saw no suitable commercial environment and we began to experiment to see what might be involved in developing one ourselves.
    • Rafa Llopis
      La creación y el propósito de la programación R
Rafa Llopis

100 Mensajes más leídos de R - 0 views

  • Top 100 R posts of 2012
    • Rafa Llopis
      Es una lista con los 100 post más visitados del 2012 sobre lenguaje R, con datos muy interesantes sobre el tema y aportaciones con ejemplos programados.
  • R-statistics blog
  • around 245 active R bloggers 
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • these bloggers wrote around 3200 posts about R
  •  list of the top visited posts 
  • programming environment
  • (unofficial) online journal of the R statistical
  • contribute their R article
  • .  Bellow you can see a few figures comparing the statistics of 2012
  • Reproducible R blogging – make it to blog from R to WordPress and blogger (via knitr, RStudio, etc.)
  • Creating online interactive visualization using R
  • More guest posts on R-bloggers
1 - 10 of 10
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