Wink is a Tutorial and Presentation creation \nsoftware, primarily aimed at creating tutorials on how to use software (like a \ntutor for MS-Word/Excel etc). Using Wink you can capture screenshots, add \nexplanations boxes, buttons, titles, audio, etc and generate a highly effective tutorial \nfor your users. Opensource with VERY GOOD features.
pdf paper. This paper recommends more comparative research, accelerated by a sense of urgency, to achieve the inclusion of 'talents' (including those with disabilities) in the actual online multicultural context.
Paper pdf. This paper presents and evaluates a new learning environment model based on Web 2.0 applications.The learning environment presented consists of several components (modules) that are well-known Web 2.0 applications such as wikis, weblogs, social bookmarking services and RSS feeds. The section describing the implementation of the environment in a use case at the Darmstadt University of Applied Science focuses on the specific didactic contribution the particular learning modules render towards the entire learning arrangement. The article explains the didactic potential of the wiki platform in more detail, since it serves as the integrating module (or learning centre) of the learning arrangement.
Recommendations based on PLA discussions in Thessaloniki and Vienna , the recommendations on e-skills, the recommendations from the High level expert group on digital literacy and the policy brief prepared by IPTS on digital competence for these two PLA meetings.
Information Communication Technology (ICT)
The 8th ICT Peer Learning Activity (PLA) was hosted by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Art and Culture and organised by the Austrian member of the ICT cluster from said Ministry. The PLA focused on digital competences and eLearning, and starting with Austrian experiences in eLearning and good practices in teacher training. It lasted one and a half days and was preceded by the eInclusion Conference, taking place in Vienna from 30 November 2008 to 2 December 2008. It was also thought as a platform to discuss results from the eInclusion Conference and in particularly the recommendations of the Digital Literacy High Level Group (set up by DG INFSO).
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EVE is a web-based platform for disseminating information on projects - including results - relating to activities supported by the Directorate-General for Education and Culture (DG EAC). Making this information readily accessible is important - to give the projects greater visibility and increasing their practical impact. EVE covers all the areas DG EAC deals with - education and lifelong learning, culture, youth, citizenship, multilingualism and sport.
Publicação em pdf no âmbito do programa Leonardo da Vinci, Good practices series, Nº4, sobre distance learning, com exemplos de projectos considerados como exemplos de boas práticas.
Avoiding plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and other questionable writing practices: A guide to ethical writing
The purpose of this module is to help students, as well as professionals, identify and prevent questionable practices and to develop an awareness of ethical writing. This guide was written by Miguel Roig, PhD, from St. Johns University with funding from Office of Research Integrity (ORI).
Instruções do Manual da PBworks para embeber formulários criados no Google Docs nas páginas Wiki da PBworks. Já experimentei e funciona em beleza. Muito útil!
The Foundation serves as sustainable and proactive network and provides valuable services to the European eLearning community. The Foundation's initiators are the European Institut for eLearning, the European Schoolnet, FIM Newlearning, the MENON Network, the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany and the University of Reading/UK. The foundation has taken its first steps in the framework of the Triangle project.
EFQUEL will provide support, transparency, open participation and leadership for a broad range of topics. The purpose of the foundation is to involve actors in a European community of users and experts to share experiences on how eLearning can be used to strengthen individual, organisational, local and regional development, digital and learning literacy, and promote social cohesion.
This paper describes the internal motivations and external drivers that led The Open University UK to enter the field of Open Educational Resources (2009)
Artigo "fresquinho" muito pertinente para as discussões dos nossos case studies. Grande enfase no trabalho colaborativo:"It is critical to PAIR-up to design learning spaces".