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Donna Baker

Softschools - 0 views

    provides free math worksheets, free math games, grammar quizzes and free phonics worksheets and games. Worksheets and games are organized by grades and topics. These printable math and phonics worksheets are auto generated.
Ursula Smith

FREE Printable SPANISH Lessons & Worksheets - 0 views

    Cool website with FREE worksheets. Fun and colorful! If you decide you want more then you have to purchase. 
Ashley Woodall

Engrade - 0 views

    It is a free online grade book, and assignment poster. It works a bit like moodle.
  • ...1 more comment...
    free website that teachers can use to manage their classes online and connect with their students
    Another free online grading tool that could be extremely helpful for classroom management, unit/lesson planning, etc.
    This popular online classroom community provides a free set of web-based tools for teachers who want to integrate web 2.0 into the classroom. Tools include an online assignment calendar, an online gradebook, an online attendance book, secure online messaging, and instant progress reports. Engrade is a great way for teachers to constantly stay in touch with students, parents, and administrators.
Ursula Smith

Browse By Language: Spanish - Project Gutenberg - 0 views

    More free downloads of books from the Spanish classics, there are some audiobooks as well, very sophisticated, high level of knowledge stuff. I love free downloads!
Ursula Smith

Spanish Literature - Free books, poems, novels and history summary | - 0 views

    All things Spanish, including a section to download free Spanish works. Some of it would be awesome to teach to a high level class or perhaps use some parts of works to develop in lower level courses...anyways, lots and lots of stuff to explore.
Ursula Smith - Free Online Computer Language Games - 0 views

    Great website with free games for every language. I love the idea of having children learn a foreign language through games that are fun nd teach them something. 
Ursula Smith

Teaching Kits and Handbooks | Teaching Tolerance - 0 views

    Teaching Tolerance is a great resource that is free for educators. The materials you can supply your classroom with are amazing. Dr. Taylor showed us this website in class and I can tell you is worth your time.
Ursula Smith

Free internet calls and cheap phone calls - Skype - 0 views

    I love Skype! It is the best invention in telecommunication ever! I keep in touch with my family in Brazil for free! In the classroom, you can have students exchange information with one another and telecommunicate with people around the world!
Emily Panebianco

Grammar, Writing, Punctuation--Free GrammarCheck Newsletter - 0 views

    A free online grammar check, always useful for students who are writing papers.
Robert Weirich

Free Algebra Worksheets - 0 views

    This is a website that teachers can go to get some different type of worksheets for there classrooms. Good exercises for the students.
Shannon Keister

Teaching and Learning Spanish: Free iPod Touch/iPhone Apps for Learning Spanish - 0 views

    free application for iPhone and iTouch to help teachers and students have immediate access to a spanish tool (translation, note cards, download spanish books, etc.)
Kari Stockton

Grade Book - 1 views

    This is a really neat website!! It offers a free grade book for teachers, along with a lesson planner, attendance tracker, common core state standards, etc. and the best part - its free!!!
Andrew Clanton

Free Online Lesson Planner Software for Teachers of All Grade Levels - 2 views

    Free online lesson planning software for teachers =)
    this is a great website for teachers wanting to create lesson plans
Blair Howard

NASA Quest Challenges - 0 views

    NASA Quest Challenges are FREE Web-based, interactive explorations designed to engage students in authentic scientific and engineering processes. The solutions relate to issues encountered daily by NASA personnel.
Robert Weirich

K12 Lesson Plans | Free Teacher Websites | Free Classroom Website | Educational Resources - 0 views

    This is a website that teachers can use to creat a page that there students can log on to see what is going on in the classrooms and the parents can find out what there kids are doing in there class.
Donna Baker

Tikatok - Kids Activities: Publish a Children's Book with Tikatok - 0 views

    Free teacher account. Can be used in class to help students with writing. Students can writing a book and publish.
Kayleigh Plyler

Soshiku › Tour - 0 views

    This is a free website where high school and college students can sign up and use this to keep up with their assignments and when they are due. With each assignment you can manage tasks, save notes and attach files.
Kayleigh Plyler

Info - 0 views

    GeoGebra is a free mathematics software for all levels of math education and is a great tool for geometry and algebra.
Raven Hayes

edmodo - 0 views

    This is a great website and it's free. You can store and share files, create a class calendar, assignments and grading, and involves social learning for classrooms.
    This site allows for creating free online tools for the education community. It gets the students, parents, and teachers involved.
Emily Panebianco

GradeBook - - 0 views

    Easy way for teachers to keep track of grades.
    This is a free, online gradebook for teachers
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