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Donna Baker

pbs teachers - 0 views

    Offers Science and technology resources for teachers pre-k -th grades
Kayleigh Plyler

Illuminations: Lessons - 0 views

    has many lesson plans for grades k-12 mathematics
Blair Howard

Rubric Maker Samples - 0 views

    Our Rubric Maker is a very powerful application. Our system makes it easy for you to create rubrics for all K-12 content areas quickly. You can create a custom rubric, a 4-pt. instant rubric, or use one of our complete preformatted rubric templates
Andrew Clanton

Mathematics Archives WWW Server - 0 views

    Math Archives gives teaching materials for all types of math such as calculus, K-12 teaching materials
Leatha Moretz

Teachers.Net - TEACHERS - Education resources, Teacher chat, lesson plans, teaching job... - 0 views

    General teacher resource for everything from lesson plans to job searches.
    This site has over 4,000 free lession plans, chatboards, classroom projects, and job openings for teachers.
    This is another site similar to the ones we've already seen. Teachers are able to connect with one another and share ideas. There are some really great pointers on this site.
Ashley Hargett

Illuminations - Resources for Teaching Math - 1 views

    This site contains lessons and manipulatives for various math topics from grades K-12.
Sandra Varela

Educationl Worksheets - 0 views

    this website gives teachers ideas for worksheets for grades K-12
    I like these ideas
Mina Gharibi

Teacher Vision - 0 views

    This webpage offers 20,000+ pages of resources for teachers across the board...K-12!!!
    Teachers resources. Lesson plans, activity sheets, printables, classroom management tips, info by grade level, subject, ect..
Marquise Hunter

Game Classroom is the next generation of homework help! - 0 views

    Educational games and homework help for k-6. Great for kids parents and teachers
melissa pratt

PBS Teachers | Resources For The Classroom - 0 views

    The pbs site has a lot of good tips for teachers for a classroom in the k-12 setting. It has a lot of good ideas for activities in the classroom for every subject. As a foreign lanuage teacher, I found some good things under the reading and language arts tabs.
  • ...2 more comments...
    The other day when we went to the library the lady(can't remember her name) who showed us some resources mentioned this website. So here it is! Just click in the grade you wanna teach and voilà!
    Hey Leah! I didn't see you had shared this website! YOu are fast girl!
    Great resource for teachers to get ideas for lessons you can chat with other teachers. Professional development
    This website offers short clips that help explain many topics that you may be covering in your classrooms from gangs to how chocolate is made.
Ashley Hargett

Glencoe Virtual Manipulatives - 1 views

    Another good site containing manipulatives such as algebra tiles, base ten blocks, and geoboards for grade k-8.
David Tondreau

National Library of Virtual Manipulatives - 2 views

    This site has manipulatives for geometry, algebra, probability, and number and operations for grades k - 12.
    a nice setup for math manipulatives and arrange by grade and subject
Donna Baker

Softschools - 0 views

    provides free math worksheets, free math games, grammar quizzes and free phonics worksheets and games. Worksheets and games are organized by grades and topics. These printable math and phonics worksheets are auto generated.
Katherine Furr

Songs for Teaching - 0 views

    This site provides songs for teachers to use in their classroom to help students learn and remember material that may otherwise be difficult to comprehend and understand.
Katherine Furr

National Science Teacher Association - 0 views

    This site offers very helpful resources and conferences that science teachers of all levels can attend to learn more about the subject and new ways of teaching science.
Shannon Keister

Langwitches Hub - 0 views

    Educator who participated in the K-12 Online Conference
Ursula Smith

TrackStar : Home - 0 views

    TrackStar requires that you create a log in which will grant you access to a variety of lessons plans and activities. 
Donna Baker

Teacher Discussions, Blogs, Chat, Social Networking for teachers - ProTeacher Community - 0 views

    great for teachers to discuss lesson get resources and ideas
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