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Leatha Moretz

Teachers.Net - TEACHERS - Education resources, Teacher chat, lesson plans, teaching job... - 0 views

    General teacher resource for everything from lesson plans to job searches.
    This site has over 4,000 free lession plans, chatboards, classroom projects, and job openings for teachers.
    This is another site similar to the ones we've already seen. Teachers are able to connect with one another and share ideas. There are some really great pointers on this site.
Mina Gharibi

My E-Book - 0 views

    This is a great source, I believe. Teachers can use this as a on-going project throughout the semester to catalog the work of their students throughout the year. There are several ideas I can come up with to how this would be useful: 1. In a math classroom, students can catalog the important knowledge they aquire and would like to remember after the year is complete. Throughout the semester, students create pages/files to be uploaded to their e-book, or go in and manually add information that they find important in their lessons. They can use their e-books as a source of reference throughout the year, and in future years. As a teacher, you can also use this source to upload important assignments to the reference, so students can reflect back on them at a later date. 2. Science teachers can use this to create a class-create book covering the information that they have covered in class, as well as to document research students have come across on their own. This could be compiled of student assignments/projects/research/etc that students complete through their unit. And then the teacher can publish the e-book allowing students to have access to their work. This is a great resource because it motivates students to do better, knowing that their work is available for view by not only the teachers, but their peers, and others online.
Lynnette Antwi

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics - 0 views

    good professional resource for teachers of math. Many activities ans other useful links
    NCTM is a website that is very helpful to teachers to meet others and constantly learn new ways of teaching. This is a resource that takes care of the big picture of education.
    Council in which math teachers and students planning to teach math can join. This is the national council but there is a local one and that is the North Carolina Council of Math Teachers.
Mina Gharibi

Live Writer - From Microsoft Office - 0 views

    This is a great source for teachers to use whether middle school, high school, or college level. This could be used for group assignments or individual assignments. Teachers can send out assignments via Live Writer to students. And students can submit assigments via Live Writer as well. This takes out the extra step of sending it either as an e-mail, or having to print the assignment all together. A great way to go green, and move away from printing. It is also a great way to integrate technology into the everyday classroom. This tool can also be used by teachers when assigning group assignments. Similar to our 6 facets assignment with Google Docs, student can share a document with the others in their group. Once they have collaboratively worked together to complete the assignment, they may then share it with the teacher to turn it in.
Mina Gharibi

NCTM - 1 views

    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics: Middle School Resources. Provides focal points, math problems, student activity sheets, weekly problems, tips for teachers, and lessons and activities. This is a great source for Middle Grades Mathematics Teachers (or any level Mathematics teachers.). It can be used to find supplemental instruction such as activity sheets, daily problems and tips on different issues with your students.
Donna Baker

National Science teachers Association - 0 views

    National Science Teachers Association - MIddle School Science. Provides science teachers with books, articles, publications, "Science Scope" journal for high school science teachers, and links to additional materials/websites for Middle School Science teachers.
    This is a great site for science teachers membership in national association for Science teachers. Resources for classroom
Robert Weirich

Teachers and Facebook: Privacy vs. standards - - 0 views

    2008 CMS case involving a local teacher and her Facebook comments.
    This is an older article, back from November of 2008. But it shows how teachers and facebook is still an issue. This article is actually from the Charlotte Observer, discussing an issue with a teacher being suspended for what she posted on facebook.
    This is an article about teachers and facebook
Ursula Smith

Teacher Professional Development and Teacher Resources by Annenberg Media - 0 views

    This website helps teachers improve their teaching through media and telecommunication. It has ideas for teaching across the subject areas, but I really love the Language part. My teacher from FLED4200 showed us a video made by this teacher who was teaching German 1 and it was amazing! Anyway, check it out!
Leatha Moretz

PBS Teachers | Resources For The Classroom - 0 views

    This sight is an interactive resource for teachers of all content areas in Highschool. It has flash games and visual aids on core subject content, that can help create a more interactive and visual class. Pbs also has blogs for parents and teachers to connect on many of the content areas.
Mina Gharibi

Middle School Portal - 1 views

    Virtual learning experiences for middle school students and educators alike - especially concerning Science and English.
    A resource for teachers to find help or resources related to specific math and science areas and topics. A sort of social networking site for both math teachers and science teachers.
Emily Panebianco

Tips for teachers: Conducting a successful parent-teacher conference - by Gabriella Mar... - 0 views

    More tips for teachers in a teacher-parent conference.
Katherine Furr

The First Day of Middle School - 0 views

    This website offers references and support for brand new teachers. It has postings from other teachers who explain what they should have done differently and so on. It offers a lot of support for new teachers who are struggling.
melissa pratt

PBS Teachers | Resources For The Classroom - 0 views

    The pbs site has a lot of good tips for teachers for a classroom in the k-12 setting. It has a lot of good ideas for activities in the classroom for every subject. As a foreign lanuage teacher, I found some good things under the reading and language arts tabs.
  • ...2 more comments...
    The other day when we went to the library the lady(can't remember her name) who showed us some resources mentioned this website. So here it is! Just click in the grade you wanna teach and voilà!
    Hey Leah! I didn't see you had shared this website! YOu are fast girl!
    Great resource for teachers to get ideas for lessons you can chat with other teachers. Professional development
    This website offers short clips that help explain many topics that you may be covering in your classrooms from gangs to how chocolate is made.
Lynnette Antwi

Social Networking Sites for Teachers - 0 views

    Social Networking sites for teachers. Teachers can share the ideas and even their teaching methods and lesson plans
Andrew Clanton

TeacherWeb® - Create Your Web Site - 0 views

    This page allows you as a teacher to create a website. This allows other teachers to use it and help them gain knowledge in subjects that they might be teaching that are the same as you. Also it could help you out because other teacher could put some feed back on your website which will help you think of things that you might not have earlier.
Emily Panebianco

Teacher Resources: Quizinator for Teachers, Instructors, and HomeSchoolers - 0 views

    This is an absolutely free website that allows teachers to create quizzes, exams, worksheets, study guides, etc. Once created, you save the document on Quizinator ... you / your students are able to access these documents!! It really is a really cool resource!
    A website for teachers to create worksheets, quizzes, tests, etc.
Mina Gharibi

BetterLesson Is Facebook for Teachers - 0 views

    BetterLesson is a social networking site for teachers to share lesson plans online. This would be a great source to use as a teacher to get Lesson plan ideas, Lesson Plans, and share your own Lesson Plans with others.
Leatha Moretz

Teacher's Guide to Using Facebook (Read Fullscreen) - 0 views

    Guide to facebook for teachers.
    This is a site that teaches teachers how to be professional when they are having a facebook. It shows them how they can make there settings private.
    Educators manual for a safe way to utilize facebook in a professional manner
Angi Russell

Web English Teacher - 0 views

    A great site for ideas on literature, writing prompts, grammar and much more.
    website for ideas that cover all facets of teaching for an english teacher. Publishes a newsletter, blogs, information sharing for english teachers
Leah Smith

AATG - 0 views

    This is THE group to join for teachers or future teachers of German in America. I am planning on joing this organization as soon as possible and have been researching it for a while now. They have a lot of great opportunities for both teachers and students and lots of great advice for lessons/ the classroom, etc.
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