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Mina Gharibi

NMSA Store - 1 views

    National Middle School Association Store. Online store for NMSA publications. Publications relating to beinga Middle Grades Educator. Subject matter includes: Technology, Teaching, Content Area Specific titles, Young Adolescent Developement, Research, Leadership, etc... This is a great site to find readings focused on Middle Grade Level issues to further expand my knowledge and ideas on particular areas in education.
Ashley Woodall

National Middle School Association - 0 views

    This is a wonderful association for Middle Grade educators - offering professional preparation, products specifically designed for middle school classrooms/schools, and much much more!!! 
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    The National Association for Middle Level Education
    resources, networking, latest news, conferences, etc. for middle school teachers in the US.
    I know alot of other people have already posted this link. But I just wanted to reiterate the importance of being involved in groups like this. Not only are you able to associate with other teachers in every state, but you're also able to discover new opportunites to enhance your career.
Donna Baker

National Middle School Association - Helping You Achieve Successful Schools for Young A... - 0 views

    Only National Education Association dedicated to Middle level grades. Offer professional Development to teachers and other resources. This is a great website for Middle Grades Teachers
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