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Buy Wechat Account - SmmTopMarket - 0 views

    Buy Wechat Account Introduction Wechat accounts are used for a variety of purposes, from transferring and entering dispatches and making calls to using the mobile payment service, Wechat Pay. Purchasing a Wechat account is a simple process, and one that can be done online. When buying a Wechat account, you'll need to give the account's unique ID number, as well as your own particular information, similar as your name and dispatch address. Once the account is registered, you'll be suitable to use it to communicate with your connections and access the features of Wechat. When buying a Wechat account, make sure you read the terms and conditions and read up on the security measures the account provider has in place to insure your data is kept secure. Companies can use. client service WeChat can be used to give client service to guests, responding to inquiries and furnishing support. Marketing Companies can use WeChat to produce juggernauts, post updates, and announce products and services. Payment WeChat allows companies to accept payments directly from guests through its mobile portmanteau. Content creation Companies can produce and partake blogs, papers, and other content on WeChat. Brand structure Companies can use WeChat to make their brand by connecting with guests and creating a sense of community. Recruiting Companies can use WeChat to retain new workers and share job rosters. Deals Companies can use WeChat to promote their products, services, and specials. Events Companies can use WeChat to host virtual events and promote them to their followers. Buy Wechat Account Are you looking for a way to market your business? Then wechat account is an excellent choice WeChat is a popular social media platform in China that allows druggies to shoot dispatches, make payments, share prints, and more. It's a great way to reach out to implicit guests and make your brand in the Chinese request. With WeChat, you can produce juggernauts, run contests, and offer
  • ...1 more comment...
    Buy Wechat Account Introduction Wechat accounts are used for a variety of purposes, from transferring and entering dispatches and making calls to using the mobile payment service, Wechat Pay. Purchasing a Wechat account is a simple process, and one that can be done online. When buying a Wechat account, you'll need to give the account's unique ID number, as well as your own particular information, similar as your name and dispatch address. Once the account is registered, you'll be suitable to use it to communicate with your connections and access the features of Wechat. When buying a Wechat account, make sure you read the terms and conditions and read up on the security measures the account provider has in place to insure your data is kept secure. Companies can use. client service WeChat can be used to give client service to guests, responding to inquiries and furnishing support. Marketing Companies can use WeChat to produce juggernauts, post updates, and announce products and services. Payment WeChat allows companies to accept payments directly from guests through its mobile portmanteau. Content creation Companies can produce and partake blogs, papers, and other content on WeChat. Brand structure Companies can use WeChat to make their brand by connecting with guests and creating a sense of community. Recruiting Companies can use WeChat to retain new workers and share job rosters. Deals Companies can use WeChat to promote their products, services, and specials. Events Companies can use WeChat to host virtual events and promote them to their followers. Buy Wechat Account Are you looking for a way to market your business? Then wechat account is an excellent choice WeChat is a popular social media platform in China that allows druggies to shoot dispatches, make payments, share prints, and more. It's a great way to reach out to implicit guests and make your brand in the Chinese request. With WeChat, you can produce juggernauts, run contests, and offer
    Buy Wechat Account Introduction Wechat accounts are used for a variety of purposes, from transferring and entering dispatches and making calls to using the mobile payment service, Wechat Pay. Purchasing a Wechat account is a simple process, and one that can be done online. When buying a Wechat account, you'll need to give the account's unique ID number, as well as your own particular information, similar as your name and dispatch address. Once the account is registered, you'll be suitable to use it to communicate with your connections and access the features of Wechat. When buying a Wechat account, make sure you read the terms and conditions and read up on the security measures the account provider has in place to insure your data is kept secure. Companies can use. client service WeChat can be used to give client service to guests, responding to inquiries and furnishing support. Marketing Companies can use WeChat to produce juggernauts, post updates, and announce products and services. Payment WeChat allows companies to accept payments directly from guests through its mobile portmanteau. Content creation Companies can produce and partake blogs, papers, and other content on WeChat. Brand structure Companies can use WeChat to make their brand by connecting with guests and creating a sense of community. Recruiting Companies can use WeChat to retain new workers and share job rosters. Deals Companies can use WeChat to promote their products, services, and specials. Events Companies can use WeChat to host virtual events and promote them to their followers. Buy Wechat Account Are you looking for a way to market your business? Then wechat account is an excellent choice WeChat is a popular social media platform in China that allows druggies to shoot dispatches, make payments, share prints, and more. It's a great way to reach out to implicit guests and make your brand in the Chinese request. With WeChat, you can produce juggernauts, run contests, and offer
    Buy Wechat Account Introduction Wechat accounts are used for a variety of purposes, from transferring and entering dispatches and making calls to using the mobile payment service, Wechat Pay. Purchasing a Wechat account is a simple process, and one that can be done online. When buying a Wechat account, you'll need to give the account's unique ID number, as well as your own particular information, similar as your name and dispatch address. Once the account is registered, you'll be suitable to use it to communicate with your connections and access the features of Wechat. When buying a Wechat account, make sure you read the terms and conditions and read up on the security measures the account provider has in place to insure your data is kept secure. Companies can use. client service WeChat can be used to give client service to guests, responding to inquiries and furnishing support. Marketing Companies can use WeChat to produce juggernauts, post updates, and announce products and services. Payment WeChat allows companies to accept payments directly from guests through its mobile portmanteau. Content creation Companies can produce and partake blogs, papers, and other content on WeChat. Brand structure Companies can use WeChat to make their brand by connecting with guests and creating a sense of community. Recruiting Companies can use WeChat to retain new workers and share job rosters. Deals Companies can use WeChat to promote their products, services, and specials. Events Companies can use WeChat to host virtual events and promote them to their followers. Buy Wechat Account Are you looking for a way to market your business? Then wechat account is an excellent choice WeChat is a popular social media platform in China that allows druggies to shoot dispatches, make payments, share prints, and more. It's a great way to reach out to implicit guests and make your brand in the Chinese request. With WeChat, you can produce juggernauts, run contests, and offer
Joao Alves

BBC NEWS | Technology | Pull down the walled gardens - 0 views

  • Unlike the global internet, which enables virtually the entire world to connect, social networks have created very large, localised communities with far more limited international interaction.
    • Violeta Cautin
      So social networking sites are creating big scale barries ... never thought of that, but makes a lot of sense.
    • Joao Alves
      It seems that these localised communities can be seen as online communities. Can they? What do you think?
    About Walled Gardens and Social Networks "Unlike the global internet, which enables virtually the entire world to connect, social networks have created very large, localised communities with far more limited international interaction."
  • ...4 more comments...
    About Walled Gardens and Social Networks "Unlike the global internet, which enables virtually the entire world to connect, social networks have created very large, localised communities with far more limited international interaction."
    Indeed they are. Facebook is legendary for allowing a lot of users to enter information into Facebook, but not to be able to take it out again. At the same time there's a problem as google can't search Facebook. It will be interesting however, to see how the new Facebook Connect will work out, which is an attempt from Facebook to open up their walled garden - see
    ooops! sorry... obviously I have no clue how to control the comments here on Diigo, they keep coming up, somewhere else than where I thought they would be...
    About Walled Gardens and Social Networks "Unlike the global internet, which enables virtually the entire world to connect, social networks have created very large, localised communities with far more limited international interaction."
    @Joao: yes, I definitely think that local communities can be seen as online communities. In fact, according to Wikipedia, here online communities are described as: "Virtual communities depend upon social interaction and exchange between users online. This emphasizes the reciprocity element of the unwritten social contract between community members. Web 2.0 is essentially characterized by virtual communities such as Flickr, Facebook, and A similar trend is starting to emerge within businesses where online or virtual communities are taking hold. These communities can be organizational, regional or topical depending on the business." "Organizational, regional or topical" - I think we can add technical to this list. Btw. it seems like wiki use the terms "online" and "virtual" interchangeably. PS. Can anyone teach me how to make comments on Diigo? Why don´t comments automatically follow each other from oldest to newest? Mine seems to all be stuck together no matter what I do.
    Peter, have you installed the Diigo toolbar? If you haven't, do it. With the Diigo toolbar you can make comments, highlight, bookmark sites, add sticky notes, etc.

Buy SoundCloud Accounts - SmmTopMarket - 0 views

    Buy SoundCloud Accounts There are a lot of reasons why someone might want to buy SoundCloud accounts. Maybe they're a musician and they want to get their music out there, or maybe they're a marketer and they want to use SoundCloud as a platform to promote their products or services. Whatever the reason, there are plenty of people out there who are looking to buy SoundCloud accounts. If you're looking to buy SoundCloud accounts, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First of all, you need to make sure that the accounts you're buying are active and have a good reputation. There's no point in buying an account that no one is using. Secondly, you need to make sure that the account you're buying is real. There are a lot of fake accounts out there, and if you're not careful, you could end up buying one of these. Finally, you need to make sure that the account you're buying is appropriate for your needs. If you're a musician, you'll need an account that has a lot of music related content. If you're a marketer, you'll need an account that has a lot of followers and is active in promoting products or services. Keep these things in mind and you'll be able to find the perfect SoundCloud account for your needs. What are Soundcloud Accounts? Soundcloud is a social network for music suckers that allows druggies to produce and partake their own music. It's also a great platform for promoting your music and connecting with other music suckers. You can buy Soundcloud accounts to help you get further followers and make your music more popular. When you buy Soundcloud accounts, you're basically paying for someone differently to manage your account and music for you. This can be a great way to get further followers and make your music more popular. still, it's important to make sure that you're buying from a estimable source. There are a lot of people who are dealing fake or inactive accounts. still, also you should consider buying So
    Buy SoundCloud Accounts There are a lot of reasons why someone might want to buy SoundCloud accounts. Maybe they're a musician and they want to get their music out there, or maybe they're a marketer and they want to use SoundCloud as a platform to promote their products or services. Whatever the reason, there are plenty of people out there who are looking to buy SoundCloud accounts. If you're looking to buy SoundCloud accounts, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First of all, you need to make sure that the accounts you're buying are active and have a good reputation. There's no point in buying an account that no one is using. Secondly, you need to make sure that the account you're buying is real. There are a lot of fake accounts out there, and if you're not careful, you could end up buying one of these. Finally, you need to make sure that the account you're buying is appropriate for your needs. If you're a musician, you'll need an account that has a lot of music related content. If you're a marketer, you'll need an account that has a lot of followers and is active in promoting products or services. Keep these things in mind and you'll be able to find the perfect SoundCloud account for your needs. What are Soundcloud Accounts? Soundcloud is a social network for music suckers that allows druggies to produce and partake their own music. It's also a great platform for promoting your music and connecting with other music suckers. You can buy Soundcloud accounts to help you get further followers and make your music more popular. When you buy Soundcloud accounts, you're basically paying for someone differently to manage your account and music for you. This can be a great way to get further followers and make your music more popular. still, it's important to make sure that you're buying from a estimable source. There are a lot of people who are dealing fake or inactive accounts. still, also you should consider buying So
    Buy SoundCloud Accounts There are a lot of reasons why someone might want to buy SoundCloud accounts. Maybe they're a musician and they want to get their music out there, or maybe they're a marketer and they want to use SoundCloud as a platform to promote their products or services. Whatever the reason, there are plenty of people out there who are looking to buy SoundCloud accounts. If you're looking to buy SoundCloud accounts, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First of all, you need to make sure that the accounts you're buying are active and have a good reputation. There's no point in buying an account that no one is using. Secondly, you need to make sure that the account you're buying is real. There are a lot of fake accounts out there, and if you're not careful, you could end up buying one of these. Finally, you need to make sure that the account you're buying is appropriate for your needs. If you're a musician, you'll need an account that has a lot of music related content. If you're a marketer, you'll need an account that has a lot of followers and is active in promoting products or services. Keep these things in mind and you'll be able to find the perfect SoundCloud account for your needs. What are Soundcloud Accounts? Soundcloud is a social network for music suckers that allows druggies to produce and partake their own music. It's also a great platform for promoting your music and connecting with other music suckers. You can buy Soundcloud accounts to help you get further followers and make your music more popular. When you buy Soundcloud accounts, you're basically paying for someone differently to manage your account and music for you. This can be a great way to get further followers and make your music more popular. still, it's important to make sure that you're buying from a estimable source. There are a lot of people who are dealing fake or inactive accounts. still, also you should consider buying So
Gabriela Sellart

Social Graphs of On-line Communities and Social Networking Sites - 0 views

  • Communities have various levels of belonging.
  • the isolates [lurkers] outnumber the highly-connected.
  • Lurkers in online communities are often more than 60% of the group
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • The green nodes have a few connections -- usually with prior acquaintances.
  • The core members will stay and build the community. Unfortunately they are in the minority. The core nodes are usually less than 20%
  • To build a vibrant and growing OLC, you need to support natural human behavior, not work against it.
  • Connections are key
  • The core are analyzable and knowable -- they can be mapped, measured, and molded
  • Growing a community is not just adding new members. It requires adding both people and relationships -- nodes AND links.

Donald Trump chooses Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State | World News - 0 views

    World News: US President-elect Donald Trump chose Exxon Mobil's CEO Rex Tillerson to head the State Department, rejecting concerns over the close relations of the businessman with Russia. Trump's decision cap a long process that has often played in public cracks and exposed within its transition team. He also puts Trump in place for a potential fight with Congress on Tillerson's confirmation, which has connections with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Tammy Jin

316L Stainless Steel Men Rings FR114C-11 | Wholesale $ 3.85 - - 0 views

    Faceted tungsten carbide spinner is set on steel ring edged with fine twist rope emphasizing our moto, Strength in Style. Rotating, Spinners 316L Stainless Steel 11 Triple band connected ring
Tammy Jin

316L Stainless Steel Men Bracelets BR423 | Wholesale $ 19.00 - - 0 views

    Available with matching Pendants - SSP1016NK and SSP1017NK, Earrings - SSE1015,Ring - FR1014 Bangles 316L Stainless Steel 8.5 inches Mens stainless steel bracelet with thin colored links that connect larger rectangular steel tone links

Infinity Orb Magnetic Levitating Speaker - 0 views

    Infinity Orb Magnetic Levitating Speaker is a super cool speaker! My kids choosed this as a gift for their dad, only reason they picked this speaker is it looks like a UFO. The sound quality is amazing and loud, very easy to connect through Bluetooth. It can be used to answering the phone, and works both with or without the base. Kids are so curious and exciting about how the speaker floats when we have the base plug in, like a magic to them. We all like this levitating speaker.

Something is wrong with the Internet - 3 views

Hey there, I totally understand your frustration. When my internet was slow, I started with an internet speed test . It's the first step to diagnosing the problem. There are many reliable websites ...


Watching LostFilm While Traveling - 2 views

That's exactly what I needed to know! I had no idea a VPN could let me connect like that. I'll download FineVPN and set it up right away. Hopefully, this gets LostFilm working again while I'm trave...

Violeta Cautin

CoP: Best Practices - 0 views

  • Etienne Wenger
    • Gabriela Sellart
  • communities of practice are fundamentally self-organizing systems.
  • shared practice
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • not a new kind of organizational unit; rather, they are a different cut on the organization's structure–one that emphasizes the learning that people have done together
  • outsiders and newcomers learn the practice in concrete terms, and core members gain new insights from contacts with less-engaged participants
  • defined by knowledge rather than by task
  • produces a shared practice as members engage in a collective process of learning
  • develop the knowledge that lets them do these other tasks
  • development ultimately depends on internal leadership.
  • have intrinsic legitimacy in the community
  • They are nodes for the exchange and interpretation of information.
  • They can retain knowledge in "living" ways
  • They can steward competencies to keep the organization at the cutting edge
  • They provide homes for identities.
  • Identity is important because, in a sea of information, it helps us sort out what we pay attention to, what we participate in, and what we stay away from.
  • recognizing the work of sustaining them
  • giving members the time to participate in activities
  • value communities bring is acknowledged
  • The art is to help such communities find resources and connections without overwhelming them with organizational meddling.
  • No community can fully design the learning of another; but conversely no community can fully design its own learning.
  • Communities of practice develop around things that matter to people. As a result, their practices reflect the members' own understanding of what is important. Obviously, outside constraints or directives can influence this understanding, but even then, members develop practices that are their own response to these external influences. Even when a community's actions conform to an external mandate, it is the community–not the mandate–that produces the practice.
    • Violeta Cautin
      Choice? Communities are created because their members choose to belong and participate to them. The can't be imposed.
  • Across business units: Important knowledge is often distributed in different business units.
  • Communities of practice arise as people address recurring sets of problems together
    Etienne Wenger
Gabriela Sellart

Webbed Feat: Organized Communication through Blogs - 0 views

  • I don't think we could survive without the Google Group as a way to connect and support one another, through the orientation at least. However, there are no organized forum/email discussions. Do the blogs replace that completely? If so, where is the facilitation?
    • Illya Arnet
      Good point. The google group provides focus of discussion and through the people invovled in discussion, one can go off to the according blogs and delve even further.
    • Gabriela Sellart
      I had been thinking about the preassure from participants on facilitators to act as a teacher. (more guidance, etc). I don't know why, but reading this made me think about how a facilitator may feel about the little control they have over participants contributions. Teachers are used to exercising control.

Buy Verified Cash App Accounts - 100% BTC Withdrawal Enabled - 0 views

    Can you have 2 Cash App accounts? You can have multiple Cash App accounts, PayPal accounts, Venmo accounts and Square Cash accounts. However, you can only have one Square Cash app on your phone at a time. You can also have multiple Money Orders that are connected to the same bank account as long as they are in different states (i.e., New York vs California). This includes states like Texas or California where there is no direct bank-to-bank transfer fee between banks. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts Which business bank account is right for you? A business bank account is a financial tool that can help your company save money, manage expenses, and accept payments. If you're not sure which one is right for you, read on! Choose a bank that offers the lowest rates and fees Choose a bank that offers excellent customer service Consider whether your mobile app will work well with other apps (e.g., Google Pay) Look into online banking options if it's available to make transferring funds easier

Wise Account - Full Verified with Real Documents 2023 - 0 views

    Wise Account Introduction An investment account called a "Wise account" enables you to put money into a variety of securities, such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. You can view your investment portfolio via any computer or mobile device if you have a Wise account. As you can see, having a Wise account is a terrific way to make your money work for you by saving. You may avoid paying fees, gain access to first-rate customer support, and earn interest on your savings with a Wise account. What is the Wise account? A digital bank account called the Wise account is made for quick and secure money transfers. You can send and receive money using your mobile phone or computer because the account is connected to your mobile number and email address. Your money is secure in the account because it is FDIC-insured.

USA Gmail Account - 100% real and usa verified accounts - 0 views

    How can I get a USA Gmail account without a phone number? You can get a USA Gmail account without a phone number. You can buy a USA Gmail account. You can get a USA Gmail account without an address or email address, as long as you have an Internet connection, which most people do these days anyway! Does USA have Gmail? Gmail is a free, advertising-supported email service provided by Google. It's available as part of a free, advertising-supported offering called Google Apps Free Edition. Email account sign up You can create a new email account for free. To do this, follow these steps: Go to the Gmail website and click "Get started" in the top right corner of your screen. Click "Create an account." The next page will let you choose which type of Gmail account you want to create (personal or business), as well as whether or not it should be encrypted. If it's going to be encrypted, then enter your password twice; if not, then just leave those fields blank. Finally, click "Next Step."
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