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Windows 8 Start button removed by Microsoft in 'Consumer Preview' - 0 views

    What is Microsoft thinking!? You can't release a major version of an OS that is used by about 90% of the market and just remove something everyone has been using for the past decade. I tried the Windows 8 Developer Preview and Metro is OK, but it's not something you seriously want to use with a mouse, which is a problem for business that don't spend money on touch screens, mainly because their employees don't need them. But now they go ahead and remove the start button completely, making it a hot corner instead, which can be really hard to use at times. When I'm at my computer, I want to be productive, and the standard start menu is the way to do that. I like pretty interfaces, but I also like things that just work, and that's what the start menu is to me. Long story short, if you have an OS as big as Windows, don't make big UI changes like this, because it can really turn out bad and confusing.

How to: bring back the Windows 8 Start menu and Start button orb - 0 views

    Wow, that was fast! Someone got to making a Windows 8 app that brings back the functions of the start menu. This would actually make me much more likely to upgrade to the OS, because the main problem I have with it is that the start menu is gone and instead replaced with a metro interface that does not transition well from the desktop. It's nice that there are people out there that actually take the time to tweak Windows to make it perform the way people prefer. Now if only Apple allowed for that kind of tweaking officially on OS X and iOS...

How to Make Siri Curse Like a Sailor - 0 views

    for those who have an Iphone and love to talk to their siri, but start to notice that siri is starting to get boring. YOU CAN NOW MAKE SIRI CURSE! here are some ways to make siri curse like you've never heard before! One way could be, to send yourself an offensive text message, change your name to an offensive name (shown in this link but i should not say it) Siri will get confused and start to call you that. Another way could be, to play a song with curse words in the song title. (there are examples of songs in the link that i should not also say) Tell siri to play the song and she will repeat the song title before the song plays. So if you have nothing to do with your life and want to have fun with siri, NOW YOU CAN!

Knuckle and Fingernail Gestures Could Be Coming Soon to a Touchscreen Near You - 0 views

    This article talks about new gesture that could be used in addition to finger touch in order to have more options easily and launch new apps using your knuckle, fingertip, fingernail and more. A trio of Ph.D. students at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh managed to modify a Samsung Galaxy SIII to accept input from all three different touch variations, and tell the difference between them. It accomplishes this with the help of a vibration sensor and software that listens for the acoustic differences that come with the different types of touches. A man named Harrison has already started a company called Qeexo to start selling this tech. This vibration sensor can easily be added to any smartphone's "guts" and the software added too.   This article has a lot to do with portable computing because different companies are always coming up with new innovative ways to make smart phones more "smart". This is one of those things that a new company called Qeexo is doing. They are looking to improve the options and speed of using a smartphone for example instead of opening up a note pad by going into the menu and clicking it with your finger, you can use the "shortcut" of taping your knuckle twice to open it. This can also be used in gaming, option menus etc.  The main point is that companies are always changing making technology much more natural and easy to use. I think that this is a very good idea and over time if people hear about this depending on how much this would cost to upgrade it may become big and even become a pre-installed feature. 

Is The Death Of JavaScript Upon Us, Or Is A Universal Language Transformation Underway?... - 0 views

    JavaScript is a well known programming tool that has been around for quite awhile. Many up and coming programmers start out with JavaScript based on it being flexible, maintainable, powerful, and very easy to use. However, once these startups start becoming larger and larger, many lines of coding are needed, and this is where the issue arrives. When being used on a larger scale, JavaScript is in no way the main performer as it is on the smaller scale. JavaScript's features previously stated are what attract programmers to using the engine. However, now that larger companies are using it, the limitations are becoming evident. Being described as an 'iron triangle', JavaScript's issues lie in the fact with an improvement in one area. another area suffers. If you want high flexibility and performance, it's going to be harder to maintain the code. If you want great performance and maintainability,  the flexibility and ability to adapt to change will be reduced. Big budget companies don't have time to be messing around with JavaScript's shortcomings, which is keeping them attracted to lesser engines, such as Flash. The article then continues to discuss whether or not JavaScript is on it's death bed. Some argue that a total revamp is required to keep JavaScript afloat, while others believe that the death of JavaScript will allow newer, more optimized engines to be developed and brought to the world's attention. I tagged this article as economics simply for that last point. Browser engines such as JavaScript and Flash have been around for quite awhile, with no threats to their status in sight. JavaScript is in no way broken, and it is still a very viable tool for web development. However, it may take the death of JavaScript and perhaps Flash for companies to be inspired to build from the ground up a new engine that will pick up all the short comings of the past years and completely rid of them. At the end of the article, JavaScript variants and languages are seen a

The Windows Start Button Will Come Back. Thanks to You - Softpedia - 0 views

    Microsoft has recently announced Windows 8.1, an update that will attempt to win back all those disgruntled Windows 8 users. A main feature that is being added is the world renown start button, a feature that caused a lot of dissatisfaction among users who upgraded from previous versions of Windows. A big note however behind this announced change is that Microsoft is staying with it's word of actually using user feedback to improve their system, and by doing this, admitting that they were wrong. Another author comments that Microsoft NEEDS Windows 8.1 to have positive feedback, or else Microsoft could be in trouble in the ever changing OS market.  In the end, hearing of this news is VERY good for the average user, as Microsoft is trying their best to fix an error in direction that might have resulted in huge loses for the market dominating company. Let's just hope that Microsoft continues the support of their brand, and turns Windows 8 into the best OS in the PC world.

These Tiny Telescopes Could Save the Earth from a Deep Impact - 0 views

    Space rocks as much as 100 feet wide are estimated to hit a hundred years or so. But, there are rare " killer asteroids" that can wipe out a city the size of Moscow and kill 30,000 in an instant. But the university of Hawaii's new meteor tracking systems come online, we'll be able to forecast meteor strikes as accurately as predicting when a blizzard is coming.  This device is known as ATLAS ( Asteroid terrestrial-impact Last Alert System). This device consists of a pair of observatories located about 60 miles apart, each equipped with four, 10-inch telescopes with 100 MP cameras. Together, these observatories would scan the sky 2 times a night. The telescope may be very small  but will be sensitive enough to spot and estimate an incoming threat in the exact location and time.  This project started since 2012 but got a a jump start with a $5 million grant by NASA.

4 Tips to Avoid Work-From-Home Email Scams - 0 views

    This article states that you have to be careful when you are looking for a job that lets you work from home because scammers make fake websites to get valuable information from you. For example the company CNBC website has been copied to The URL is .in and not .com that is one way to know that the website is a fraught it should be .com. People who have gone to this copied websites to apply for a job have been asked very personal questions such as are you married, bank information, and to pay a fee for a company laptop. You should be suspicious if your contact for the job has an email of or usually companies have their specific email. To avoid this scam always Google the company and your contacts email. Always have an opened eye to URL's and what the job application is asking for. I choose privacy and security as my tag because these scammers can get a lot of information from and start maxing out your credit cards and take money out of your bank account. In my opinion the government should step in and start watching out for theses fake websites and take them down of the internet or block them.  

How to Fix Windows 8's Biggest Annoyances (and Make It More Like Windows 7) - 0 views

    The new OS; Windows 8, is bringing on a lot of excitement, but many people are not too happy with the changes made, myself included. Many people miss the desktop screen, and dislike the new start screen. Others don't like the tiled look and are more used to that of windows 7. There are many other problems and this article describes how to fix all of them. First of all, There is the desktop screen problem. Many of us used to place all our most used programs on our desktop screen so that when you log on, you will have quick access to all you needs, but now all of that is gone and replaced by the start screen. Fortunately, you can bring them back with Start8 (which is easier to use but costs $5) or Classic Shell (which is harder to use but is more customizable and is free). The cool thing about Classic Shell is that it can fix many other things, such as turning your windows explorer from a ribon-ified mess into a usable file browser. you can also fix this problem with Xplorer2. Another problem is that you cant view your videos without buying an attachment to windows media player, but you can fix this with free programs such as VLC There are many other peeves i n widnows 8 that this article helps solve. In conclusion, I feel that knowing that these problems can be fixed will lean alot more people towards windows 8

Best Processor for Gaming - 1 views

    This article is of interest to me because it explains what the best processor is for gaming. I have always loved playing video games and I am constantly on the computer but now I can do both. Learning about which processor is best for gaming is important and significant for someone who wants to play video games on the computer. Choosing the right processor is key to have the best gaming experience possible. This starts from choosing a processor that is in your price range, has powerful graphic features, but can also fulfill your needs of playing fast, at a high performance, and without it taking too much space on your hard drive. Overall, I have a better understanding about gaming on the computer and I hope to use this information to start to game on the computer in the most efficient and fastest way to play.

Etsy Will Send 20 Women to Summer Hacker School - 0 views

    This article is about Etsy sending 20 of their female engineers to a hacker school in New York City to learn more about coding. Etsy finds it very important that they send women because in the engineering field women are a minority. Etsy's VP, Marc Hedlund believes that we need to start introducing engineering to women sooner, like in elementary school. I found this very interesting because I think it would be great if the school systems started introducing engineering earlier. As well I found it interesting how so few women were in the engineering field. 

IBM's Big Data Challenge: A Telescope That Generates More Data Than the Whole Internet - 0 views

    This article is about the company IBM. There's a massive telescope on the drawing board that hasn't even started construction yet, but when it's finished in 2024, it'll generate more data in a single day than the entire Internet. For scientists to ensure they'll be able to handle all that raw information, they need to start working on new computing technologies now. the project is called DOME

How to Make Your Windows 7 Desktop Look Like It's Running Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich - 0 views

    This article is about how to change the computer background in to an Android mode of background. These are the requirment and instruction that you will need for this transformation. 1.Ice Cream Sandwich wallpaper 2.APPOWS2010 3.RocketDock 4.Ice Cream Sandwich Icon Pack 5.Rainmeter (Minimal Bar v2.0 (by Vit-Ok on deviantArt) (LEXIS) (Simplesentencethree) (GoogleBar) 6.Roboto TTF font family pack 7.Windows 7 Start Orb Changer (Aftersounds start button Win 7)

HTC to Start Rolling Out Android 4.0 Next Month - IGN - 0 views

    In this article the smartphone HTC will start having android 4.0 next month this is very interesting because the older phones will be getting this upgrade before the newer devices 

Windows 8 Consumer Preview now available to download - 0 views

    Microsoft has finally released the Windows 8 Consumer Preview, the successor to the Developer Preview they released a few months ago. In this version, Xbox Live support has been added, along with the Windows Store opening for business, which lets users download new Metro apps... but not Desktop apps. Also, the Start Button has been moved to this slide-out panel to the right of the screen. I think Microsoft is taking a huge misstep with Windows 8 in terms of it's UI. They should either have all desktop or all Metro UI. Having used Windows 8, switching between the two is just weird because of how incredibly different both interfaces are. And don't even get me started with the freakin' ARM version not letting you sideload apps! And- and- and-... I'll stop complaining now.

13 Hidden Spy Cams That Might Be Watching You Right Now - 0 views

    We all know about those little cameras on our cell phones or iPods, but have you ever considered a mini camera in your smoke detector or maybe even a rock? Well, maybe you should start. This article shows us various, unexpected places where small cameras can be hidden. It provides a glimpse at just how much technology has evolved throughout the years and forces us to face the reality that we're living in 2012. Technology is everywhere, even in places that we would never have expected. This article shows not only how advanced technology has become, but also how creative and discreet. I mean, I never would have thought twice about that rock sitting by the tree on my way to school, but now I'm starting to think that I should have. Every day, we encounter countless items that have become so normal for us. A ring, a tissue box, a car remote; we wouldn't even think about the possibility of a hidden camera in these commonplace items. Now, the question remains, is this kind of more advanced technology always better? Sure, these hidden cameras can be used by law enforcement and such to do surveillance, but what about the possibility of this falling into the wrong hands. In our world, we know that it's not difficult at all to get a hold of this kind of technology and to be perfectly honest, that makes me a little nervous. Despite the fact that this post was meant to be light-hearted and interesting, it also raises awareness about the risks of such technology. Before reading this article I never would have thought that the wallet that lady at the mall was holding could really have been a camera recording my every move, but now I've realized that things aren't always what they look like, especially in this day and age. After reading this post, I think I'm going to be a little more vigilant and probably also more paranoid, because we can never know if or where there is a hidden camera.

DayZ has now sold over 1.5 million copies - 0 views

    DayZ is a revolutionary game which started as an idea from lead designer Dean Hall. Dean Hall was inspired to make DayZ after a near death experience. DayZ started off as a mod for Arma 2 which was out for three years sold 1 million copies after the DayZ mod was released they sold 1 million copies in a few months. After Bohemia (the company that makes ARMA games) gave Dean Hall a standalone DayZ project which has passed 1.5 million copies sold and is still in pre-alpha. All in all DayZ is a game that tests your humanity, fear, compassion and everything in between.

YouTube's 301 View Count Explained: Spam Detection - 0 views

    Look at any famous active youtuber who uploads regularly, and it's pretty hard not to notice this. The view counter stops at 301, and only updates after a certain amount of time (a day), and then makes this giant leap to 10,000 or whatever. I took the liberty of looking this up myself, and here's a pretty brief explanation of  what's going on: Youtube stops the counter to verify the authenticity of the clicks on the video, and future clicks. They try to detect, and eliminate counterfeit views. This is some cool info right here, maybe Google is only getting started on identifying fakes. Something similar Google has done to this is changing your novelty nickname to a real name to comment on youtube. Start to a more identifiable internet, perhaps!

As Facial Regulation Technology is Poised to Enter Everyday Life, Regulators Express Co... - 0 views

    Computers are starting to recognize our faces. what does this mean? Let's find out. New and upcoming facial recognition technology like google glass will heavily integrate the face. it will be able to link someone's face out in the public, to an image of them on the web. In the future we would need to reformat exisiting legislation on privacy. Right now, by law, this potential action is not prohibited. This topic is already being discussed by people in positions of power who see the negative consequences to come. While people focus on the negatives, the positives don't get any real limelight! most of these include much quicker operating procedures for business, who can recognize potential customers. Security also becomes more efficient, which is a good thing when talking about the protection of people and business. It also seriously inflicts on an individuals right to privacy, though... for security in protecting people I believe this should be a mandatory, though. This might be something people will have to endure, whether they like it or not. But, it is better to embrace the future rather than reject it, so here's to computer tracking devices! One thing to point out is the younger generation will not be influenced by this at all. If we don't start to connect with newer technologies early, we'll end up like our grandparents!

Dash (Android) review - CNET - 0 views

    Do you ever want to know the way your cars works or how your driving habits affects your fuel economy? Then Dash is the app for you. However, it is only available for Android and in the US for now. For the app to work, Dash connects with an on board diagnostic that plugs to a dedicated port in your car and uses bluetooth to send data to your phone. Every car made after 1996 can use this app. The app requires an account and a diagnostics dongle. Once Dash is all set up, it will gather data about your car and your driving habits. Every time you start the car, drive around and turn off the car, it counts as a trip. For each trip, you will get a score which measures how safe you drive, and habits such as sticking to the speed limit. When you finish a trip, you get a breakdown of your starting and ending points, the total distance you drove, how long it took you, the amount of fuel used in dollars, and your average fuel economy. Dash also helps with repairs, and has many social features as added extras. New features that are on their way include a way to alert emergency crews that an accident has happened when the airbags are triggered. In my opinion, this app is a must have for drivers especially those who are still learning. With this app, your driving habits can improve a lot with its cool features.
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